03--Rape:  Date & Acquaintance

Bandon, Alexandra.  Date rape.  New York:  Crestwood House;  Toronto;  New York:  Maxwell Macmillan International, 1994.  47p.

Gedatus, Gustav Mark.  Date and acquaintance rape.  Mankato, MI:  LifeMatters, 2000. 

Miller, Maryann.  Drugs and date rape.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1995.  64p.

Mufson, Susan, & Rachel Kranz.  Straight talk about date rape.  New York, NY:  Facts on File, 1993 & 1997.  123p.

Shuker-Haines, Frances.  Everything you need to know about date rape.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 1990.  64p.Tattersall, Clare.

Tattersall, Clare.  Date rape drugs.  New York:  Rosen Pub. Group, 2000. 

Winkler, Kathleen.  Date rape:  a hot issue.  Berkeley Heights, N.J.:  Enslow, 1999.  64p.