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Ibn al-Mibrad, Yusuf ibn Hasan (1436-1503).  Sayr al-hathth ilá `ilm al-talaq al-thalath.  Bayrut, Lebanon:  Dar al-Basha'ir al-Islamiyah, 1997.  94p.  Divorce in Islamic law.

Kahhalah, `Umar Rida.  al-Talaq.  Beirut, Lebanon:  Mu'assasat al-Risalah, 1977.  206p.

Shafi`i, Ahmad Mahmud.  al-Talaq wa-huquq al-awlad wa-al-aqarib:  dirasah muqaranah bayna al-madhahib fi al-fiqh al-Islami / Ahmad Mahmud al-Shafi`i.  Bayrut, Lebanon:  al-Dar al-Jami`iyah, 1986.  203p.  Divorce in Islamic law.


Gemmiti, Dante.  Teodoro Studita e la questione moicheiana.  Marigliano, Liberia:  LER, Libreria Editrice Redenzione, 1993.  287p.  Including divorce in middle ages.


`Alim, `Abd al-Salam Muhammad Sharif.  Qanun al-Zawaj wa-al-Talaq raqm 10 li-sanat 84 wa-asaniduhu al-shar`iyah.  BanghazI, Libya:  Manshurat Jami`at Qarunis, 1990.  375p.  Marriage & divorce law in Libya.

Layish, Aharon.  Divorce in the Libyan family:  a study based on the sijills of the shari`a courts of Ajdabiyya and Kufra.  Foreword by Norman Anderson.  New York, NY:  New York University Press;  Jerusalem:  Magnes Press, the Hebrew University, 1991.  236p.


Muller, Joseph.  La défense de l'unité familiale selon le droit luxembourgeois.  Centro internazionale magistrati "Luigi Severini," Perugia, Luxemburg:  Accademia giuridica umbra, 1967.  13p.  Separation law.