02--Crisis Intervention:  Immediate Counseling & Theory

Ackerman, Diane.  A slender thread.  New York:  Random House, 1997.  305p.  Crisis intervention, hotlines & counseling.

Aguilera, Donna C., & Janice M. Messick.  Crisis intervention:  therapy for psychological emergencies.  Revised.  New York, NY:  New American Library;  St. Louis, MO:  Mosby, 1982.  146p.

Aguilera, Donna C., Janice M. Messick & Marlene S. Farrell.  Crisis intervention:  theory and methodology.  Saint Louis:  C. V. Mosby, 1970.  132p.  2nd ed., 1974, 153p.;  3rd ed., 1978, 190p.;  4th ed., 1982, 194p.;  5th ed., 1986, 253p.;  6th ed., 1990, 298p.;  7th ed., 1994, 333p.;  8th ed., 1998, 335p.

Albert R. Roberts, ed.  Crisis intervention handbook:  assessment, treatment, and research.  2nd ed.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 2000.

Altschule, Mark D.  Nutritional factors in general medicine:  effects of stress and distorted diets.  Springfield, IL:  Thomas, 1978.  184p.

Austin, Linda S., ed.  Responding to disaster:  a guide for mental health professionals.  Washington, DC:  American Psychiatric Press, 1992.  256p.

Barker, Robert L.  The resource book:  directory of organizations, associations, self help groups, and hotlines for mental  health and human services professionals and their  clients.  New York:  Haworth Press, 1986.  165p.

Barus-Michel, Jacqueline, Florence Giust-Desprairies & Luc Ridel..  Crises:  approche psychosociale clinique.  Paris:  Desclée de Brouwer, 1996.  315p.

Berge, Dieudonnée ten.  The first 24 hours:  a comprehensive guide to successful crisis communications.  Oxford, UK;  Cambridge, Mass., USA:  Basil Blackwell, 1990.  191p.

Bloom, Bernard L.  Community mental health:  a general introduction.  2nd ed.  Monterey, CA:  Brooks/Cole, 1977.  331p.  2nd ed., 1984, 497p.

Burgess, Ann Wolbert, & Bruce A. Baldwin.  Crisis intervention theory and practice:  a clinical handbook.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice-Hall, 1981.  333p.

Calhoun, Lawrence G., James W. Selby & H. Elizabeth King.  Dealing with crisis:  a guide to critical life problems.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice-Hall, 1976.  275p.

Caponigro, Jeffrey R.  The crisis counselor:  a step-by-step guide to managing a business crisis.  Lincolnwood, IL:  Contemporary Books, 2000.

Caponigro, Jeffrey R.  The crisis counselor:  the executive's guide to avoiding, managing, and thriving on crises that occur in all businesses.  Southfield, MI:  Barker Business Books, Inc., 1998.  283p.

Cicchetti, Dante, & Sheree L. Toth, eds.  Developmental approaches to prevention and intervention.  Rochester, NY:  University of Rochester Press, 1999.  411p.

Cohen, Lawrence, William Claiborn & and Gerald A. Specter, eds.  Crisis intervention.  2nd ed.  New York, NY:  Human Sciences Press, 1983.  222p.

Cohen, Raquel E., & Frederick L. Ahearn, Jr.  Handbook for mental health care of disaster victims.  Baltimore:  Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980.  126p.

Coombs, W. Timothy.  Ongoing crisis communication:  planning, managing, and  responding.  Thousand Oaks:  Sage Publications, 1999.  177p.

Crow, Gary A.  Crisis intervention.  New York:  Association Press, 1977.  170p.

Dattilio, Frank M., & Arthur Freeman.  Cognitive-behavioral strategies in crisis intervention.  Foreword  by Aaron T. Beck.  New York:  Guilford Press, 1994.  412p.

Dixon, Samuel L.  Working with people in crisis:  theory and practice.  St. Louis:  Mosby, 1979.  203p.  2nd ed.  Columbus:  Merrill Pub. Co., 1987.  216p.

Duggan, Hayden A.  Crisis intervention:  helping individuals at risk.  Lexington, MA:  Lexington Books, 1984.  142p.

Eddy, John, David M. Lawson & David C. Stilson.  Crisis intervention:  a manual for education and action.  Lanham, MD:  University Press of America, 1983.  120p.

Edwards, Romaine V.  Crisis intervention and how it works.  Springfield, IL:  C. C. Thomas, 1977.  78p.

Ellestad, Myrvin H., ed.  Stress testing:  principles and practice.  Philadelphia:  Davis, 1986.  526p.  1996, 593p.

Engel, Beverly.  Blessings from the fall:  turning a fall from grace into a new beginning.  Deerfield Beach, FL:  Health Communications, 1997.  268p.

Everstine, Diana Sullivan, & Louis Everstine.  People in crisis:  strategic therapeutic interventions.  New York:  Brunner/Mazel, 1983.  258p.

Ewing, Charles Patrick.  Crisis intervention as psychotherapy.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 1978.  130p.

Fairchild, Thomas N., ed.  Crisis intervention strategies for school-based helpers. Springfield, IL:  Charles C Thomas, 1986.  549p.  2nd ed., 1997, 472p.

Farley, Gordon K., Frederick B. Hebert & Lloyd O. Eckhardt.  Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatric emergencies and crises.  New York, NY:  Medical Examination Pub. Co.:  Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1979.  198p.  1986, 250p.

Fassler, David, ed.  The Alcoholic patient:  emergency medical intervention.  New York:  Gardner Press, 1992.  216p.

Ferber, Jane, & John Schoonbeck.  Crisis:  a handbook for systemic intervention.  Gardiner, NY:  Institute for Human Studies, 1977.  64p.

Figley, Charles R., ed.  Compassion fatigue:  coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized.  New York:  Brunner/Mazel, 1995.  268 p.

Fisher, Sheila A.  Suicide and crisis intervention:  survey and guide to services.  Foreword by Norman L. Farberow.  New York:  Springer Pub. Co., 1973.  279p.

France, Joseph B.  Crisis therapy:  guidelines for the practice of crisis intervention.  San Francisco:  International Society for General Semantics, 1980.  118p.

France, Kenneth.  Crisis intervention:  a handbook of immediate person-to-person help. Springfield, IL:  C.C. Thomas, 1982.  238p.  2nd ed., 1990, 261p.;  3rd ed., 1996, 295p.

Getz, William, et al.  Fundamentals of crisis counseling.  Lexington, MA:  Lexington Books, 1974.  184p.

Golan, Naomi.  Treatment in crisis situations.  New York:  Free Press, 1978.  266p.

Greenstone, James L., & Sharon C. Leviton.  Crisis intervention:  a handbook for interveners.  Dubuque, IA:  Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1982.  187p.

Haberland, Günther.  Crisis management:  a checklist manual.  Epsom:  Leviathan House, 1975.  144p.

Hendricks, James E., ed.  Crisis intervention in criminal justice/social service.  Springfield, IL:  C.C. Thomas, 1991.  267p.

Hendricks, James Earnest.  Crisis intervention:  contemporary issues for on-site interveners.  Springfield, IL:  Thomas, 1985.  203p.  2nd ed., 1995, 185p.

Hipple, John L., & Peter Cimbolic.  The counselor and suicidal crisis:  diagnosis and  intervention.  Springfield, IL:  Thomas, 1979.  119p.

Hoff, Lee Ann.  People in crisis:  understanding and helping.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1978.  336p.  2nd ed., Menlo Park, CA:  Addison-Wesley, Nursing Division, 1984, 394p.;  3rd ed., 1989, 464p.; 4th ed.1995, 477p.

Insel, Shepard A.  Confronting a death in the family:  a guidebook to crisis management.  Burlingame, CA:  RTES, 1974.  158p.

Jackson, Edgar Newman.  Coping with the crises in your life.  New York, Hawthorne Books, 1974.  218p.

Janosik, Ellen Hastings.  Crisis counseling:  a contemporary approach.  Boston:  Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1986.  317p.  2nd ed., 1994, 454p.

Jenkins, Bill.  What to do when the police leave:  a guide to the first days of traumatic loss.  Richmond, VA:  WBJ Press, 1998.  70p.

Kanel, Kristi.  A guide to crisis intervention.  Pacific Grove:  Brooks/Cole, 1999.  219p.

Kennedy, Eugene C.  Crisis counseling:  an essential guide for nonprofessional counselors.  New York:  Continuum, 1981.  179p.

Kfir, Nira.  Crisis intervention verbatim.  Edited by Janet R. Terner.  New York:  Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1989.  169p.

Klagsbrun, Samuel C.,, et al.  Preventive psychiatry:  early intervention and situational crisis management.  Philadelphia:  Charles Press, 1989.  259p.

Kliman, Ann S.  Crisis:  psychological first aid for recovery and growth.  Introduction by Albert J. Solnit.  New York:  Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978.  208p.  Northvale, NJ:  Aronson, 1986.  219p.

Kliman, Ann S.  Crisis:  psychological first aid.  Foreword by Albert J. Solnit.  Northvale, NJ:  Aronson, 1994.  219p.

Kosberg, Jordan I.  Abuse and maltreatment of the elderly:  causes and interventions.  Boston:  PSG Inc., 1983.  448p.

Lehrman, Jonathan W., Lawrence L. Ruhf & E. T. Mellor.  A practical guide for handling drug crises.  Springfield, IL:  C.C. Thomas, 1980.  119p.

Lester, David, & Gene W. Brockopp, eds.  Crisis intervention and counseling by telephone.  Springfield, IL:  Thomas, 1973.  322p.

Lieb, Julian, Ian I. Lipsitch & Andrew Edmund Slaby.  The crisis team; a handbook for the mental health professional.  Hagerstown, MD:  Medical Dept., Harper & Row, 1973.  186p.

Lindemann, Erich (1900-1974).  Crisis intervention.  Edited by Elizabeth B. Lindemann.  Northvale, NJ:  J. Aronson, 1995.  274p.  Originally published:  Beyond grief, New York:  Aronson, 1979.

Lord, Janice Harris.  No time for goodbyes:  coping with sorrow, anger, and injustice after a tragic death.  4th ed.  Ventura, CA:  Pathfinder Pub. of CA, 1991.  177p.

Losee, Nancy, et al.  Crisis intervention with the elderly:  theory, practical issues, and training procedures.  Springfield, IL:  Thomas, 1988.  185p.

Lukaszewski, James E.  Crisis management anthology:  insights, background, and theory of crisis management.  White Plains, NY:  Lukaszewski Group, 1992. 

Lukaszewski, James E.  Crisis management workbook:  step by step process to develop your crisis plan.  White Plains, NY:  Lukaszewski Group, 1992.

McBride, J. LeBron.  Spiritual crisis:  surviving trauma to the soul.  New York:  Haworth Pastoral Press, 1998.  207p.

McCown, William George, & Judith Johnson, eds.  Therapy with treatment resistant families:  a  consultation-crisis intervention model.  New York:  Haworth Press, 1993.  328p.

McGee, Richard K.  Crisis intervention in the community.  Baltimore, University Park Press, 1974.  307p.

McKay, Matthew, Martha Davis & Patrick Fanning.  Thoughts & feelings:  taking control of your moods and your life.  2nd ed.  Oakland, CA:  New Harbinger Publications, 1997.  242p.

Meyer, Carol H., ed.  Preventive intervention in social work.  Washington:  National Association of Social Workers, 1974.  108p.

Millman, Jason, et al, eds.  Talking with the caller:  guidelines for crisisline and other volunteer counselors.  Cornell University development team and Suicide  Prevention and Crisis Service of Tompkins County.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, 1998.  88p.

Mitchell, Juliann Whetsell.  The dynamics of crisis intervention:  loss as the common denominator.  Springfield, IL:  C.C. Thomas Publisher, 1999.

Montada, Leo, Sigrun-Heide Filipp & Melvin J. Lerner.Life crises and experiences of loss in adulthood.  Hillsdale, N.J.:  L. Erlbaum Associates, 1992.  549p.

Montgomery, Bob, & Laurel Morris.  Surviving:  coping with a life crisis.  Melbourne:  Lothian, 1989.  206p.  Tucson, AZ:  Fisher Books, 2000.

Montgomery, Bob, & Laurel Morris.  Surviving:  coping with a life crisis.  Melbourne:  Lothian, 1989.  206p.  Tucson, AZ:  Fisher Books, 2000.

Morris, Sarah.  Coping with crisis.  South Yarmouth, MA:  J. Curley, 1978.  227p.

Morse, Donald R., & Merrick Lawrence Furst.  Stress for success:  A holistic approach to stress and its management.  Foreword by Patricia Carrington.  New York:  Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979.  379p.

Morse, William Charles., ed.  Crisis intervention in residential treatment:  the clinical innovations of Fritz Redl.  New York:  Haworth Press, 1991.  103p.

Murgatroyd, Stephen J., & Ray Woolfe.  Coping with crisis:  understanding and helping people in need.  London;  New York:  Harper & Row, 1982.  179p.

Nass, Stanley, ed.  Crisis intervention.  Dubuque, IA:  Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1977.  146p.

Ogrizek, Michel, & Jean-Michel Guillery.  Communicating in crisis.  Translated by  Helen C. Kimball-Brooke & Robert Z. Brooke.  New York:  Aldine De Gruyter, 1999.  94p.

Parad, Howard J., & Libbie G. Parad, eds.  Crisis intervention, book 2:  the practitioner's  sourcebook for brief therapy.  Milwaukee, WI:  Family Service America, 1990.  401p.

Parad, Howard J., ed.  Crisis intervention:  selected readings.  New York, Family Service Association of America, 1965.  368p.

Parry, Glenys.  Coping with crises.  Leicester:  British Psychological Society;  New York, NY:  Routledge, Chapman & Hall, 1990.  116p.

Pines, Wayne L., ed.  When lightning strikes:  a how-to crisis manual with classic case studies.  Arlington, VA:  Washington Business Information, 1994.  324p.

Pitcher, Gayle D., & Scott Poland.  Crisis intervention in the schools.  New York:  Guilford Press, 1992.  246p.

Pollin, Irene.  Medical crisis counseling:  short-term therapy for long-term illness.  New York:  W.W. Norton, 1995.  208p.

Pressman, Barbara, Gary Cameron, Michael Rothery, eds.  Intervening with assaulted women:  current theory, research, and practice.  Hillsdale, NJ:  Erlbaum Associates, 1989.  196p.  Updated papers based on presentations at a conference at Wilfrid Laurier University in 1987.

Puryear, Douglas A.  Helping people in crisis.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1979.  225p.

Roberts, Albert R., ed.  Crisis intervention and time-limited cognitive treatment.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, 1995.  424p.

Roberts, Albert R., ed.  Crisis intervention handbook:  assessment, treatment, and research.  Belmont, CA:  Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1990.  341p.

Roberts, Albert R., ed.  Crisis management and brief treatment:  theory, technique, and applications.  Chicago:  Nelson Hall Publishers, 1996.  228p.

Robins, Arthur J.  Alcohol detoxification manual:  a guide to administering comprehensive services.  New York, N.Y.:  Human Sciences Press, 1988.

Rogan, Randall G., Mitchell R. Hammer & Clinton R. Van Zandt.  Dynamic processes of crisis negotiation:  theory, research, and practice.  Westport, CT:  Praeger, 1997.  184p.

Romano, Anne T.  Taking charge:  crisis intervention in criminal justice.  New York:  Greenwood Press, 1990.  183p.

Rosenthal, Uriel, Michael T.  Charles & Paul 't Hart.  Coping with crises:  the management of disasters, riots, and terrorism.  Springfield, IL:  C.C. Thomas, 1989.  485p.

Rueveni, Uri, Ross V. Speck & Joan L. Speck, eds.  Therapeutic intervention:  healing strategies for human systems.  New York, NY:  Human Sciences Press, 1982.  285p.

Rueveni, Uri.  Networking families in crisis:  intervention strategies with families and social networks.  New York:  Human Sciences Press, 1979.  162p.

Russell, Harold E., & Allan Beigel.  Understanding human behavior for effective police work.  New York:  Basic Books, 2nd ed., 1982.  352p.  3rd ed., 1990, 445p. 

Selye, Hans.  The stress of life.  Rev. ed.  New York:  McGraw-Hill, 1976.  515p.

Sholevar, G. Pirooz, & Linda Schwoeri.  The Transmission of depression in families and children:  assessment and intervention.  Northvale, NJ:  J. Aronson, 1994.  354p.

Simon, Alexander, Marjorie Fiske Lowenthal & Leon J. Epstein.  Crisis and intervention.  San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1970.  208p.

Slaikeu, Karl A.  Crisis intervention:  a handbook for practice and research.  Boston:  Allyn and Bacon, 1984.  374p.  2nd ed., 1990, 519p.  (See section on Crisis/Trauma Effects … Theory for more by Slaikeu.)

Small, Leonard.  The briefer psychotherapies.  Revised.  New York:  Brunner/Mazel, 1979.  386p.

Smith, Larry Lorenzo.  Crisis intervention theory and practice:  a source book.  Washington:  University Press of America, 1976.  252p.

Smitherman, Colleen.  Nursing actions for health promotion.  Philadelphia:  F. A. Davis Co., 1981.  434p.

Specter, Gerald A., & William L. Claiborn, eds.  Crisis intervention.  New York, Behavioral Publications, 1973.  210p.  Papers presented at a symposium sponsored by the  University of Maryland, Mar. 23-25, 1972.

Steele, William, & Melvyn Raider.  Working with families in crisis:  school-based intervention.  New York:  Guilford Press, 1991.  212p.

Steele, William.  Preventing self destruction:  a manual for school crisis response teams.  Holmes Beach, FL:  Learning Publications, 1992.  115p.

Stewart, John Thomas.  Emotional first aid manual.  British Columbia:  Canadian Mental Health Association, British Columbia Division;  Lynnwood, WA:  Para-Professional Associates, 1985.  167p.

Stone, Howard W.  Crisis counseling.  Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 1976.  81p.  1993, 96p.

Training families to do a successful intervention:  a  professional's guide.  Minneapolis:  Johnson Institute, 1996.  152p.

Using crisis intervention wisely.  Horsham, PA:  Intermed Communications, 1979.  192p.

Wainrib, Barbara Rubin, & Ellin L. Bloch.  Crisis intervention and trauma response:  theory and practice.  New York:  Springer Pub. Co., 1998.  209p.

Warner, Carmen Germaine, ed.  Conflict intervention in social and domestic violence.  Bowie, MD:  R.J. Brady Co., 1981.  283p.

Wheeler, Sheila Q.  Telephone triage:  theory, practice, and protocol development.  With Judith H. Windt.  Photographs by Richard Wheeler.  New York:  Delmar Publishers, 1993.  352p.

White, Robert K., & Deborah George Wright, eds.  Addiction intervention:  strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behavior.  New York:  Haworth Press, 1998.  154p.

Wicks, Robert J., Jeffrey A. Fine & Jerome J. Platt, eds.  Crisis intervention:  a practical clinical guide.  New York:  C. B. Slack, 1978.  165p.

Wright, Bob.  Caring in crisis:  a handbook of intervention skills.  Edinburgh;  New York:  Churchill Livingstone, 1986.  181p.  2nd ed., 1993, 208p.

Wright, H. Norman.  Crisis counseling:  helping people in crisis and stress.  San Bernardino, CA:  Here's Life Publishers, 1985.  241p.

Wright, H. Norman.  Crisis counseling:  what to do and say during the first 72 hours. Ventura, CA:  Regal Books, 1993.  335p.

Yalom, Irvin D.  Inpatient group psychotherapy.  New York:  Basic Books, Inc., 1983.  350p.

Young, Katherinep. H.  Coping in crisis.  Hong Kong:  Hong Kong University Press, 1983.  146p.