Ethics Bibliography Set

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God's Will, Ethics, Theology, Prayer & Hermeneutics
     —Bucher & the USS Pueblo Bibliography
     —Other Sources used for this Book

Great Masters of Theology, Ethics, Foreknowledge

Free-Will, Foreknowledge, Predestination Theology

Determinism & Determinism Philosophy

Philosophy of Time & Quantum Theory

Responsibility, Intention, Decision Theory

Logic and Reason

 Greek Stuff Bearing on Ethics & Free-Will

Empathy, Communication & Love

Challenging Social & Theological Mediocrity

Crime, Criminology, Mens Rea, Prison

Foreign Works on Free-Will/Foreknowledge

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Heart of Living God   Foreknowledge Book Home Page

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Greek Stuff Bearing Upon Ethics & Free Will 

Adkins, Arthur W. H. Merit and Responsibility: a Study in Greek Values. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960. 380p. 

Barr, James. Biblical Words for Time. London: SCM Press, 1962. Studies in biblical theology (S.C.M. Press).

Furley, David J. Two Studies in the Greek Atomists: study I, Indivisible magnitudes; study II, Aristotle and Epicurus on Voluntary Action. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1967. 256p.

Adkins, Arthur W. H. From the Many to the One: A Study of Personality and Views of Human Nature in the Context of Ancient Greek Society, Values, and Beliefs. London: Constable; Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1970. 311p.
_____. Moral Values and Political Behaviour in Ancient Greece: from Homer to the End of the Fifth Century. London: Chatto and Windus; NY: Norton, 1972. 160p.

Adkins, Arthur W.H., Joan Kalk Lowrence and Craig K. Ihara, eds. Human Virtue and Human Excellence. NY: P. Lang, 1991. 303p.

Deissmann, Adolf. Light from the Ancient East: the New Testament Illustrated by Recently Discovered Texts of the Greaco-Roman World. Trans. by Lionel R. M. Strachan. NY: George H. Doran, 1927.

Dihle, Albrecht. The Theory of Will in Classical Antiquity. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: Univ. of California Press, 1982Dillon, J. “The Transcendence of God in Philo.” Center for Hermeneutical Studies, Berkeley. Protocol of the 16th colloquy, 1975.

Dodd, C. H. The Bible and the Greeks. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1935.

Gartner, B. The Areopagus Speech and Natural Revelation. Uppsala: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1955.

Glisson, G. L. “The Will of God as Reflected in Greek Words.” Doctoral dissertation, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1951.

Gould, John. The Development of Plato’s Ethics. Cambridge, England: Univ. Press, 1955; NY: Russell and Russell, 1972. 240p.

Gould, T. Platonic Love. London; NY: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981. 216p.

Gulley, N. “The Interpretation of ‘No One Does Wrong Willingly’ in Plato’s Dialogues.” Phronesis 10 (1965): 82-95.

Hill, David. Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings: Studies in the Semantics of Soteriological Terms. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1967.

Jewett, Robert. St. Paul’s Anthropological Terms: a Study of Their Use in Conflict Settings. Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums 10. Leiden: Brill, 1971. 499p.

Louden, Robert B., and Paul Schollmeier, eds. The Greeks and Us: Essays in Honor of Arthur W.H. Adkins. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1996. 264p.

North, H. Sophrosyne, Self-Knowledge and Self-Restraint in Greek Literature. Ithaca: 1966.

Onians, Richard Broxton. The Origins of European Thought about the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time and Fate. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1951; NY: Arno Press, 1973. 547p. The Origins of European Thought …: New Interpretations of Greek, Roman and Kindred Evidence also of Some Basic Jewish and Christian Beliefs. Cambridge; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988. 583p.

Robertson, A. T. A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research. 2nd ed. NY: George H. Doran, 1915.
_____. Word Pictures in the New Testament. 6 vols. NY: Harper and Bros. 1933.

Vine, W. E. Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. London: Oliphants, 1939.

Ziesler, J. A. The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul: a Lingquistic and Theological Enquiry. Cambridge, England: Univ. Press, 1972. 254p.

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