01--Divorce:  Christian--Catholic

--- See the section:  “Divorce--Meditations …” where all the works on meditations, poetry, etc., were placed.  Note:  Some specialty works in the general divorce archive above are Christian/Catholic and not duplicated here.


Adams, Douglas E.  Children, divorce, and the church.  Nashville:  Abingdon Press, 1992.  119p.

Akamine, Hale.  Healing the wounds:  teenagers learning to cope with divorce.  Nashville, TN:  LifeWay Press, 1995.  128p.

Arnold, William V., et al.  Divorce:  prevention or survival.  Philadelphia:  Westminster Press, 1977.  128p.

Ashenhurst, Harry J.  Divorce and beyond.  Independence, MO:  Herald Pub. House, 1984.  183p.

Bontrager, G.  Edwin.  Divorce and the faithful church.  Introduction by David W. Augsburger.  Scottdale, PA:  Herald Press, 1978.  191p.

Bouma, Mary LaGrand.  Divorce in the parsonage.  Minneapolis, MI:  Bethany Fellowship, 1979.  156p.

Campbell, Kemper [Mrs.] (b. c1886).  Whom God hath joined asunder, and other thoughts on love, marriage and divorce.  New York, NY:  Simon and Schuster, c1966.  126p.

Campbell, Robert C.  Modern evils.  Introduction by W.R. White, foreword by Charles E.  Maddry.  New York, NY:  Fleming H. Revell Company, c.1933.  128p.  Collections of Baptist Sermons.

Carroll, Anne Kristin.  Together forever.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Zondervan Pub. House, 1982.  251p.

Carter, John.  Marriage and divorce.  Birmingham:  The Christadelphian, 1967.  104p.

Catoir, John T.  Catholics and broken marriage.  Notre Dame, IN:  Ave Maria Press, 1979.  69p.

Catoir, John T.  Where do you stand with the church?:  the dilemma of divorced Catholics:  (with chapters on annulments, conscience, and the internal forum).  New York, NY:  Alba House, 1996.  82p.

Cerling, Charles E.  The divorced Christian.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Baker Book House, 1984.  194p.

Chandler, Marjorie Lee.  After your child divorces.  Foreword by Louis and Colleen Evans.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Zondervan PublishingHouse, c1997.  206p.

Chapman, Cecil Maurice.  Marriage and divorce, some needed reforms in church and state.  London:  D.  Nutt, 1911.  160p.

Charles, Robert Henry.  Divorce and the Roman dogma of nullity.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1927.  99p.

Chase, Frederic Henry.  What did Christ teach about divorce?  London:  Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge;  New York:  The Macmillan Company, 1921.  64p.

Clifford, Paula Margaret.  Divorced Christians and the love of God.  London:  Triangle, 1987.  130p.

Clifton, Shaw.  What does the Salvationist say ..? (about divorce, abortion, race relations, euthanasia, war).  London:  Salvationist Pub. & Supplies, 1977.  30p.  Salvation Army authorities give Christinan opinions.

Coleman, Gerald D.  Divorce and remarriage in the Catholic Church.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1988.  110p.

Cornwallis, Kinahan (1839-1917).  Bear and forbear:  a sermon on divorce.  New York, NY:  K.  Cornwallis, c1900.  2p.

Crook, Roger H.  An open book to the Christian divorcee.  Nashville, TN:  Broadman Press, 1974.  159p.

Crummell, Alexander (1819-1898).  Marriage and divorce:  a sermon, preached in St.  Luke's Church, Washington, DC, on Sunday, March 23, 1881.  Washington, DC:  C. W. Brown, 1881.  22p.

Cruse, John Howard, & Bryan S. W. Green.  Marriage, divorce, and repentance in the Church of England.  London:  Hodder and Stoughton, 1949.  61p.

Curran, Grace.  The Americarers:  a cure for the cancer of divorce.  Boston:  Christopher Pub. House, 1968.  62p.

Dabney, J. Luther, & Gene Frost.  Dabney-Frost debate on marriage, divorce and remarriage:  Must adulterers separate before being baptized?  Fort Worth, TX:  1959.  225p.

Dahl, Gerald L.  Why Christian marriages are breaking up.  Nashville:  T. Nelson, 1979.  144p.

Doherty, Dennis.  Divorce & remarriage:  resolving a Catholic dilemma.  St. Meinrad, IN:  Abbey Press, 1974.  194p.

Dominguez, Arsenio, & Edith Dominguez.  Theological themes for the Philippine church.  Quezon City:  New Day Publishers, 1989.  258p.

Durkin, Mary G., & James Hitchcock.  Divorce.  Chicago:  Thomas More Press, 1979.  120p.  A Catholic view.

Duty, Guy.  Divorce & remarriage.  Minneapolis, MN:  Bethany Fellowship, 1967.  153p.

Duvall, Thomas Jeffries.  Better than divorce.  Louisville, KY:  Pentecostal Publishing Company, c1914.  288p.

Dycus, Barbara.  God's design for broken lives:  rebuilding after divorce.  Springfield, MO:  Chrism, 1994.  207p.

Ellisen, Stanley A.  Divorce and remarriage in the church.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1977.  105p.

Emswiler, James P., & Edward G.  Pfnausch.  Divorced and separated Catholics:  a guide to ministry.  Winona, MN:  Saint Mary's Press, Christian Brothers Publications, 1979.  71p.

Erickson, Kenneth A.  Please, Lord, untie my tongue-- when there is illness, death, divorce, imprisonment.  St.  Louis, MO:  Concordia Pub. House, 1983.  63p.

Esh, Janice, & Stephen Nauta.  New beginnings:  divorce and remarriage in the Christian community.  Grand Rapids, MI:  CRC Publications, 1995.  57p.

Evans, Anthony T.  Tony Evans speaks out on divorce and remarriage.  Chicago:  Moody Press, 1995.  64p.

Evans, Anthony T.  Tony Evans speaks out.  Chicago:  Moody Press, 1995.  4 volumes.  Volume 1, On divorce and remarriage;  volume 4, On single parenting.

Evans, William.  The right and wrong in divorce and remarriage.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Zondervan publishing house, 1946.  107p.

Ewald, George R.  Jesus and divorce:  a biblical guide for ministry to divorced persons.  Foreword by Willard M. Swartley.  Waterloo, Ont.;  Scottdale, PA:  Herald Press, 1991.  176p.

Fazzina, Douglas, & Joseph Moore.  Stresspoints:  a young person's guide to peace of heart.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1988.  78p.

Fisher, Geoffrey Francis, Abp. of Canterbury.  Problems of marriage and divorce, being an address given to a group of laymen.  New York, NY:  Morehouse-Gorham, 1955.  29p.

Fisher, Geoffrey Francis, Abp. of Canterbury.  The Church and marriage:  evidence presented to the Royal Commission on Marriage and Divorce.  2d ed.  Westminster, England:  Published for the Church of England Moral Welfare Council by the Church Information Board, 1954.  55p.

Fisher-Hunter, William.  The divorce problem fully discussed, and a Scriptural solution.  Waynesboro, PA:  MacNeish Publishers, 1952.  173p.  “Fully” discussed with the “solution”:  ok.

Flanagan, Bill.  Developing a divorce recovery ministry:  a how to manual, includes a complete divorce recovery workshop.  Colorado Springs, CO:  NavPress, 1991.  258p.

Foltz, Nancy T., ed.  Handbook of adult religious education.  Birmingham, AL:  Religious Education Press, 1986.  272p.  Many articles including “Working with middle-aged adults” by R. E. Y. Wickett; “Working with single parents” by Richard A. Hung;  “Working with adults in separation and divorce” by Neil R. Paylor;  “Working with adults in death-related circumstances” by Mary Louise Mueller.

Fowler, Stuart.  The church and the renewal of society.  Potchefstroom, South Africa:  Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1988.  108p.   The Christian life and renewel from divorce.

Franklin, Marion Clyde.  What hath God joined?  Marriage and divorce:  a new approach to old problems.  Apache, OK, 1942.  77p.

Fugitt, James Preston.  Marriage a covenant-not indissoluble;  or, The revelation of Scripture and history.  Baltimore:  Cushing & Company, 1895.  189p.

Funk, B. J.  Devotions for your time of need:  Loss of a marriage.  Nashville, TN:  Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1994.  44p.

George, Willa Mae.  How high the mountain:  from the depths of divorce to spiritual healing.  Marina del Rey, CA:  DeVorss Publications, 1992.  179p.

Gigot, Francis Ernest Charles.  Christ's teaching concerning divorce in the New Testament;  an exegetical study.  New York, Cincinnati:  Benziger Brothres, 1912.  281p.

Gordon, Jeenie.  If my parents are getting divorced, why am I the one who hurts?  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1993.  138p.

Gore, Charles.  The question of divorce.  New York, NY:  Scribner, 1911.  57p.  Within the church of England.

Gregory, Donald Joseph.  The Pauline privilige;  an historical synopsis and commentary.  Washington, DC:  The Catholic university of America, 1931.  165p.  A Catholic view of divorce.

Grib, Philip J.  Divorce laws and morality:  a new Catholic jurisprudence.  Lanham, MD:  University Press of America, 1985.  232p.

Gumbleton, Thomas J.  Separation and divorce:  a comparative study of the canon law of the Catholic Church and the civil law of the State of Michigan, looking toward a solution to the problem of family break-up.  Rome, Italy:  Pontificia Universitas Lateranensi, Institutum Utriusque Iuris, 1964.  238p.

Gwynne, Walker.  Divorce in America under state and church.  With an introduction by the Bishop Arthur Crawshay Allston Hall of New York.  New York, NY:  The Macmillan company, 1925.  154p.

Gwynne, Walker.  Holy matrimony and common-sense.  London, New York, NY:  Longmans, Green and Co., 1930.  211p.

Hall, Arthur Crawshay Alliston.  The church's discipline concerning marriage and divorce.  New York, NY:  Longmans, Green & Co., 1896.  25p.  Divorce & Protestant Episcopal church

Hanson, Freya Ottem, & Terje C. Hausken..  Mediation for troubled marriages:  establishing a ministry for conflict resolution.  Minneapolis, MN:  Augsburg, 1989.  144p.

Heth, William A., & Gordon J. Wenham.  Jesus and divorce:  the problem with the evangelical consensus.  Nashville, TN:  T. Nelson, 1984.  287p.

Holmes, David Lynn.  A brief history of the Episcopal Church:  with a chapter on the Anglican Reformation and an appendix on the annulment of Henry VIII.  Valley Forge, PA:  Trinity Press International, 1993.  239p.

Horstman, James L., & Van T.  Moon.  A helping hand:  a reflection guide for the divorced, widowed, or separated.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1993.  126p.  Christian meditations.

Hosie, John.  With open arms:  Catholics, divorce, & remarriage.  Rev. ed.  Liguori, MO:  Liguori Publications, 1995.  81p.

Hosier, Helen Kooiman.  To love again:  remarriage for the Christian.  Nashville:  Abingdon Press, 1985.  192p.

House, H. Wayne, ed.  Divorce and remarriage:  four Christian views.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity Press, 1990.  267p.

Hovey, Alvah.  The scriptural law of divorce.  Boston:  Gould and Lincoln;  New York, NY:  Sheldon and company, 1866.  82p.

Hudson, Robert Lofton.  'Til divorce do us part;  a Christian looks at divorce.  Nashville, TN:  T. Nelson, 1973.  132p.

Huffman, Darrell.  No longer two but one:  powerful spiritual principles from the word on marriage, divorce, and remarriage.  Tulsa, OK:  Harrison House, 1997.  189p.

Hynson, Leon O., & Lane A. Scott, eds.  Christian ethics:  an inquiry into Christian ethics from a biblical theological perspective. Anderson, IN:  Warner Press, 1983.  314p.  Several topics including divorce.

Ide, Arthur Frederick.  Marriage, divorce, remarriage, woman & the Bible.  Foreword by Decherd Turner.  Garland, TX:  Tangelwüld Press, 1995.  94p.

Joiner, Edward Earl.  A Christian considers divorce and remarriage.  Nashville, TN:  Broadman Press, 1983.  154p.

Jones, Robin D.  The beginning of unbelief.  New York, NY:  Atheneum;  Toronto:  Maxwell Macmillan Canada;  New York, NY:  Maxwell Macmillan International, 1993.  153p.

Josiah, Mwaniki.  Divorce among the wa-Embu.  Nairobi:  Uzima Press, 1988.  49p.  African Embu, divorce & Christianity.

Kearney, Francis Patrick.  The principles of Canon 1127.  Washington, DC:  The Catholic university of America, 1944.  162p.

Kelleher, Stephen Joseph.  Divorce and remarriage for Catholics?.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1973.  192p.

Kelly, Kevin T.  Divorce & second marriage:  facing the challenge.  Revised.  Kansas City, MO:  Sheed & Ward, 1997.  236p.   (1st ed., New York, NY:  Seabury Press, 1983, 1982.  111p.)  Catholic view.

Kelly, William S. J.  Pope Gregory II on divorce and remarriage:  a canonical-historical investigation of the letter Desiderabilem mihi, with special reference to the response Quod proposuisti.  Roma, Italy:  Universitá gregoriana, 1976.  333p.

Kirk, Kenneth Escott.  Marriage and divorce.  2nd ed.  London:  Hodder and Stoughton, 1948.  160p.  Marriage & divorce in the church of England.

Kniskern, Joseph Warren.  When the vow breaks:  a survival and recovery guide for Christians facing divorce.  Nashville, TN:  Broadman & Holman Press, 1993.  375p.

Knorr, Dandi Daley.  Splitting up:  when your friend gets a divorce.  Wheaton, IL:  H.  Shaw Publishers, 1988.  147p.  Christian perspective.

Küng, Hans, ed.  The Sacraments:  an ecumenical dilemma.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1966.  178p.  Translated by T. L. Westow.  Many articles including “Divorce and remarriage:  east and west,” by O.  Rousseau & translated by A. M. Buono.

Kuusniemi, Aatto.  Marriage today;  the main conceptions of marriage in modern continental European theology, with particular reference to the question of church marriage of divorced persons.  Tampere, Finland:  Research Institute of the Lutheran Church in Finland, 1972.  128p.

Laney, J. Carl.  The divorce myth.  Minneapolis, MN:  Bethany House Pub., 1981.  152p.  A Christian view.

Laurance, Jeanette.  Marriage and divorce and the downfall of the sacred union.  New York, NY;  Chicago:  Broadway publishing Co., c1911.  45p.

Lawler, Michael G.  Ecumenical marriage & remarriage:  gifts and challenges to the churches.  Mystic, CT:  Twenty-Third Publications, 1990.  101p.

LeFevre, Perry, & W. Widick Schroeder.  Pastoral care and liberation praxis:  studies in and social transformation.  Chicago, IL:  Exploration Press, 1986.  105p.  Including “Discerning religious meaning in the divorce adjustment process” by Robert Hurst.

Lockyer, Herbert.  Everything Jesus taught.  New York, NY:  Harper & Row, 1976.  5 volumes.  Including volume 4, “Everything Jesus taught about love, marriage and divorce, women and children.”

Luckock, Herbert Mortimer.  The history of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relationship to divorce and certain forbidden degrees.  2d ed.  London;  New York, NY:  Longmans, Green and Co., 1895.  359p.

Lusk, Maurice W.  Marriage, divorce, and remarriage in the teachings of Jesus and Paul:  a collection of exegetical essays, with an appendix on "What constitutes marriage?"  Atlanta, GA:  Guild of Scribes, 1982.  183p.

MacArthur, John.  Guidelines for singleness and marriage.  Chicago:  Moody Press, 1986.  117p.

MacArthur, John.  On divorce.  Chicago:  Moody Press, 1985.  103p.

Mackin, Theodore.  Divorce and remarriage.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1984.  565p.

Macmillan, Arthur Tarleton.  Marriage, divorce and the church;  chaos or reform--which?  London:  Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1946.  30p.

Macy, Christopher, ed.  Marriage--and divorce;  based on a series of articles which first appeared in "The Guardian."  London:  Pemberton, 1969.  127p.

Madan, Martin, 1726-1790.  Thelyphthora;  or, A treatise on female ruin, in its causes, effects, consequences, prevention, and remedy;  considered on the basis of the divine law:  under the following heads, viz. marriage, whoredom, and fornication, adultery, polygamy, divorce;  with many other incidental matters;  particularly including an examination of the principles and tendency of stat. 26 Geo. II c. 33. commonly called The marriage act.  2d ed.  London:  Printed for J. Dodsley, 1781.  3 volumes.

Madsen, Keith.  Fallen images:  experiencing divorce in the ministry.  Valley Forge:  Judson Press, 1985.  128p.

Mann, Henry.  Features of society in Old and in New England.  Providence, RH:  S. S. Rider, 1885.  103p.  Including religion & divorce.

Manning, Henry Edward.  Rome or reason.  A series of articles contributed to the North American review, by Cardinal Manning and Col. Robert G.  Ingersoll.  Also the following articles:  Is divorce wrong? A discussion.  General introduction, Rev.  S.W.  Dike, LL.D.  The Roman Catholic view, Cardinal Gibbons.  An Episcopalian view, Bishop Henry C.  Potter.  An agnostic view, Col.  Robert G.  Ingersoll.  New York, NY:  C.P. Farrell, 1898.  127p.

Marriage breakdown, divorce, remarriage:  a Christian understanding;  the second, and final, report.  Commission on Christian Marriage and Divorce.  Toronto, Canada:  Board of Christian Education of the United Church of Canada, 1962.  118p.

Marriage in America:  a report to the nation.  Council on Families in America.  New York, NY:  Institute for American Values, 1995.  20p.

Marriage, divorce and the Church:  the report of a Commission appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury to prepare a statement on the Christian doctrine of marriage.  London:  S.P.C.K., c1971.  166p.

Marriage, divorce and the church;  the report of a Commission appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury to prepare a statement on the Christian doctrine of marriage.  Church of England.  Commission on the Christian Doctrine of Marriage.  London:  SPCK, 1971.   170p.

Marshner, William H.  Annulment or divorce?:  A critique of current tribunal practice and the proposed revision of canon law.  Triangle, VA:  Crossroads Books, 1978.  95p.

Martin, John R.  Divorce and remarriage:  a perspective for counseling.  Scottdale, PA:  Herald Press, 1974.  136p.  Originally presented as the author's masters thesis, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1972.

Martin, Norma, & Zola Levitt.  Divorce, a Christian dilemma.  Introduction by John R.  Martin.  Scottdale, PA:  Herald Press, 1977.  158p.

Mason, Robert Lee, & Caroline L. Jacobs.  How to choose the wrong marriage partner and live unhappily ever after.  Atlanta:  John Knox Press, 1979.  169p.

McCall, Virginia.  Sunrise:  a support group program for children of divorced parents.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1992.  145p.

McClorey, John A.  The republic and the church:  a series of Lenten lectures mainly on divorce and birth control.  St.  Louis, MO;  London:  B. Herder Book Co., 1927.  172p.  Religious ethics of divorce.

McCusker, Paul.  Strange journey back.  Illustrated by Karen Loccisano.  Colorado Springs, CO:  Focus on the Family Pub.;  Dallas, TX:  Distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Word Books, 1992.  107p.

McLuhan, M. G.  Marriage and divorce:  God's call, God's compassion.  Wheaton, IL:  Tyndale House Publishers, 1991.  156p.

McManus, Michael J.  Insuring marriage:  25 proven ways to prevent divorce.  Nashville, TN:  LifeWay, 1994.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Zondervan Publishing House, 1996.  111p.

McManus, Michael J.  Marriage savers:  helping your friends and family avoid divorce.  Foreword by George Gallup.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Zondervan Pub. House, 1993.  283p.  1995.  346p.

Meehan, Thomas.  When the sacred marriage ends.  Alamogordo, N.M.:  Dollar Specialty Publications, 1995.  255p.

Merrill, Dean.  Clergy couples in crisis:  the impact of stress on pastoral marriages.  Dean Merrill  Carol Stream, IL:  Waco, TX:  Word Books, 1985.  216p.

Miller, David R.  Counseling families after divorce.  Dallas, TX:  Word, 1994.  297p.

Milton, John (1608-1674).  The doctrine and disipline of divorce.  London:  Printed by T. P. and M. S., 1643.  48p.  London:  [n.p.] 1645.  82p.

Milton, John.  The doctrine and discipline of divorce:  in two books:  also the judgement of Martin Bucer;  Tetrachorden;  and an abridgement of colasterion.  London:  Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1820.

Mitchell, Logan.  The Christian mythology unveiled:  The humble petition of the spinsters.  London:  c.1842.  295p.  Free thought on single women, marriage & divorce.

Monihan, Terentio F.  A comparative study of the marriage legislation of the Catholic Church and the State of Pennsylvania.  Rome, Italy:  Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis, 1963.  56p.

Monkres, Peter R.  Ministry with the divorced.  New York, NY:  Pilgrim Press, 1985.  124p.

Montgomery, John Warwick.  Slaughter of the innocents:  abortion, birth control, and divorce in light of science, law, and theology.  Westchester, IL:  Cornerstone Books, 1981.  128p.

Moorehead, Bob.  Before you throw in the towel:  12 things you should consider before filing for divorce.  Dallas:  Word Pub., 1992.  141p.

Morgan, Hector Davies.  The doctrine and law of marriage, adultry, and divorce.  Oxford:  Printed by W. Baxter London:  1826.

Morgan, Richard Lyon.  Is there life after divorce in the church?  Foreword by William V.  Arnold.  Atlanta, GA:  John Knox Press, 1985.  184p.

Nichols, J. Randall.  Ending marriage, keeping faith:  a new guide through the spiritual journey of divorce.  New York, NY:  Crossroad, 1991.  216p.

Norcross, Frank Herbert.  Christianity and divorce.  Boston, MA:  The Stratford Company, 1926.  42p.

Nymeyer, Frederick.  Prohibited marriages;  a limited analysis of civil and scriptural law regarding marriage and divorce.  Chicago:  Stromberg-Allan & Co., c1932.  55p.

Oates, Wayne Edward.  Pastoral counseling in social problems:  extremism, race, sex, divorce.  Philadelphia:  Westminster Press, 1966.  128p.

O'Donovan, Oliver.  Principles in the public realm:  the dilemma of Christian moral witness.  Oxford [Oxfordshire]:  Clarendon Press, 1984.

Olsen, Viggo Norskov.  The New Testament logia on divorce.  A study of their interpretation from Erasmus to Milton.  Tübingen, Germany:  Mohr, Siebeck, 1971.  161p.

O'Mahony, Patrick J., ed.  Catholics and divorce.  London, New York, NY:  Nelson, c1959.  116p.

Onuzo, Okey.  You may kiss the bride:  choice, engagement, courtship, marriage, divorce, remarriage, polygamy-- and the Christian.  College Park, GA:  Life Link Worldwide, 1991.  204p.

Otten, Bernard John.  The national evil of divorce.  St. Louis, MO:  B. Herder, 1913.  22p.

Paige, Roger.  Dealing with divorce.  Independence, MO:  Pastoral Services Commission, 1979.  79p.

Parmenter, Bruce.  Christians caught in the divorce trap:  helping families recover from divorce.  Joplin, MO:  College Press Pub. Co., 1995.  126p.

Parmiter, Geoffrey de Clinton.  The King's great matter;  a study of Anglo-papal relations 1527-1534.  London:  Longmans, 1967.  New York, NY:  Barnes & Noble, 1967.  322p.  On Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547, divorce from Catharine.

Peppler, Alice Stolper.  Divorced and Christians.  St. Louis, MO:  Concordia Pub. House, 1974.  93p.

Phillips, Christie D.  CALL GOD, a Christ-centered divorce recovery ministry.  M.S. Thesis, Calvary Theological Seminary, 1996.

Plekker, Robert J.  Divorce & the Christian:  what the Bible teaches.  Wheaton, IL:  Tyndale House Publishers, 1980.  137p.  (Revised:  Seattle, WA:  Joint Heirs PUblishers, 1998.)

Pollock, Bertram, of Norwich (1863-?).  The church and marriage.  London:  Simpkin Marshall, 1936.  Joint committee on the church and marriage, York (Province) Convocation, and joint committee on holy matrimony.

Pospishil, Victor J.  Divorce and remarriage;  towards a new Catholic teaching.  New York, NY:  Herder and Herder, 1967.  217p.

Poynter, Thomas.  A concise view of the doctrine and practice of the ecclesiastical courts in Doctors' commons, on various points relative to the subject of marriage and divorce.  2d ed. From the London ed.  Philadelphia:  J. S. Littell, 1836.  132p.

Rabior, William E., & Vicki Wells Bedard.  Catholics experiencing divorce:  grieving, healing, and learning to live again.  Liguori, MO:  Liguori Publications, 1991.  79p.  Divorce in the Catholic church.

Rainolds, John.  A defence of the ivdgment of the Reformed churches.  London(?):  Printed by G.  Walters, 1610.  78p.

Rambo, Lewis Ray.  The divorcing Christian.  Nashville:  Abingdon Press, 1983.  95p.

Ramey, Russell Cannon.  Scriptural divorces.  Clayton, GA:  c1932.  81p.

Ramstein, Matthew.  The pastor and marriage cases;  the celebration, adjudication and dissolution of marriage.  3rd rev.  New York, Boston:  Benziger Brothers, 1938.  252p.  1945, 258p.

Randall, Nelson Birney.  The divine law and human statutes relating to the question of divorce.  Philadelphia:  American Baptist Publication Society, 1886.  32p.

Redding, Mary Lou.  Breaking & mending:  divorce and God's grace.  Nashville:  Upper Room Books, 1998.  171p.

Reed, James, & Henry Clinton Hay.  Earthly problems in heavenly light:  Bennett sermons.  Boston:  Massachusetts New Church Union, 1905.  113p.

Richard, Ap.  Marriage and divorce:  an inquiry into the moral, the practical, the political, and the religious aspects of the question.  Chicago:  Rand, McNally, c1888.  208p.

Roberts, William P.  Divorce and remarriage:  religious and psychological perspectives.  Kansas City, MO:  Sheed & Ward, 1990.  159p.  Papers presented at a symposium, sponsored and held at the University of Dayton, March 9-11, 1989.

Rue, James J., & Louise Shanahan.  A catechism for divorced Catholics.  St. Meinrad, IN:  Abbey Press, 1976.  66p.  (Chicago:  Franciscan Herald Press, 1978, 66p.)

Rue, James J., & Louise Shanahan.  The divorced Catholic..  Paramus, NJ:  Paulist Press, 1972.  312p.

Sigal, Phillip.  The halakah of Jesus of Nazareth according to the Gospel of Matthew.  Lanham, MD:  University Press of America, 1986.  269p.

Small, Dwight Hervey.  Remarriage and God's renewing grace:  a positive biblical ethic for divorced Christians.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Baker Book House, 1986.  231p.

Smith, Morton, & R. Joseph Hoffmann.  What the Bible really says.  Buffalo:  Prometheus Books, 1989.  San Francisco, CA:  Harper San Francisco, 1993.  256p.  About capital punishment, the future, government, marriage and divorce, miracles, segregation and intolerance, slavery, war, wealth, wisdom, women, the world.

Spencer, Duane E.  God speaks on:  marriage and divorce.  Shippensburg, PA:  Companion Press, 1988.

Splinter, John P.  Second chapter:  new beginnings after divorce or separation.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Baker Book House, 1987.  273p.

Splinter, John P.  The complete divorce recovery handbook.  Grand Rapids, MI:  Zondervan, 1992.  254p.

Staton, Knofel.  Don't divorce the Holy Spirit.  Cincinnati, OH:  New Life Books, 1974.  112p.

Steele, Paul E., & Charles C. Ryrie.  Meant to last.  Wheaton, IL:  Victor Books, 1983.  155p.

Steininger, Viktor.  Divorce:  arguments for a change in the Church's discipline.  Translated from the German by Edward Quinn.  Auflösbarkeit unauflöslicher Ehen.  London:  Sheed & Ward, 1969.  174p.

Stewart, Ken.  Divorce and remarriage.  Tulsa, OK:  Harrison House, 1984.  141p.  A Christian view.

Stewart, Oliver.  Divorce-Vatican style.  London:  Oliphants, 1971.  154p.  Catholic church & annulment.

Stewart, Suzanne.  Divorced!  Grand Rapids, MI:  Zondervan Pub. House, 1974.  224p.

Stott, John R. W.  Marriage and divorce:  when is divorce permitted?:  what about remarriage? what is God's ideal?.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity Press, 1987, 1985.  32p.

The Bible and the Scriptural ground of divorce forgery.  Boston:  R. G. Badger, c1921.  135p.

The church and marriage:  being the report of the Joint Committees of the Convocations of Canterbury and York;  with appendices.  Joint Committees of the Convocations of Canterbury and York.  London:  Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1935.  115p.

Toward a Christian understanding of sex, love, marriage;  a first report. Commission on Christian Marriage and Divorce.  Toronto, Canada:  Board of Christian Education of the United Church of Canada, 1961.  65p.

Twenty-four views of marriage from the Presbyterian General assembly's Commission on marriage, divorce and remarriage.  Commission on marriage, divorce and remarriage.  New York, NY:  The Macmillan Company, 1930.  452p.

Viator (pseud. for Charles Gore?).  Divorce in its ecclesiastical aspect.  London:  S. Paul & Co., 1912.  79p.

Walker, Glynnis.  Solomon's children:  exploding the myths of divorce.  New York, NY:  Arbor House, 1986.  218p.

Walston, Rick L.  Divorce and remarriage:  an amplification of the Assemblies of God position paper on divorce and remarriage.  Foreword by Stanley M. Horton.  Springfield, MO:  Gospel Pub. House, 1991.  92p.  Doctrin of the Assemblies of God.

Warner, Hugh Compton.  Divorce and remarriage:  what the church believes and why.  London:  Allen & Unwin, 1954.  91p.

West, Kari, & Noelle Quinn.  When he leaves:  choosing to live, love, and laugh again.  Colorado Springs, CO:  ChariotVictor Pub., c1998.  255p.  Religious & psychological aspects of divorce from a Christian perspective.

West, Morris L., & Robert Francis.  Scandal in the assembly;  a bill of complaints and a proposal for reform on the matrimonial laws and tribunals of the Roman Catholic Church.  London:  Heinemann in association with Pan Books, 1970.  188p.

Whetsel, Joseph Clarence.  Major laws of God regarding marriage and divorce:  What are these laws? What do they mean? Who is bound by them?   Grand Rapids, MI:  [n.p.] c1931.

Wilkins, Henry John.  The history of divorce and re-marriage for English churchmen;  compiled from Holy Scripture, church councils and authoritative writers.  London:  Longmans, Green, 1910.  183p.

Wilkins, Ronald J., & Mary E. Gryczka.  Christian marriage:  a sacrament of love:  a Christian perspective on marriage, love, and human sexuality.  Dubuque, Iowa:  Religious Education Division, W. C. Brown Co.  Publishers, 1986.  228p.

Williams, Edward.  The scriptural doctrine of divorce;  an exposition of the Biblical view of the subject and a discussion of its bearing on present-day laws and practices.  New York, NY:  Alliance Publishing Company, 1903.  144p.

Winnett, Arthur Robert.  Divorce and remarriage in Anglicanism.  London, Macmillan, New York, NY:  St. Martin's Press, 1958.  284p.

Woodson, Leslie H.  Divorce and the gospel of grace.  Waco, TX:  Word Books, 1979.  80p.

Wrenn, Lawrence G., ed.  Divorce and remarriage in the Catholic Church.  New York, NY:  Newman Press, 1973.  152p.

Wright, H. Norman.  An answer to divorce.  Irvine, CA:  Harvest House Publishers, 1977.  62p.

Written for your hardness of heart because you are sleeping in Jezebel's bed.  Flagstaff, AZ:  Searching the Scriptures, 1992.  48p.

Young, David Colby.  Marriage and divorce records from Freewill Baptist publications, 1819-1851.  Bowie, MD:  Heritage Books., 1994.  2 volumes.

Young, James J.  Divorce ministry and the marriage tribunal.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1982.  140p.

Young, James J.  Divorcing, believing, belonging.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1984.  225p.

Young, James J.  Ministering to the divorced Catholic.  New York, NY:  Paulist Press, 1979.  276p.

Young, James J.  When you're divorced and Catholic.  St.  Meinrad, IN:  Abbey Press, 1980.  96p.