Carson, Lillian.
The essential grandparent's guide
to divorce: making a difference in the
family. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, 1999. 123p.
Cohen, Joan Schrager. Helping your grandchildren
through their parents' divorce. New
York, NY: Walker, 1994. 176p.
Vigeveno, H. S., & Anne Claire. No one
gets divorced alone: how divorce
affects moms, dads, kids, and grandparents. Ventura, CA: Regal Books,
1987. 224p.
Vigna, Judith.
Grandma without me: story and pictures. Niles, IL:
A. Whitman, 1984. 32p. A young boy finds a way to keep in touch with
his beloved grandmother despite his parent's divorce.