Allen, Beverly. Rape warfare: the hidden genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. 180p. Yugoslav War,
Amir, Menachem. Patterns in forcible rape. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1971.
Anderiesz, Godfrey J. Violation:
a new dimension in bizarre eroticism. London: Satellite Books,
1978. 191p.
Benn, Melissa, Anna Coote & Tess Gill. The rape controversy. London:
NCCL Rights for Women Unit, 1986.
32p. Second revised version of a
pamphlet first published in 1975.
Bode, Janet. Fighting back: how to cope with
the medical, emotional, and legal consequences of rape. New York:
Macmillan, 1978. 279p.
Bode, Janet. Rape: preventing it, coping
with the legal, medical, and emotional aftermath. New York: Watts,
1979. 103p.
Bode, Janet. Voices of rape. New
York: Franklin Watts, 1990. 143p.
1998, 160p. Uses first-person
accounts of both rape victims and offenders to depict the aspects of rape and
gives advice on what can be done in various situations.
Booher, Dianna Daniels. Rape:
what would you do if-- ?
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Julian
Messner, 1981. 159p. 1991, 133p.
Bosnia-Herzegovina: rape and sexual abuse by armed forces. By
Amnesty International. New York,
NY: Amnesty International U.S.A.,
1993. 14p.
Box, Steven. Power, crime, and mystification.
London; New York: Tavistock Publications, 1983. 257p.
With corruption & rape.
Boyle, Christine. Sexual assault. Toronto, Canada: Carswell, 1984. 189p.
Brownmiller, Susan. Against our will: men, women, and rape.
New York: Simon and Schuster,
1975. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1993. 472p.
Buchwald, Emilie, Pamela R. Fletcher & Martha Roth, eds. Transforming
a rape culture. Minneapolis,
MN: Milkweed Editions, 1993. 467p.
Burgess, Ann Wolbert, & Lynda Lytle Holmstrom. Rape:
victims of crisis. Bowie,
MD: R. J. Brady Co., 1974. 308p.
1979, 477p.
Burgess, Ann Wolbert, Lynda Lytle Holmstrom. Rape: victims of crisis. Bowie, MD:
R. J. Brady Co., 1974. 308p.
Bush, J. Peter. Rape in Australia: an appraisal of attitudes, victims, assailants, medicine and the
law. South Melbourne, Vic.: Sun Books, 1977. 201p.
Clark, Anna. Women's
silence, men's violence: sexual assault
in England, 1770-1845. London; New York:
Pandora, 1987. 180p.
Clark, Lorenne M. G., & Debra J. Lewis. Rape: the price of coercive sexuality. Toronto:
Women's Press, 1977. 222p.
Coote, Anna, & Tess Gill. The rape controversy. Cartoons by Jo Nesbitt. London:
National Council for Civil Liberties, 1975. 39p.
Coppin, Cheryl Branch. Everything you need to know about healing
from rape trauma. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 2000.
Corporate Name: Evangelische
Akademie Baden. Tagung (1993: Bad
Herrenalb, Germany)
Crowley, Sharon R. Sexual assault: the medical-legal examination. Stamford, CT: Appleton
& Lange, 1999. 227p.
Davis, Angela Yvonne. Violence against women and the ongoing
challenge to racism. Latham,
NY: Kitchen Table, 1985. 18p.
Speech delivered at Florida State University, Oct. 16, 1985.
DeKeseredy, Walter S., & Ronald Hinch. Woman abuse: sociological perspectives. Toronto, Ont.; Lewiston, N.Y.: Thompson
Educational Pub., 1991. 161p. Crimes against women, rape & abuse.
Delphi Exchange. Proceedings
of the Delphi Exchange, consensus or controversy: a forum for resolving dilemmas in sexual assault prevention and
intervention held January 23, 1981.
Culver City, CA: Southern
California Rape Prevention Study Center, Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health
Center/LAPS, 1981. 43p.
Dowdeswell, Jane. Women on rape. Wellingborough [Northamptonshire]; New York: Thorsons Pub.
Group, 1986. 176p.
Edwards, Susan S. M. Female sexuality and the law: a study of constructs of female sexuality as
they inform statute and legal procedure.
Oxford: M. Robertson, 1981. 195p.
Eidelberg, Ludwig. The dark urge. New York: Pyramid Books,
1961. 159p. Rape & psychoanalysis.
Ellis, Lee. Theories of rape: inquiries
into the causes of sexual aggression.
New York: Hemisphere Pub. Corp.,
1989. 185p.
Fortune, Marie M. Sexual violence: the unmentionable sin.
New York: Pilgrim Press,
1983. 240p.
Gilmartin, Pat. Rape, incest, and child sexual abuse: consequences and recovery. New York:
Garland Publishing, 1994. 367p.
Goldberg, Jacob Alter, & Rosamond W. Goldberg. Girls
on city streets: a study of 1400 cases
of rape. Foreword by William F.
Snow. New York: Foundation books, 1940. 358p.
New York, NY: American social
hygiene association, 1935. 384p.
Green, December. Gender violence in Africa: African women's responses. New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1999. 298p.
Green, R. R. Rape: the new attitude for
prevention. Torrance, CA: Green Productions, 1986. 89p.
Griffin, Susan. Rape, the power of consciousness. San Francisco; New York: Harper &
Row, 1979. 134p. . San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986.
Groth, A. Nicholas, & H. Jean Birnbaum. Men who rape: the psychology of the offender. New York:
Plenum Press, 1979. 227p.
Guernsey, JoAnn Bren. The facts about rape. New York:
Crestwood House, 1990. 47p.
Gunn, Rita F., & Candice Minch.
Sexual assault: the dilemma of disclosure, the question of
conviction. Winnipeg, Man.: University of Manitoba Press, 1988. 148p.
Healey, Kaye, ed. Sexual abuse. Balmain, N.S.W.: Spinney
Press, 1996. 40p. Child sex abuse in Australia.
Healey, Kaye, ed. Sexual abuse. Balmain, N.S.W.: Spinney
Press, 1996. 40p. Child sexual abuse & incest.
Higgins, Lynn A., & Brenda R. Silver, eds. Rape and representation. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1991.
Hursch, Carolyn J. The trouble with rape. Chicago:
Nelson-Hall, 1977. 194p.
Hyde, Margaret Oldroyd. Speak out on rape! New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1976. 145p.
Jones, Joan. A record of rape and its results.
3rd ed. London: The author, 1976. 91p. Rape in Great
Kaminker, Laura. Everything you need to know about dealing
with sexual assault. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 1998. 64p.
Katz, Sedelle, & Mary Ann Mazur.
Understanding the rape
victim: a synthesis of research
findings. New York: Wiley, 1979. 340p.
Khushalani, Yougindra. Dignity and honour of women as basic and
fundamental human rights. The
Hague; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers ; Hingham,
MA: Kluwer Boston, 1982. 153p.
International rape & war law.
Koss, Mary P., & Mary R. Harvey. The
rape victim: clinical and community
interventions. 2nd
ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991. 313p.
Koss, Mary P., & Mary R. Harvey. The rape victim: clinical and community approaches to treatment. Edited by James Butcher. Lexington, MA: S. Greene Press; New
York, NY: Viking Penguin, 1987. 168p.
2nd ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991. 313p.
Koss, Mary P., Mary R. Harvey & James Butcher. The
rape victim: clinical and community
approaches to treatment. Lexington,
MA: S. Greene Press; New York, NY: Distributed by Viking Penguin, 1987. 168p.
La Valle, John J. Everything you need to know when you are the
male survivor of rape or sexual assault.
New York: Rosen Pub. Group,
1996. 64p.
Laiou, Angeliki E., ed.
Consent and coercion to sex and marriage in ancient and medieval
societies. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and
Collection, 1993. 298p.
Levine, Sylvia, & Joseph Koenig, eds. Why men rape: interviews with convicted rapists. Toronto:
Macmillan, 1980. 184p. A collection of interviews based on film Why men rape by Doug Jackson, National
Film Board of Canada.
Lloyd, Ann. Rape: an examination of the
crime in New Zealand: its social and
emotional consequences.
Auckland: Wilson and Horton,
1976. 56p.
Macdonald, John Marshall. Rape offenders and their victims. With chapter by Hunter S. Thompson. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1971. 342p.
Macdonald, John Marshall. Rape:
controversial issues: criminal
profiles, date rape, false reports and false memories. With chapter by David L. Michaud. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1995.
McCombie, Sharon L., ed.
The Rape crisis intervention
handbook: a guide for victim care. New York:
Plenum Press, 1980. 235p.
McEvoy, Alan W., & Jeff B. Brookings. If she is raped: a book for husbands, fathers, and male
friends. Holmes Beach, FL: Learning Publications, 1984. 131p.
McGuire, Leslie. Victims. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke
Corp., 1991. 64p.
Medea, Andra, & Kathleen Thompson.
Against rape. New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974.
Mills, Patrick, & Lee Sachs, eds. Rape
intervention resource manual.
Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas,
1977. 287p.
Nass, Deanna R., ed. The Rape victim. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1977.
178p. Several professional
National Clearinghouse
for Mental Health Information, U.S. Printout of literature search on rape: sexual assault. Rockville, MD: National Rape Information Clearinghouse, National Center for the
Prevention and Control of Rape, 1979.
Neary, Matthew, & Frances Patai, eds. Rape: the violent crime. New York:
American Academy for Professional Law Enforcement, 1977. From Symposium on Rape, John Jay College of
Criminal Justice, 1975. 126p.
Pressman, Barbara, Gary Cameron, Michael Rothery, eds. Intervening
with assaulted women: current theory,
research, and practice. Hillsdale,
NJ: Erlbaum Associates, 1989. 196p.
Updated papers based on presentations at a conference at Wilfrid Laurier
University in 1987.
Roberts, Julian V., & Renate M. Mohr, eds. Confronting sexual
assault: a decade of legal and social
change. Toronto; Buffalo:
University of Toronto Press, 1994.
Russell, Diana E. H. Dangerous relationships: pornography, misogyny, and rape. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1998.
Sanders, William B. Rape and woman's identity. Foreword by Gilbert Geis. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1980.
Saran, Rajendra Agarwal, & Sarvesh Kumar, eds. Crimes
and punishment in new perspective.
Introduction by Hans-Heinrich Jescheck.
Delhi, India: Mittal
Publications: Distributed by Mittal
Publishers' Distributors, 1986.
216p. Papers presented at a
meeting organized by International Association of Penal Law, New Delhi,
1982. Including rape and capital
punishment in India.
Scacco, Anthony M. Rape in prison. Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas, 1975. 127p.
Schultz, LeRoy G., ed. Rape victimology. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1974. 405p. Several professional articles on various
aspects of rape & trauma.
Searles, Patricia, & Ronald J. Berger, eds. Rape and society: readings on the problem of sexual assault. Boulder:
Westview Press, 1995. 305p.
Sexual violence, the reality for
women. London Rape Crisis Centre.
London: Women's Press,
1984. 144p.
Smith, Lorna J. F. Concerns about rape. London: H.M.S.O., 1989. 48p.
Smith, Sabine H. Sexual
violence in German culture: rereading
and rewriting the tradition.
Frankfurt am Main; New
York: P. Lang, 1998. 339p.
Spott, Joseph E. Rape victims (after-the-fact) (VAF) crisis
medical examination and treatment, hospital emergency room, and victim advocate volunteer services. San Francisco, CA: Rape Prevention Books, 1980.
Spott, Joseph E. Rape victims (after-the-fact) (VAF) crisis
medical examination and treatment, hospital emergency room, and victim advocate
volunteer services. San Francisco,
CA: Rape Prevention Books, 1980. 136p.
Stiglmayer, Alexandra, ed. Mass rape:
the war against women in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Translation Massenvergewaltigung: Krieg
gegen die Frauen by Marion Faber. Foreword by Roy Gutman.
Freiburg i. Breisgau: Kore,
1993. 270. English ed.:
Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1994. 232p. Yugoslav War, 1991-1995.
Stuart, Irving R., Joanne G. Greer, eds. Victims
of sexual aggression: treatment of
children, women, and men. New
York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984. 285p.
Sunday, Suzanne R., & Ethel Tobach, eds. Violence against
women: a critique of the sociobiology
of rape. New York: Gordian Press, 1985. 180p.
Thornhill, Randy, & Craig T. Palmer.
A natural history of rape: biological bases of sexual coercion. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.
Tomaselli, Sylvana, & Roy Porter, eds. Rape. Oxford, UK;
New York, NY: Blackwell,
1986. 292p.
Toner, Barbara. The facts of rape. London:
Arrow Books, 1977. 208p. 1982 272p.
Walker, Marcia J., & Stanley L. Brodsky, eds. Sexual
assault: the victim and the rapist. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1976.
Warner, Carmen Germaine, ed. Rape and sexual assault: management & intervention. Germantown, MD: Aspen Systems Corp., 1980.
What you had better know about
rape: an up-to-date guide for women on
the nature, treatment, and control of this violent crime. The
Michigan Citizens Task Force Against Rape.
Warren, MI: The Task Force,
1977. 56p.
Wilson, Paul R. The other side of rape. St. Lucia, Q.: University of Queensland Press, 1978. 146p. Rape in Australia.
Wolff, Lisa. Violence against women. San
Diego, CA: Lucent Books, 1999. 96p.
Women at W.A.R.: Women Against Rape.
London: Women Against Rape,
Bristol. Bristol: Falling Wall Press, 1978. 32p.