--- See
also section: “Death & Children”
& “Grief: Pet Loss”
Adams, David W., & Eleanor J. Deveau, eds. Beyond the innocence of
childhood. Amityville, NY: Baywood Pub. Co., 1995. 3 volumes:
v. 1. Factors influencing children and adolescents' perceptions and
attitudes toward death; v. 2. Helping
children and adolescents cope with life-threatening illness and dying; v. 3. Helping children and adolescents cope with death and bereavement.
Adams, David W., & Eleanor J. Deveau, eds. Helping children and
adolescents cope with death and bereavement. Amityville, NY: Baywood
Pub. Co., 1995. 264p.
Alex, Marlee, & Ben Alex. Grandpa & me: we learn about death.
Photos by Ben Alex and Otto Wikkelsoe.
Minneapolis, MI: Bethany House
Publishers, 1982. 43p. A little girl
learns to accept her grandfather's death after her grandmother explains God's
plan for resurrection and everlasting life.
Altschul, Sol, ed. Childhood
bereavement and its aftermath.
Foreword by George H. Pollock.
Madison, CT: International
Universities Press, 1988. 459p.
Anderson, Lydia. Death.
New York: F. Watts, 1980. 66p.
The history & cycle of life through death, burial in the past &
present for youth.
Arnold, Caroline. What we do when someone dies. Illustrated by Helen Davie. New York:
Watts, 1987. 32p. Various customs & ways of funerals for
Beckelman, Laurie. Grief.
Parsippany, NJ: Crestwood House,
1995. 48p. Youth.
Bernstein, Joanne E., & Stephen V. Gullo. When people die. Photos. by Rosmarie Hausherr. New York:
Dutton, 1977. 40p. Simple terms about death & various ideas
about afterlife.
Birtchnell, John, Ian C.
Wilson & Ole Bratfos, et al. Effects of early parent death. New York:
MSS Information Corp., 1973.
Boulden, Jim. Saying goodbye activity book. Santa Rosa, CA: J. Boulden, 1989.
32p. Activities to help children
Bratman, Fred. Everything you need to know when a parent
dies. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 1995. 64p. Youth.
Brown, Laurene Krasny, & Marc Brown.
When dinosaurs die: a guide to understanding death. Boston:
Little, Brown, 1996. 32p. Children.
Bryant-Mole, Karen. Talking about death? Austin, TX: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1999.
32p. Death as a natural cycle
& common responses for youth.
Buntin, Kathleen Rawlings, et al.
When a loved one dies. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1988. 35p.
Mormon perspective grief and healing for youth.
Christ, Grace Hyslop. Healing children's grief: surviving a parent's death from cancer. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2000.
Corr, Charles A., &
David E. Balk, eds. Handbook of adolescent death and bereavement. New York, NY: Springer, 1996. 420p.
Corr, Charles A., &
Donna M. Corr, eds. Handbook of childhood death and bereavement. New York, NY: Springer Pub. Co., 1996.
Corr, Charles A., &
Joan N. McNeil, eds. Adolescence and death. New York: Springer Pub. Co., 1986.
Crouthamel, Thomas G. It's OK:
a help, aid & assistance survival kit for bereaved brothers and
sisters. Illustrated by Patti
Hasty. Langeloth, PA: Keystone Press, 1986. 32p.
Doka, Kenneth J.,
ed. Children
mourning, mourning children.
Foreword by Jack D. Gordon.
Washington, DC: Hospice
Foundation of America, 1995. 179p.
Fitzgerald, Helen. The
grieving child: a parent's guide. New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1992.
Forrai, Maria S., & Rebecca Anders.
A look at death. Photos by Maria S. Forrai. Text by Rebecca Anders. Foreword by Robert C. Slater. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co., 1978.
36p. Importance of grief for
young person.
Fox, Sandra
Sutherland. Good grief: helping groups of
children when a friend dies.
Boston, MA: New England
Association for the Education of Young
Children, 1988. 74p.
Fredman, Glenda. Death
talk: conversations with children and
families. Foreword by Tom
Andersen. London: Karnac Books, 1997. 148p.
Furman, Erna. A
child's parent dies: studies in
childhood bereavement. New
Haven: Yale University Press,
1974. 316p.
Gellman, Marc, & Thomas Hartman.
Lost & found: a kid's book for living through loss. Illustrated by Debbie Tilley. New York:
Morrow Junior Books, 1999. 176p.
Giddens, Sandra, & Owen Giddens.
Coping with grieving and loss. New York:
Rosen Pub. Group, 1999. Stages
of grief for youth.
Gootman, Marilyn E. When a friend dies: a book for teens about grieving &
healing. Edited by Pamela
Espeland. Minneapolis: Free Spirit, 1994. 107p.
Gravelle, Karen, & Charles Haskins.
Teenagers face to face with
bereavement. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: J. Messner, 1989. 134p.
Greenlee, Sharon. When someone dies. Illustrations by Bill Drath. Atlanta:
Peachtree Publishers, 1992. For
Grollman, Earl A. Straight talk about death for
teenagers: how to cope with losing
someone you love. Boston: Beacon Press, 1993. 146p.
Grollman, Earl A. Talking about death: a dialogue between parent and child. Illustrated by Gisela Héau. Boston: Beacon Press, 1976. 98p.
A read-along picture book with a Parent's guide and recommended
Grollman, Earl A.,
ed. Bereaved
children and teens: a support guide for
parents and professionals.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1995. 238p.
Grollman, Earl A.,
ed. Explaining
death to children. Introduction by
Louise Bates Ames. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967. 296p.
Grosshandler, Janet. Coping when a parent dies. New York:
Rosen Pub. Group, 1995.
136p. For youth with case
Haasl, Beth, & Jean
Marnocha. Bereavement support group program for children: leader manual. Philadelphia, PA:
Accelerated Development, 2000.
Harper, Cynthia D., Roberta H. Royer & Geraldine M. Humphrey. The
special needs of grieving children: a
seven-week structured support group with resource section and bibliography. North Canton, Ohio: Grief
Support and Education Center, 1988.
Harris, Maxine. The
loss that is forever: the lifelong
impact of the early death of a mother or father. New York, NY, U.S.A.:
Penguin, 1995. 342p.
Heegaard, Marge Eaton. Coping with death & grief. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 1990.
64p. Youth.
Holden, L. Dwight. Gran-gran's best trick. Illustrated by Michael Chesworth. New York:
Magination Press, 1989. 48p. A child recounts his special relationships
with his grandfather and the difficulty of coping with his death from cancer.
Holden, Sue. My daddy died and it's all God's fault. As told by Chris.
Illustrations by Renée Graef.
Dallas: Word Pub., 1991. 62p.
Nine-year-old Chris Holden's grieving process following his father's
death. Christian.
Holmes, Margaret M., & Sasha J. Mudlaff. Sam's dad died: a child's book of hope through grief. Illustrated by Susan Aitken. Omaha, NE:
Centering Corporation, 1999.
After his father dies, Sam tells how he feels and what he can do so he
doesn't hurt so much.
Huntley, Theresa. Helping children grieve: when someone they love dies. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1991. 79p.
Johnson, Joy, & Marv Johnson.
Tell me, papa: a gentle explanation for children about
death and the funeral. Illustrated
by Susan Aitken. Omaha, NE: Centering Corporation Resource, 1999. How a funeral is a way to say goodbye.
Johnson, Joy, & Marvin Johnson.
Children grieve, too: helping children cope with grief. Omaha, NE:
Centering Corporation, 1998.
Johnson, Joy. Keys to helping children deal with death and
grief. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 1999. 179p.
Johnson, Kathie J., et al. Wednesday's child is full of woe: helping children cope with grief. Illustrations by Paul Chase. Stockton, IL: Hill House, 1991. 190p.
Jones, Laura. It's okay to cry. Illustrations, John Otto. St. Louis, MO: Ebert Design, 1995. 26p. For children.
Juneau, Barbara Frisbie. Sad but O.K.: my daddy died today: a
child's view of death. Nevada City,
CA: Blue Dolphin Pub., 1988; San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1989. 99p. Through the eyes of
her nine-year-old daughter, the author shares the events that befell her family
during the time the author's husband was faced with a terminal brain tumor.
Krementz, Jill. How it feels when a parent dies. New York:
Knopf, 1981. 110p. 18 young people, 7-16, on questions, fears,
and grief over the loss of one parents.
Kroen, William C. Helping children cope with the loss of a
loved one: a guide for grownups. Edited by Pamela Espeland. Foreword by Maria D. Trozzi. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub., 1996.
LaGrand, Louis E. Coping with separation and loss as a young
adult: theoretical and practical
realities. Foreword by Dan
Leviton. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas, 1986. 214p.
LeShan, Eda J. Learning to say good-by: when a parent dies. Illustrated by Paul Giovanopoulos. New York:
Macmillan, 1976. 85p. Fears and fantasies many children experience
when someone close to them dies.
Levete, Sarah. When people die. Brookfield, CT: Copper Beech Books, 1998.
24p. Child.
Mallon, Brenda. Helping children to manage loss: positive strategies for renewal and growth. London;
Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley,
1998. 184p. Philadelphia: J. Kingsley
Publishers, 1999.
Marsoli, Lisa Ann. Things to know about death and dying. Illustrations by Roberta Collier. Photographs by Joanne Fink. Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Company, 1985.
48p. Short discussions on death,
suicide, hospices, funerals, mourning practices & obituaries for youth.
Mazur, Mary Fredda Commodore. The journey to heaven: stories to ease your loneliness and let you
know that heaven is the paradise we all dream about. Illustrator, Shawn Scott Gendron. Binghamton, NY: Ahead Desktop Pub. House, 1994.
McNaught, Denise. The gift of good-bye: a workbook for children who love someone
with AIDS. Minneapolis, MN: National Children's Grief Center, 1993. 47p.
Morgan, John D., ed. The Dying and the bereaved teenager. Philadelphia, PA: Charles Press, 1990. 159p.
Morgan, John D., ed. Young people and death. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1991.
Moriarty, David M.,
ed. The
loss of loved ones: the effects of a
death in the family on personality development. Foreword by Bardwell H. Flower.
Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas,
1967. 203p. St. Louis, MO: W.H.
Green, 1983. 292p.
Oates, Martha D. Death
in the school community: a handbook for
counselors, teachers, and administrators.
Alexandria, VA: American
Counseling Association, 1993. 129p.
Papadatou, Danai, & Costas Papadatos, eds. Children and death. New York:
Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1991.
International Conference on Children and Death (1989: Athens, Greece). 353p.
Parkin, Rebecca, &
Karen Dunne-Maxim. Child
survivors of suicide: a guidebook for
those who care for them. Drawings
by Ted Zagraniski done at age 9. New
Jersey: R. Parkin, 1995. 20p.
Pennells, Margaret, & Susan C. Smith. The forgotten
mourners: guidelines for working with
bereaved children. London; Bristol, PA: J. Kingley Publishers, 1995.
Perschy, Mary Kelly. Helping teens work through grief. Washington, D.C.: Accelerated Development, 1997.
Pomerantz, Barbara. Bubby, me, and memories. Photographs by Leon Lurie. New York, NY: Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1983. 31p.
Loss felt by a young child after the death of her grandmother.
Powell, E. Sandy. Geranium morning. Illustrations by Renée Graef. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books, 1990.
38p. Two friends who lose
parents, one suddenly in an accident and one by illness, learn to deal with
their grief.
Prince, Laura. Breaking
the silence. Amityville, NY: Baywood Pub. Co., 1996. 139p.
Grief & teenagers.
Randle, Kristen D. Why did grandma have to die? Illustrated by Shauna Mooney. Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft, 1987. 31p. Mormon father helps
his son accept the death of his grandmother by explaining that death is part of
Heavenly Father's plan.
Richter, Elizabeth. Losing someone you love: when a brother or sister dies: text and photography. New York:
Putnam, 1986. 80p. 16 young people, 10-24, show fears &
sorrow when a brother or sister died.
Rofes, Eric E., ed. The Kids' book about death and dying: by and for kids. The Unit at Fayerweather Street School. Boston:
Little, Brown, 1985. 119p. 14 children help youngsters understanding of
Romain, Trevor. What on earth do you do when someone dies? Edited by Elizabeth Verdick. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit, 1999.
72p. Youth.
Schaefer, Dan, &
Christine Lyons. How do we tell the children?: a
parents' guide to helping children understand and cope when someone dies. New York:
Newmarket Press, 1986. 145p. Updated ed., 1993, 172p.
Schleifer, Jay. Everything you need to know when someone you
know has been killed. New
York: Rosen Pub. Group, 1998. 64p.
Schowalter, John E., et al, eds. The Child and death. With the editorial assistance of Lillian
G. Kutscher. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1983. 392p.
Scrivani, Mark. I heard your daddy died. Illustrated by Susan Aitken. Omaha, NE:
Centering Corp., 1996. 16p. Child.
Scrivani, Mark. I heard your mommy died. Illustrated by Susan Aitken. Omaha, NE:
Centering Corp., 1996. Child.
Seibert, Dinah, Judy C. Drolet & Joyce V. Fetro. Are
you sad too?: helping children deal
with loss and death. Illustrations
by Marcia Quackenbush. Santa Cruz,
CA: ETR Associates, 1993. 154p.
Sibley, Linda Kondracki. Going through change together: help your kids take the steps with you. Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell, 1996.
Simon, Leslie, & Jan
Johnson Drantell. A music I no longer heard: the
early death of a parent. New York,
NY: Simon & Schuster, 1998. 351p.
Simon, Norma. The saddest time. Pictures by Jacqueline Rogers. Niles, IL:
A. Whitman, 1986. 40p. Death as part of life for children.
Smith, Susan C. The
forgotten mourners: guidelines for
working with bereaved children. 2nd
ed. London; Philadelphia, PA: Jessica
Kingsley Publishers, 1999. 114p.
Smith, Susan C., & Margaret Pennells, eds. Interventions with bereaved
children. London, England; Bristol, PA: J. Kingsley Publishers, 1995.
Sprung, Barbara. Death.
Austin, TX: Raintree
Steck-Vaughn, 1998. 48p. Stages of grief for child.
Stasey, Bobbie, & Ed Dziczek.
Running with the angels: the gifts of AIDS. Albuquerque, N.M.: Elysian Hills Pub. Co., 1994.
333p. Biographies of loss for
Stewart, Gail. Death.
Edited by Anita Larsen;
consultant, Elaine Wynne. New
York: Crestwood House, 1989. 46p.
Death as a natural & normal feelings for youth.
Stickney, Doris. Water bugs and dragonflies: explaining death to young children. Illustrations by Gloria Ortiz
Hernandez. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1997. 26p.
After a water bug suddenly leaves her pond and is transformed into a
dragonfly, her friends' questions about such departures are like those children
ask when someone dies.
Tangvald, Christine Harder. Someone I love died. Illustrated by Benton Mahan. Elgin, IL:
Chariot Books, 1988. 24p. Discusses death from a Christian
perspective, explaining God's plan for everlasting life.
Techner, David, & Judith Hirt-Manheimer. A candle for grandpa: a guide to the Jewish funeral for children
and parents. Illustrated by Joel
Iskowitz. New York: UAHC Press, 1993. 32p. Young boy describes
the events surrounding the death of his grandfather including his and his
family's feelings of grief and the Jewish funeral service.
Tester, Sylvia Root. Sad.
Illustrated by Nancy Inderieden.
Elgin, IL: Child's World; Chicago:
distributed by Childrens Press, 1980.
32p. Child talks about how she
feels when her pet dog dies and about other times when people are sad.
Townsend, Maryann, & Ronnie Stern.
Pop's secret. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1980.
26p. Young boy describes life
with his grandfather and his feelings about his death.
Trozzi, Maria, & Kathy Massimini.
Talking with children about
loss: words, strategies, and wisdom to
help children cope with death, divorce, and other difficult times. Foreword by T. Berry Brazelton. New York, NY: Perigee, 1999. 311p.
Turner, Mary. Talking with children and young people about
death and dying: a workbook. Illustrated by Bob Thomas. London; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers,
1998. 160p.
Ward, Barbara, et al. Good grief:
exploring feelings, loss, and death with under elevens: a holistic approach. London;
Bristol, PA: Jessica Kingsley
Publishers, 1993. 244p. 2nd ed., 1996, 262p.
Wass, Hannelore, &
Charles A. Corr, eds. Childhood and death. Washington:
Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1984.
Webb, Nancy Boyd,
ed. Helping
bereaved children: a handbook for
practitioners. Foreword by Earl A.
Grollman. New York: Guilford Press, 1993. 304p.
Weitzman, Elizabeth. Let's talk about when a parent dies. New York:
PowerKids Press, 1996. 24p. Child.
Winsch, Jane
Loretta. After the funeral.
Illustrated by Pam Keating. New York:
Paulist Press, 1995. Helping
children grieve.
Wolfelt, Alan. Healing
the bereaved child: grief gardening,
growth through grief, and other touchstones for caregivers. Fort Collins, CO: Companion Press, 1996.
Wolfelt, Alan. Helping children cope with grief. Muncie, IN:
Accelerated Development, 1983.
Worden, James William. Children and grief: when a parent dies. New York:
Guilford Press, 1996. 225p.
Zim, Herbert Spencer, & Sonia Bleeker. Life and death. Illustrated by Rene Martin. New York:
Morrow, 1970. 63p. Youth.