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Denise. Becoming Fully Human: An Ethic of Relationship in Difference and
Otherness. Cambridge, MA: Episcopal Divinity School, 1999. This paper was
delivered at the plenary of Section One ‘Call to Full Humanity’ of the 13th
Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion on 20 July 1998.
Adams, Jay
Edward. The Grand Demonstration: a Biblical Study of the So-Called Problem
of Evil. Santa Barbara, CA: EastGate Publishers, 1991. 119p.
Marilyn McCord. William Ockham. Notre
Dame: Notre Dame Univ. Press, 1987.
_____. “Is the Existence of God a `Hard’ Fact?” Philosophical Review 76
(1967): 492-503.
Robert Merrihew. Leibniz: Determinist, Theist, Idealist. NY: Oxford
Univ. Press, 1994. 433p.
_____. “Middle Knowledge and the Problem of Evil.” American Philosophical
Quarterly 14 (1977): 109-17.
_____. “Plantinga on the Problem of Evil.” In Alvin Plantinga: 225-55. Edited by James Tomberlin and
Peter Van Inwagen. Profiles 5. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel, 1985.
Arthur W. H. Merit and Responsibility: a Study in Greek Values. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1960. 380p.
Mortimer Jerome (1902-2001). The Idea of Freedom. For the Institute for
Philosophical Research. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1958-61. 2 vols.
_____. The Difference of Man and the Difference it Makes. NY: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1967. 395p. Based on the Encyclopaedia Britannica
lectures delivered by the author at the Univ. of Chicago, 1966.
_____. Problems for Thomists: the Problem of Species. NY: Sheed & Ward,
1940. 303p. (See Special Masters List for fuller bibliography).
Dennis M. “Foreknowledge: Nelson Pike and Newcomb’s Problem.” Religious
Studies 15 (1979).
Ales, A. Providence
et Libre Arbitre. Paris: Gabriel Beauchesne, 1927.
A. Theories of the Will in the History of
Philosophy. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1898.
Patrick Proctor (1823-1886). Mill and Carlyle: an Examination of Mr. John
Stuart Mill’s Doctrine of Causation in Relation to Moral Freedom. With an
occasional discourse on Sauerteig, by Smelfungus. Folcroft, PA: Folcroft Press,
1969. 180p. Reprint of the 1866 ed. (Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo). John Stuart Mill
(1806-1873), Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881).
_____. Moral Causation; or, Notes on Mr. Mill’s Notes to the Chapter on
‘Freedom’ in the Third Edition of his ‘Examination of Sir W. Hamilton’s
Philosophy’; by Patrick Proctor Alexander. 2d rev. ed. Edinburgh and
London: W. Blackwood and sons, 1875. 261p.
Samuel (1859-1938). Space, Time, and Deity. New foreword by Dorothy
Emmet. NY, Dover Publications, 1966. Gifford lectures; 1916-18. Unabridged and
unaltered republication of the second (1927) impression of the work originally
published in 1920.
Henry E. Kant’s Theory of Freedom. Cambridge, England; NY: Cambridge
Univ. Press, 1990. 304p.
William P. Divine and Human Language.
Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1989.
_____. “Divine Foreknowledge and Alternative Conceptions of Human Freedom.” International
Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (1985): 19-32.
_____. “Does God Have Beliefs?” Religious Studies 22 (1986): 287-306.
John Mueller. The Individual and the New World: a Study of Man’s Existence
Based upon American Life and Thought. State College, PA: Bald Eagle Press,
1955. 202p.
Anglin, W.
S. Free Will and the Christian Faith. Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1990. 218p.
Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret. Causality and Determination: an Inaugural
Lecture. London: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1971. 30p. Delivered in the Univ.
of Cambridge on 6 May 1971.
_____. Intention. Oxford: Blackwell, 1958.
_____. Metaphysics and the Philosophy
of Mind: Collected Philosophical Papers. Vol. 2. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1981.
Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury (1033-1109). St. Anselm’s Treatise on
Free-will: the Booke of Seynt Anselme which Treatith of Free Wylle Trans. in to
Englysche: a Facsimile of the Complete Text of a Recently Discovered 15th C.
Manuscript. With an introduction by Gregory Stevens Cox. St. Peter Port:
Toucan Press, 1977. 101p.
Anshen, Ruth
Nanda. Freedom: Its Meaning. NY: Harcourt, Brace, 1940.
_____. The Reality of the Devil: Evil in Man. NY: Harper & Row,
Saint Thomas (1225?-1274).. Summa
Theologiae. Trans. by Thomas Gornall. NY: McGraw Hill, 1964.
_____. Quaestiones Disputatae de Veritate: Providence and Predestination:
Truth, Questions 5 & 6. Trans. from the definitive Leonine text and
with an introduction by Robert W. Mulligan. Chicago: H. Regnery, 1961. (See
Special Masters for fuller bibliography.)
Silvano. The Will to be Human. NY: Quadrangle Books, 1972. 279p.
(384-322 B.C.). The Works of Aristotle. 2nd ed. 2 Volumes. Chicago:
Encyclopædia Britannica, 1990.
_____. The Works of Aristotle. Ed. W. D. Ross. London: Oxford Univ. Press,
Hadley. First Things: An Inquiry Into the First Principles of Morals and
Justice. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ., 1986.
Jacobus (1560-1609). The Works of James Arminius, D. D. Formerly professor
of divinity in the Univ. of Leyden: to which are added Brandt’s life of the
author, with considerable augmentations, numerous extracts from his private
letters, a copious and authentic account of the Synod of Dort and its
proceedings, and several interesting notices of the progress of his theological
opinions in Great Britain and on the continent. Translated from the Latin
by James Nichols. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and
Green, 1825-1875. 3 vols. Reprint: The Works of James Ariminius. Trans.
James and William Nichols. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1986; 1956 version: The
Writings of James Arminius. (See Special Masters for fuller bibliography.)
_____. Opera Theologica: Contenta
Post Praefectionem, Vide. Iacobi Arminii.
Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Godefridum Basson, 1629. 966 pages. Includes Petri
Bertii De vita & obitu. d. Iacobi Arminii oratio. With Petrus Bertius
_____. Verclaringhe Iacobi Arminii Saliger Ghedachten: Aengaende Zijn
Ghevoelen, so van de Predestinatie, Als van Eenige Andere Poincten der
Christelicker Religie, Daerinne Men hem Verdacht heeft Ghemaeckt. Tot
Leyden: Ghedruckt by Thomas Basson, 1610. 52 p.
D. M. What Is a Law of Nature? Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1983.
Asquith, Peter D., and Henry E. Kyburg, Jr., eds. Current
Research in Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the PSA. Critical Research
Problems Conference. East Lansing, MI: Philosophy of Science Association, 1979.
Atkinson, J.
W., ed. Motives in Fantasy, Action, and
Society. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1958.
Harald and Robert Bishop, eds. Between Chance and Choice: Interdisciplinary
Perspectives on Determinism. Thorverton, UK; Charlottesville, VA: Imprint
Academic, 2002. 527p.
Saint, Bishop of Hippo (396-430). Classics include: City of God; Confessions;
The Enchiridion.
_____. On Free Choice of the Will. Trans., with introduction and notes,
by Thomas Williams. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co., 1993. 129p. Translated by
Anna S. Benjamin and L.H. Hackstaff. With an introduction by L.H. Hackstaff.
1st ed., 13th printing. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964;
_____. The Problem of Free Choice.
Translated and Annotated by Mark Pontifex. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1955.
_____. The Teacher: The Free Choice of the Will: Grace and Free-will.
Trans. by Robert P. Russell. Washington, Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1968.
_____. De Libero Arbitri. Studio Introduttivo, testo, traduzione e
commento by Franco De Capitani. Milano: Vita e pensiero, 1987. 543p.
_____. De Libero Arbitrio (libri tres): The Free Choice of the Will.
Philadelphia: The Peter Reilly company, 1937. Trans. by Francis Edward
Tourscher, 1870. 442p. De Libero Arbitrio Voluntatis: St. Augustine on
Free-will. Trans. by Carroll Mason Sparrow (1880-1941). Charlottesville:
_____. Predestinacion of Saintes: Perseveraunce unto Thende. De
Praedestinatione Sanctorum. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; NY: Da Capo,
1968. Original title page reads: Two bokes of the noble doctor and B.S.
Augustine, thone entiteled of the Predestiuacion of saintes, thother of
perseueraunce unto thende all faythfully Trans. out of Laten into Englyshe
by John Scory [London? 1556?]. (See Special Masters for fuller bibliography.)
Austin, Bill
R. The Back of God: Signs of His Presence. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House,
Michael. The Refutation of Determinism: an Essay in Philosophical Logic.
London: Methuen, 1968. 188p.
Helen. The Way of the Pilgrim. NY: Doubleday/Image, 1979.
Bailey, Barry.
We Are Not Alone: Affirmations on the Presence of God. Nashville:
Abingdon, 1979.
Donald Macpherson (1887-1954). The Theology of the Sacraments, and Other
Papers. With a biographical essay by John Baillie. London: Faber and Faber,
1957. 158p.
Bain, A. The Emotions and the Will. NY: D.
Appleton and Co., 1899.
Oded, and Anan Erev. The Bounds of Freedom: About the Eastern and Western
Approaches to Freedom. NY: P. Lang, 1995. 186p.
Balslev, Anindita
Niyogi, and J.N. Mohanty, Eds. Religion and Time. Leiden; NY: E.J.
Brill, 1993.
Bangs, Nathan (1778-1862). An Examination of the
Doctrine of Predestination: As Contained in a Sermon, Preached in Burlington,
Vermont, by Daniel Haskel, Minister of the Congregation. NY: Printed for
the author by J.C. Totten, 1817. Daniel Haskel (1784-1848).
Judith A. Consent: the Means to an Active Faith According to St. Thomas
Aquinas. NY: P. Lang, 1992. 126p.
Eileen, ed. On Freedom: a Centenary Anthology. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction
Publishers, 1997; London: LSE Books, 1995. 357p.
Barth, Karl
(1886-1968). Church Dogmatics. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1957.
_____. Ethics. Edited by Dietrich Braun. Trans. by Goeffrey W. Bromiley.
NY: The Seabury Press, 1981.
_____. The Theology of John Calvin. Trans. Goeffrey W. Bromiley. Grand
Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995 (1st 1922 Die Theologie Calvins [Zurich:
Theologischer Verlag).
_____. The Humanity of God. Atlanta: John Knox, 1960 (originally
published as three separate monographs: (1) Evangelical Theology in the 19th
Century, (2) The Humanity of God, (3) The Gift of Freedom—Foundation of
Evangelical Ethics. See special section on his name.
_____. Prayer. 2nd ed. Edited by Don E. Saliers from the translation of
Sara F. Terrien. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1985. 96p.
_____. Theological Existence Today!: (A plea for theological freedom).
Trans. by R. Birch Hoyle. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1933. 85p.
_____. Christ and Adam: Man and Humanity in Romans 5. Trans. by T. A.
Smail. NY: Harper, 1957. 96p. (See Special Masters for fuller bibliography.)
Basden, Paul. Theologies of Predestination in the
Southern Baptist Tradition: a Critical Evaluation. Ph.D. Thesis, 1986.
David, and Randall Basinger, eds. Predestination & Free-will: Four Views
of Divine Sovereignty & Human Freedom. John Feinberg, Norman Geisler,
Bruce Reichenbach and Clark Pinnock. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press,
1986. 179p.
_____. “Middle Knowledge and Classical Christian Thought.” Religious Studies
22 (1986): 407-22.
_____. “Middle Knowledge and Human Freedom: Some Clarifications.” Faith and Philosophy 4 (1987):
_____. “A Response to Reichenbach on Deliberation,” International
Journal for Philosophy of Religion 20
(1986): 169-72.
_____. “Simple Foreknowledge and Providential Control.” Faith and Philosophy 10 (1993): 421-27.
_____. “Middle Knowledge and Classical Christian Thought.” Religious Studies 22 (1986): 407-22.
Richard, Editor. God Will Be All in All: the Eschatology of Jürgen Moltmann.
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001.
Richard. The Saint’s Everlasting Rest. London: Epworth, 1962.
Nicholas (1772-1847). An Essay Concerning the Free Agency of Man, or the
Powers and Faculties of the Human Mind, the Decrees of God, Moral Obligation,
Natural Law; and Morality. Montpelier, VT: Printed by E. P. Walton, 1820.
Gregory R. Freedom and Its Misuses: Kierkegaard on Anxiety and Despair.
Milwaukee: Marquette Univ. Press, 1996. 192p.
Michael D. ed. Christian Theism and the Problems of Philosophy. Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1990.
Beccaria, C.
An Essay on Crimes and Punishments. Albany:
W. C. Lettle and Co., 1872.
Ernest. The Structure of Evil. NY: Macmillan, 1968.
_____. The Denial of Death. NY: Free Press, 1973.
James K., and Paul R. Eddy, eds. Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views: G. Boyd,
D. Hunt, W. L. Craig & P. Helm. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press,
2001. 221p.
Eunice. Knowing Better: An Account of Akrasia. NY: Garland, 1990. 236p.
Bell, J. S. Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum
Mechanics. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987.
Joseph (1719-1790). A Bold Push, in a Letter to the Author of a Late
Pamplet, Intitled, Fair Play [by Edmund March (1703?-1791)]: In which It
Is Inquired, Whether what He Says in Opposition to the Doctrine of Election, Is
Not in Direct Contradiction to St. Paul, the Whole of the Bible, and Common
Sense? And the Author Is Called Upon to Shew It Is Not So, if He Can: also, A
Brief Vindication of the Doctrine of God’s Decrees, Being the Substance of a
Letter from a Minister, To One of His Neighbours, in Answer to a Letter Sent to
Him on that Subject. Boston: Printed and sold by Edes and Gill, 1758. 16p.
Belnap, Nuel
D., Michael Perloff and Ming Xu. Facing the Future: Agents and Choices in
Our Indeterminist World. Oxford, England: NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 2001.
William. Religion and Free-will: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Values.
Oxford: The Clarendon press, 1913. 345p.
Yemima. “Free Will and Foreknowledge.” Philosophical
Quarterly 38 (1988): 486-90.
Stanley. A Theory of Freedom. Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988.
Jonathan. The Act Itself. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.
Bentham, Jeremy.
An Introduction to the Principles of
Morals and Legislation. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1948.
_____. Theory of Legislation. London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., 1950. Originally published in 1931.
_____. Theory of Fictions. Edited by C. K. Ogden. London: Roudedge and
Kegan Paul, 1932.
Nikolai (1874-1948). Slavery and Freedom. Trans. Reginald Michael French
(b. 1884). NY: C. Scribner’s sons, 1944. 271p.
Fritjoh. On Being Free. Notre
Dame: Notre Dame Univ. Press, 1977.
Henri (1859-1941). Time and Free-will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of
Consciousness. Authorized translation by F. L. Pogson (d. 1910). London: S.
Sonnenschein; NY: Macmillan, 1910. London: G. Allen, 1913; NY: Humanities
Press, 1971; Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2001. 252p.
George (1685-1753). A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowedge. Ed. J. Dancy. Oxford: Oxford Univ.
Press, 1998. Originally published in 1710.
Gerrit Cornelis. Man: The Image of God. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
_____. Divine Election. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1960. 336p.
_____. Faith and Justification. Grand Raipds, MI: Eerdmans, 1954. 207p.
_____. Faith and Perseverance. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1958. 256p.
_____. Faith and Sanctification. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1952. 193p.
_____. The Providence of God. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1952. 294p.
Isaiah, Sir. Freedom and Its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty.
Edited by Henry Hardy. Princeton, NJ: Oxford: Princeton Univ. Press, 2002.
_____. Historical Inevitability. London:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1954.
_____. Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1969.
Bernard, of
Clairvaux, Saint (1090-1153). The Treatise of St. Bernard, abbat of
Clairvaux, Concerning Grace and Free-will, addressed to William, abbat of St.
Thiery. Trans. with an introduction, synopsis, and notes, by Watkin W.
Williams. London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge; NY: The Macmillan
company 1920.
_____. Del Libero Arbitrio. Bologna: G. Romagnoli, 1866. 112p.
_____. Grazia e Libero Arbitrio. Bernardo di Chiaravalle. Padova:
Liviana, 1968. Editor Albino Babolin. 194p.
_____. The Love of God. Ed. James M. Houston. Portland, OR: Multnomah,
Carl Arthur Emanuel. The Problem of Free-Will in Recent Philosophy.
Chicago, IL: Univ. of Chicago, 1942. Orginally author’s doctoral thesis, Univ.
of Chicago, 1940. 129p.
Mark. Fatalism. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1992.
Peter Anthony (1910-1989). Free-will, Responsibility, and Grace. NY:
Abingdon Press, 1957. 110p.
Best, W. E. Eternity
and Time. Houston, TX: South Belt Assembly of Christ, between 1986 and
_____. Free Grace versus Free-will. Houston, TX: South Belt Assembly of
Christ, 1977.
_____. God’s Eternal Decree. Houston, TX: South Belt Assembly of Christ, 1992.
Albert L. Schleiermacher’s Early Philosophy of Life: Determinism, Freedom,
and Phantasy. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1982. 327p. Friedrich
Schleiermacher (1768-1834).
Samuel (1712-1751). The Doctrine of Predestination Truly and Fairly Stated:
Confirmed from Clear Scripture Evidence, and Defended Against All the Material
Arguments and Objections Advanced Against It. Philadelphia: Printed by B.
Franklin (1706-1790) for the author, 1742. 79p.
Robert (1795-1878). An Essay Shewing the Intimate Connexion Between Our
Notions of Moral Good and Evil, and Our Conceptions of the Freedom of the
Divine and Human Wills. Edinburgh: Printed for A. Black, 1831. 216p.
_____. Historical Sketch of Logic, from the Earliest Times to the Present
Day. London: H. Baillière; Edinburgh: J. Nichol, 1851. 524p. A list of
works on logic, alphabetically arranged: p. 493-524.
Albert Taylor (1809-1877). An Examination of President Edwards’ Inquiry into
the Freedom of the Will. Philadelphia: H. Hooker, 1845. Edwards, Jonathan
Blitz, Mark.
Heidegger’s Being and Time and the Possibility of Political Philosophy.
Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1981. Martin Heidegger (1889-1976): Sein und
Henry Augustus (1808-1880). Two Discourses on the Popular Objections to the
Doctrine of Election. Philadelphia: W.S. Young, printer 1849.
Kenneth Elliott. Human Nature Mythology. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois
Press, 1994. 138p.
Gustav Ferdinand (1784-1822). On the Freedom of the Human Will. Andover:
Gould and Newman, 1835.
Boettner, Loraine (1901-1990). The Reformed Doctrine
of Predestination. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1932 &
1965. (24th printing, 1979; 8th 1954; 7th ed., W. B. Eerdmans, 1951; 6th 1948.
Bohm, David.
The Special Theory of Relativity. NY:
W. A. Benjamin, 1965.
Svante. Analyses of Consciousness as Well as Observation, Volition and
Valuation. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1977. 132p.
Boice, James
M., ed. Our Sovereign God. Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker, 1977.
Boisen, Anton T. The Exploration of the Inner World.
Willett and Clark, 1936.
Bok, C. Star Wormwood. NY: Knopf, 1959.
Bok, Hilary.
Freedom and Responsibility. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1998.
Boller, Paul
F. Freedom and Fate in American Thought: from Edwards to Dewey. Dallas:
SMU Press, 1978. 300p.
Horatius, ed., et al. The Five Points of Calvinism: in a Series of Letters. Evansville,
IN: Sovereign Grace Book Club, 1957. 199p. Wilmington, DE: Classic-a-month
Books, (197-?). 177p.
Commentarius in Primum Librum Sententiarum Magistri Petri Lombardi. In
volume one of Opera Omnia. Quaracchi, 1882.
Dietrich. The Way to Freedom. NY: Haper & Row, 1966.
_____. Ethics. Edited by Eberhard Bethge. NY: The Macmillan Company,
_____. Cost of Discipleship. 2nd ed. Trans. R. H. Fuller. NY: Macmillan,
_____. Life Together. Trans. John Doberstein. San Francisco: Harper
& Row, 1954.
Stephen Richard. “Temporal Necessity and Divine Foreknowledge.” Ph.D.
dissertation, University of California at Irvine, 1978.
Bounds, E.
M. Power Through Prayer. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1979.
Vernon. Will in Western Thought. NY:
Sheed and Ward, 1964.
Emile (1845-1921). The Contingency of the Laws of Nature. Authorized
translation by Fred Rothwell. Chicago and London: The Open Court Publishing
Company, 1916. 196p. Originally De la Contingence des Lois de la Nature doctoral
thesis, Sorbonne: Paris: G. Baillière, 1874.
Louis. The Spirituality of the N.T. and the Fathers. Vol. 1 of A
Hisotry of Christian Spirituality. NY: Seabury, 1982.
Pratima. Consciousness and Freedom: Three Views. London: Methuen, 1971.
Gregory A. God of the Possible: a Biblical Introduction to the Open View of
God. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2000.
_____. God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict. Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity, 1997.
_____. Trinity and Process. NY: Peter Lang, 1996.
_____. The Myth of the Blueprint. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity,
Joseph M., Germain Gabriel Grisez and Olaf Tollefsen. Free Choice: a
Self-Referential Argument. Notre Dame, IN: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1976.
Frank Herbert. Time and Eternity in Christian Thought: Being Eight Lectures
Delivered before the Univ. of Oxford, in the Year 1936, on the Foundation of
the Rev. John Bampton, Canon of Salisbury. London; NY: Longmans, Green,
Frank Herbert. Time and Eternity in Christian Thought: Being Eight Lectures
Delivered before the Univ. of Oxford, in the Year 1936, on the Foundation of
the Rev. John Bampton, Canon of Salisbury. London; NY: Longmans, Green,
Brady, Jules
M. New Approaches to God: Based on Proofs by Anselm, Aquinas, and Kant.
Intro. by Joseph Bobik. North Andover, MA: Genesis Pub., 1996. 136p.
David. The Reality of Time and the Existence of God: the Project of Proving
God’s Existence. Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1988.
John (1594-1663). The Works of John
Bramhall. Oxford: John Henry Parker. 1844.
_____.A Defence of True Liberty. Farnborough, England: Gregg, 1971; NY:
Garland, 1977. 253p. Reprint of the 1655 ed. printed for J. Crook, London.
_____. Castigations of Mr. Hobbes, 1658. NY: Garland, 1977. 573p.
Reprint of the 1658 ed. printed by E. T. for J. Crook, London.
Perry C. C.S. Lewis: Life at the Center. Macon, GA: Peake Road, 1996.
Steven J. Superior Beings. NY: Springer
Verlag, 1983.
Brand, David
C. Profile of the Last Puritan: Jonathan Edwards, Self-Love, and the Dawn of
the Beatific. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1991. 165p.
Myles, ed. The Nature of Human Action. Glenview,
IL: 1970.
_____. Intending and Acting.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984.
Samuel George Frederick (1907-1971). History, Time, and Deity: A Historical
and Comparative Study of the Conception of Time in Religious Thought and
Practice. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1965.
Bratman, Michael, Intentions, Plans and Practical Reason. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1987.
_____. Intentions, Plans and Practical
Reason. Cambridge: Harvard Univ.
Press, 1987.
Bratt, John
H., ed. The Rise and Development of Calvinism: a Concise History. Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1959. 134p.
Charles (1811-1884). The Philosophy of Necessity; or, The Law of
Consequences, as Applicable to Mental, Moral, and Social Science. London:
Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1841. 2 vol.
Bray, John
S. Theodore Beza’s Doctrine of Predestination. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf,
1975. Theodore Beza (1519-1605).
D. “Professor Stevenson, Voltaire, and the Case of Admiral Byng.” Journal of Philosphy LIII (1956):
Breer, Paul
E. The Spontaneous Self: Viable Alternatives to Free-will. Cambridge,
MA: Institute For Naturalistic Philosophy, 1989. 308p.
Brehm, Jack
Williams. A Theory of Psychological Reactance. NY: Academic Press, 1966.
Jonathan. “A Variety of Religious Experience: William James and the Non-Reality
of Free Will.” In Libet, Freeman and Sutherland, 1999: 77-98.
Selmer. “Grim on Logic and Omniscience.” Analysis 49 (1989): 186-89.
Briscoe, D.
Stuart. Where is God? Illustrated by Sally Marinin. Grand Rapids, MI:
Baker Book House; Colorado Springs, CO: Alive Communications, 1993.
Charlie Dunbar. Religion, Philosophy and
Psychical Research. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1953.
_____. Determinism, Indeterminism, and Libertarianism. Cambridge,
England: The Univ. Press, 1934.
_____. “The Notion of Precognition.” International
Journal of Parapsychology 10 (1968): 165-96.
_____. “The Philosophical Implications of Foreknowledge.” In Knowledge and Foreknowledge: 177-209.
Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 16. London: Harrison & Sons,
Brom, Luco
Johan van den. Divine Presence in the World: A Critical Analysis of the
Notion of Divine Omnipresence. Kampen: Kok, 1993.
Richard A. Voltaire and Leibniz. Geneve: Librairie Droz, 1964. 150p.
Robert E. Free-will: an Ultimate Illusion: Problems and Opportunities.
Lake Oswego, OR: CIRCA, 1986. 130p.
Sheila McGarry, and William H. Bruening, eds. Self, Freedom, and
Transcendence: an Introductory Philosophy Text. Needham Heights, MA: Ginn
Press, 1990. 103p.
Jerome. Actual Minds, Possible
Worlds. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1986.
Egon. The Conceptual Framework of
Psychology. Chicago: 1952.
Bryant, M.
Darrol. Jonathan Edwards’ Grammar of Time, Self, and Society: a Critique of
the Heimert Thesis. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1993. 250p.
Martin. I and Thou. Trans. Ronald G. Smith. NY: Scribner’s, 1955.
_____. The Miracle of Dialogue. NY: Seabury, 1963.
Thomas (c1290-1351). Thomas Buckingham and The Contingency of Futures: the
Possibility of Human Freedom: a Study and Edition of Thomas Buckingham, “De
Contingentia Futurorum et Arbitrii Libertate”: Question 1 of Ostensio Meriti
Liberae Actionis. Edited by Bartholomew R. De la Torre. Notre Dame: Univ.
of Notre Dame Press, 1987. 394p.
Buis, Harry.
Historic Protestantism and Predestination. Philadelphia: Presbyterian
and Reformed, 1958.
Rudolf Karl (1884-1976) Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf
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Archibald (1892-1966). What Is Man? The Destiny of Chance. Ilfracombe:
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almost the whole sum of piety & whatever is necessary to know the doctrine
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and recently published; Preface to the most Christian King of France, wherein
this book is offered to him as a confession of faith. John Calvin of Noyon,
author; ICR. translated and annotated by Ford Lewis Battles. Atlanta:
John Knox Press, 1975. 490p.; ICR. Revised ed. in collaboration with the
H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, at Calvin College. Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans, 1986. 396p. Translation of Christianae Religionis Institutio,
1536; Institutes of the Christian Religion. Translated by Henry
Beveridge. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1962. 2 vols.; 189p.; ICR. Translated
by Henry Beveridge. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972. 2 vols.; ICR.
Translated from the Latin and collated with the author’s last edition in French
by John Allen. 7th American ed., rev. and corr., with an introduction on the
literary history of the Institutes by Benjamin B. Warfield and an account of
the American editons by Thomas C. Pears. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of
Christian Education, 1936. 2 vols.; ICR. Trans. from the original Latin and
collated with the author’s last edition in French by John Allen. 3rd. American
ed., rev. and corrected. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841.
2 vols.; ICR. Trans. by Henry Beveridge. Edinburgh: Calvin Translation
Society, 1845-1846. 3 vols.; ICR. Trans. by Thomas Norton. London:
Arnold Hatfield for Bonham Norton, 1599; Calvin’s Institutes: Abridged
Edition. Donald K. McKim, editor. 1st ed. Louisville, KY: Westminster John
Knox Press, 2001. (See Special Masters for fuller bibliography.)
William H. The Cerebral Symphony:
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_____. In Defence of Free Will: an Inaugural Address Delivered in the Univ.
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Albert. Resistance, Rebellion, and Death. Trans. by J. O’Brien. NY:
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Jesse, ed. Being and Doing: Paul Tillich as Ethicist. Macon, GA: Mercer,
1987. 222p. Articles presented at national meetings of the North American Paul
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_____. Paulus, Then and Now: a Study of Paul Tillich’s Theological World and
the Continuing Relevance of His Work. Macon, GA: Mercer Univ. Press, 2002.
Henry (1785-1863). Liberty and Necessity: in which Are Considered the Laws
of Association of Ideas, the Meaning of the Word Will, and the True Intent of
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Dwight L. The Will of the Shepherd. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1989.
Peter Archibald. The Nature of Freedom. Chapel Hill, NC: Dept. of
philosophy, Univ. of North Carolina, 1930. 48p.
Corbin Scott. Bright Shadow of Reality: Spiritual Longing in C.S. Lewis. Grand
Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1999. 180p. Originally published as: Bright Shadow of
Reality: C.S. Lewis and the Feeling Intellect (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
1974. 180p.).
Bernard. The Coherence of Kant’s Doctrine of Freedom. Trans. by David
Booth. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987. 174p.; La Cohérence de la
Doctrine Kantienne de la Liberté. Paris: Seuil, 1973. 220p.
Finley. The Skinner Primer: Behind Freedom and Dignity. NY: Free Press,
1974. 224p.
Herbert Wildon (1857-1931). The Freewill Problem. London: E. Benn, 1928.
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González, Margarita, and Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio, eds. Behind the Veil
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Heinrich Walter. Grace and Law: St. Paul, Kant, and the Hebrew Prophets.
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Hector-Neri, ed. Action, Knowledge, and Reality: Critical Studies in Honor
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Walter J. Man’s Will—Free yet Bound. Canton, GA: Free Grace, 1975.
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Paul M. The Engine of Reason, The Seat of
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Cobb, John
B., and Clark H. Pinnock, eds. Searching for an Adequate God: A Dialogue
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A. Human Behavior in the Concentration Camp. Trans. by M. H. Braaksma.
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Adela Yarbo. Crisis and Catharsis: The Power of the Apocalypse.
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Anthony (1676-1729). A Discourse of Free-Thinking. Remarks Richard
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_____. A Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Human Liberty. 2d ed. London:
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_____. Determinism and Freewill: Anthony Collins’ A Philosophical Inquiry Concerning
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Thomson. Free to be Responsible: How to Assume Response-Ability.
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Craig, William Lane. See Special Masters and his web site
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_____. God, Time and Eternity. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
_____. Time and the Metaphysics of Relativity. Philosophical Studies
Series 84. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. 279p.
_____. Time and Eternity: Exploring God’s Relationship to Time. Wheaton,
IL: Crossway, 2001. 272 pp.
_____. God and Time. With Paul Helm, Alan Padgett, and Nicholas
Wolterstorff. Ed. Gregory Ganssle. Downer’s Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press,
2001. 247p.
_____. Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views. With Gregory Boyd, Paul Helm,
and David Hunt. Ed. James Beilby and Paul Eddy. Downer’s Grove, IL:
Inter-Varsity Press, 2001. 221p.
_____. The Tensed Theory of Time: A Critical Examination. Synthese
Library 293. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. 287p.
_____. The Tenseless Theory of Time: A Critical Examination. Synthese
Library 294. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. 256p.
_____. God, Are You There? Atlanta: RZIM, 1999. 55p.
_____. Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom: The Coherence of Theism: Omniscience.
Studies in Intellectual History 19. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1990. 360p.
_____. The Logic of Rational Theism: Exploratory Essays. Ed. with M.
McLeod. Problems in Contemporary Philosophy 24. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen,
1990. 250p.
_____. The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents from
Aristotle to Suarez. Studies in Intellectual History 7. Leiden: E. J.
Brill, 1988. 295p.
_____. The Only Wise God: The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge and
Human Freedom. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Bookhouse, 1987. 157p.
_____. The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz, London:
Macmillan & Co., 1980; NY: Barnes & Noble, 1980. 305p.
_____. The Kalam Cosmological Argument. London: Macmillan, 1979;
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1979. 208p.
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Bernardino: Here’s Life, 1979. 107p.
Richard E. “Can God Know that He Is God?” Religious
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Wayne. The Metaphysics of Science and Freedom: from Descartes to Kant to
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Ralph (1617-1688). A Treatise of Freewill and an Introduction to Cudworth’s
Treatise. London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1992. 67p. First work edited
and with notes by John Allen and originally published: London: J.W. Parker,
Oscar. Salvation in History. Trans. by S. G. Sowers. London: SCM Press,
_____. The Christology of the New Testament. Rev. ed. Trans. by Shirley
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Arthur C. The Sovereignty of Grace. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and
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Charles Frederick, Abp. of Armagh (1859-1938). God and Freedom in Human
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Bernard. Reality and the Physicist. Cambridge:
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Stephen Hartley. The Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards: a Study in Divine
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Henry Allen (1876-1951). Eternal Security. Rev. ed. Neptune, NJ:
Loizeaux Brothers, 1986. 45p.
Gary. “Foreknowledge and Necessity: Summa Theologia la.14, 13 ad 2.” Midwest Studies in Philosophy 1 (1976): 5-12.
Jackson, D.
N. The Doctrine of Divine Election: Calvinism and Arminianism Examined.
Oklahoma City, OK: American Baptist, [1968?]. This book consists of articles on
the doctrine of divine election originally published in the American Baptist
John (1686-1763). A Defense of Human Liberty. London: J. Noon, 1730.
Jonathan A. Choosing Character: Responsibility for Virtue and Vice.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 2001. 149p.
Johnson, S.
C. The Consistency and Harmony of Election, Predestination and the
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William Thomas. Morality and Freedom in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant.
London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1940. 178p.
George Jefferis. The Reunion of the Churches: a Study of G. W. Leibnitz and
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Horace William Brindley (1867-1943). Lectures on the Philosophy of Leibniz.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949. 190p.
Charles. The Meaning of Evil. Trans. by Michael Barry. London: Geoffrey
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Julian, Ron.
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Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1998. 191p.
Kane, G.
Stanley. Anselm’s Doctrine of Freedom and the Will. NY: Edwin Mellen
Press, 1981. 233p.
Kane, R. H.
“Divine Foreknowledge and Causal Determinism.” Southwest Journal of
Philosophy 9 (1978): 69-76.
Robert, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Free-will. Oxford; NY: Oxford Univ.
Press, 2002. 638p.
_____. Free-will. Blackwell Series on Philosophical Problems. Edited with
an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell’s Publishers, 2002.
_____. Free-will.
Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.
_____. Through the Moral Maze: Searching for Absolute Values in a
Pluralistic World. NY: Paragon House Publishers, 1994; Armonk NY: M. E.
Sharpe Publishers, 1996.
_____. The Significance of Free-will. Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1996. Winner of the Robert W. Hamilton Faculty Book Award
for 1997. Oxford University Press, 1998.268p.
_____. Free-will and Values. Albany:
SUNY Press, 1985. 229p.
_____, with Stephen Phillips, eds. Hartshorne, Process Philosophy and
Theology. Albany: State University of NY Press, 1989.
Didier Njirayamanda. Leibniz on Freedom and Determinism in Relation to
Aquinas and Molina. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate,
1999. 151p. , Freiherr von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716), Saint Thomas
Aquinas (1225?-1274), Luis de Molina (1535-1600).
Thomas David. Yoke in Freedom. NY: Vantage Press, 1960.
Aron. The Concept of Indeterminism and Its Applications: Economics, Social
Systems, Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, and Aesthetics. Westport, CT:
Praeger, 1997. 222p.
Stephen. In the Wake of Chaos. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993.
Douglas F. The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World: the Influence of
Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th through 18th Centuries.
Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 1992. 156p.
Thomas à
(1380-1471). De Imitatione Christi—The Imitation of Christ.
Trans. Richard Whitford in about 1530. Edited with intro by Edward J. Klein.
NY: Harper Brothers, 1941.
Anthony John Patrick. Aquinas on Mind.
London: Routledge, 1993.
_____. Aristotle’s Theory of the Will. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press,
1979. 181p.
_____. Free Will and Responsibility. London; Boston: Routledge and K.
Paul, 1978. 101p.
_____. Will, Freedom, and Power. Oxford: Blackwell, 1975; NY: Barnes
& Noble Books, 1976. 170p.
_____. Aristotle’s Theory of the Will. London: Blackwell’s, 1969.
_____. Action, Emotion, and Will. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul,
_____. “Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom.” In Aquinas: A Collection of
Critical Essays. Ed. A. Kenny. Univ. of Notre Dame Press: 63-81, 1969.
_____. The God of the Philosophers.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979.
_____, ed. Aquinas: a Collection of Critical Essays. Modern Studies in
Philosophy. Garden City, NY: Doubleday; Anchor Books, 1969.
_____. “Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom.” In Aquinas: a Collection of
Critical Essays: 254-70.
Bonnie. Virtues of the Will. The Transformations of Ethics in the Late Thirteenth
Century. Washington: Catholic Univ. Press, 1995.
Kersey, Kent
Allen. The Freedom of God and Man: a Critical Analysis of the Relationship
between Providence and Anthropology in Open Theism. [n.p.] 2002. 174p.
Edward J. “Eternity and Omniscience.” Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1974):
Soren. Fear and Trembling; and The Sickness Unto Death. Trans. by Walter
Lowrie. Garden City: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1955.
_____. The Sickness unto Death. Trans. with an introduction, by Walter
Lowrie. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1941. 231p. (NY: Doubleday, 1954.)
_____. The Concept of Dread. Trans. by Walter Lowrie. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton Univ., 1944.
_____. Either / Or. Translated by David F. Swenson and Lillian Marvin
Swenson, with revisions and a foreword by Howard A. Johnson. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1959 (1st 1944). 2 vols. Vol. 2 translated by Walter Lowrie with
revisions and a foreword by Howard A. Johnson.
_____. Works of Love. Translated from the Danish by David F. Swenson and
Lillian Marvin Swenson; with an introduction by Douglas V. Steere. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton Univ. press, 1946. 317p. (See Special Masters for fuller
Jaegwon. Supervenience and Mind.
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993.
William (1650-1729). An Essay on the Origin of Evil. Trans. from the
Latin, with large notes. To which are added, two sermons, by the same author,
the former concerning divine prescience, the latter on the fall of man.
Cambridge: Printed for W. Thurlbourn, 1739. 5th ed. rev. by Edmund Law
(1703-1787). London: Printed for R. Faulder, 1781.
Jonathan. The Possibility of an All-Knowing God. NY: St. Martin’s Press,
Martha. “Eternity and Sempiternity.” Proceedings
of the Aristotelian Society 69 (1968-69): 223-38.
William. “Time and Eternity in Theology.” Proceedings
of the Aristotelian Society 61 (1960-61): 87-108.
Albert Cornelius. The Doctrine of God. NY: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press,
Konstantin. The Freedom of Reason. San Antonio: Principia Press of
Trinity Univ., 1964. 170p.
Kyriakos M. Knowledge and Determination: the Transition from Hegel to Marx.
Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1980. 135p.
Koons, Robert.
Realism Regained. An Exact Theory of
Causation, Teleology and Mind. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2000.
_____. Paradoxes of Belief and Strategic
Rationality. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992.
Christine. Creating the Kingdom of Ends. Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996.
_____. “Personal Identity and the Unity of Agency: A Kantian Response to
Parfit.” Philosophy and Public Affairs. 18 (1989).
Henry. Sovereignty and Responsibility: the Pelagian-Augustinian Controversy
in Philosophical and Global Perspective. Bonn: Verlag für Kultur und
Wissenschaft, 2002. 173p.
Abraham. Lectures on Calvinism. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1981.
Jonathan L. The Possibility of an
All-Knowing God. NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1986.
La Croix,
Richard. “Omniprescience and Divine Determinism.” Religious Studies 12
(1976): 365-81.
Lachs, John.
“Professor Prior on Omniscience.” Philosophy
38 (1963): 361-64.
Douglas P. “A New Disproof of the Compatibility of Foreknowledge and Free
Choice.” Religious Studies 10 (1974):
Richard R. “The Incompatibility of Omnipotence and Omniscience.” Analysis 33 (1972-73): 176.
_____. “Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Necessity.” Analysis 34 (1973-74): 63-64.
_____. “Omnipresence and Divine Determinism.” Religious Studies 12 (1976): 36581.
Catherine Mowry. God for Us. NY: Crossroad, 1992.
Laird, John
(1887-1946). On Human Freedom. London: Allen and Unwin, 1947. 152p.
Forwood lectures on the philosophy of religion, 1945.
Corliss. Freedom of Choice Affirmed. NY: Horizon Press, 1967. 214p.
_____. The Illusion of Immortality. Introduction by John Dewey. 5th ed.
NY: Continuum, 1990. 303p.
Edward. “Of Foreknowledge and Necessity.” Midwest
Studies in Philosophy 1 (1976): 12-16.
Michael. Providenue. London: SCM
Press, 1981.
Michel. “La science divine des actes libres.” Nouvelle revue theologique 56 (1929): 134-35.
Lee, John
Steven. A Modified View of Molinism a New Take on the Problem of Divine
Omniscience and Human Freedom. [n.p.] 1998. 72p.
Brian. Time and Eternity. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1991.
_____. “Timelessness and Foreknowledge.” Philosophical Studies 63 (1991):
Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von (1646-1716). New Essays Concerning Human Understanding. Translated from the
original Latin, French and German, with notes, by Alfred Gideon Langley. 3d ed.
LaSalle, IL: Open Court Pub. Co., 1949. 861p.
_____. Theodicy. Translated by E. M. Huggard. London: 1952; Theodicy.
Edited, abridged, and with an introd. by Diogenes Allen. Trans. by E.M.
Huggard. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1966. 176p.
_____. Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man, and the
Origin of Evil. Edited, with an introduction by Austin Farrer; translated
by E.M. Huggard from C.J. Gerhardt’s edition of the Collected philosophical
works, 1875-90. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1985. 448p. Originally published:
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1951; New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1952.
_____. Discourse on Metaphysics. Translation from the French based on
the diplomatic edition, by Peter G. Lucas and Leslie Grint. Manchester,
England: Manchester Univ. Press, 1953. 63p.
_____. Philosophical Papers and Letters. Translated and edited, with an
introd., by Leroy E. Loemker. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1956. 2 vols.
_____. Philosophical Writings. Translated by Mary Morris; introduction
by C.R. Morris. London: Dent; NY: Dutton, 1951 (1934). 284p.
Michael. Metaphysics and the Mind-Body Problem. Oxford: Oxford Univ.
Press, 1979.
Emmanuel. God, Death, and Time. Translated by Bettina Bergo. Stanford,
CA: Stanford University Press, 2000. 296p.
Lewis, C. I.
An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation. La
Salle, IL: Open Court, 1950.
_____. Mind and the World Order: Outline of a Theory of Knowledge. NY:
_____. An Analysis of Knowledge and
Valuation. LaSalle, IL: 1946.
Lewis, C. S.
God in the Dock. Edite by Walter Hooper. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.
_____. The Problem of Pain. NY: Macmillan, 1962.
_____. The Screwtape letters. Toronto: S. J. R. Saunders, 1942 &
1945. 160p. Djevelen Dypper Pennen. (Norwegian. Oslo: Land og kirke,
1946. 141p. Le Lettere di Berlicche. Italian. Milano: Mondadori, 1947.)
_____. Mere Christianity. NY: Macmillan, 1952.
_____. The Weight of Glory. NY: Macmillan, 1949.
_____. A Preface to Paradise Lost, Being the Ballard Matthews Lectures,
Delivered at University College, North Wales, 1941. London; NY: Oxford
University Press, 1942. 139p. (See Special Masters for fuller bibliography.)
Fredrik. God and the Origin of Evil. Lund: CWK Gleerup, 1983.
Linville, Mark
D. 1993. “Divine Foreknowledge and the Libertarian Conception of Freedom.” International
Journal for Philosophy of Religion 33 (1993): 165-86.
Mark D. 1993. “Divine Foreknowledge and the Libertarian Conception of Freedom.”
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 33 (1993): 165-86.
Lucas, John
Randolph. Responsibility. Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1993.
_____. The Future. An Essay on God,
Temporality, and Truth. London: Blackwell, 1989.
_____. Freedom and Grace. London:
SPCK, 1976.
_____. The Freedom of the Will.
Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1970. 181p.
_____. A Treatise on Time and Space.
London: Methuen, 1973.
Richard. God and Contingency in the Philosophies of Locke, Clarke, and
Leibniz. Mmicroform: [n.p.] 1955. 142 leaves.
Martin (1483-1546). Luther’s Works on CD-ROM. Editors Jaroslav Pelikan
and Helmut T. Lehmann. Philadelphia: Fortress Press; St. Louis, MO: Concordia,
_____. Martin Luther on the Bondage of the Will: A New Translation of De
Servo Arbitrio. Luther’s reply to Erasmus of Rotterdam. Trans. by J.I.
Packer and O.R. Johnston. Westwood, N. J.: Revell, 1957. London: Sold for the
editor, by T. Hamilton, 1823: Trans. by Edward Thomas Vaughan, rector of
Foston, 470p. London: Printed by T. Bensley for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall,
1823: Trans. by Henry Cole (1823-1846), 402p.
_____. Martin Luther on the Bondage of the Will: a New Translation of De
Servo Arbitrio (1525): Martin Luther’s Reply to Erasmus of Rotterdam. By J.
I. Packer and O. R. Johnston. Westwood, NJ: Revell; London: J. Clarke, 1957.
_____. The Bondage of the Will, by Martin Luther ... Being His Reply to
Erasmus. Trans. by Henry Cole (1823-1846), with slight alteration from
Edward Thomas Vaughan. Corrected by Henry Atherton. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B.
Eerdmans, London: Sovereign grace union, 1931. 419p. Published in 1823 under
title: Martin Luther on the bondage of the will. (See Special Masters
for fuller bibliography.)
M. K. The
Fatal Consequences of the Unscriptural Doctrine of Predestination and
Reprobation with a Caution Against It. Written in High-Dutch by M. K. and
Trans.. Germantown, PA: Christopher Sowr, 1753. 14p.
Scott, and Eleonore Stump. Aquinas’s Moral Theory. Ithaca: Cornell Univ.
Press, 1998.
Machen, John Gresham (1881-1937). The Christian View
of Man. NY: The Macmillan
company, 1937. 302p. Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1947.
Donald MacCrimmon. Ethics: Inventing
Right and Wrong. NY: Penguin, 1977.
_____. Freedom of Action in a Mechanistic Uuniverse. London: Cambridge
Univ. Press, 1967. 40p.
Edward H., and Peter H. Hare. Evil and the Concept of God. Springfield,
IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1968.
Mahan, Asa
(1799-1889). Doctrine of the Will. NY: J.K. Wellman, 1846. NY: AMS
Press, 1979, 1844. 233p. Reprint of the 1847 ed. published by J. M. Fitch,
Oberlin, Ohio.
Charles H., and Menachem M. Kellner, eds. Freedom and Moral Responsibility:
General and Jewish Perspectives. Bethesda: Univ. Press of Maryland, 1997.
Henry. Scientific Indeterminism and Human Freedom. Latrobe, PA:
Archabbey Press, 1968. 110p.
_____. The Miracle of Existence. Woodbridge,
CT: OxBow, 1984.
Jacques (1882-1973). Freedom in the Modern World. Trans. by Richard
O’Sullivan. London, Sheed & Ward, 1935; NY: Gordian Press, 1971. 223p.
_____. Saint Thomas and the Problem of Evil: Under the Auspices of the
Aristotelian Society of Marquette University. Milwaukee: Marquette
University, 1942. 46p.
Marshall, I.
Howard. Kept by the Power of God. 2d
ed. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1974.
Gottfried. Leibniz: Logik und Metaphysik. Koln: Kolner
Universitatsverlag, 1960. 246p.
Cotton (1663-1728). Free-Grace Maintained & Improved, or, The General
Offer of the Gospel: Managed with Considerations of the Great Things Done by
Special Grace, in the Election and Redemption and Vocation of Those who Embrace
that Offer ... in Two Brief Discourses, Published at the Desire of Some, Who
Have Been Greatly Apprehensive of Growing Occasions for Such Treatises.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1706. 70p.
_____. The Quickened Soul: a short and plain essay on, the withered hand
revived & restored: showing, what is to be done by them, who feel and own
themselves unable to do, what the glorious God has commanded them to do?: and
aimed, more particularly at the direction of them, whose conversion to piety
may be in danger of miscarrying, thro’ wretched and foolish pamphlets, which
the enemies of grace & of souls, industriously scatter about the country.
Boston: Printed by Bartholomuew Green [1667-1732], 1720. 30p.
_____. Thoughts for the Day of Rain in Two Essays. Boston: Printed by B.
Green, sold by Samuel Gerrish, 1712.
Charles T. Evil and the Augustinian Tradition. Cambridge; NY: Cambridge
Univ. Press, 2001. 271p.
Wallace I. “An Introduction to Omniscience.” Analysis 29 (1968-69): 8-12.
Pierre (1890-1956). Predestination, and Other Papers. Trans. by Edwin
Hudson from the French, with a memoir by Robert Mackie and a foreword by Karl
Barth. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1960. 109p.
With a memoir by Robert Mackie and a
foreword by Karl Barth: Richmond: John Knox Press, 1960. London: SCM Press,
May, Larry. Sharing
Responsibility. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1992.
McCabe, Lorenzo
Dow (1817-1897). The Foreknowledge of God and Cognate Themes in Theology and
Philosophy. NY: Hitchcock and Walden, 1878.
_____, with Isaac William Wiley (1825-1884). Divine Nescience of Future Contingencies a Necessity: Being an Introduction to “The Foreknowledge of God, and
Cognate themes.” Monograph: 1882;
NY: Phillips and Hunt, 1882.
McCallon, J. B. The Doctrine of Election and
Predestination: Explained and Simplified. Clarendon, TX: Blake’s Printery,
Hugh. The Works of Agency: On Human Action, Will and Freedom. Ithaca:
Cornell Univ. Press, 1998.
_____. “Divine Sovereignty and the Freedom of the Will.” Faith and
Philosophy 12 (1995): 582-98.
Richard A., and Paul Ramsey, eds. Doing Evil to Achieve Good. Chicago:
Loyola Univ. Press, 1978.
Gerald O. Man’s Faith and Freedom: the Theological Influence of Jacobus
Arminius. NY: Abingdon Press, 1962. 128p. Contains the adresses delivered
in the Arminius symposium held at Amsterdam, Leiden, and Utrecht, in Holland,
August 4-7, 1960.
F. E., ed. Self-Determination in Social Work: a Collection of Essays on
Self-Determination and Related Concepts by Philosophers and Social Work
Theorists. London; Boston: Routledge & K. Paul, 1975. 245p.
McDonald, H.
D. Jesus, Human and Divine. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1968.
Stewart Andrew (1882-1935). Is Sin Our Fault? London: Hodder &
Stoughton, 1932. 320p.
Colin. The Problem of Consciousness. Oxford: Blackwell. McIntyre,
Alison, 1991.
Herbert Boyd. Sufficient Saving Grace: John Wesley’s Evangelical Arminianism.
Forward by John Walsh. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 2001. 350p.
Henry. God and the Future. Naperville, IL: SCM, 1974.
George F., ed. Freedom. Washington: Office of the National Secretary of
the Association, 1976. 247p. Consists largely of papers submitted for
discussion at the annual meeting of American Catholic Philosophical
Lorin. Thoughts on Freedom: Two Essays. Carbondale: Southern Illinois
Univ. Press, 1982. 103p.
Mead, G. H. The Philosophy of the Act. Chicago:
Univ. of Chicago Press, 1938.
E. P. “The Doctrine of the Will of the Trinity in the Orations of Gregor of
Nazianzus.” NederlTheolTijdschr 21 (1973): 26-33.
Patrick Hues (1850-1918). Predestination and the Saints’ Perseverance:
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SC: Southern Baptist Publication Society, 1958.
Christia. Leibniz’s Metaphysics: Its Origins and Development. Cambridge;
NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. 528p.
Eugene H. Qumran and Predestination: a Theological Study of the Thanksgiving
Hymns. Bern: 1956. 71p. Leiden: Brill, 1975. 71p.
Donald Paul. The Function of the Idea of God in the Philosophy of Leibniz.
[n.p.]: 1951.
Gordon E. Fallen Freedom: Kant on Radical Evil and Moral Regeneration. Cambridge,
England; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. 172p.
Mary. The Ethical Primate: Humans, Freedom, and Morality. NY: Routledge,
1994 & 1996. 193p.
Ronald Duncan. Schiller and the Ideal of Freedom: a Study of Schiller’s
Philosophical Works with Chapters on Kant. Oxford: Clarendon P., 1970.
130p. Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805).
Milo, Ronald
D. Immorality. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1984.
Timothy A. David Hume’s Anti-Theistic Views: a Critical Appraisal.
Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1986. 161p.
James Clement (1811-1890). Predestination: a Sermon Preached in the First
Presbyterian Church, Oxford, Ohio, March 20th, 1853. Cincinnati: Printed at
the Ben Franklin Printing House, 1853. 16p.
James A. The Beginning of Eternal Life: the Dynamic Faith of Thomas Aquinas:
Origins and Interpretation. NY: Philosophical Library, 1968. 144p.
John A., Jr. Predestination: Chosen in Christ. Milwaukee, WI:
Northwestern Pub. House, 1997. 125p.
Molina, Luis
de (1535-1600). On Divine Foreknowledge: Part IV of the Concordia.
Trans., with an introduction and notes by Alfred J. Freddoso. Ithaca: Cornell
Univ. Press, 1988. 286p.
_____. Ludovici Molina Liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis, divina
praescientia, providentia, praedestinatione et reprobatione Concordia.
Editionem criticam curavit Iohannes Rabeneck. Oniae: Collegium Maximum;
Matriti: Soc. Edit. “Sapientia”, 1953. 768p. Includes texts of three editions:
those originally published in 1588, 1592, and 1595.
Charles, and Menachem Kellner, eds. Free
Will and Moral Responsibility: General and Jewish Perspectives. College
Park, MD: Univ. of Maryland Press, 1998.
Samuel (1676-1747). The Gospel Way of Escaping the Doleful State of the
Damned: with a Representation of Their More Aggravated Misery, Who Go to Hell
from Under the Gospel: Being the Substance of Several Sermons Preached at York
in the Province of Main. Boston, NE: Re-printed and sold by S. Kneeland and
T. Green, 1739. 172p. First published in 1710 under title: The Doleful State
of the Damned.
George Edward (1873-1958). “Free Will.”
In Ethics. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1912. See other works in section “God’s Will …”
Moreland, J.
P., and Scott B. Rae. Body and Soul. Downer’s
Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2000.
Elizabeth A. Anxiety: a Study of the Affectivity of Moral Conciousness Lanham,
MD: Univ. Press of America, 1985. 159p.
Thomas V. Our Idea of God: An Introduction to Philosophical Theology. Downers
Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1991.
_____. The Logic of God Incarnate. Ithaca,
N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1986.
_____, ed. Divine and Human Action: Essays in the Metaphysics of Theism. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press,
_____. “Necessary Beings.” In Anselmian
Explorations: 179-93. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press,
G. W., ed. Weakness of Will. London:
Macmillan, 1971.
Moskop, John
C. Divine Omniscience and Human Freedom: Thomas Aquinas and Charles
Hartshorne. Foreword by Charles Hartshorne. Macon, GA: Mercer, 1984. 105p.
Moss, Michael, and Dana Scott. A Bibliography of Logic
Books. Oxford: Sub-Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, 1975. 106p.
James Bowling (1813-1878). A Treatise on the Augustinian Doctrine of Predestination.
2nd ed. NY: Dutton, 1878.
Marc T. A Response to “The finality of Jesus Christ in a world of religions”
by Clark Pinnock. Microform. Presented on the occasion of the Evangelical
Theological Society, 41st annual meeting, November 17, 1989, San Diego,
Thomas U. Suarez on Human Freedom. Baltimore: Carroll Press, 1950. 200p.
Francisco Suárez (1548-1617).
Richard Alfred. Christ and the Decree: Christology and Predestination in
Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book
House, 1988. 240p. Originally published: Durham, N.C.: Labyrinth Press, 1986.
_____. God, Creation, and Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius:
Sources and Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early
Orthodoxy. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1991. 309p.
Edgar Young (1860-1928). Freedom and Authority in Religion. Philadelphia:
Griffith & Rowland Press, 1913.
Murray, Iain
H. Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism: The Battle for Gospel Preaching.
Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 1995.
Michael. “Leibniz on Divine Foreknowledge, Future Contingents and Human
Freedom.” Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research 55 (1995): 75-108.
William. Milton and Free-will: an Essay in Criticism and Philosophy.
London; NY: Croom Helm, 1987. 258p.
Næss, Arne. Freedom,
Emotion and Self-Subsistence: the Structure of a Central part of Spinoza’s
“Ethics.” Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1972 & 1975. 132p. Benedictus de
Spinoza (1632-1677).
Christopher (1621-1705). An Antidote Against Arminianism. London: R.
Clay, 1835. 104p.
_____. An Antidote Against Arminianism: or, A Treatise to Enervate and
Confute All the Five Points Thereof. 3d. rev. ed. Plymouth, Eng.: J.
Bennett, 1819. 156p.
Fred. “Omniscience is Possible.” Australasian
Journal of
Philosophy 42 (1964):
John P. Life’s Ultimate Questions: A Contemporary Philosophy of Religion.
Dallas: Word, 1989. 644p. Reprint: Fort Worth, TX: Scripta Pub., 1994
_____. The New Age Movement and the Biblical World View: Conflict and
Dialogue. Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1998.
_____. The Arts in Worship. Originally published in Review and
Expositor, Vol. 80, no. 1 (winter 1983).
_____. John Newport Collection. Roberts Library, Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX: 67.4 linear ft. (62 boxes).
_____, and William Cannon. Why Christians Fight Over the Bible.
Nashville, TN: T. Nelson, 1974. 165p. (See Special Masters for fuller
Niles, Samuel
(1744-1814). Remarks on a Sermon Preached before the Plymouth Aassociation
of Ministers in the Third Congregational Society in Middleborough, Sept. 126,
1810. Boston: Printed and sold by Lincoln & Edmands, no. 53 Cornhill.
1813. 62p. Sermon by John Reed (1751-1831).
Douglas. Theocracy and Toleration: a Study of the Disputes in Dutch
Calvinism From 1600 to 1650. Cambridge, Eng: The Univ. press, 1938. 280p.
George Washington (1826-1900). Sovereignty of God. Louisville, KY:
Baptist Book Concern, 1894. Consists of articles by Dr. Northrup reprinted from
the Standard and by Robert Watts reprinted from the Western Recorder.
Boniface Enyeribe. Temporal Logic, Omniscience, Human Freedom: Perspectives
in Analytic Philosophy. Frankfurt am Main; NY: P. Lang, 1991. 160p.
William. Predestination, Foreknowledge,
and Future Contingents. 2nd ed. Trans. Marilyn McCord Adams and Norman
Kretzmann. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1983. Written approx. 1335.
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