03--Suicide:  Teenagers & Adolescence

Axelrod, Toby.  Working together against teen suicide.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1996.  64p.

Ayer, Eleanor H.  Teen suicide:  is it too painful to grow up?  New York:  Twenty-First Century Books, 1993.  64p.

Chiles, John.  Teenage depression and suicide.  New York:  Chelsea House, 1986.  93p.

Colman, Warren.  Understanding and preventing teen suicide.  Chicago:  Childrens Press, 1990.  112p.

Dolce, Laura.  Suicide.  Introduction by C. Everett Koop.  New York:  Chelsea House, 1992.  110p.

Flanders, Stephen A.  Suicide.  Bibliographic materials prepared by Mary Lou Cass.  New York:  Facts on File, 1991.  214p.  Bibliographical references, p. 118-165.

Francis, Dorothy Brenner.  Suicide:  a preventable tragedy.  New York:  Lodestar Books, 1989.  136p.

Frankel, Bernard, & Rachel Kranz.  Straight talk about teenage suicide.  New York:  Facts on File, 1994.  138p.

Galas, Judith C.  Teen suicide.  San Diego, CA:  Lucent Books, 1994.  128p.

Gardner, Sandra, & Gary B. Rosenberg.  Teenage suicide.  New York:  J. Messner, 1985.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Julian Messner, 1990.  116p.

Goldman, M. Nikki.  Teenage suicide.  New York:  Benchmark Books, 1996.  96p.

Grollman, Earl A., & Max Malikow.  Living when a young friend commits suicide, or even starts talking about it.  Boston:  Beacon Press, 1999.  109p.

Hermes, Patricia.  A time to listen:  preventing youth suicide.  San Diego:  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987.  132p.

Hyde, Margaret Oldroyd, & Elizabeth Held Forsyth.  Suicide:  the hidden epidemic.  New York:  F. Watts, 1978.  2nd ed., 1986, 142p.  3rd ed., 1991, 157p.  Types & why young people commit suicide.

Klagsbrun, Francine.  Too young to die:  youth and suicide.  Boston:  Houghton Mifflin, 1976.  201p.

Kolehmainen, Janet, & Sandra Handwerk.  Teen suicide:  a book for friends, family, and classmates.  Minneapolis:  Lerner Publications, 1986.  70p.

Kuklin, Susan.  After a suicide:  young people speak up.  New York:  G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1994.  121p.

Kunz, Roxane Brown, & Judy Harris Swenson.  Feeling down:  the way back up.  Illustrated by Mary Mckee.  Minneapolis, MN:  Dillon Press, 1986.  46p.

Langone, John.  Dead end:  a book about suicide.  Boston:  Little, Brown, 1986.  176p.

Leder, Jane Mersky.  Dead serious:  a book for teenagers about teenage suicide.  New York:  Atheneum, 1987.  144p.

Lewis, Cynthia Copeland.  Teen suicide:  too young to die.  Hillside, NJ:  Enslow Publishers, 1994.  128p.

Madison, Arnold.  Suicide and young people.  New York:  Seabury Press, 1978.  146p.

Mitchell, Hayley R.  Teen suicide.  San Diego, CA:  Lucent Books, 2000. 

Murphy, James M.  Coping with teen suicide.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1999.  125p.

Nelson, Richard E., Judith C. Galas & Pamela Espeland, eds.  The power to prevent suicide:  a guide for teens helping teens.  Minneapolis, MN:  Free Spirit Pub., 1994.  125p.

Peacock, Judith.  Teen suicide.  Mankato, MN:  LifeMatters, 2000. 

Powell, Donalyn.  A reason to live.  Minneapolis, MN:  Bethany House, 1989.  153p.  Christian suicide prevention.

Rosenthal, Howard.  Not with my life I don't:  preventing your suicide and that of others.  Muncie, IN:  Accelerated Development, 1988.  226p.

Schleifer, Jay.  Everything you need to know about teen suicide.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1988.  64p.

Smith, Judie.  Coping with suicide:  a resource book for teenagers and young adults.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1986.  116p.

Smith, Judie.  Drugs and suicide.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1995.  64p.

Sperekas, Nicole B.  SuicideWise:  taking steps against teen suicide.  Berkeley Heights, NJ:  Enslow Publishers, 2000.

Stewart, Gail, & Maythee Kantar.  The facts about teen suicide.  Mankato, MN, Crestwood House, 1988.  47p.

Wilkerson, David R.  Suicide.  Old Tappan, NJ:  Spire Books, 1978.  123p.

Woog, Adam.  Suicide.  San Diego, CA:  Lucent Books, 1997.  96p.  Surveys problems with youthful suicide.

Zeinert, Karen.  Suicide:  tragic choice.  Berkeley Heights, NJ:  Enslow Publishers, 1999.  112p.  History, causes, psychology.