Marriage Seminar Check List


PRE-EVENTS                        Due date:

___Set Date and Connect with Seminar Leaders                        ___________

___Advertising--Posters on Wings                        ___________

___Identification of Host Church                        ___________

___Motel Reservations & Meeting Room--Woodville Inn                        ___________

___Applications to Inmates                        ___________

___Lists of Inmates & Wives to Warden -- Initial Screenings                        ___________



___Inmates’ IOC of acceptance                        As soon as selection

___Inmates’ IOC of denial                        “   “   “   “   “   “   “

___Inmates’ IOC Standby (If any)                        “   “   “   “   “   “   “

___Wives’ Letters of acceptance/instructions/deadlines (with postcards)                        “   “   “   “   “   “   “

___Wives’ Letters of standby                        “   “   “   “   “   “   “

___Wives’ Letters of denial                        “   “   “   “   “   “   “

___Example of letters sent to Warden                        “   “   “   “   “   “   “

___List of Inmates by name, #, & house                        “   “   “   “   “   “   “


PREPARATIONS                        Due date:

                  ** Month Before

___Confirmation of Host Church (invited to wives orientation)                  ___________

___Host Church Leader Visit to Unit                  ___________

___Initial IOC to Food Services about final date and times                  ___________

                  ** 2 Weeks Before

___Lay-in for men for Orientations and Seminar                  ___________

___Confirmation of Seminar Leaders                  ___________

___Confirmation list Wives Started                  ___________

___1st Pre-Meeting with men for orientation (get clothes size)                  ___________

                  ** 1 Week / Monday Before Seminar

___Confirmation Received by Tuesday from Wives                  ___________

___Check standbys & finalize list of confirmations

___Clearance & Outline Distributed

___Rooming list to Woodville Inn

___Check for Meeting Room for Wives Orientation Friday Evening

___2nd Meeting with Inmates (Wed./Thurs Evening)

                  ** Friday Night                  Post-Seminar Follow-up

___Clothes and table cloths to chapel/chaplain’s office                  ___T/Y to Seminar Leaders

___List of Inmates and Wives to Seminar Leaders                  ___T/Y to Host Church

___List of Inmates to third shift (to clear them for showers at 0500)                  ___T/Y to Food Services

___Wives’ Orientation at Motel meeting room  (7:30 PM)                  ___T/Y to Necessities

___Media Release from wives taken   

                  ** Saturday Morning   

___0600 Men in chapel to change clothes -- Media release from men          

___Arrangement of chapel for seminar

___Men write notes to wives on blackboard

___Saturday Evening, Check with Food Services on return of flatware