Anderson, Donald B. Protection of V.I.P.'s against assassination. [n.p.] 1972. 150p.
Ashdown, Dulcie M. Royal murders: hatred, revenge, and the seizing of power. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton Pub., 1998. 223p.
Bell, J. Bowyer. Assassin! New York: St. Martin's
Press, 1979. 310p.
Ben-Yehuda, Nachman. Political assassinations by Jews: a rhetorical device for justice. Albany, NY:
State University of New York Press, 1993. 527p.
Bernd, Joseph L. Assassination and hypnosis: political influence or conspiracy? Blacksburg:
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1969.
Bornstein, Joseph. The politics of murder. New York:
Sloane, 1950. 295p. assassination.
Borovicka, Václav Pavel. Atentáty, které mely zmenit svet. Praha:
Nase vojsko, 1980. 541p. On assissination.
Camellion, Richard. Assassination: theory and practice.
Boulder, CO: Paladin Press,
1977. 161p.
Camellion, Richard. Assassination: theory and practice.
Boulder, CO: Paladin Press,
1977. 161p.
Chabannes, Jacques. Les Régicides. Paris: Perrin, 1969. 379p.
Cooper, H. H. A. On assassination. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 1984.
Donovan, Robert J. The assassins. New York: Harper,
1955. 300p. Presidential assissins.
Gribble, Leonard Reginald. Hands of terror: notable assassinations of the twentieth century. London:
F. Muller, 1960. 228p.
Gross, Feliks. Violence in politics. Terror and political
assassination in Eastern Europe and Russia. The Hague: Mouton,
1972. 139p.
Gumbel, Emil Julius, Berthold Jacob & Ernst Falck. Verräter
verfallen der Feme: Opfer, Mörder,
Richter, 1919-1929. Berlin: Malik-Verlag, 1929. 398p.
Political crimes & assissination in Germany.
Havens, Murray Clark, Carl Leiden & Karl M. Schmitt. Assassination
and terrorism: their modern dimensions. Manchaca, TX: S. Swift Pub. Co., 1975.
Hurwood, Bernhardt J. Society and the assassin; a background book
on political murder. New York: Parents' Magazine Press, 1970. 240p.
Hyams, Edward (1910-1975). Killing no murder: a study of assassination as a political means. London:
Nelson, 1969. 247p.
Jasir, Salih Muhammad. A`lam fi
da'irat al-ightiyal. Riyadh: Matabi` al-Khalid lil-Ufsit, 1991. 242p.
Kageyama, Jinsuke. Ansatsugaku. Tokyo: Sekai Shoin,
1984. 239p. Assassination.
Lamanskii, Vladimir Ivanovich (1833-1914). Secrets d'État de
Venise: documents, extraits, notices et
études servant à éclaircir les rapports de la seigneurie avec les Grecs, les
Slaves et la Porte ottomane à la fin du XVe et au XVIe siècle. Saint-Pétersbourg: [n.p.] 1884. 834p. Documents in Latin, French, German, and
Italian; preface in French. History, assassination & foreign
relations in Italy, Greece, Russia & Turkey.
Long, Hei. 21 techniques of silent killing.
Boulder, CO: Paladin Press,
1989. 97p.
Lu, Jui-chung. Chu sha pao chün ti ch`üan li: pao chün fang fa li lun hsin t`an: The right of tyrannicide. T`ai-pei shih: Shih ying ch`u pan she:
Tsung ching hsiao San min shu chü, Min kuo 79, 1990. 250p.
Lustgarten, Edgar (1907-1978). The business of murder. London;
Toronto: Harrap, 1968. 201p.
New York: Scribner, 1968. 218p.
May, John Frederick (1812-1891). Mark of the scalpel: manuscript, 1887. Manuscript observation on the assassination
of Lincoln (1809-1865) and the
identification of the body of John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865). Gift of Mrs. John Frederick May, 1911. LOC.
McConnell, Brian. Assassination. London: Frewin,
1969. 360p.
McConnell, Brian. The history of assassination. Nashville:
Aurora Publishers, 1970. 359p.
Melville, Lewis (1874-1932), & Reginald Hargreaves. Famous
duels and assassinations. New
York: J. H. Sears; Detroit:
Gale Research Co., 1974. 288p.
Meyer, Albert de. Le procès de l'attentat commis contre Guillaume
le Taciturne, prince d'Orange, 18 mars 1582; étude critique de documents
inédits. Préface de m. Léon van der
Essen. Bruxelles: L'Édition universelle, 1933. 244p.
A defence of Father Anthuenis Temmerman (1547-1582), who was convicted,
with Anthonio de Venero, of complicity in a plot to assassinate William the
Silent, Prince of Orange (1533-1584).
Murder international, inc.; murder and kidnaping as an instrument of
Soviet policy: Hearing, Eighty-ninth
Congress, first session. March 26, 1965. Subcommittee to Investigate the
Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security
Laws. Washington: GPO, 1965.
Nagao, Ryuichi. Seijiteki satsujin: terorizumu no shuhen. Tokyo:
Kobundo, 1989. 230p. Assassination & Terrorism.
Palchev, Ivan. Sto atentata ot stoletieto. Sofiia:
Nar. mladezh, 1987. 193p.
Pawlak, Wladyslaw B. Druga ksiega zamachów. Warszawa:
Iskry, 1978 & 1974. 397p.
Pawlak, Wladyslaw B. Ksiegi zamachów. Warszawa:
Iskry, 1970. 378p. 2nd ed., 1975, 336p. 1985, 284p.
Poda, Zamir. Linja e hijes: një libër për të
gjithë ata që duan të dinë më shumë.
Albania: Dituria,
1992-1997. 133p. Assassination & suicide.
Purcalla Muñoz, José. Cien años de atentados políticos. Barcelona:
Ediciones Marte, 1969.
252p. Assassination of kings and
Quiroz Cuarón, Alfonso, & Samuel Máynez Puente. Psicoanálisis
del magnicidio, por Alfonso Quiroz Cuarón y Samuel Máynez Puente. Prólogo de Julio Scherer García. México:
Editorial Jurídica Mexicana, 1965.
345p. On assassination &
Criminal psychology.
Rey, Marcos. Grandes crimes da história.
São Paulo, Brazil: Editôra
Cultrix, 1967. 233p. On assassination.
Roden, Hans. Attentat von Cäsar bis Kennedy in zeitgenössischen Berichten und
Bildern. Herford: Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft, 1966. 152p.
Assassination & Political crimes.
Schulze-Wilde, Harry. Der politische Mord. Bayreuth:
Hestia, 1962. 352p. assassination & political crimes.
Schulze-Wilde, Harry. Politische Morde unserer Zeit. Frankfurt a. M.: Societäts-Verlag, 1966.
331p. assassination &
political crimes.
Seth, Ronald. The executioners: the story of Smersh.
London: Cassell, 1967. 199p.
Steinmetz, Eigil. Attentater og politiske mord fra Marat til
Kennedy. Illustreret med autentiske
billeder. Tekstog billedredaktion:
Ludvig Ernst Bramsen. København: Politiken, 1966. 304p. On assassination up
to Kennedy.
Syme, Anthony V. The assassins. London; Melbourne: Horwitz, 1967. 162p. Including JFK.
T`ang, Yen-neng. Hei se hsüan nien: ming jen ssu wang chih mi:
The enigma of death.
T`ai-pei shih: Feng yün shih tai
ch`u pan yu hsien kung ssu, 1991.
184p. On history of assissination
of heads of state.
Townsend, George Alfred (1841-1914).
Papers of George Alfred Townsend, 1865-1899. Correspondence, newspaper clippings,
memoranda, pictures, and drawings relating to the Civil War, the assassinations
of Lincoln and Garfield, and other topics.
Unconventional warfare: selective assassination as an instrument of
national policy. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 1990. 44p.
Wiegler, Paul (1878-1949). Verräter und verschwörer: grosse und kleine dramen der weltgeschichte. Berlin:
Ullstein, 1937. 356p.
Williams, John. Heyday for assassins. London:
Heinemann, 1958. 257p.
Wilson, Colin. Order of assassins: the psychology of murder. London:
Hart-Davis, 1972. 242p.