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Arendt, Hannah. Liebesbegrieff bei Augustin. Love and Saint Augustine. Edited and with an interpretive essay by Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott and Judith Chelius Stark. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1996. 233p.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo (396-430).
Classics include: City of God; Confessions; The Enchiridion.
_____. On Free Choice of the Will. Trans., with introduction and notes,
by Thomas Williams. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co., 1993. 129p. Translated by
Anna S. Benjamin and L.H. Hackstaff. With an introduction by L.H. Hackstaff.
1st ed., 13th printing. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964;
_____. The Problem of Free Choice.
Translated and Annotated by Mark Pontifex. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1955.
_____. The Teacher: The Free Choice of the Will: Grace and Free Will.
Trans. by Robert P. Russell. Washington, Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1968.
_____. De Libero Arbitri. Studio Introduttivo, testo, traduzione e
commento by Franco De Capitani. Milano: Vita e pensiero, 1987. 543p.
_____. De Libero Arbitrio (libri tres): The Free Choise of the Will.
Philadelphia: The Peter Reilly company, 1937. Trans. by Francis Edward
Tourscher, 1870. 442p. De Libero Arbitrio Voluntatis: St. Augustine on Free
Will. Trans. by Carroll Mason Sparrow (1880-1941). Charlottesville: 1947.
_____. Predestinacion of Saintes: Perseveraunce unto Thende. De
Praedestinatione Sanctorum. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; NY: Da Capo,
1968. Original title page reads: Two bokes of the noble doctor and B.S.
Augustine, thone entiteled of the Predestiuacion of saintes, thother of
perseueraunce unto thende all faythfully Trans. out of Laten into Englyshe
by John Scory [London? 1556?].
_____. Prochoros Kydones’ Übersetzungen von S. Augustinus, De libero
arbitrio I 1-90, und Ps.-Augustinus, De decem plagis Aegyptiorum. Wien:
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1990.
_____. The Confessions. Introduction, translation and notes by Maria
Boulding. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1997. 416p.
_____. Deux Traitez de s. Augustin: Les Livres de L’ordre et Les Livres du
Libre Arbitre. Traduits en françois sur la nouvelle édition latine des peres
benedictins de la congregation de S. Maur. Paris: Chez Jean Baptiste Coignard,
_____. Diui Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi De Praedestinatione &
Gratia, Liber Vnus; De Praedestinatione Sanctorum, Liber Primus; Liber Secundus
De Bono Perseuerantiae; De Praedestinatione Dei, Liber Vnus. Venetijs: In
officina D. Bernardibi, 1538. 64 leaves. Decorative woodcut border with blank
shield at bottom.
_____. Diui Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Libri quatuor.
Venetijs: Per Ioannem Patauinum, & Venturinum de Ruffinellis, 1534. 128p.
Decorative woodcut border with blank shield at bottom; printers’ woodcut
phoenix device on last page.
_____. Diui Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De gratia & libero
arbitrio, ad Valentinum & cum illo monachis, liber vnus; eiusdem De
correptione & gratia ad eunde & cum illo monachis, liber vnus; quibus
praemittuntur epistolae duae Diui Augustini ad Valentinum, contra eos qui
negant liberum arbitrium. Venetijs: Per D. Bernardinum Stagninum de
Tridino, 1538; Venetijs: Per Ioannem Patauinum, & Venturinum de
Ruffinellis, 1534.
Bonner, Gerald. Church and Faith in the Patristic Tradition: Augustine, Pelagianism, and Early Christian Northumbria. Brookfield, VT: Variorum, 1996.
Brown, Peter Robert Lamont. Augustine of Hippo: a Biography. London: Faber, 1967; Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1967 (463p.), 2000 (548p.).
Burt, Donald X. Augustine’s World: an
Introduction to His Speculative Philosophy. Lanham: Univ. Press of America,
1996. 277p.
_____. Friendship and Society: an Introduction to Augustine’s Practical
Philosophy. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 1999. 239p.
Cantor, Norman F., and Petere L. Klein, comps. Medieval Thought: Augustine & Thomas Aquinas. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell, 1969. 199p.
Cary, Phillip. Augustine’s Invention of the Inner Self: the Legacy of a Christian Platonist. Oxford; NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. 214p.
Chappell, Timothy D. J. Aristotle and Augustine on Freedom: Two Theories of Freedom, Voluntary Action, and Akrasia. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press; NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1995. 213p.
Cooper, Stephen Andrew. Augustine for Armchair Theologians. Illustrations by Ron Hill. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002. 222p.
Deane, Herbert Andrew. The Political and Social Ideas of St. Augustine. NY: Columbia Univ. Press, 1963. 356p.
Garrett, James Leo. A Selective Bibliography on the Life and Thought of Augustine of Hippo: Almost Exclusively on the Basis of the Holdings in Roberts Library of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. 1997. 21p.
Geisler, Norman L. What St. Augustine Says. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1982.
Grabowski, Stanislaus J. The All-Present God: A Study in St. Augustine. St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1954.
Lawless, George. Augustine of Hippo and His Monastic Rule. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1987. 185p. Translation and introduction by Mary T. Clark. Preface by Goulven Madec. NY: Paulist Press, 1984. 514p.
Mathewes, Charles T. Evil and the Augustinian Tradition. Cambridge; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. 271p.
Mullany, Katherine Frances. Augustine of Hippo: the First Modern Man. NY and Cincinnati, Frederick Pustet, 1930. 196p.
O’Daly, Gerard J. P. Augustine’s City of God: a Reader’s Guide. Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1999. 323p.
Piper, John. The Legacy of Sovereign Joy: God’s Triumphant Grace in the Lives of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2000. 158p.
Schaff, Philip, ed. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. Vol. 3. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1956.
Severson, Richard James. The Confessions of
Saint Augustine: an Annotated Bibliography of Modern Criticism, 1888-1995.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996. 149p.
_____. Time, Death, and Eternity: Reflecting on Augustine’s Confessions in
Light of Heidegger’s Being and Time. Lanham, MD: American Theological
Library Association and the Scarecrow Press, 1995. 167p.
Stump, Eleonore, and Norman Kretzmann, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. 307p.
Teske, Roland J. Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine. Milwaukee: Marquette Univ. Press, 1996. 109p.
Vranken, Gerard. Der Göttliche Konkurs zum Freien Willensakt des Menschen Beim hl. Augustinus. Roma: Herder, 1943. 88p.
Wetzel, James. Augustine and the Limits of Virtue. Cambridge, England; NY, NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992. 246p.
Wills, Garry. Saint Augustine. NY: Viking, 1999. 152p.
Xie, Wenyu. The Concept of Freedom: the Platonic-Augustinian-Lutheran-Kierkegaardian Tradition. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 2002.
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury
(1033-1109). Three Philosophical Dialogues. Trans., with introduction and
notes, by Thomas Williams. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 2002. 110p.
_____. The Letters of Saint Anselm of Canterbury. Translated and
annotated with an introduction by Walter Frlich. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian,
_____. St. Anselm’s Treatise on Free Will: the Booke of Seynt Anselme which
Treatith of Free Wylle Trans. in to Englysche: a Facsimile of the Complete Text
of a Recently Discovered 15th C. Manuscript. With an introduction by
Gregory Stevens Cox. St. Peter Port: Toucan Press, 1977. 101p.
_____. Ein Neues Unvollendetes Werk. Münster: Aschendorff, 1936. 48p.
_____. Sur l’accord de la Prescience, de la Prédestination et de la Grâce de
Dieu Avec le Libre Choix; Prières et Meditations. Introduction, traductions
et notes par Michel Corbin et Henri Rochais. Paris: Cerf, 1988. 459p.
_____. Wahrheit und Freiheit. Einsiedeln: Johannes, 1982. Edited
Hansjürgen Verweyen. 221p.
Brady, Jules M. New Approaches to God: Based on Proofs by Anselm, Aquinas, and Kant. Intro. by Joseph Bobik. North Andover, MA: Genesis Pub., 1996. 136p.Bencivenga, Ermanno. Logic and Other Nonsense: the Case of Anselm and His God. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1993. 132p.
Campbell, Richard James. From Belief to Understanding: a Study of Anselm’s Proslogion Argument on the Existence of God. Canberra: Faculty of Arts, Australian National Univ., 1976. 229p.
Eadmer (d. 1124?). The Life of St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited with introduction, notes and translation by R. W. Southern. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979, 1962. 179p.
Eckardt, Burnell F. Anselm and Luther on the Atonement: Was It “Necessary”? San Francisco: Mellen Research Univ. Press; Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1992. 222p.
Evans, Gillian Rosemary. Anselm. London: Geoffrey Chapman; Wilton, CT. Morehouse-Barlow, 1989. 108p.
_____. Anselm and a New Generation. Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford
Univ. Press, 1980. 212p.
_____. Anselm and Talking About God. Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford
Univ. Press, 1978. 211p.
Fortin, John R., ed. Saint Anselm--His Orgins and Influence. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 2001. 235p.
Gollnick, James. Flesh as transformation symbol in the theology of Anselm of Canterbury: historical and transpersonal perspectives. NY: E. Mellen Press, 1985. 224p.
Hartshorne, Charles. Anselm’s Discovery. LaSalle, IL: Open Court, 1965.
Herrera, R. A. Anselm’s Proslogion: An Introduction. Washington D.C.: Univ. Press of America, 1979. 151p.
Kane, G. Stanley. Anselm’s Doctrine of Freedom and the Will. NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1981. 233p.
Pugh, Jeffrey C. The Anselmic Shift: Christology and Method in Karl Barth’s Theology. NY: P. Lang, 1990. 178p.
Schufreider, Gregory. Confessions of a
Rational Mystic: Anselm’s Early Writings. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue Univ.
Press, 1994. 392p.
_____. An Introduction to Anselm’s Argument. Philadelphia: Temple Univ.
Press, 1978. 113p.
Shofner, Robert D. Anselm Revisited: a Study of the Role of the Ontological Argument in the Writings of Karl Barth and Charles Hartshorne. Leiden: Brill, 1974. 243p.
Ward, Benedicta. Anselm of Canterbury: a Monastic Scholar: A Paper Given to the Anselm Society, St. Augustine’s College, Canterbury in May 1973. Oxford: Sisters of the Love of God, 1973. 14p.
Ingardia, Richard. Thomas Aquinas: International Bibliography, 1977-1990. Bowling Green, OH: Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University, 1993. 492p.
Mandonnet, Pierre Félix (1858-1936), and Jean Destrez. Bibliographie Thomiste. Le Saulchoir, Kain (Belgique): Revue des sciences philosophiques et thélogiques, 1921. 116p.
Adler, Mortimer J. Problems for Thomists: the Problem of Species. NY: Sheed & Ward, 1940. 303p.
Anderson, James Francis. The Cause of Being: the Philosophy of Creation in St. Thomas. St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1952. 172p.
Anscombe, Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret, and P. T. Geach. Three Philosophers. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1961. 162p. Aristotle--Aquinas--Frege.
Aquinas, Thomas (1225?-1274): see "Thomas Aquinas" below.
Ardley, Gavin W. R. Aquinas and Kant: the Foundations of the Modern Sciences. London, NY: Longmans, Green, 1950. 256p.
Armstrong, Ross Alexander. Primary and Secondary Precepts in Thomistic Natural Law Teaching. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. 198p.
Ayers, Robert Hyman. Language, Logic, and Reason in the Church Fathers: a Study of Tertullian. Hildesheim; NY: Olms, 1979. 145p.
Bail, Louis (1610-1669). Die Theologie des heiligen Thomas von Aquin in Betrachtungen. Mainz, F. Kirchheim, 1868-70. 5 vols. Translation of La théologie Affective.
Baker, Richard Russell. The Thomistic Theory of the Passions and Their Influence upon the Will. Notre Dame, IN: Univverisity of Notre Dame, 1941. 147p. Doctoral thesis, Univverisity of Notre Dame, 1941.
Bandas, Rudolph George. Contemporary Philosophy and Thomistic Principles. Intro. by Rev. J.S. Zybura. NY: Milwaukee, 1932. 468p.
Báñez, Domingo (1528-1604). The Primacy of Existence in Thomas Aquinas: a Commentary in Thomistic Metaphysics. Chicago: H. Regnery, 1966. 122p.
Barad, Judith A. Consent: the Means to an Active Faith According to St. Thomas Aquinas. NY: P. Lang, 1992. 126p.
Barron, Robert E. Thomas Aquinas: Spiritual Master. NY: Crossroad, 1996. 178p.
Bartholomew, of Lucca (c1236-1327). On the Government of Rulers: De Regimine Principum. Ptolemy of Lucca; with portions attributed to Thomas Aquinas; translated by James M. Blythe. Philadelphia: PENN, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997. 310p.
Binyon, Millard Pierce. The Virtues: a Methodological Study in Thomistic Ethics. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago, 1948. 66p. Doctoral Thesis, Univ. of Chicago.
Blanchette, Oliva. The Perfection of the Universe According to Aquinas: a Teleological Cosmology. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University, 1992. 334p.
Bobik, Joseph, trans. and inter.. Aquinas on
Matter and Form and the Elements: a Translation and Interpretation of the De
Principiis Naturae and the De Mixtione Elementorum of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1998. 325p.
_____, trans. and inter. Aquinas On Being and Essence. Notre Dame, IN:
University of Notre Dame Press, 1965. 286p.
_____. Veritas Divina: Aquinas on Divine Truth: Some Philosophy of Religion.
South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press, 2000.
Bourke, Vernon Joseph. Aquinas’ Search for Wisdom. Milwaukee: Bruce Pub., 1965. 244p.
Brady, Jules M. New Approaches to God: Based on Proofs by Anselm, Aquinas, and Kant. Intro. by Joseph Bobik. North Andover, MA: Genesis Pub., 1996. 136p.
Brennan, Robert Edward. General Psychology:
a Study of Man Based on St. Thomas Aquinas. NY: Macmillan, 1937. 509p. Revised
ed.: 1952. 524p.
_____. History of Psychology, from the Standpoint of a Thomist. NY: The
Macmillan compaNY: 1945. 277p.
_____. The Seven Horns of the Lamb: a Study of the Gifts Based on Saint
Thomas Aquinas. Milwaukee: Bruce Pub., 1966. 169p.
_____. A Theory of Abnormal Cognitive Processes According to the Principles
of St. Thomas Aquinas. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Univ. America, 1925. 76p.
_____. Thomistic Psychology: a Philosophic Analysis of the Nature of Man.
NY: Macmillan, 1941. 401p.
_____, ed. Essays in Thomism. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press,
1972. 427p. Reprint of the edition by NY: Sheed & Ward, 1942.
Brennan, Rose Emmanuella, sister. The Intellectual Virtues According to the Philosophy of St. Thomas. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1941. 188p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic university of America.
Brown, Montague. The Romance of Reason: an Adventure in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas. Petersham, MA: Saint Bede’s Publications, 1993. 177p.
Brunner, Peter. Probleme der Teleologie bie Maimonides, Thomas von Aquin und Spinoza. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1928. 139p.
Bunson, Matthew. The Angelic Doctor: the Life and World of St. Thomas Aquinas. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Pub., 1994. 168p.
Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio (1469-1534). Commentary on Being and Essence; In De ente et essentia d. Thomas. Translated from the Latin with an intro. by Lottie H. Kendzierski and Francis C. Wade. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1964. 355p.
Callahan, John Leonard. A Theory of Esthetic According to the Principles of St. Thomas Aquinas. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America, 1947. 132p. Reprint of the author’s doctoral dissertation, 1927.
Campbell, Bertrand James. The Problem of One or Plural Substantial Forms in Man as Found in the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1940. 131p. Doctoral thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1936.
Cantor, Norman F., and Petere L. Klein, comps. Medieval Thought: Augustine & Thomas Aquinas. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell, 1969. 199p.
Caputo, John D. Heidegger and Aquinas: An Essay on Overcoming Metaphysics. NY: Fordham University Press, 1982. 308p.
Carré, Meyrick Heath. Realists and Nominalists. London; NY: Oxford University Press, 1946. 128p. (Aquinas, Abaelard & Ockham.)
Carroll, Malachy Gerard. Time Cannot Dim. Chicago: H. Regnery Co., 1955. 202p.
Casin, Renée. Saint Thomas Aquinas: Orthodoxy, and Neo-Modernism in the Church. Translated and edited by James Likoudis. New Rochelle, NY: Available from Catholics United for the Faith, 1977. 150p.
Cessario, Romanus. Christian Satisfaction in Aquinas: Towards a Personalist Understanding. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982. 368p.
Chenu, Marie-Dominique. Aquinas and His Role
in Theology. Translated from the French by Paul Philibert. Collegeville,
MN: Liturgical Press, 2002.
_____. Toward Understanding Saint Thomas. Translated with authorized
corrections and bibliographical additions by A. M. Landry and D. Hughes.
Chicago: H. Regnery, 1964. 386p.
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936). St. Thomas Aquinas. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1933. 237p. NY: Sheed & Ward, inc., 1933. 248p. Garden City, NY: Image, 1956. 198p.
Clarke, Francis Palmer. The Intellect in the Philosophy of St. Thomas. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1928. 57p. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1928.
Clarke, William Norris. Explorations in
Metaphysics: Being--God--Person. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame
Press, 1994. 228p.
_____. Person and Being. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1993.
Coady, Mary Anastasia, sister. The Phantasm According to the Teaching of St. Thomas. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America, 1932. 80p.
Collins, Ardis B. The Secular Is Sacred: Platonism and Thomism in Marsilio Ficino’s Platonic Theology. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1974. 223p. Appendix contains selected texts from Ficino’s Theologia Platonica and selected texts from Aquinas’ Summa Contra Gentiles, both in Latin.
Collins, James Daniel. The Thomistic Philosophy of the Angels. Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America Press, 1947. 383p. Ph.D. Thesis, Catholic university of America, 1944.
Conley, Kieran. A theology of Wisdom: a Study in St. Thomas. Dubuque, Iowa: Priory Press, 1963. 171p.
Conrad, of Prussia. The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the De Ente et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas. Comments by Joseph Bobik. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1974. 203p. This commentary ... is one of fifteen works contained in Codex 367 of the monastery library at Admont Austria.
Conway, Pierre Hyacinth. Principles of Education: a Thomistic Approach. With exercises and annotated bibliography by Mary Michael Spangler. Washington: Thomist Press, 1960. 204p.
Cooke, Terence (1921-1983). Thomistic Philosophy in the Principles of Social Group Work. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of American Press, 1951. 129p.
Copleston, Frederick Charles. Aquinas. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1955. 263p. Harmondsworth; Baltimore: Penguin, 1975. 272p.
Copleston, Frederick Charles. Thomas Aquinas. London: Search Press; NY: Barnes and Noble, 1976. 272p.
Crowley, Charles B. A Defense of the Common Thomistic Teaching on Sacramental Grace. Rome: Pontificio ateneo “Angelicum,” Rome, 1947. Doctoral thesis.
Cunningham, Francis L. B. The Indwelling of the Trinity: a Historico-Doctrinal Study of the Theory of St. Thomas Aquinas. Dubuque: Priory Press, 1955. 414p.
D’Arcy, Martin Cyril (1888-1976). Thomas
Aquinas. London: E. Benn, 1930. 292p.
_____. St. Thomas Aquinas. Dublin: Clonmore & Reynolds; Westminster,
MD: Newman Press, 1953. 220p.
Dauphinais, Michael. Knowing the Love of Christ: an Intro. to the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2002. 146p.
Davies, Brian, ed. Thomas Aquinas:
Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford; NY: Oxford University
Press, 2002. 400p.
_____. The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY:
Oxford University Press, 1992. 391p.
De La Vega, Francis Joseph. Social Progress and Happiness in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary American Sociology. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1949. 101p.
De Wohl, Louis (1903-1961). The Quiet Light, a novel on St. Thomas Aquinas. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1950. 317p.
DeCoursey, Mary Edwin, Sister. The Theory of Evil in the Metaphysics of St. Thomas and Its Contemporary Significance. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1948. 178p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic Univ. of America.
Dhavamony, Mariasusai. Subjectivity and Knowledge in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Roma: Gregorian University Press, 1965. 168p.
Dienstag, Jacob Israel, comp. Studies in Maimonides and St. Thomas Aquinas. NY: Ktav Pub. House, 1975. 350p.
Diggs, Bernard James. Love and Being: an Investigation into the Metaphysics of St. Thomas Aquinas. NY: S.F. Vanni, 1947. 180p. Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, 1946.
Dobbs-Weinstein, Idit. Maimonides and St. Thomas on the Limits of Reason. Albany: State University of NY Press, 1995. 278p.
Dolan, George Edward. The Distinction Between the Episcopate and the Presbyterate According to the Thomistic Opinion: a Dissertation. Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 1950. 173p.
Duffy, John Alphonsus. A Philosophy of Poetry Based on Thomistic Principles. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1945. 258p. Ph.D. Thesis, Catholic University of America, 1944.
Dunn, John, and Ian Harris, eds. Aquinas. Cheltenham, UK; Lyme, N.H., US: E. Elgar Pub., 1997. 2 vols.
Eckert, Willehad Paul, ed. Thomas von Aquino: Interpretation und Rezeption: Studien und Texte. Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald, 1974. 980p.
Erb, Peter C. The Politics of Manning’s Conversion: a Question of Sovereignty. Atlanta: Pitts Theology Library, 1996. 33p. Limited edition of 500 copies.
Fahey, Michael Andrew. Trinitarian Theology East and West: St. Thomas Aquinas--St. Gregory Palamas. Brookline, MS: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1977. 43p.
Fakhry, Majid. Averroes, Aquinas and the Rediscovery of Aristotle in Western Europe. Washington, D.C.: Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, History and International Affairs, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, 1997. 43p.
Falanga, Anthony Joseph. Charity the form of the Virtues According to Saint Thomas. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1948. 265p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic Univ. of America.
Farthing, John L. Thomas Aquinas and Gabriel Biel: Interpretations of St. Thomas Aquinas in German Nominalism on the Eve of the Reformation. Durham: Duke University Press, 1988. 265p.
Fatula, Mary Ann. Thomas Aquinas, Preacher and Friend. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1993. 313p.
Felt, James W. Coming to Be: Toward a Thomistic-Whiteheadian Metaphysics of Becoming. Albany: State University of NY Press, 2001. 138p.
Fitzgerald, Mary Isabel, sister. The Philosophy of St. Thomas of Aquin in Relation to the Spiritual Aspects of Nursing. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic university of America, 1938. 48p. Masters thesis, Catholic university of America, 1938.
Fitzpatrick, Edmund J. The sin of Adam in the Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Mundelein, IL: Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary, 1950. 179p.
Flynn, Frederick Edward. Wealth and Money in the Economic Philosophy of St. Thomas. Notre Dame, IN: Univ. of Notre Dame, 1942. 79p.
Fontaine, Raymond. Subsistent Accident in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas and in His Predecessors. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1950. 138p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic University of America.
Foster, Kenelm, ed. and tr. The Life of Saint Thomas Aquinas: Biographical Documents. London: Longmans, Green; Baltimore: Helicon Press, 1959. 172p.
Franz, Edward Quinlisk. The Thomistic Doctrine on the Possible Intellect. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1950. 189p. Doctoral Thesis, Catholic University of America.
Franz, Marie-Luise von, ed. Aurora Consurgens: a Document Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Opposites in Alchemy. Translated by R.F.C. Hull and A.S.B. Glover. NY: Pantheon Books, 1966. 555p. Text in Latin and English; intro. and commentary in English. Originally published in German, 1957 as part 3 of Mysterium Coniunctionis by C.G. Jung, this volume contains a rare medieval alchemical treatise, reputed to be the last work of St. Thomas Aquinas, which was rediscovered by Dr. Jung in the course of his researches.
Friel, George Quentin. Punishment in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Among Some Primitive Peoples. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1939. 308p. Ph.D. Thesis, Catholic University of America, 1939.
Gallagher, David M., ed. Thomas Aquinas and His Legacy. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1994. 230p.
Garceau, Benoît, ed. Judicium: Vocabulaire, Sources, Doctrine de Saint Thomas d’Aquin. Montréal: Institut d’études médiévales; Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1968. 286p.
Gardeil, Henri Dominique (1900-1974). Intro. to the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Translated by John A. Otto. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1956.
Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald (1877-1964). Beatitude:
a Commentary on St. Thomas’ Theological Summa: questions 1-54. Translated
by Patrick Cummins. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1956. 397p.
_____. Christian Perfection and Contemplation. St. Louis, MO; London: B.
Herder, 1937. 470p.
_____. God, His Existence and His Nature: a Thomistic Solution of Certain
Agnostic Antinomies. St. Louis, MO; London: B. Herder, 1934.
_____. Reality: a Synthesis of Thomistic Thought. Translated by Patrick
Cummins. St. Louis: Herder, 1950. 419p. Translation of La Synthèse Thomiste.
Geisler, Norman L. Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Appraisal. Foreword by Ralph McInerny. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1991. 195p.
Gerrity, Benignus. Nature, Knowledge and
God; an Intro. to Thomistic Philosophy. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1947. 662p.
_____. The Relations between the Theory of Matter and Form and the Theory of
Knowledge in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Washington, D.C.:
Catholic university of America, 1936. 164p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic university
of America.
Gerstein, Louis Coleman. On the Conception of God in the Philosophy of Maimonides and St. Thomas Aquinas. NY: NY Univ., 1947. 27p. Abridgment of thesis, NY Univ.
Giguere, Robert Joseph. The Social Value of Public Worship According to Thomistic Principles. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1950. 124p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic University of America.
Gilson, Etienne (1884-1978). The Christian
Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. With a catalogue of St. Thomas’s works by
I.T. Eschmann; translated by L.K. Shook. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994. 502p.
Originally published: NY: Random House, 1956.
_____. History of Philosophy and Philosophical Education: Under the Auspices
of the Aristotelian Society of Marquette University. Milwaukee: Marquette
Univ. Press, 1948. 49p.
_____. The Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Authorised translation from
the 3d rev. and enl. ed. of ‘Le thomisme’, by Étienne Gilson. Translated
by Edward Bullough. Edited by G. A. Elrington. Freeport, NY: Books for
Libraries Press, 1971. 372p. (Folcroft, PA: Folcroft Library Editions, 1972:
150 copies.)
_____. Thomist Realism and the Critique of Knowledge. Translated by Mark
A. Wauck (Réalisme Thomiste et Critique de la Connaissance). San
Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986. 215p.
_____ Wisdom and Love in Saint Thomas Aquinas. Under the auspices of the
Aristotelian Society of Marquette University. Milwaukee: Marquette University
Press, 1951. 55p.
Goris, Harm J. M. J. Free Creatures of an Eternal God: Thomas Aquinas on God’s Foreknowledge and Irresistible Will. Leuven: Peeters, 1996. 345p.
Grabmann, Martin (1875-1949). The Interior
Life of St. Thomas Aquinas, Presented from His Works and the Acts of His
Canonization Process. Translated by Nicholas Ashenbrener. Milwaukee: Bruce,
1951. 92p.
_____. Thomas Aquinas, His Personality and Thought. Authorized
translation by Virgil Michel. NY: Russell & Russell, 1963. 191p.
Grabmann, Martin (1875-1949). Thomas Aquinas, His Personality and Thought. Authorized translation by Virgil Michel (1890-1938). NY: Russell & Russell, 1963. 191p.
Gray, Hanna Holborn. Three Essays. Issued by the University of Chicago Press in celebration of her inauguration as president of the university, 6 October 1978. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. 73p. (Renaissance humanism; Valla’s Encomium of St. Thomas Aquinas; and the humanist conception of Christian antiquity: 500 copies.)
Grenet, Paul Bernard. Thomism: an Introduction. Translated by James F. Ross. NY: Harper & Row, 1967. 130p.
Gulley, Anthony D. The Educational Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas. NY: Pageant Press, 1964. 153p.
Gustafson, Gustaf Joseph. The Theory of Natural Appetancy in the Philosophy of St. Thomas. The Catholic university of America press, 1944. 125p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic university of America, 1944.
Haberman, Jacob. Maimonides and Aquinas: a Contemporary Appraisal. Foreword by Joseph L. Blau. NY: Ktav Pub. House, 1979. 289p.
Haldane, John, ed. Mind, Metaphysics, and Value in the Thomistic and Analytical Traditions. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2002. 225p.
Hart, Charles Aloysius. The Thomistic Concept of Mental Faculty. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Univ., 1930. 142p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1930.
Hayes, Mary Dolores. Various Group Mind
Theories Viewed in the Light of Thomistic principles. Washington, D.C.: The
Catholic University of America Press, 1942. 192p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic
university of America, 1942.
_____. Society and Social Change in the Writings of St. Thomas, Ward,
Sumner, and Cooley. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1948.
159p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic Univ. of America.
Healy, Nicholas M. Thomas Aquinas: Theologian of the Christian Life. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003.
Herrlin, Olle. The Ontological Proof in Thomistic and Kantian Interpretation. Uppsala: Lundquistska Bokhandeln, 1950. 115p.
Hillgarth, J. N. Who Read Thomas Aquinas? Toronto, Ontario: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1992. 31p.
Hopkin, Charles Edward. The Share of Thomas Aquinas in the Growth of the Witchcraft Delusion. NY: AMS Press, 1982. 188p. Original ed.: Philadelphia, 1940.
Houle, Mary Mercy, Michael Monshau and Patrick Norris. Praying with Thomas Aquinas. Winona, MN: Saint Mary’s Press, 2000. 123p.
Hughes, Mary Cosmas. The Intelligibility of the Universe. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1946. 172p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1945.
Inglis, John. On Aquinas. Australia; Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002. 96p.
Janz, Denis. Luther on Thomas Aquinas: the Angelic Doctor in the Thought of the Reformer. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1989. 124p.
Jenkins, John I. Knowledge and Faith in Thomas Aquinas. Cambridge, U.K.; NY: USA: Cambridge University Press, 1997. 267p.
Jette, Celine Rita. The Philosophy of Nietzsche in the Light of Thomistic Principles. NY: Pageant Press, 1967. 86p.
John of St. Thomas (1589-1644). The Material Logic of John of St. Thomas: Basic Treatises. Translated by Yves R. Simon, John J. Glanville and G. Donald Hollenhorst. Pref. by Jacques Maritain. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955. 638p.
Joly, Ralph Philip. The Human Person in a Philosophy of Education. The Hague: Mouton, 1965. 147p.
Jordan, Mark D. Ordering Wisdom: the
Hierarchy of Philosophical Discourses in Aquinas. Notre Dame: University of
Notre Dame Press, 1986. 297p.
_____. The Alleged Aristotelianism of Thomas Aquinas. Toronto:
Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1992. 41p.
Joubert, Gerard. Qualities of Citizenship in St. Thomas. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1942. 154p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1943.
Junkersfeld, Julienne. The Aristotelian-Thomistic Concept of Chance. Notre Dame, IN: Lithoprinted by Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, MI, 1945. 86p. Ph.D. thesis, University of Notre Dame, 1945.
Kaphagawani, Didier Njirayamanda. Leibniz on Freedom and Determinism in Relation to Aquinas and Molina. Aldershot: Hants, England; Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 1999. 151p.
Kenny, Anthony John Patrick. Aquinas on Mind.
London; NY: Routledge, 1993. 182p.
_____. Aquinas. NY: Hill and Wang, 1980. 86p.
_____, comp. Aquinas: a collection of critical essays. Garden City, NY:
Anchor Books, 1969. 389p. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1976.
_____. Moral Aspects of Nuremberg. Washington: Pontifical Faculty of
Theology, Dominican House of Studies, 1949. 168p.
Kiley, John F. Einstein and Aquinas: a Rapprochement. Foreword by W. E. Carlo. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969. 124p.
Killeen, Sylvester Michael. The Philosophy of Labor According to Thomas Aquinas: a Study in Social Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1939. 148p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic university of America, 1939.
Kinney, Mary Cyril Edwin. A Critique of the Philosophy of George Santayana in the Light of Thomistic Principles. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1942. 131p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic university of America, 1942.
Kishi, Augustin Hideshi. Spiritual Consciousness in Zen from a Thomistic Theological Point of View. Montreal: Faculty of Theology, University of Montreal, 1966. 123p.
Klauder, Francis J. The Philosophy of Common
Sense: an Attempt at Briefly Stating the Philosophy of the Schools. Tampa,
FL: Mary Help of Christians School, 1962. 42p.
_____. A Philosophy Rooted in Love: the Dominant Themes in the Perennial
Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Lanham: University Press of America,
1994. 356p.
Klubertanz, George Peter. St. Thomas Aquinas on Analogy. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1960. 319p.
Knowles, David. The Historical Context of the Philosophical Works of St. Thomas Aquinas. London: Blackfriars, 1958. 14p. Read to the Aquinas Society of London in 1956.
Konecsni, Johnemery. A Philosophy for Living: a Sketch of Aquinate Philosophy. Washington: University Press of America, 1977. 178p.
Kreilkamp, Karl. The Metaphysical Foundations of Thomistic Jurisprudence. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press, 1939. 183p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1939.
Kretzmann, Norman, and Eleonore Stump, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas. Cambridge; NY: USA: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 302p.
Laky, John Joseph. A Study of George Berkeley’s Philosophy in the Light of the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1950. 129p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic University of America.
Laprie, Félix, abbé (1825-1898). Saint Thomas d’Aquin et Saint Bonaventure. 2e éd. Bordeaux: Feret et fils; Paris: Lecoffre fils & cie, 1870. 100p.
Lattey, Cuthbert, ed. St. Thomas Aquinas: Papers from the Summer School of Catholic Studies Held at Cambridge, August 4-9, 1924. Cambridge, Eng.: W. Heffer & sons, 1925. 311p.
Leget, Carlo. Living with God: Thomas Aquinas on the Relation Between Life on Earth and “Life” After Death. Leuven: Peeters, 1997. 304p.
Lisska, Anthony J. Aquinas’s Theory of Natural Law: An Analytic Reconstrution. Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1996. 320p.
Lockey, Paul, et al, eds. Studies in Thomistic Theology. Houston, TX: Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, 1995. 358p.
Long, R. James, ed. Philosophy and the God of Abraham: Essays in Memory of James A. Weisheipl, OP. Toronto, Ont.: Canada: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1991. 296p.
Lowe, Elizabeth. The Contested Theological Authority of Thomas Aquinas: the Controversies Between Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St. Pourçain. NY: Routledge, 2003.
Lynam, Gerald J.. The Good Political Ruler According to St. Thomas Aquinas. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1953. 42p. Thesis, Catholic University of America.
Lyons, James Patrick. The Essential Structure of Marriage: a Study of the Thomistic Teaching on the Natural Institution. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1950. 51p. Thesis, Catholic University of America.
MacDonald, Scott Charles, and Eleonore Stump, eds. Aquinas’s Moral Theory: Essays in Honor of Norman Kretzmann. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998. 291p.
Malloy, Michael P. Civil Authority in Medieval Philosophy: Lombard, Aquinas, and Bonaventure. Lanham: University Press of America, 1985. 223p. Revision of doctoral thesis, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Manning, E., ed. Thomistica. Leuven: Peeters, 1995. 201p.
Maritain, Jacques (1882-1973). The Angelic
Doctor: the Life and Thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Translated by J. F.
Scanlan. NY: L. MacVeagh, The Dial press; Toronto, Longmans, Green, 1931. 300p.
_____. St. Thomas Aquinas, Angel of the Schools. Translated by J. F.
Scanlan. London, Sheed & Ward, 1933. 240p. First published April 1931”
under title: The Angelic Doctor. St. Thomas Aquinas. Newly
translated and rev. by Joseph W. Evans and Peter O’Reilly (Docteur Angélique).
NY: Meridian Books, 1958. 281p.
_____. Existence and the Existent. English version by Lewis Galantiere
and Gerald B. Phelan (Court Traité de L’existence et de L’existant). Westport,
CT: Greenwood Press, 1948, 1975. 149p. Lanham, MD: University Press of America,
_____. Integral Humanism: Temporal and Spiritual Problems of a New
Christendom. Translated by Joseph W. Evans. Notre Dame, IN: University of
Notre Dame Press, 1968. 308p. Reprint of the ed. published by Scribner, NY.
_____. Saint Thomas and the Problem of Evil: Under the Auspices of the
Aristotelian Society of Marquette University. Milwaukee: Marquette
university press, 1942. 46p.
_____. The Maritain Volume of the Thomist: Dedicated to Jacques Maritain on
the Occasion of His Sixtieth Anniversary. Great Neck, NY: Core Collection
Books, 1978. 374p. First published January 1943 as volume five of the Thomist.
_____. True Humanism. NY: C. Scribner’s sons, 1938. 304p. Translated
from the French by Margot Adamson (Humanisme Intégral). Freeport, NY:
Books for Libraries Press, 1970. 304p. Six lectures delivered in August 1934 at
the Summer School of the University of Santander.
Maritain, Raïssa Mme. St. Thomas Aquinas: the Angel of the Schools. Translated by Julie Kernan; with illustrations by Gino Severini. NY: Sheed & Ward, inc., 1935. 127p.
Marling, Joseph Maria. The Order of Nature in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Washington, D.C., The Catholic university of America, 1934. 187p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic university of America, 1934.
Maurer, Armand Augustine. Being and Knowing:
Studies in Thomas Aquinas and Later Medieval Philosophers. Toronto, Ont.,
Canada: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1990. 496p.
_____. St. Thomas and Historicity. Milwaukee: Marquette University
Press, 1979. 57p.
Mayer, Mary Helen. The Philosophy of Teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas. Intro. by Edward A. Fitzpatrick. Milwaukee, WI: Bruce, 1929. 164p. Aquinas’s work entitled De Magistro, for the first time in English translation.
McCaffrey, Daniel. Salvific Faith for the Unbeliever in the Light of St. Thomas’s Doctrine on Interior Inspiration. (Pars dissertationis ad lauream in facultate s. theologiae apud pontificiam universitatem S. Thomae de urbe.) Romae, Catholic Book Agency, 1968. 74p. Four chapters, the conclusion, and bibliography from the author’s thesis, University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.
McCormick, Mary Josephine. Diagnostic
Casework in the Thomistic Pattern. NY: Columbia University Press, 1954.
_____. Thomistic Philosophy in Social Casework. NY: Columbia University
Press, 1948. 148p.
McEvoy, James, and Michael Dunne, eds. Thomas Aquinas: Approaches to Truth: the Aquinas Lectures at Maynooth, 1996-2001. Foreword by Desmond Cardinal Connell. Dublin, Ireland; Portland, OR: Four Courts Press, 2002. 180p.
McInerny, Daniel, ed. The Common Things: Essays on Thomism and Education. Intro. by Benedict M. Ashley. Washington, DC: American Maritain Association, 1999.
McInerny, Ralph M. Aquinas. Cambridge,
UK: Polity Press; Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2003.
_____. Aquinas on Human Action: a Theory of Practice. Washington, D.C.:
Catholic University of America Press,
1992. 244p.
_____. Boethius and Aquinas. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of
America Press, 1990. 268p.
_____. A First Glance at St. Thomas Aquinas: a Handbook for Peeping Thomists.
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1990. 198p.
_____. Rhyme and Reason: St. Thomas and Modes of Discourse. Milwaukee:
Marquette University Press, 1981. 70p.
_____. St. Thomas Aquinas. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press,
1982. 197p. Reprint ed. originally published: Boston: Twayne, 1977.
McLean, George F., ed. Thomas and Bonaventure: a Septicentenary Commemoration. Washington: Office of the National Secretary of the Association, Catholic University of America, 1974. 344p.
McNabb, Vincent Joseph (1868-1943). The Mysticism of St. Thomas Aquinas. Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1924. 24p. A paper read at the celebrations of the sixth centenary of the canonisation of St. Thomas Aquinas, held at Manchester University, May 26-30, 1924.
McSweeney, Alan J. The Social Role of Truth According to St. Thomas Aquinas: a Study in Thomistic Social Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1943. 157p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1943.
Meehan, Francis Xavier. Efficient Causality in Aristotle and St. Thomas by Francis X. Meehan. Washington, D.C., The Catholic university of America press, 1940. 424p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic university of America, 1940.
Mennessier, A. I. Pattern for a Christian, According to St. Thomas Aquinas. Intro. by M. D. Chenu; translated by Nicholas Halligan. NY: Alba House, 1975. 225p.
Merriell, Donald Juvenal. To the Image of the Trinity: a Study in the Development of Aquinas’ Teaching. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1990. 266p. Revision of the author’s doctoral thesis, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1984.
Meyer, Charles Robert. The Thomistic Concept of Justifying Contrition. Mundelein, IL: Apud Aedes Seminarii Sanctae Mariae ad Lacum, 1949. 236p.
Meyer, Hans (1884-1966). Martin Heidegger
und Thomas von Aquin. München: F. Schöningh, 1964. 154p.
_____. The Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Translated by Rev. Frederic
Eckhoff. St. Louis, MO; London: B. Herder, 1944. 581p.
Miron, Cyril Harry. The Problem of Altruism in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas: a Study in Social Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1939. 130p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic university of America.
Mohan, Robert Paul. A Thomistic Philosophy of Civilization and Culture. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1948. 130p. Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America.
Mohler, James A. The Beginning of Eternal Life: the Dynamic Faith of Thomas Aquinas: Origins and Interpretation. NY: Philosophical Library, 1968. 144p.
Monahan, William Beattie. The Moral Theology
of St. Thomas Aquinas. Worcester, London: E. Baylis & son, 1942. 3
_____. The Psychology of St. Thomas Aquinas and Divine Revelation. Worcester;
London: E. Baylis & Son; Trinity Press, 1935. 304p.
Mondin, Battista. St. Thomas Aquinas’ Philosophy in the Commentary to the Sentences. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975. 130p.
Montano, Edward J. The Sin of the Angels: Some Aspects of the Teaching of St. Thomas. Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 1955. 359p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic University of America.
Mullane, Donald Thomas. Aristotelianism in St. Thomas. Washington, D.C., 1929. 128p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1929.
Mullen, Mary Dominica. Essence and Operation in the Teaching of St. Thomas and in Some Modern Philosophies. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1941. 119p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1941.
Murnion, William, E. The Meaning of Act in Understanding: a Study of the Thomistic Notion of Vital Act and Thomas Aquinas’s Original Teaching. Rome: Catholic Book Agency, 1973. 67p. Excerpt from the author’s thesis, Gregorian University, 1969.
Naus, John E. The Nature of the Practical Intellect According to Saint Thomas Aquinas. Roma: Università Gregoriana, 1959. 220p.
Newland, Mary Reed. St. Thomas Aquinas: a Concise Biography. Foreword by J. M. Donahue. NY: American R.D.M., 1967, 62p.
Newman, Jeremiah. Foundations of Justice: a Historico-Critical Study in Thomism. Preface by Jacques Leclercq. Cork: Cork University Press, 1954. 130p. Revision of the author’s dissertation, Louvain.
Niemeyer, Mary Fredericus. The One and the Many in the Social Order According to Saint Thomas Aquinas. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1951. 126p. Thesis, Catholic University of America.
Noon, William T. Joyce and Aquinas. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957. 167p. Original form this book was PhD. dissertation submitted to Yale University.
O’Connor, William Richard. The Eternal Quest. NY: Longnmans, Green, 1947. 290p.
O’Donnell, Robert A. Hooked on Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas Made Easy. NY: Alba House, 1995. 110p.
Oguejiofor, Josephat Obi. The Philosophical Significance of Immortality in Thomas Aquinas. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2000.
O’Mahony, James Edward. The Desire of God in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Cork: Purcell and Co., 1928. 263p. Doctoral Diss., Univ. de Louvain.
O’Meara, Thomas F. Thomas Aquinas Theologian. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1997. 302p.
Osbourn, James C. The Morality of Imperfections. Washington, D.C.: Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Dominican House of Studies, 1943. 247p.
Ostheimer, Anthony Leo. The Family: a Thomistic Study in Social Philosophy. Washington: The Catholic University of America, 1939. 240p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1939.
Owens, Joseph. Cognition: an Epistemological
Inquiry. Houston, TX: Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St.
Thomas, 1992. 373p.
_____, ed. St. Thomas Aquinas on the Existence of God: Collected Papers of
Joseph Owens. Albany: State University of NY Press, 1980. 291p.
Pasnau, Robert. Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature: a Philosophical Study of Summa Theologiae 1a, 75-89. Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 500p.
Passerin d’Entrèves, Alessandro. The Medieval Contribution to Political Thought, Thomas Aquinas, Marsilius of Padua, Richard Hooker. London: Oxford university press, 1939. 148p. Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford during the summer term, 1938. First published in 1934.
Patterson, Robert Leet. The Conception of God in the Philosophy of Aquinas. London: Allen & Unwin, 1933. 508p.
Pegis, Anton Charles. Saint Thomas and the
Greeks. Milwaukee: Marquette university press, 1939. 107p.
_____. St. Thomas and Philosophy. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press,
1964. 89p.
Peifer, John Frederick The Concept in Thomism. NY: Bookman Associates, 1952. 225p.
Penta, Clement Della. Hope and society; a Thomistic study of social optimism and pessimism, a study in social philosophy. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1942. 196p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1942.
Petitot, Hyacinthe (1880-1934). The Life and Spirit of Thomas Aquinas. Translated by Cyprian Burke. Chicago: Priory Press, 1966. 174p. Translation of Saint Thomas d’Aquin; la Vocation, L’oeuvre, La vie Spirituelle.
Petritz, Margaret Miriam. The Philosophy of Anger and the Virtues. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1953. 30p. Thesis, Catholic University of America.
Phelan, Gerald Bernard (1892-1965). Saint Thomas and Analogy. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1941. 58p.
Phillips, Richard
Percival. Modern Thomistic Philosophy. 2 vols. London: Burns, Oates
& Washbourne, 1934-35. 2 vols.; Vol. 11: Metaphysics. Westminster, Maryland: Newman Press, 1964.
Pieper, Josef. Guide to Thomas Aquinas.
Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston. San Francisco:
Ignatius Press, 1991; NY: Octagon Books, 1982. 181p. Translation of Hinführung
zu Thomas von Aquin. Reprint. Originally published: NY: Pantheon
Books, 1962.
_____. The Silence of St. Thomas: Three Essays. Translated by John
Murray and Daniel O’Connor. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press, 1999. 122p.
Pines, Shlomo. Scholasticism after Thomas Aquinas and the Teachings of Hasdai Crescas and his Predecessors. Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1967. 101p.
Pousson, Leon Bernard. The Totalitarian Philosophy of Education. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1944. 164p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1944.
Principe, Walter Henry. Thomas Aquinas’ Spirituality. Toronto, Ont., Canada: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1984. 29p.
Puthiadam, Ignatius. God in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and ´Sri Madhvacarya. Madurai: Dialogue Series, 1981. 86p.
Quinn, Patrick. Aquinas, Platonism, and the Knowledge of God. Aldershot: Hants, England; Brookfield, Vt.: Avebury, 1996. 102p.
Ragusa, Thomas Joseph. The Substance Theory of Mind and Contemporary Functionalism. Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America, 1937. 101p. Theory of mind in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas in its relation to the theories of mind in Aristotle and in the functionalism of John Dewey. Doctoral thesis, Catholic University of America, 1937.
Rahner, Karl. Spirit in the World (Geist in Welt). 2nd ed. Translated by William Dych. London: Sydney, Sheed & Ward; NY: Herder and Herder, 1968. 408p. NY: Continuum, 1994.
Rand, Edward Kennard (1871-1945). Cicero in the Courtroom of St. Thomas Aquinas. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1946. 115p.
Reardon, John Joseph. Selfishness and the Social Order: a Study in Thomistic Social Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1943. 220p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1943.
Redpath, Peter A. A Simplified Intro. to the Wisdom of St. Thomas. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1980. 170p.
Renick, Timothy Mark. Aquinas for Armchair Theologians. Illustrations by Ron Hill. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002. 163p.
Reutemann, Charles. The Thomistic Concept of Pleasure, as Compared with Hedonistic and Rigoristic Philosophies. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1953. 37p. Thesis, Catholic University of America.
Rice, Charles E. 50 Questions on the Natural Law: What It Is and Why We Need It. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993. 332p.
Richardson, John T. The Virtue of Gratitude According to the Mind of Saint Thomas. Washington: Pontificium Institutum ‘Angelicum’ de Urbe, 1954. 78p. Pars dissertationis ad lauream in Facultate S. Theologiae apud Pontificium Institutum ‘Angelicum’ de Urbe.
Richey, Francis Augustine. Character Control of Wealth According to Saint Thomas Aquinas. Whasington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1940. 122p. Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of America, 1940.
Robb, James Harry. Man as Infinite Spirit. Milwaukee: Marquette University Publications, 1974. 57p.
Rogers, Eugene F. Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: Sacred Doctrine and the Natural Knowledge of God. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1995. 248p. Revision of the author’s doctoral thesis, Yale University.
Rousselot, Pierre (1878-1915). The Intellectualism of Saint Thomas. Translated with a foreword by Father James E. O’Mahony. London: Sheed & Ward, 1935. 231p. Original edition published in 1908.
Rowland, Tracey. Culture and the Thomist Tradition: After Vatican II. London; NY: Routledge, 2003. 257p.
Ryan, Edmund Joseph. The Role of the “Sensus Communis” in the Psychology of St. Thomas Aquinas. Carthegena, Ohio, Messenger Press, 1951. 198p. Doctoral thesis, St. Louis University.
Ryan, Thomas. Thomas Aquinas as Reader of the Psalms. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2000. 233p.
Sabra, George. Thomas Aquinas’ Vision of the Church: Fundamentals of an Ecumenical Ecclesiology. Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, 1987. 206p. Originally presented as the author’s doctoral thesis, Tübingen, 1986.
Sattler, Henry V. A Philosophy of Submission: a Thomastic Study in Social Philosophy. Washington: Catholic Univ. Press, 1948. 212p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic Univ. of America.
Scharlemann, Robert P. Thomas Aquinas and John Gerhard. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964. 271p.
Schoot, Henk J. M., ed. Tibi soli peccavi: Thomas Aquinas on guilt and forgiveness: a collection of studies presented at the first congress of the Thomas Instituut te Utrecht, December 13-15, 1995. Leuven: Peeters, 1996. 176p.
Schumacher, Leo Sebastian. The Philosophy of the Equitable Distribution of Wealth: a Study in Economic Philosophy. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1949. 138p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic University of America.
Selman, Francis John. Saint Thomas Aquinas: Teacher of Truth. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1994. 103p.
Sertillanges, Antonin Gilbert (1863-1948). Foundations
of Thomistic Philosophy. Translated by Godfrey Anstruther. London: Sands
& co.; St. Louis, MO: B. Herder, 1931. 254p.
_____. Saint Thomas Aquinas and His Work. Translated by Godfrey
Anstruther. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1933. 150p.
Shahan, Robert W., and Francis J. Kovach, eds. Bonaventure & Aquinas: Enduring Philosophers. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1976. 194p.
Shanley, Brian J. The Thomist Tradition. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers; Norwell, MA: Sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. 238p.
Shepperson, Mary Fides. A Comparative Study of St. Thomas and Herbert Spencer. Pittsburgh, PA: [s.n.], 1923. 85p. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 1923.
Sherman, James Edward. The Nature of Martyrdom: a Dogmatic and Moral Analysis According to the Teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas. Paterson, NJ: St. Anthony guild press, 1942. 321p.
Shin, Chang-Suk. “Imago Dei” und “natura hominis”: der Doppelansatz der thomistischen Handlungslehre. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1993. 227p. Originally presented as the author’s doctoral thesis, Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, 1992. 227p.
Sikora, Joseph John. The Christian Intellect and the Mystery of Being: Reflections of a Maritain Thomist. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. 197p.
Slavin, Robert Joseph. The Philosophical Basis for Individual Differences According to Saint Thomas Aquinas. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic university of America, 1936. 166p. Ph.D. Thesis, Catholic university of America, 1936.
Smith, Enid, sister. The Goodness of Being in Thomistic Philosophy and Its Contemporary Significance. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic university of America press, 1947. 143p. Ph.D. Thesis, Catholic university of America, 1947.
Smith, Michael A. Human Dignity and the Common Good in the Aristotelian-Thomistic Tradition. Lewiston, NY: Mellen University Press, 1995. 208p. Revision of the author’s doctoral dissertation, Université Laval.
Smith, Timothy Lee. Thomas Aquinas’ Trinitarian Theology: a Study in Theological Method. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2003. 258p.
Spangler, Mary Michael. Principles of Education: a Study of Aristotelian Thomism Contrasted with Other Philosophies. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1983. 297p.
Speltz, George H. The Importance of Rural Life According to the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas: a Study in Economic Philosophy. Washington: The Catholic University of America, 1945. 184p. Ph.D. Thesis, Catholic University of America, 1944. 184p.
Spiazzi, Raimondo. San Tommaso d’Aquino: Biografia Documentata di un Uomo Buono, Intelligente, Veramente Grande. Bologna, Italia: Edizioni Studio domenicano, 1995. 441p.
St. Thomas Aquinas, 1274-1974: Commemorative Studies. Foreword by Etienne Gilson. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1974. 2 vols.
Stark, Werner. The Contained Economy: an Interpretation of Medieval Economic Thought. London: Blackfriars, 1956. 22p.
Steenberghen, Fernand van. Aristotle in the
West: the Origins of Latin Aristotelianism. Translated by Leonard Johnston.
2d ed. Louvain, Nauwelaerts, 1970. 244p. (1st ed., 1995.)
_____. Thomas Aquinas and Radical Aristotelianism. Washington, D.C.:
Catholic University of America Press, 1980. 114p. Revisions of three lectures
given at Catholic University of America in March 1978.
Steiner, Rudolf (1861-1925). The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas: Three Lectures Given in the Goetheanum, Dornach, at Whitsuntide, 1920. London: Percy Lund, Humphries, 1932. 189p.
Stockhammer, Morris, ed. Thomas Aquinas Dictionary. Intro. by Theodore E. James. NY: Philosophical Library, 1965. 219p. Based on Aquinas’ Opera Omnia (1882) and on two English translations by Joseph Rickaby of Aquinas Ethicus and Of God and His Creatures.
Strathern, Paul. Thomas Aquinas in 90 Minutes. Chicago, IL: Ivan R. Dee, 1998. 90p.
Stump, Eleonore. Aquinas. London; NY: Routledge, 2003.
Sullivan, James Bacon. An Examination of First Principles in Thought and Being in the Light of Aristotle and Aquinas. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic university of America press, 1939. 150p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic university of America, 1939.
Sullivan, Robert P. Man’s Thirst for Good. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1952. 120p.
Swiezawski, Stefan. St. Thomas Revisited. Translated by Theresa Sandok. NY: P. Lang, 1995. 194p.
Synan, Edward A. Thomas Aquinas: Propositions and Parables. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1979. 20p.
Talbot, Edward Francis. Knowledge and Object: Critical Study and Exposition of Thomistic Principles of Epistemology. Washington, D.C., 1932. 117p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic university of America, 1932.
Thomas Aquinas, Saint (1225?-1274). Summa Theologiae. 60 volumes.
Blackfriars Edition. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1964-1976 (1st complete American ed.
Literally tr. by Fathers of the English Dominican Province; with synoptical
charts). Summa Theologiae: a Concise Translation. Edited by Timothy
McDermott. Westminister, MD: USA: Christian Classics, 1989. 651p. Summa
Theologiae. Editor Thomas Gilby. Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1969. 18
volumes. Summa Theologiae. Venice, Bonetus Locatellus for Octavianus
Scotus, 1493-1495. Cambridge, England; NY: Benziger Bros., 1947-48. 3 vols.;
Vol. 1 printed 1 Sept. 1495; vol. 2, pt. 1, 1 July 1495; vol. 2, pt. 2, 28 June
1495; vol. 3, 10 July 1493; translated by Father Laurence Shapcote of the
Fathers of the English Dominican Province; revised by Daniel J. Sullivan. 2nd
ed. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1990. 2 vols.; translated by Fathers of
the English Dominican Province. Complete English ed. Westminster, Md.:
Christian Classics, 1981. 5 vols. 3057p. Originally published: NY: Benziger
Bros., 1947-1948; Franklin Center, PA: Franklin Library, 1985).
_____. Thomas Aquinas, the Gifts of the Spirit: Selected Spiritual Writings
(Chiefly from His Biblical Commentaries). Intro. and edited by Benedict M.
Ashley; selections translated by Matthew Rzeczkowski. Hyde Park, NY: New City
Press, 1995. 144p.
_____. The Literal Exposition on Job: a Scriptural Commentary Concerning
Providence. Anthony Damico, translator; Martin D. Yaffe, interpretive essay
and notes. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1989. 496p.
_____. Commentary on the Book of Causes. Translated and annotated by
Vincent A. Guagliardo; intro. by Vincent A. Guagliardo from Super Librum de
Causis Expositio. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press,
1996. 193p.
_____. An Exposition of the On the Hebdomads of Boethius. Intro. and
translation by Janice L. Schultz and Edward A. Synan. Washington, D.C.:
Catholic University of America Press, 2001. 65p.
_____. St. Thomas Aquinas, 1274-1974; Commemorative Studies. Foreword by
Etienne Gilson. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1974. 2
_____, et al. War and Peace. Washington, D.C.: University Press of
America, 1982. 635p. Compiled and edited by the faculty members of Lynchburg
_____. Aristoteles. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1951. The commentary
on the De Anima of Aristotle. 504p. (Venice: Bonetus Locatellus for
Octavianus Scotus, 18 Aug. (XV Kal. Sept.) 1495; 76 leaves. woodcuts).
_____. Aquinas Ethicus; or, The Moral Teaching of St. Thomas. Summa
Theoloqica Selections 1896. London: Burns and Oates, 1896.
_____. The Commandments of God. London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne,
1937. 89p.
_____. The Divine Ways. Windsor, Ont.: Christian culture press,
Assumption college, 1942.
_____. God and His works. London: Society for promoting Christian
knowledge; NY: Macmillan, 1936. 102p.
_____. Jesus Christ, the World Incarnate. St. Louis, MO: B. Herder,
1904. 406p.
_____. On the Truth of the Catholic Faith. Garden City, NY: Image Books,
1955. 4 vols.
_____. Summa Contra Gentiles. Zürich: Fraumünster-Verlag, 1942-49. 4
_____. Thoughts from the Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Des Plaines,
IL: St. Mary’s Training School, 1924.
_____. Treatise on the Virtues. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
1966. 171p.
_____. Philosophical Texts. Selected and translated by Thomas Gilby. NY:
Oxford University Press, 1960; Durham, N.C.: Labyrinth Press, 1982. 405p.
_____. The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas: Introductory Readings. Edited
by Christopher Martin. London; NY: Routledge, 1988. 201p.
_____. The Pocket Aquinas. Selections from the writings of St. Thomas.
Edited, with some passages newly translated, and a general intro. by Vernon J.
Bourke. NY: Washington Square Press, 1960. 372p.
_____. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas; Representative Selections.
Edited with an intro. by Dino Bigongiari. NY: Hafner, 1953. 217p.
_____. Political Writings. Edited and translated by R.W. Dyson.
Cambridge, UK; NY: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 312p. Selected
Political Writings. Edited with an intro. by A.P. d’Entrèves; translated by
J.G. Dawson. Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1959
_____. The Soul. Translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’ De Anima by
John Patrick Rowan. St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1949. 291p. Quaestiones
de Anima: a Newly Established Edition of the Latin Text with an Intro. and
Notes. Edited by James H. Robb. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, 1968. 282p. Questions on the Soul (Quaestiones de Anima). Translated
from the Latin with an intro. by James H. Robb. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette
University Press, 1984. 275p.
_____. Readings in the Summa Theologiae. Translated by Mark D. Jordan.
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1990.
_____. The Religious State; the Episcopate and the Priestly Office. A
translation of the minor work of the Saint, On the perfection of the spiritual
life. Edited with prefatory notice by Father Proctor. Westminster, MD: Newman
Press, 1950. 166p.
_____. Saint Thomas Aquinas. Selections from his works made by George N.
Shuster. Wood engravings by Reynolds Stone. NY: Heritage Press, 1971. 112p.
_____. Selected Philosophical Writings. Selected and translated by
Timothy McDermott. Oxford; NY: Oxford University Press, 1993. 452p.
_____. The Sermon-Conferences of St. Thomas Aquinas on the Apostles’ Creed.
Translated from the Leonine Edition and edited and introduced by Nicholas Ayo.
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988. 201p. Latin with facing
English translation. The Latin text is a secretarial record by Reginald of
Piperno of a series of sermons preached by Thomas in Naples in 1273 in the
Neapolitan dialect.
_____. Sermon Matter from St. Thomas Aquinas on the Epistles and Gospels of
the Sundays and Feast Days (Advent to Easter). Edited by C. J. Callan. St.
Louis: Herder, 1950. 311p.
_____. A Shorter Summa: the Most Essential Philosophical Passages of St.
Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica. Edited by Peter Kreeft. San Francisco:
Ignatius Press, 1993. 162p.
_____. St. Thomas Aquinas, on Aristotle’s Love and Friendship, Ethics, books
VIII-IX. Translated by Pierre Conway. Providence: Providence College Press,
1951. 132p. Translated from the author’s In decem libros Ethicorum Aristotelis
ad Nicomachum expositio. A translation of the Latin text of Aristotle which St.
Thomas employed precedes each chapter.
_____. St. Thomas Aquinas on Politics and Ethics. New translation,
backgrounds, interpretations by Paul E. Sigmund. NY: Norton, 1988. 248p.
_____. St. Thomas Aquinas, Theological Texts. Selected and translated
with notes and an intro. by Thomas Gilby. Durham, NC: Labyrinth Press, 1982.
423p. Reprint: London: Oxford University Press, 1955.
_____. The Summa Contra Gentiles of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Lliterally
translated by the English Dominican fathers from the latest Leonine edition.
London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1923. Taurini: Marietti, 1934. Notre
Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1975 (Reprint of the ed. published by
Hanover House, Garden City, NY: under title: On the Truth of the Catholic
_____. A Summa of the Summa: the Essential Philosophical Passages of St.
Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica. Edited by Peter Kreeft. San Francisco:
Ignatius Press, 1990. 539p. Passages from the Summa Theologica are taken
from the translation done in 1920 by the fathers of the English Dominican
_____. A Summary of Philosophy. Translated and edited, with intro. and
glossary by Richard J. Regan. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co., 2003. 222p.
_____. The Teacher (Truth, Question Eleven). The West Baden translation,
with an intro. by James Collins. Chicago, H. Regenery, 1954. 45p.
_____. Theological Texts. London, NY: Oxford University Press, 1955.
_____. Thomas Aquinas, the Gifts of the Spirit: Selected Spiritual Writings
(Chiefly from His Biblical Commentaries). Introduced and edited by Benedict
M. Ashley; selections translated by Matthew Rzeczkowski. Hyde Park, NY: New
City Press, 1995. 144p.
_____. The Three Greatest Prayers: Commentaries on the Lord’s Prayer, the
Hail Mary, and the Apostles’ Creed. Foreword by Ralph McInerny. Manchester,
NH: Sophia Institute Press, 1990. 190p. English translation of Reginald of
Piperno’s Latin summaries of Thomas Aquinas’s three groups of sermons during
Lent 1273. Originally published: London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1937.
Revised-format 1987 edition has only been slightly edited to eliminate awkward
or archaic language.
_____. Treatise on Happiness. Translated by John A. Oesterle. Notre
Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983; Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1964. 208p. Selections from the Summa Theologiae. The
Treatise on Human Nature: Summa Theologiae. Translated, with intro. and
commentary, by Robert Pasnau. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co., 2002. 434p.
_____. Treatise on Law: Summa Theologica, Questions 90-97. Intro. by
Ralph McInerny. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Pub., 1996. 116p. Translated, with
intro., notes, and glossary, by Richard J. Regan. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub.
Co., 2000. 102p.
_____. Treatise on Man. Translated by James F. Anderson. Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 1981, 1962. 178p.
_____. Treatise on Separate Substances. A Latin-English ed. of a
Newly-established text based on 12 mediaeval mss. With intro. and notes, by
Francis J. Lescoe. West Hartford, CT: Saint Joseph College, 1963. 173p.
_____. Treatise on the Virtues. Translated by John A. Oesterle. Notre
Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1984; reprint. Originally published:
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1966.
_____. The Trinity and The Unity of the Intellect. Translated by Sister
Rose Emmanuella Brennan, S. H. N. St. Louis, MO: London, B. Herder book co.,
1946. 289p. Translation of St. Thomas’ Expositio super Boetium De Trinitate
and De unitate intellectus.
_____. Truth: Quaestiones Disputatae de Veritate. Indianapolis:
Hackett, 1994. 3 vols. Originally published: H. Regnery Co., 1952-1954.
_____. The Venerable Sacrament of the Altar: De Sacramento Attaris.
London, J. T. Hayes, 1871. 244p.
_____. Virtue: Way to Happiness. Translated with an intro. by Richard J.
Regan. Scranton, PA: University of Scranton Press, 1999. 261p.
_____. The Ways of God. Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press, 1995.
84p. Originally published: The Divine Ways. Windsor, Ont.: Christian
Culture Press, Assumption College, 1942.
_____. The Wisdom and Ideas of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Edited by Eugene Freeman
and Joseph Owens. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publications, 1968. 158p. Mount
Vernon, NY: Peter Pauper Press, 1951. 106p.
_____. St. Thomas Aquinas on Politics and Ethics: New Translation,
Backgrounds, Interpretations. Translated and edited by Paul E. Sigmund. NY:
Norton, 1988. 248p.
_____. The Aquinas Catechism: a Simple Explanation of the Catholic Faith by
the Church’s Greatest Theologian. Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press,
2000. 300p.
_____. Aquinas Ethicus, or, The Moral Teaching of St. Thomas. Translation
of the principal portions of the second part of the “Summa theologica,” with
notes by Joseph Rickaby. 2nd ed. London: Burns and Oates; NY: Benziger Bros.,
1896. 2 vols.
_____. Aquinas on Creation: Writings on the “Sentences” of Peter Lombard, book
2, distinction 1, question 1. Translated, with an intro. and notes, by
Steven E. Baldner & William E. Carroll. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of
Mediaeval Studies, 1997. 166p.
_____. An Aquinas Reader. Edited, with an intro., by Mary T. Clark.
Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1972. 597p.
_____. Aristotle: On interpretation. Commentary by St. Thomas and
Cajetan (Peri hermenias) Translated from the Latin with an intro. by Jean T.
Oesterle. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 1962. 271p.
_____. Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Edited and annotated,
with an intro. by Anton C. Pegis. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Pub., 1997. 2 vols.
(NY: Random House, 1945.)
_____. The Catechetical Instructions of St. Thomas Aquinas. Translated
with a commentary by Rev. Joseph B. Collins, intro. by Rev. Rudolph G. Bandas.
NY: J.F. Wagner, 1939. 200p.
_____. A Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima. Translated by Robert
Pasnau. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999. 450p.
_____. Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics. Translated by Richard J.
Blackwell, Richard J. Spath, and W. Edmund Thirlkel. Intro. by Vernon J.
Bourke. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1963. 599p.
_____. Commentary on the Book of Causes. Translated and annotated by
Vincent A. Guagliardo, Charles R. Hess, Richard C. Taylor; intro. by Vincent A.
Guagliardo. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1996.
_____. Commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle. Translated by John P.
Rowan. Chicago, H. Regnery, 1961. 2 vols., 955p.
_____. Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by C. I.
Litzinger. Chicago, Regnery, 1964. 2 vols., 1000p.
_____. Commentary on the Posterior Analytics of Aristotle. Translated by
F. R. Larcher, with a pref. by James A. Weisheipl. Alba, NY: Magi Books, 1970.
_____. The Essential Aquinas: Writings on Philosophy, Religion, and Society.
Edited by John Y.B. Hood. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002. 230p.
_____. An Exposition of the On the Hebdomads of Boethius. Intro. and
translation by Janice L. Schultz and Edward A. Synan. Washington, D.C.:
Catholic University of America Press, 2001. 65p.
_____. Faith, Reason and Theology: Questions I-IV of His Commentary on the
De Trinitate of Boethius. Translated with intro. and notes by Armand
Maurer. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1987. 127p.
_____. God and Creation. Translated and with an intro. by William P.
Baumgarth and Richard J. Regan. Scranton: University of Scranton Press;
Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, 1994. 310p.
_____. God’s Greatest Gifts: Commentaries on the Commandments and the
Sacraments. Foreword by Ralph McInerny. Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute
Press, 1992. 115p.
_____. The Human Constitution. Translated and with an intro. by Richard
J. Regan. Scranton: University of Scranton Press; Bronx, NY: Marketing and
distribution Fordham University Press, 1997. 219p.
_____. The Human Wisdom of St. Thomas; a Breviary of Philosophy from the
Works of St. Thomas Aquinas. Arr. by Josef Pieper, tr. by Drostan MacLaren.
NY: Sheed & Ward, 1948. 111p.
_____. Light of Faith: the Compendium of Theology. Manchester, NH:
Sophia Institute Press, 1993. 412p.
_____. The Literal Exposition on Job: a Scriptural Commentary Concerning
Providence. Anthony Damico, translator; Martin D. Yaffe, interpretive essay
and notes. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1989. 496p.
_____. My Way of Life, Pocket Edition of St. Thomas; the Summa Simplified
for Everyone. Walter Farrell and Martin J. Healy. Brooklyn, NY:
Confraternity of the Precious Blood, 1952. 630p.
_____. Nature and Grace; Selections from the Summa Theologica of Thomas
Aquinas. Translated and edited by A. M. Fairweather. Philadelphia:
Westminster Press, 1954. 386p.
_____. Of God and His Creatures. Annotated translation (with some
abridgement) of the Summa Contra Gentiles of Saint Thos. Aquinas, by
Joseph Rickaby. Westminster, MD: Carroll Press, 1950. 423p.
_____. On Being and Essence. Toronto, Canada: St. Michael’s college,
1934. 66p.
_____. On Charity (De Caritate). Translated from the Latin, with
an intro., by Lottie H. Kendzierski. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press,
1960. 115p.
_____. On Evil. Translated by Jean T. Oesterle. Notre Dame, IN:
University of Notre Dame Press, 1995. 547p. On Evil. Translated by Richard
Regan; edited with an intro. and notes by Brian Davies. NY: Oxford University
Press, 2003.
_____. On Faith and Reason. Edited, with intro. by Stephen F. Brown.
Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Pub., 1999. 293p.
_____. On Human Nature. Edited, with intro. by Thomas S. Hibbs.
Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Pub., 1999. 274p.
_____. On the Governance of Rulers (De Regimine Principum).
Translated from the Latin by Gerald B. Phelan. Toronto, Canada: St. Michael’s
College, 1935; On Kingship, to the King of Cyprus; (under the title On
the Governance of Rulers). Rev. with intro. and notes by I. Th. Eschmann.
Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1949; Westport, CT:
Hyperion Press, 1979. 119p.
_____. On Law, Morality, and Politics. Edited, with intro., by William
P. Baumgarth and Richard J. Regan. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1988. 288p. (2ed ed.
translated by Richard J. Regan; edited, with intro., notes, and glossary by
William P. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Pub., 2002. 224p.
_____. On the Eternity of the World: De Aeternitate Mundi.
Translated from the Latin with an intro. by Cyril Vollert, Lottie H.
Kendzierski, Paul M. Byrne. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 1964.
_____. On the Power of God (Quæstiones Disputatæ de Potentia Dei).
Literally translated by the English Dominican fathers. London: Burns, Oates
& Washbourne, 1932-34. 3 vols. The translation has been made by Father
Lawrence Shapcote.
_____. On the Unity of the Intellect Against the Averroists (De
Unitate Intellectus contra Averroistas). Translated from the Latin with an
intro. by Beatrice H. Zedler. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 1968.
_____. On the Virtues, in General. Translated with intro. and notes by
John Patrick Reid. Providence: Providence College Press, 1951. 188p.
Toal, M. F., ed. and trans. The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2000. 4 vols.
Tooke, Joan D. The Just War in Aquinas and Grotius. London: S.P.C.K., 1965. 337p. An earlier version of this book was presented as a doctoral thesis for the faculty of Divinity in Edinburgh University.
Torrell, Jean-Pierre. Saint Thomas Aquinas. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 199.
Trunk, Joseph V. A Thomistic Interpretation of Civic Right in the United States. Dayton, O., University of Dayton, 1937. 263p.
Tugwell, Simon, ed. and trans. Albert & Thomas: Selected Writings. Preface by Leonard E. Boyle. NY: Paulist Press, 1988. 650p.
Tyrrell, Francis Martin. The Role of Assent in Judgment: a Thomistic Study. Wasgington, Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1948. 184p. Doctoral thesis, Catholic Univ. of America.
Udell, Mary Gonzaga, Sister. A Theory of Criticism of Fiction in Its Moral Aspects According to Thomistic Principles. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1941. 126p. Doctoral Thesis, Catholic University of America, 1941.
Vann, Gerald (1906-1963). The Aquinas
Prescription: St. Thomas’s Path to a Discerning Heart, a Sane Society, and a
Holy Church. Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press, 1999. 182p.
_____. Morals Makyth Man. London; NY: Longmans, Green, 1938. 239p. The
first part of the book is an elaboration of papers read to the Aquinas
societies of London and Leicester.
_____. On Being Human: St. Thomas and Mr. Aldous Huxley. London: Sheed
& Ward, 1933. 110p.
_____. Saint Thomas Aquinas. London: Hague & Gill, 1940. 182p.
Velde, Rudi A. Participation and Substantiality in Thomas Aquinas. Leiden; NY: E.J. Brill, 1995. 290p. Revision of the author’s doctoral thesis, Free University of Amsterdam, 1991. Revised from the Dutch with the help of Anthony P. Runia.
Vélez-Sáenz, Jaime The Doctrine of the Common Good of Civil Society in the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas. Notre Dame, IN: Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 1951. 96p. Doctoral thesis, University of Notre Dame.
Verbeke, Gérard, and D. Verhelst, eds. Aquinas and Problems of His Time. Louvain: Belgium: Leuven University Press, 1976. 229p.
Vieillard-Baron, Jean-Louis, ed. De saint Thomas a Hegel. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1994. 151p.
Vitoria, Francisco de (1486?-1546). Reflection on Homicide & Commentary on Summa theologiae IIa-IIae Q. 64. Translated from the Latin with an intro. and notes by John P. Doyle. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 1997. 269p.
Vos, Arvin. Aquinas, Calvin, and Contemporary Protestant Thought: a Critique of Protestant Views on the Thought of Thomas Aquinas. Foreword by Ralph McInerny. Washington, D.C.: Christian University Press; Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1985. 178p.
Waddell, Michael M., ed. Restoring Nature: Essays in Thomistic Philosophy and Theology. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press, 2003.
Wadell, Paul J. Friends of God: Virtues and Gifts in Aquinas. NY: P. Lang, 1991. 148p.
Walgrave, Jan Hendrik. Selected Writings Thematische Geschriften: Thomas Aquinas, J.H. Newman, Theologia Fundamentalis. Edited by G. De Schrijver & J. Kelly. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1982. 425p.
Wallace, William A. Galileo, the Jesuits,
and the Medieval Aristole. Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain; Brookfield,
VT: Ashgate, 1991.
_____. The Role of Demonstration in Moral Theology; a Study of Methodology
in St. Thomas Aquinas. Washington, D.C.: Thomist Press 1962. 244p.
Walz, Angelus. Saint Thomas Aquinas, a Biographical Study. Translation by Father Sebastian Bullough. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1951. 254p.
Weatherby, Harold L. The Keen Delight: the Christian Poet in the Modern World. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1975. 167p.
Weisheipl, James A. Friar Thomas D’Aquino: His Life, Thought, and Work. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974. 464p. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1983. 487p.
Whitacre, Ælred. Veritas: the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. Oxford, B. Blackwell, 1924. 32p. A paper read at the celebrations of the sixth centenary of the canonisation of St. Thomas Aquinas, held at Manchester University, May 26-30, 1924.
Wicksteed, Philip Henry (1844-1927). Dante
& Aquinas. NY: Haskell House, 1971. 271p. Reprint of the 1913 ed.
_____. The Reactions Between Dogma & Philosophy Illustrated from the
Works of S. Thomas Aquinas: Lectures Delivered in London and Oxford
October-December 1916. NY: AMS Press, 1980. 669p. Reprint of the 1920 ed.
published by Williams and Norgate, London, in series: The Hibbert lectures,
Wilhelmsen, Frederick D. Man’s Knowledge of Reality: an Intro. to Thomistic Epistemology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1956. 215p.
Wilms, Hieronymous. Divine Friendship According to Saint Thomas. Translated into English by M. Fulgence. Dubuque, IA: Priory Press, 1958. 162p.
Windeatt, Mary Fabyan. My Name Is Thomas. Illustrated by Sister Jean. St. Meinrad, IN: The Grail, 1943. 86p.
Wippel, John F. Thomas Aquinas on the Divine Ideas. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1993. 48p.
Wolfe, Mary Joan of Arc, Sister. The Problem of Solidarism in St. Thomas: a Study in Social Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1938. 184p. Ph.D. Thesis, Catholic University of America, 1938. 179p.
Wulf, Maurice de (1867-1947). Mediaeval Philosophy Illustrated from the System of Thomas Aquinas. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1922. 153p.
Booth, Edwin Prince (1898-1969). Martin Luther: the Great Reformer. Philadelphia, PA: Chelsea House Publishers, 1999. 207p.
Cunningham, William. The Reformers and the Theology of the Reformation. Banner of Truth, 1989.
Erasmus, Desiderius (d. 1536), and Martin Luther (1483-1546). Discourse on Free Will (two treatises). Edited and translated by Ernst F. Winter. NY: F. Ungar Publishing Co., 1961.
Hilderbrand, Hans, ed. The Reformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1987.
Kaphagawani, Janz, Denis. Luther on Thomas Aquinas: the Angelic Doctor in the Thought of the Reformer. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1989. 124p.
Kooiman, Willem Jan. Luther and the Bible. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg, 1961.
Lohse, Bernhard. Martin Luther’s Theology: Its Historical and Systematic Development. Trans. and edited by Roy A. Harrisville. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1999. 393p.
Luther, Martin (1483-1546). Luther’s Works
on CD-ROM. Editors Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut T. Lehmann. Philadelphia:
Fortress Press; St. Louis, MO: Concordia, 2002.
_____. Martin Luther on the Bondage of the Will: A New Translation of De
Servo Arbitrio. Luther’s reply to Erasmus of Rotterdam. Trans. by J.I.
Packer and O.R. Johnston. Westwood, N. J.: Revell, 1957. London: Sold for the
editor, by T. Hamilton, 1823: Trans. by Edward Thomas Vaughan, rector of
Foston, 470p. London: Printed by T. Bensley for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall,
1823: Trans. by Henry Cole (1823-1846), 402p.
_____. Martin Luther on the Bondage of the Will: a New Translation of De
Servo Arbitrio (1525): Martin Luther’s Reply to Erasmus of Rotterdam. By J.
I. Packer and O. R. Johnston. Westwood, NJ: Revell; London: J. Clarke, 1957.
_____. The Bondage of the Will, by Martin Luther ... Being His Reply to
Erasmus. Trans. by Henry Cole (1823-1846), with slight alteration from
Edward Thomas Vaughan. Corrected by Henry Atherton. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B.
Eerdmans, London: Sovereign grace union, 1931. 419p. Published in 1823 under
title: Martin Luther on the bondage of the will.
_____. D. Martin Luthers Steitigkeit mit Erasmo Roterodamo vom Freyen Willen
Betreffende. Milwaukee, WI: Druckerei des “Herold” [188-?]. Edited by
Johann Heinrich Zedler (1706-1763). 290p.
_____. De Servo Arbitrio Martini Lutheri ad D. Erasmum Roterodamum.
Strasbourg: Wolfgang Köpfel, 1525. 376p.
McSorley, Harry J. Luther: Right or Wrong?:
An Ecumenical-Theological Study of Luther’s Major Work, The Bondage of the Will.
NY: Newman Press, 1969. 398p. Translation of Luthers Lehre vom unfreien
Willen nach seiner Hauptschrift De servo arbitrio im Lichte der biblischen und
_____. Luthers Lehre vom Unfreien Willen nach Seiner Hauptschrift De Servo
Arbitrio im Lichte der Biblischen und Kirchlichen Tradition. München:
Hueber, 1967. Doctoral thesis, Munich, 1965.
Otto, Werner. Verborgene Gerechtigkeit: Luthers Gottesbegriff nach Seiner Schrift De Servo Arbitrio als Antwort auf die Theodizeefrage. Frankfurt am Main; NY: P. Lang, 1998. 292p. Originally presented as the author’s doctoral thesis, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule St. Georgen, Frankfurt am Main, 1997.
Packer, J. I., and R. O. Johnston. Translators. The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther. Cambridge: Jas. Clark and Co., 1957.
Piper, John. The Legacy of Sovereign Joy: God’s Triumphant Grace in the Lives of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2000. 158p.
Reinhuber, Thomas. Kämpfender Glaube: Studien zu Luthers Bekenntnis am Ende von De Servo Arbitrio. Berlin; NY: W. de Gruyter, 2000. 265p. Originally presented as the author’s doctoral thesis, Tübingen, 1999.
Rupp, Ernest Gordon, and Philip Saville, trans. & ed. Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation. With A. N. Marlow. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1969. 348p.
Schwarzwäller, Klaus. Sibboleth: Die Interpretation von Luthers Schrift De Servo Arbitrio seit Theodosius Harnack. München: C. Kaiser, 1969. 120p.
Wengert, Timothy J. Human Freedom, Christian Righteousness: Philip Melanchthon’s [1497-1560] Exegetical Dispute with Erasmus of Rotterdam. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. 239p.
Wengert, Timothy J. Human Freedom, Christian Righteousness: Philip Melanchthon’s [1497-1560] Exegetical Dispute with Erasmus of Rotterdam. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998.
Xie, Wenyu. The Concept of Freedom: the Platonic-Augustinian-Lutheran-Kierkegaardian Tradition. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 2002.
Erasmus, Desiderius (d. 1536), and Martin Luther (1483-1546). Discourse on Free Will (two treatises). Edited and translated by Ernst F. Winter. NY: F. Ungar Publishing Co., 1961.
Erasmus, Desiderius (d. 1536). Discourse on
Free Will by Erasmus and Luther. Trans. and edited by Ernst F. Winter. NY:
Ungar, 1961.
_____. De Libero Arbitrio. Leipzig: A. Deichert, 1935. Editor Johannes
Wilhelm von Walter. 92p.; Essai sur le Libre Arbitre. Tr. et présenté
pour la première fois en francais par Pierre Mesnard. Alger: R. et R. Chaix,
1945. 177p.
_____. Filosofskie Proizvedeniia. Otvetstvennyi redaktor V.V. Sokolov;
perevod i kommentarii IU.M. Kagan. Moskva: Izd-vo “Nauka”, 1986. 702p.
_____. Over Opvoeding en Vrije Wil. Uitgegeven, ingeleid en van
aantekeningen voorzien door J. Sperna Weiland. Baarn: Ambo, 1992. 155p.
_____. Schutzschrift (Hyperaspistes) gegen Martin Luthers Buch “Vom unfreien
Willen.” Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von Oskar Johannes Mehl;
herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort von Siegfried Wollgast. Leipzig: P.
Reclam, 1986. 269p. Translation of: Hyperaspistes Diatribae Adversus Servum
Arbitrium Martini Lutheri.
Arminius, Jacobus (1560-1609). The Works of
James Arminius, D. D. Formerly professor
of divinity in the Univ. of Leyden: to which are added Brandt’s life of
the author, with considerable augmentations, numerous extracts from his private
letters, a copious and authentic account of the Synod of Dort and its
proceedings, and several interesting notices of the progress of his theological
opinions in Great Britain and on the continent. Translated from the Latin
by James Nichols. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and
Green, 1825-1875. 3 vols. Reprint: The Works of James Ariminius. Trans. James
and William Nichols. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1986; 1956 version: The
Writings of James Arminius.
_____. Opera Theologica: Contenta Post Praefectionem, Vide. Iacobi Arminii.
Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Godefridum Basson, 1629. 966 pages. Includes Petri Bertii
De vita & obitu. d. Iacobi Arminii oratio. With Petrus Bertius (1565-1629).
_____. Verclaringhe Iacobi Arminii Saliger Ghedachten: Aengaende Zijn
Ghevoelen, so van de Predestinatie, Als van Eenige Andere Poincten der
Christelicker Religie, Daerinne Men hem Verdacht heeft Ghemaeckt. Tot
Leyden: Ghedruckt by Thomas Basson, 1610. 52 p.
Armstrong, Brian. Calvinsim and the Amyraut Heresy. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 1969.
Bangs, Carl. Arminius: a Study in the Dutch Reformation. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1971. 382p.
Brandt, Kaspar (1653-1696). The Life of James Arminius. Translated from the Latin of Caspar Brandt by John Guthrie; introduction by Thomas O. Summers. Nashville, TN: E. Stevenson & F.A. Owen, agents, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1857. 405p.
Colie, Rosalie Littell. Light and enlightenment: a study of the Cambridge Platonists and the Dutch Arminians. Cambridge: At the Univ. Press, 1957. 162p.
Dayton, Wilber Thomas. The Wesleyan-Arminian Distinctive Within Evangelical Spirituality. Paper presented to the Evangelical Theological Society on December 4, 1987. 10p.
Du Moulin, Pierre (1568-1658). The Anatomy of Arminianisme. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; Norwood, N.J. W. J. Johnson, 1976. 504p.
Girardeau, John Lafayette (1825-1898). Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism: Compared as to Election, Reprobation, Justification, and Related Doctrines. New ed. Harrisonburg, VA: Sprinkle Publications, 1984 (c1890). 574p.
Harrison, Archibald Walter (1882-1945). Arminianism.
London: Duckworth, 1937. 246p.
_____. The Beginnings of Arminianism to the Synod of Dort. Univ. of
London Press, 1926. 408p. Doctoral thesis in the Univ. of London.
Harvey, Joseph (1787-1873). An Examination of the Pelagian and Arminian theory of Moral Agency as Recently Advocated by Dr. Beecher in His “Views in Theology.” NY: E. Collier, 1837. 223p. Lyman Beecher (1775-1863).
Hussey, Joseph (d. 1726). God’s Operations of Grace but No Offers of Grace: To which Are Added Two Treatises on Inviting and Exhorting Sinners to Come to Christ; Wherein the Doctrines of Invitations and Offers Are Stated and Compared with the Glory of Free Grace. Elon College, NC: Primitive Publications, 1973. 208p.
Klauber, Martin I. The Scholasticism of Jacob Arminius. Microform: recent developments in the Muller thesis. Paper presented at the Midwestern Regional Evangelical Theological Society Conference, Chicago, IL, March 22-23, 1991.
McCulloh, Gerald O. Man’s Faith and Freedom: the Theological Influence of Jacobus Arminius. NY: Abingdon Press, 1962. 128p. Contains the adresses delivered in the Arminius symposium held at Amsterdam, Leiden, and Utrecht, in Holland, August 4-7, 1960.
McGonigle, Herbert Boyd. Sufficient Saving Ggrace: John Wesley’s Evangelical Arminianism. Forward by John Walsh. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 2001. 350p.
Muller, Richard Alfred. God, Creation, and Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius: Sources and Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early Orthodoxy. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1991. 309p.
Ness, Christopher (1621-1705). An Antidote
Against Arminianism. London: R. Clay, 1835. 104p.
_____. An Antidote Against Arminianism: or, A Treatise to Enervate and
Confute All the Five Points Thereof. 3d. rev. ed. Plymouth, Eng.: J.
Bennett, 1819. 156p.
Nobbs, Douglas. Theocracy and Toleration: a Study of the Disputes in Dutch Calvinism From 1600 to 1650. Cambridge, Eng: The Univ. press, 1938. 280p.
Pinson, J. Matthew. The Diversity of Arminian Soteriology. Paper presented at the Southeastern Regional [ETS meeting], Charlotte, NC, March 10-11, 1995.
Review of High Church and Arminian Principles. Hartford: D. F. Robinson, 1830. 24p.
Schreiner, Thomas R. and Bruce A. Ware, eds. Still sovereign: contemporary perspectives on election, foreknowledge, and grace. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 2000. 356p. Originally published 1995 by Baker Books in two volumes titled: The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will: Volume 1, Biblical and Practical Perspectives on Calvinism; Volume 2, Historical and theological Perspectives on Calvinism.
Sell, Alan P. F. The Great Debate: Calvinism, Arminianism and Salvation. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1983. 141p. Reprint: West Sussex: H. E. Walter, 1982.
Slaatte, Howard Alexander. The Arminian Arm of Theology: the Theologies of John Fletcher, First Methodist Theologian, and His Precursor, James Arminius. Washington: Univ. Press of America, 1977. 137p.
Summers, Thomas Osmond (1812-1882). Systematic Theology: a Complete Body of Wesleyan Arminian Divinity, Consisting of Lectures on the Twenty-Five Articles of Religion. Nashville: Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1888. 2 vols. The whole arranged and revised, with introduction, copious notes, explanatory and supplemental, and a theological glossary by J.J. Tigert.
Tyacke, Nicholas. Anti-Calvinists: the Rise of English Arminianism, c. 1590-1640. Oxford, England; NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1987. 305p.
White, William (1748-1836). Comparative Views of the Controversy Between the Calvinists and the Arminians. Philadelphia: Published by M. Thomas, From the press of E. Bronson, 1817. 2 vols.
Wynkoop, Mildred Bangs. Foundations of Wesleyan-Arminian Theology. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1967. 128p.
Armstrong, Brian. Calvinsim and the Amyraut Heresy. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 1969.
Barth, Karl. The Theology of John Calvin. Trans. Goeffrey W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995 (1st 1922 Die Theologie Calvins [Zurich: Theologischer Verlag).
Bonar, Horatius, ed., et al. The Five Points of Calvinism: in a Series of Letters. Evansville, IN: Sovereign Grace Book Club, 1957. 199p. Wilmington, DE: Classic-a-month Books, (197-?). 177p.
Bratt, John H., ed. The Rise and Development of Calvinism: a Concise History. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1959. 134p.
Cadier, Jean (1898-). The Man God Mastered: a Brief Biography of John Calvin. Translated from the French by O. R. Johnston. London: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1960. 187p.
Calvin, Jean (1509-1564). Concerning the Eternal Predestination of
God. Trans., with an
Introduction, by J.K.S. Reid. London: J. Clarke, 1961; Louisville, KY:
Westminster John Knox Press, 1997. 191p.
_____. Calvin’s Calvinism: A Treatise on the Eternal Predestination of God.
Translated into English by Henry Cole. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1950; Grand
Rapids, MI: Reformed Free Pub. Association, 1987. 354p.
_____. The Bondage and Liberation
of the Will: a Defence of the Orthodox Doctrine of Human Choice Against
Pighius. Defensio sanae et orthodoxae doctrinae de servitude et liberatione
humani arbitrii adversus calumnies Alberti Pighii Campensis. Edited
by A.N.S. Lane; translated by G.I. Davies. Carlisle, Cumbria, UK: Paternoster;
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1996. Albertus Pighius, ca. 1490-1542.
_____. Sermons on Election & Reprobation. Foreword by David C.
Engelsma. Audubon, NJ: Old Paths Publications, 1996. 317p. Reprint: London:
_____. Institution of the Christian Religion [ICR]: embracing
almost the whole sum of piety & whatever is necessary to know the doctrine
of salvation: a work most worthy to be read by all persons zealous for piety,
and recently published; Preface to the most Christian King of France, wherein
this book is offered to him as a confession of faith. John Calvin of Noyon,
author; ICR. translated and
annotated by Ford Lewis Battles. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1975. 490p.; ICR.
Revised ed. in collaboration with the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin
Studies, at Calvin College. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1986. 396p. Translation
of Christianae Religionis Institutio, 1536; Institutes of the Christian
Religion. Translated by Henry Beveridge. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1962. 2
vols.; 189p.; ICR. Translated by Henry Beveridge. Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 1972. 2 vols.; ICR. Translated from the Latin and collated
with the author’s last edition in French by John Allen. 7th American ed., rev.
and corr., with an introduction on the literary history of the Institutes by
Benjamin B. Warfield and an account of the American editons by Thomas C. Pears.
Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Christian Education, 1936. 2 vols.; ICR.
Trans. from the original Latin and collated with the author’s last edition in
French by John Allen. 3rd. American ed., rev. and corrected. Philadelphia:
Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. 2 vols.; ICR. Trans. by Henry
Beveridge. Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1845-1846. 3 vols.; ICR.
Trans. by Thomas Norton. London: Arnold Hatfield for Bonham Norton, 1599;
Calvin’s Institutes: Abridged Edition. Donald K. McKim, editor. 1st ed.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001.
_____. On God and Man: Selections from Institutes of the Christian Religion.
Edited by F.W. Strothmann. NY: F. Ungar Pub., 1956. 54p.
_____. The Best of John Calvin. Compiled by Samuel Dunn. Grand Rapids:
Baker Book House, 1981. 412p. Originally published: London: Tegg and Son, 1837.
_____. Selected Works of John Calvin: Tracts and Letters. Edited by
Henry Beveridge and Jules Bonnet. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1983. 7
vols. Reprint Vols. 1-7 originally
published in Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1844-1858.
_____. Calvin’s Commentaries. Edited by David W. Torrance and Thomas F.
Torrance. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1960. 12 vols.
_____. Calvin: Commentaries. Newly translated and edited by Joseph
Haroutunian. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1958. 414p.
_____. On God and Political Duty. Edited, with an introduction by John
T. McNeill. 2nd rev. ed. NY: Liberal Arts Press; Indianapolis Published by Bobbs-Merrill, 1956 (1950).
_____. Sermons on Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Death and Passion of Christ.
Translated and edited by T.H.L. Parker. London: Clarke, 1956. 161p. Translation
of Sermons sur la prophetie d’Esale, chap.
LIII, published in 1887 in the author’s Opera quae supersunt omnia, v.
_____. Calvin’s Commentary on Seneca’s De Clementia. Introduction,
translation, and notes by Ford Lewis Battles and Andre Malan Hugo. Leiden: E.
J. Brill, 1969. 448p.
_____. John Calvin’s Sermons on the Ten commandments. Edited and
translated by Benjamin W. Farley; foreword by Ford Lewis Battles. Grand Rapids,
MI: Baker Book House, 1980. 326p.
_____. Sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Rev. translation.
London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1973. 705p. Rev. translation of French ed. first
published in 1562.
_____. Treatises Against the Anabaptists and Against the Libertines.
Translation, introduction, and notes, Benjamin Wirt Farley. Grand Rapids, MI:
Baker Book House, 1982. 336p.
____. A Reformation Debate: Sadoleto’s Letter to the Genevans and Calvin’s
Reply. Edited with an introduction, by John C. Olin; appendix on the
Justification Controversy. NY: Fordham Univ. Press, 2000. 130p. Originally: NY:
Harper & Row, 1966.
_____. Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans.
Translated and edited by John Owen. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1947. 592p.
_____. Commentaries on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians,
Colossians, and Thessalonians. Translated and edited from the original
Latin, and collated with the French version, by John Pringle. Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 1948. 384p.
_____. Commentaries on the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians.
Translated from the original Latin by William Pringle. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
1948. 383p.
_____. Commentary on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians.
Translated from the original Latin and collated with the author’s French
version by John Pringle. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1948. 2 vols.
_____. The Deity of Christ: and Other Sermons. Translated from the
French and Latin by Leroy Nixon. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1950. 302p.
_____. Letters of John Calvin. Compiled from the Original Manuscripts
and Edited with Historical notes, by
Jules Bonnet. Tr. from the original Latin and French. Philadelphia:
Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1858. 2 vol. 1st 1854.
_____. Commentary on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians.
Trans. from the original Latin, and collated with the author’s French version,
by John Pringle. Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1848-1849. 2 vols.
Reprint of the English translation by Thomas Tymme, 1573.
_____. Commentaries on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians,
Colossians, and Thessalonians. Translated and edited from the original
Latin, and collated with the French version by John Pringle. Edinburgh: Printed
for the Calvin Translation Society, 1851. 490p.
_____. Commentary on the Book of Psalms. Translated from the original
Latin, and collated with the author’s French version by James Anderson.
Edinburgh: Printed for the Calvin Translation Society, 1845-1849. 5 vols.
_____. Sermons of Master Iohn Caluin: vpon the Booke of Job. Trans. out
of French by Arthur Golding. Londini: Impensis Thomae Woodcocke, 1584. 751p.
Title within woodcut border.
Clifford, Alan C. Calvinus: Authentic Calvinism, a Clarification. Norwich, Great Britain: Charenton Reformed, 1996. Jean Calvin (1509-1564). 94p.
Engelsma, David. Hyper-Calvinism and the Call of the Gospel: an Examination of the “Well-Meant Offer” of the Gospel. Rev. ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Reformed Free Pub. Association, 1994. 216p. First ed. 1980 (150p.).
Fisk, Wilbur (1792-1839). Calvinistic Controversy: Embracing a Sermon on Predestination and Election, and Several Numbers on the Same subject, Originally Published in the Christian Advocate and Journal. NY: Carlton & Phillips, 1853 (1st 1835).
Gallicet Calvetti, Carla. Sebastiano Castellion [1515-1563]: il Riformato Umanista Contro il Riformatore Calvino: Per una Lettura Filosofico-Teologica dei Dialogi IV Postumi di Castellion. Con la prima traduzione italiana di Carla Gallicet Calvetti. Milano: Vita e pensiero, 1989. 424p.
Helm, Paul. Calvin and the Calvinists. Banner of Truth, 1998.
Hesselink, I. John. Calvin’s First Catechism: a Commentary: Featuring Ford Lewis Battles’s Translation of the 1538 Catechism. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1997. 244p.
Holtrop, Philip C. The Bolsec Controversy on Predestination, from 1551 to 1555: the Statements of Jerome Bolsec, and the Responses of John Calvin [1509-1564], Theodore Beza [1519-1605], and other Reformed Theologians. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen, 1993.
D. N. The Doctrine of Divine Election: Calvinism and Arminianism Examined.
Oklahoma City, OK: American Baptist, [1968?]. This book consists of articles on
the doctrine of divine election originally published in the American Baptist
Jacobs, Paul. Prädestination und Verantwortlichkeit bei Calvin. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1968. 159p.
Kelly, Douglas F. The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World: the Influence of Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th through 18th Centuries. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 1992. 156p.
Kuyper, Abraham. Lectures on Calvinism. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1981.
Murray, Iain H. Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism: The Battle for Gospel Preaching. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 1995.
Palmer, Edwin. The Five Points of Calvinism. Grand Rapids: MI: Baker, 1972.
Peterson, Robert. Calvin and the Atonement. Mentor, 1999.
Piper, John. The Legacy of Sovereign Joy: God’s Triumphant Grace in the Lives of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2000. 158p.
Rainbow, Jonathan Herbold. The Will of God and the Cross: an Historical and Theological Study of John Calvin’s Doctrine of Limited Redemption. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1990. 206p.
Rimbach, Harald. Gnade und Erkenntnis in Calvins Prädestinationslehre: Calvin im Vergleich mit Pighius, Beza, und Melanchthon.. Frankfurt am Main; NY: P. Lang, 1996. 473 p. Originally presented as the author’s doctoral thesis Universität Göttingen, 1991.
Spencer, Duane Edward. The Five Points of Calvinism. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1986.
Steel, David N., and Curtis C. Thomas. The Five Points of Calvinism. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1963.
Sweatman, Kent Ellis. The Doctrines of Calvinism in the Preaching of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Doctoral thesis (SWBTS?), 1998.
Toon, Peter. The Emergence of Hyper-Calvinism in English Non-Conformity 1689-1765. London: The Olive Tree, 1967.
Van Til, Henry R. The Calvinistic Concept of Culture. Foreword by Richard J. Mouw. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001. 245p. Originally published 1972.
Vance, Laurence M. The Other Side of Calvinism. Rev. ed. Pensacola, FL: Vance Publications, 1999. 788p.
Vos, Arvin. Aquinas, Calvin, and Contemporary Protestant Thought: a Critique of Protestant Views on the Thought of Thomas Aquinas. Foreword by Ralph McInerny. Washington, D.C.: Christian University Press; Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1985. 178p.
Wallace, Ronald S. Calvin’s Doctrine of the Word and Sacrament. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1953.
Walls, Jerry. “Is Molinism as Bad as Calvinism?” Faith and Philosophy 7 (1990): 85-98.
Wevers, Richard F., ed. Institutes of the Christian Religion of John Calvin, 1539: Text and Concordance. Grand Rapids, MI: Meeter Center for Calvin Studies at Calvin College and Seminary, 1988. 4 vols.
Adams, Robert Merrihew. Leibniz: Determinist, Theist, Idealist. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1994. 433p.
Barber, William Henry. Leibniz in France, from Arnauld to Voltaire: a Study in French Reactions to Leibnizianism, 1670-1760. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955. 276p.
Brooks, Richard A. Voltaire and Leibniz. Geneve: Librairie Droz, 1964. 150p.
Buroker, Jill Vance. Space and Incongruence: the Origin of Kant’s Idealism. Dordrecht, Holland; Boston, U.S.A.: D. Reidel Pub.; Hingham, MA: Kluwer Boston, 1981. 143p.
Dewey, John (1859-1952). Leibniz’s New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding: A Critical Exposition. Chicago: S.C. Griggs and Company, 1888. 272p.
Didier Njirayamanda. Leibniz on Freedom and Determinism in Relation to Aquinas and Molina. Aldershot: Hants, England; Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 1999. 151p.
Hostler, John. Leibniz’s Moral Philosophy. London: Duckworth, 1975. 122p.
Jordan, George Jefferis. The Reunion of the Churches: a Study of G. W. Leibnitz and His Great Attempt. London: Constable, 1927. 252p.
Joseph, Horace William Brindley (1867-1943). Lectures on the Philosophy of Leibniz. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949. 190p.
Kaphagawani, Didier Njirayamanda. Leibniz on Freedom and Determinism in Relation to Aquinas and Molina. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1999. 151p. , Freiherr von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716), Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225?-1274), Luis de Molina (1535-1600).
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von
(1646-1716). New Essays Concerning Human
Understanding. Translated from the
original Latin, French and German, with notes, by Alfred Gideon Langley. 3d ed.
LaSalle, IL: Open Court Pub. Co., 1949. 861p.
_____. Theodicy. Translated by E. M. Huggard. London: 1952; Theodicy.
Edited, abridged, and with an introd. by Diogenes Allen. Trans. by E.M.
Huggard. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1966. 176p.
_____. Discourse on Metaphysics. Translation from the French based on
the diplomatic edition, by Peter G. Lucas and Leslie Grint. Manchester,
England: Manchester Univ. Press, 1953. 63p.
_____. Discourse on the Natural Theology of the Chinese. Translated,
with an introduction, notes and commentary by Henry Rosemont, Jr. and Daniel J.
Cook. Honolulu: Univ. Press of Hawaii, 1977. 187p.
_____. Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man, and the
Origin of Evil. Edited, with an introduction by Austin Farrer; translated by E.M. Huggard from C.J.
Gerhardt’s edition of the Collected philosophical works, 1875-90. La Salle, IL:
Open Court, 1985. 448p. Originally published: London: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1951; New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1952.
_____. Philosophical Papers and Letters. Translated and edited, with an
introd., by Leroy E. Loemker. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1956. 2 vols.
_____. Philosophical Writings. Translated by Mary Morris; introduction
by C.R. Morris. London: Dent; NY: Dutton, 1951 (1934). 284p.
_____. Die Hauptwerke. Zusammengefasst und ubertragen von Gerhard
Kruger. Stuttgart: A. Kroner, 1958. 294p.
_____. Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
Hrsg. von C.I. Gerhardt. Hildesheim: Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1960-61. 7 vols.
Reprint of the Berlin edition originally published 1875-90.
_____. Die Theodizee. Übersetzung von Artur Buchenau. Hamburg: F. Meiner,
1968. 528p. Translation of Essais de théodicée sur la bonté de Dieu, la
liberté de l’homme et l’origine du mal.
_____. Godofredi Guilielmi Leibnitii Tentamina theoldicææ de bonitate Dei,
libertate hominis et origine mali. Tubingæ: Libraria bergeriana, 1771.
Luecke, Richard. God and Contingency in the Philosophies of Locke, Clarke, and Leibniz. Mmicroform: [n.p.] 1955. 142 leaves.
Martin, Gottfried. Leibniz: Logik und Metaphysik. Koln: Kolner Universitatsverlag, 1960. 246p.
Mercer, Christia. Leibniz’s Metaphysics: Its Origins and Development. Cambridge; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. 528p.
Meyer, Donald Paul. The Function of the Idea of God in the Philosophy of Leibniz. [n.p.]: 1951.
Parkinson, George Henry Radcliffe. Leibniz on Human Freedom. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 1970. 67p.
Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970). A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz with an Appendix of Leading Passages. 2d ed. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1951. 311p. First published in 1900; new edition 1937.
Russell, Bertrand. A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz. Cambridge: 1900.
Sleigh, Robert. “Leibniz on Divine
Foreknowledge.” Faith and Philosophy 11 (1994): 547-71.
_____. Leibniz and Arnauld: A Commentary on Their Correspondence. New Haven:
Yale Univ. Press, 1990.
Lesser, M. X. Jonathan Edwards: An Annotated Bibliography, 1979-1993. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. 189p.
West, Samuel (1731-1807). Essays on Liberty and Necessity: in which the true nature of liberty is stated and defended, and the principal arguments used by Mr. Edwards, and others, for necessity, are considered. Boston: Printed by Samuel Hall, in Cornhill, 1793. 54p. Reissued in 1795 with the addition of a second part (Printed at Newbedford, Massachusetts, by John Spooner).
Tuckett, David Terron. Human Freedom Within the Work of Jonathan Edwards. Publisher Unknown, 1999.
Tappan, Henry Philip (1805-1881). A Review of Edward’s “Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will”: Containing Statement of Edwards’s Systems. NY: AMS Press, 1979. 300p. Reprint of the 1839 ed. published by J. S. Taylor, NY.
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor (1809-1877). An Examination of President Edwards’ Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will. Philadelphia: H. Hooker, 1845. Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758).
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor (1809-1877). An Examination of President Edward’s [1703-1758] Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will. Philadelphia: H. Hooker, 1845. 234p. Ann Arbor, MI: Univ. Microfilms, 1956.
Brand, David C. Profile of the Last Puritan: Jonathan Edwards, Self-Love, and the Dawn of the Beatific. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1991. 165p.
Bryant, M. Darrol. Jonathan Edwards’ Grammar of Time, Self, and Society: a Critique of the Heimert Thesis. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1993. 250p.
Chai, Leon. Jonathan Edwards and the Limits of Enlightenment Philosophy. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. 164p.
Dana, James (1735-1812). The “Examination of the Late Rev’d President Edwards’s Enquiry on Freedom of Will,” Continued ... To Which Are Subjoined, Strictures on the Rev’d Mr. West’s “Essay on Moral Agency.” NewHaven: Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green, 1773. 167p. 1st published in Boston: Printed by Daniel Kneeland, opposite the Court-House in Queen-Street, for Thomas Leverett, in Corn-Hill, 1770.
Daniel, Stephen Hartley. The Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards: a Study in Divine Semiotics. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1994. 212p.
Duff, William Boyd. Jonathan Edwards: Then and Now: a Satirical Study in Predestination. Pittsburgh: 1959. 95p.
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758).
_____. The Works of President Edwards: with a Memoir of His Life. NY: G.
& C. & H. Carvill, 1830. 10 vols. Edited by Sereno E. Dwight.
_____. The Works of Jonathan Edwards. NY: Garland Pub., 1987. 2 vols.
Originally published: Andover, MA: Allen, Morrill & Wardwell, 1842.
Includes a memoir of his life and character by Tryon Edwards.
_____. The Works of Jonathan Edwards, A. M.: with an Essay on His Genius and
Writings by Henry Rogers. London: F. Westley & A. H. Davis; NY: Daniel
Appleton, 1835. 2 vols.
_____. The Works of President Edwards: a reprint of the Worcester ed. with
valuable additions and a copious general index, to which, for the first time,
has been added, at great expense, a complete index of scripture texts. 8th
ed. NY: Leavitt & Allen, 1843. 4 vols.
_____. The Select Works of Jonathan Edwards; with an account of his life by
Iain H. Murray. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1958.
_____. The Works of Jonathan Edwards. With a memoir by Sereno E. Dwight;
rev. and corrected by Edward Hickman. Edinburgh; Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth
Trust, 1974. 2 vols. First published 1834.
_____. Careful and Strict Enquiry into the Modern Prevailing Notions of that
Freedom of Will. Edited by Paul Ramsey. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1957.
(Edited, with an introduction by Arnold S. Kaufman and William K. Frankena.
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969.) First published in 1754 under title: A
Careful and Strict Enquiry Into the Modern Prevailing Notions of that Freedom
of Will, Which Is Supposed to be Essential to Moral Agency, Vertue and Vice,
Reward and Punishment, Praise and Blame. Reprinted: Albany: Backus &
Whiting, 1804. 407p.
_____. Freedom of the Will. Edited, with an introd. By Arnold S. Kaufman
and William K. Frankena. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969. 269p. First ed.,
1754, has title: A Careful and Strict Enquiry into the Modern Prevailing
Notions of that Freedom of Will, which Is Supposed to be Essential to Moral
Agency, Vertue and Vice, Reward and Punishment, Praise and Blame. With Lord
Henry Home Kames (1696-1782): Essays on the Principles of Morality and
Natural Religion; Freedom of the
Will. Edited by Paul Ramsey. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1957. 494p. As
edited by Arnold S. Kaufman and William K. Frankena (Indianapolis:
Bobbs-Merrill, 1969. 269p.).
_____. Justification by Faith Alone. Edited by Don Kistler. Morgan, PA:
Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 2000. 154p. Retypeset from the 1838 Hickman
edition of ‘The Works of Jonathan Edwards.’
_____. Religious Affections. Edited by John E. Smith. New Haven: Yale
Univ. Press, 1959. 526p. First published in 1746 under title: A Treatise
Concerning Religious Affections.
_____. Jonathan Edwards: Basic Writings. Edited, with a foreword by Ola
Elizabeth Winslow. NY: New American Library, 1978. 255p.
_____. A Jonathan Edwards Reader. Edited by John E. Smith, Harry S.
Stout, and Kenneth P. Minkema. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1995. 335p.
_____. Letters and Personal Writings. Edited by George S. Claghorn. New
Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1998. 854p.
_____. Selections from the Unpublished Writings of Jonathan Edwards of
America. Edited from the original mss., with facsimiles and an
introduction, by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. igonier, PN: Soli Deo Gloria
Publications, 1992. 209p. Originally published: Edinburgh: Ballantyne, 1865.
_____. Sermons and Discourses, 1723-1729. Edited by Kenneth P. Minkema.
New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1997. 575p.
_____. The Sermons of Jonathan Edwards: a Reader. Edited by Wilson H.
Kimnach, Kenneth P. Minkema, and Douglas A. Sweeney. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ.
Press, 1999. 281p.
_____. A History of the Work of Redemption: Comprising and Outline of Church
History. NY: American Tract Society, 1839. 444p. Originally a series of
sermons preached in Northampton in 1739, edited after the author’s death, from
his manuscripts, by John Erskine and published in Edinburgh, 1774.
_____. The Injustice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade, and of the Slavery of
the Africans: Illustrated in a Sermon Preached before the Connecticut Society
for the Promotion of Freedom, and for the Relief of Persons Unlawfully Holden
in Bondage, at their Annual Meeting in New-Haven, September 15, 1791. 3d ed.
New Haven: New Haven anti-slavery society, 1833. 32p.
_____. The Treatise on Religious Affections. Abridged, by the removal of
the principal tautologies of the original; and by an attempt to render the
language throughout more perspicuous and energetic; to which is now added a
copious index of subjects. 2d ed. Edited by W. Ellerby. Boston: Loring, 1824.
_____. Doctrine of Original Sin Defended: Evidences of Its Truth Produced,
and Arguments to the Contrary Answered. Worcester: Isaiah Thomas, Jr.,
1757. 370p.
_____. A History of the Work of Redemption: Containing the Outlines of a
Body of Divinity, in a Method Entirely New. NY: Shepard Kollock, for Robert
Hodge, no. 38, Maiden-Lane, 1786. 402p. Originally a series of sermons preached
in Northampton in 1739, edited after the author’s death, from his manuscripts,
by John Erskine and published in Edinburgh, 1774.
_____. The Life and Character of the Late Reverend, Learned, and Pious Mr.
Jonathan Edwards: President of the College of New Jersey. Together with
extracts from his private writings & diary. And also seventeen select
sermons on various important subjects. Northampton, MA: Printed by Andrew
Wright, for S. & E. Butler, 1804. 372p. First published Boston, 1765.
_____. The Salvation of All Men Strictly Examined: and the Endless
Punishment of Those who Die Impenitent, Argued and Defended Against the
Objections and Reasonings of the Late Rev. Doctor Chauncy, of Boston, in his
Book entitled “The Salvation of All Men.” New Haven: A. Morse, 1790. 331p.
_____. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Louisville, KY: Baptist
Book Concern, 1700. 16p. Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord, 1985. 22p.
_____. Images or Shadows of Divine Things. Edited by Perry Miller.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1977. 151p. Reprint of the ed. published by Yale
Univ. Press, New Haven, 1948.
_____. Jonathan Edwards: Basic Writings. Edited, and with a foreword by
Ola Elizabeth Winslow. NY: New American Library, 1978. 255p.
_____. A Jonathan Edwards Reader. Edited by John E. Smith, Harry S.
Stout, and Kenneth P. Minkema. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1995. 335p.
_____. Justification by Faith Alone. Edited by Don Kistler. Morgan, PA:
Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 2000. 154p. Retypeset from the 1838 Hickman
edition of “The Works of Jonathan Edwards.”
_____. Selections from the Unpublished Writings of Jonathan Edwards of
America. Edited from the original mss., with facsimiles and an
introduction, by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. Ligonier, PN: Soli Deo Gloria
Publications, 1992. 209p. Reprint of originally published: Edinburgh: Printed
for private circulation [by Ballantyne and company], 1865.
_____. The Sermons of Jonathan Edwards: a Reader. Edited by Wilson H.
Kimnach, Kenneth P. Minkema, and Douglas A. Sweeney. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ.
Press, 1999. 281p.
_____. An Unpublished Essay of Edwards on the Trinity [microform]: with
Remarks on Edwards and his Theology by George P. Fisher, 1903. 142p.
Beltsville, Md.: Reproduced by the NCR Corporation for the American Theological
Library Association Board of Microtext, 1977.
_____. A Dissertation Concerning Liberty & Necessity: Containing Remarks
on the Essays of Dr. Samuel West, and on the Writings of Several Other Authors,
on Those Subjects. NY: B. Franklin Reprints, 1974. 234p. Reprint of the
1797 ed. printed by L. Worcester at Worcester.
_____. The History of Redemption. Evansville, IN: Sovereign Grace Book
Club, 1959. 359p. Originally a series of sermons preached in Northampton in
1739, edited after the author’s death, from his manuscripts, by John Erskine
and published in Edinburgh, 1774.
_____. Jonathan Edwards on Evangelism. Edited by Carl J. C. Wolf. Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1958. 137p. Digest gives the gist of each of Edwards’ most
important writings on evangelism in Edwards’ own words.”
_____. The Nature of True Virtue. Foreword by William K. Frankena. Ann
Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1960. 107p.
_____. Treatise on Grace and other Posthumously Published Writings.
Edited with an introduction by Paul Helm. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co.;
London: distributed by Trade Counter Ltd., 1971. 131p.
Faust, Clarence H., and Thomas H. Johnson, eds. Jonathan Edwards. NY: Hill and Wang, 1962.
Ferm, Vergilius, ed. Puritan Sage; Collected Writings of Jonathan Edwards. NY: Library Publishers, 1953. 640p.
Guelzo, Allen C. Edwards on the Will: a Century of American Theological Debate. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1989. 349p.
Holbrook, Clyde A. The Ethics of Jonathan Edwards: Morality and Aesthetics. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1973. 227p. Revision of the author’s thesis, Yale Univ.
Holmes, Stephen R. God of Grace and God of Glory: An Account of the Theology of Jonathan Edwards. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001. 289p. Revision of the author’s doctoral thesis, Spurgeon’s College.
Jinkins, Michael. A Comparative Study in the Theology of Atonement in Jonathan Edwards and John McLeod Campbell: Atonement and the Character of God. San Francisco: Mellen Research Univ. Press; Lewiston, NY, USA: Order fulfillment, E. Mellen Press, 1993. 451p. Revision of doctoral thesis, Univ. of Aberdeen, 1990.
Johnson, Thomas Herbert. The Printed Writings of Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758: A Bibliography. NY: B. Franklin, 1970 (1940). 135p.
Lee, Sang Hyun, and Allen Guelzo, eds. Edwards in Our Time: Jonathan Edwards and the Shaping of American Religion. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1999. 214p.
Lee, Sang Hyun. The Philosophical Theology of Jonathan Edwards. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1988. 248p.
Lesser, M. X. Jonathan Edwards. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988. 153p.
Marsden, George M. Jonathan Edwards: a Life. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 2003. 615p.
McClymond, Michael James. Encounters with God: an Approach to the Theology of Jonathan Edwards. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. 194p.
McDermott, Gerald Robert. Jonathan Edwards Confronts the Gods: Christian Theology, Enlightenment Religion, and Non-Christian Faiths. Oxford; NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. 245p.
Murray, Iain Hamish. Jonathan Edwards: a New Biography. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1987. 503p.
Nichols, Stephen J. Jonathan Edwards: a Guided Tour of His Life and Thought. Forword by Samuel T. Logan Jr. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Pub., 2001. 247p.
Packer, James Innell. Among God’s Giants: the Puritan Vision of the Christian Life. Eastbourne, England: Kingsway Publications, 1991. 447p.
Pauw, Amy Plantinga. The Supreme Harmony of All: the Trinitarian Theology of Jonathan Edwards. Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 2002. 196p.
Piper, John. God’s Passion for His Glory: Living the Vision of Jonathan Edwards. With the complete text of The End for which God Created the World. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1998. 266p.
Piper, John. God’s Passion for His Glory: Living the Vision of Jonathan Edwards, with the Complete Text of The End for Which God Created the World. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1998. 266p.
Scheick, William J. The Writings of Jonathan Edwards: Ttheme, Motif, and Style. College Station: Texas A & M Univ. Press, 1975. 162p.
Steele, Richard B. “Gracious Affection” and “True Virtue” according to Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1994. 423p.
Stein, Stephen J., ed. Jonathan Edwards’s Wwritings: Text, Context, Interpretation. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1996. 219p. Selected papers from a June 1994 conference at Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Indiana.
Sweeney, Douglas A. Nathaniel Taylor, New Haven Theology, and the Legacy of Jonathan Edwards. Oxford; NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. 255p.
Townsend, Harvey G., ed. The Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards from His Private Notebooks. Eugene: Univ. of Oregon, 1955. 270p.
Tuckett, David Terron. Human Freedom Within the Work of Jonathan Edwards. [n.p.] 1999. 71p.
Walton, Brad. Jonathan Edwards, Religious Affections, and the Puritan Analysis of True Piety, Spiritual Sensations, and Heart Religion. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 2002. 256p.
Aldrich, Henry (1647-1710). A Compendium of Logic: Translated and Abridged from Aldrich, by the Rev. John Wesley; the Whole Illustrated with Copious Notes, Examples, and Explanations, a Series of Questions for Self-Examination, a Dictionary of Technical Terms, and Numerous Exercises. Artis Logicae Compendium. London: Printed for Thomas Tegg & Son, R. Griffin, Glasgow; and Tegg, Wise, & Co., Dublin, 1836. 166p.
Gill, John (1697-1771). The Doctrine of Predestination Stated. London: G. Keith, 1752. 50p.
Heitzenrater, Richard P. John Wesley His Own
Biographer. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1984. 220p.
_____. The Elusive Mr. Wesley. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1984. 2 vols.
Poling, David, comp. & ed. The Wisdom of Martin Luther. The Wisdom of John Calvin. The Wisdom of John Wesley. New Canaan, CT: Keats Pub., 1973. 145p.
Wesley, John (1703-1791). The Appeals to Men
of Reason and Religion and Certain Related Open Letters. Edited by Gerald R.
Cragg. London; NY: Oxford University Press, 1975; Nashville: Abingdon Press,
1989. 593p.
_____. Christian Perfection, as Believed and Taught by John Wesley.
Edited and with an introd. by Thomas S. Kepler. Cleveland: World Pub., 1954.
_____. Christian Perfection: Selections. Edited by David A. MacLennan.
NY: World Pub., 1969. 63p.
_____. A Compend of Wesley’s Theology. Edited by Robert W. Burtner and
Robert E. Chiles. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1954. 302p.
_____. Directions for Renewing Our Covenant with God. Dublin: Printed by
R. Napper, 1797.
_____. The Doctrine of Original Sin, According to Scripture, Reason, and
Experience, in Answer to Dr. Taylor, by the Rev. John Wesley. NY: J. Soule
and T. Mason, 1817. 377p.
_____. Free Grace: a Sermon Preached at Bristol. Boston: Bristol
printed, Philadelphia reprinted by Ben. Franklin; Boston: T. Fleet, 1741. 32p.
_____. Great thoughts from Wesley. Selected by Hilda Noel Schroetter.
London; NY: Collins, 1968. 80p.
_____. Growing in Grace. Compiled by Judith Couchman. Ann Arbor, MI:
Servant Publications, 1999. 191p.
_____. Happiness Unlimited: John Wesley’s Commentary on the Sermon on the
Mount. Edited and adapted by Clare G. Weakley, Jr. Plainfield, NJ: Logos
International, 1979. 297p.
_____. John Wesley: a Representative Collection of His Writings. Edited
by Albert C. Outler. NY: Oxford University Press, 1964. 516p.
_____. John Wesley: an Autobiographical Sketch of the Man and His Thought,
Chiefly from His Letters. Edited, with introduction, notes and bibliography
by Ole E. Borgen. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1966. 116p.
_____. John Wesley, the Best from All His Works. Abridged and edited by
Stephen Rost. Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, 1989. 287p.
_____. John Wesley’s Sermons: an Anthology. Edited by Albert C. Outler
& Richard P. Heitzenrater. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1991. 572p.
_____. The Works of John Wesley. 4 vols. Nashville: Abingdon Press,
_____. A Longing for Holiness: Selected Writings of John Wesley. Selected,
edited, and introduced by Keith Beasley-Topliffe. Nashville, TN: Upper Room
Books, 1997. 79p.
_____. The Nature of Holiness. Compiled & edited by Clare G.
Weakley, Jr. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1988. 191p.
_____. The Nature of Salvation. Compiled and edited by Clare George
Weakley, Jr. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1987. 176p.
_____. The Nature of Spiritual Growth. Edited and updated by Clare
George Weakley, Jr. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1986. 205p.
_____. The Nature of the Kingdom. Wesley’s Messages on the Sermon on the
Mount. Edited and updated by Clare G. Weakley, Jr. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany
House Publishers, 1986. 287p.
_____. The New Birth. A modern English ed., 1st ed. / by Thomas C. Oden.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984. 113p.
_____. A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. London: Epworth P.,
1968. 116p.
_____. Predestination Calmly Considered. 7th ed. Dublin: Printed by J.
Jones, 1802. 84p.
_____. Some Observations on Liberty; Occasioned by a Late Tract. London:
R. Hawes, 1776. 36p.
_____. Wesley’s Standard Sermons: Consisting of Forty-Four Discourses,
Published in Four Volumes, in 1746, 1748, 1750, and 1760 (fourth edition, 1787)
to which are added nine additional sermons published in vols. I to IV of
Wesley’s collected works, 1771. Edited and annotated by Edward H. Sugden.
Grand Rapids, MI: Francis Asbury Press, 1986. 2 vols.
_____. The Works of John Wesley. Oxford: Clarendon Press; London; NY:
Oxford University Press, 1975-1983. 26 vols.
_____. The Appeals to Men of Reason and Religion and Certain Related Open
Letters. Edited by Gerald R. Cragg. London; NY: Oxford University Press,
1975; Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989. 593p.
_____. Christian Perfection, as Believed and Taught by John Wesley.
Edited and with an introd. by Thomas S. Kepler. Cleveland: World Pub., 1954.
144p.; Christian Perfection: Selections. Edited by David A. MacLennan.
NY: World Pub., 1969. 63p.
_____. A Compend of Wesley’s Theology. Edited by Robert W. Burtner and
Robert E. Chiles. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1954. 302p.
_____. Directions for Renewing Our Covenant with God. Dublin: Printed by
R. Napper, 1797.
_____. The Doctrine of Original Sin, According to Scripture, Reason, and
Experience, in Answer to Dr. Taylor, by the Rev. John Wesley. NY: J. Soule
and T. Mason, 1817. 377p.
_____. Free Grace: a Sermon Preached at Bristol. Boston: Bristol
printed, Philadelphia reprinted by Ben. Franklin; Boston: T. Fleet, 1741. 32p.
_____. Great thoughts from Wesley. Selected by Hilda Noel Schroetter.
London; NY: Collins, 1968. 80p.
_____. Growing in Grace. Compiled by Judith Couchman. Ann Arbor, MI:
Servant Publications, 1999. 191p.
_____. Happiness Unlimited: John Wesley’s Commentary on the Sermon on the
Mount. Edited and adapted by Clare G. Weakley, Jr. Plainfield, NJ: Logos
International, 1979. 297p.
_____. John Wesley: a Representative Collection of His Writings. Edited
by Albert C. Outler. NY: Oxford University Press, 1964. 516p.
_____. John Wesley: an Autobiographical Sketch of the Man and His Thought,
Chiefly from His Letters. Edited, with introduction, notes and bibliography
by Ole E. Borgen. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1966. 116p.
_____. John Wesley, the Best from All His Works. Abridged and edited by
Stephen Rost. Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, 1989. 287p.
_____. John Wesley’s Sermons: an Anthology. Edited by Albert C. Outler
& Richard P. Heitzenrater. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1991. 572p.
_____. The Works of John Wesley. 4 vols. Nashville: Abingdon Press,
_____. A Longing for Holiness: Selected Writings of John Wesley. Selected,
edited, and introduced by Keith Beasley-Topliffe. Nashville, TN: Upper Room
Books, 1997. 79p.
_____. The Nature of Holiness. Compiled & edited by Clare G.
Weakley, Jr. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1988. 191p.
_____. The Nature of Salvation. Compiled and edited by Clare George
Weakley, Jr. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1987. 176p.
_____. The Nature of Spiritual Growth. Edited and updated by Clare
George Weakley, Jr. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1986. 205p.
_____. The Nature of the Kingdom. Wesley’s Messages on the Sermon on the
Mount. Edited and updated by Clare G. Weakley, Jr. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany
House Publishers, 1986. 287p.
_____. The New Birth. A modern English ed., 1st ed. / by Thomas C. Oden.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984. 113p.
_____. A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. London: Epworth P.,
1968. 116p.
_____. Predestination Calmly Considered. 7th ed. Dublin: Printed by J.
Jones, 1802. 84p.
_____. Some Observations on Liberty; Occasioned by a Late Tract. London:
R. Hawes, 1776. 36p.
_____. Wesley’s Standard Sermons: Consisting of Forty-Four Discourses,
Published in Four Volumes, in 1746, 1748, 1750, and 1760 (fourth edition, 1787)
to which are added nine additional sermons published in vols. I to IV of
Wesley’s collected works, 1771. Edited and annotated by Edward H. Sugden.
Grand Rapids, MI: Francis Asbury Press, 1986. 2 vols.
_____. The Works of John Wesley. Oxford: Clarendon Press; London; NY:
Oxford University Press, 1975-1983. 26 vols.
_____. The Arminian Magazine [microform]: consisting of extracts and
original treatises on universal redemption. London: J. Fry, 1778-1797. 20 vols.
Founded by John Wesley and edited by him during 1778-1791.
_____. The Christian’s Pattern. An extract of The imitation of Christ,
by Thomas à Kempis. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1954. 127p.
_____. Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament. 4th American edition.
NY: Published by J. Soule and T. Mason for the Methodist Episcopal Church in
the United States, 1818. 766p.
_____. Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament. Bristol: William Pine,
1765. 3 vols.
_____. The Message of the Wesleys: a Reader of Instruction and Devotion.
Compiled and with an introduction by Philip S. Watson. Grand Rapids, MI:
Francis Asbury Press, Zondervan Pub. House, 1984. 224p.
_____. The Methodist Magazine. London: Printed for G. Whitfield,
1798-1821. 24 vols.
_____. Selections from John Wesley’s Notes on the New Testament:
Systematically Arranged with Explanatory Comments, John Lawson. Chicago: A.
R. Allenson, 1955. 219p.
_____. The Arminian Magazine [microform]: consisting of extracts and
original treatises on universal redemption. London: J. Fry, 1778-1797. 20 vols.
Founded by John Wesley and edited by him during 1778-1791.
_____. The Christian’s Pattern. An extract of The imitation of Christ,
by Thomas à Kempis. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1954. 127p.
_____. Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament. 4th American edition.
NY: Published by J. Soule and T. Mason for the Methodist Episcopal Church in
the United States, 1818. 766p.
_____. Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament. Bristol: William Pine,
1765. 3 vols.
_____. The Message of the Wesleys: a Reader of Instruction and Devotion.
Compiled and with an introduction by Philip S. Watson. Grand Rapids, MI:
Francis Asbury Press, Zondervan Pub. House, 1984. 224p.
_____. The Methodist Magazine. London: Printed for G. Whitfield,
1798-1821. 24 vols.
_____. Selections from John Wesley’s Notes on the New Testament:
Systematically Arranged with Explanatory Comments, John Lawson. Chicago: A.
R. Allenson, 1955. 219p.
Whitefield, George (1714-1770). Whitefield & Wesley on the New Birth. Edited by Timothy L. Smith. Grand Rapids, MI: F. Asbury Press, 1986. 168p.
Wyon, Olive. Desire for God: a Study of Three Spiritual Classics: Francois Fe´nelon,”Christian perfection”; John Wesley,”Christian perfection”; Evelyn Underhill,”The spiritual life.” London: Collins, 1966. 126p. Originally published as Teachings toward Christian Perfection (NY: Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, 1963).
Jessop, Thomas Edmund. A Bibliography of David Hume and of Scottish Philosophy. NY: Garland Pub., 1983. 201p. Reprint: Originally published: London: A. Brown & Sons, 1938.
Anderson, Robert Fendel. Hume’s First Principles. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1966. 189p.
Beauchamp, Tom L., and Alexander Rosenberg. Hume and the Problem of Causation. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1981. 340p.
Beckwith, Francis. David Hume’s Argument
Against Miracles: a Critical Analysis. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America,
1989. 152p.
_____. Hume’s Evidential/Testimonial Epistemology, Probability, and Miracles.
Paper presented at the 43rd National Evangelical Theological Society
Conference, Kansas City, MO, November 21-23, 1991. 18p.
Boling, Paul C. Hume and the Referent of the Term “I.” Microform. Paper presented at the Southeastern Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Dayton, TN, March 7-8, 1997. 16p.
Broiles, R. David. The Moral Philosophy of David Hume. 2d ed. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1969. 97p.
Bultmann, Christoph. Die biblische Urgeschichte in der Aufklerung: Johann Gottfried Herders Interpretation der Genesis als Antwort auf die Religionskritik David Humes. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1999. 222p. Originally presented as the author’s doctoral Habilitationsschrift--Universitat Guttingen, 1997.
Butler, Benjamin. An Outline of Hume’s Philosophy. Boston: Student Outlines Co., 1957 (1st 1937). 100p.
Campbell, George (1719-1796). A Dissertation on Miracles. NY: Garland Pub., 1983. 288p. Reprint. Originally published: Edinburgh: Printed for A. Kincaid & J. Bell, 1762.
Chappell, Vere Claiborne, ed. Hume. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1966. 429p.
Easterling, Marvin Leon. Hume’s Theory of Moral Judgement. Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. Microfilms, 1958. 351p.
Flew, Antony, et al. Hume’s Philosophy of Religion: Lectures. Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest Univ. Press, 1986. 144p.
Garrett, Don. Cognition and Commitment in Hume’s Philosophy. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 2002. 270p.
Gaskin, John Charles Addison. Hume’s Philosophy of Religion. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1978. 188p.
Hume, David (1711-1776). An Enquiry
Concerning the Principles of Morals. Introductory note by John B. Stewart.
2d ed. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1966. 169p. (NY: Liberal Arts Press, 1957,
157p). Reprinted from the edition of 1777.
_____. An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Edited by C. W. Hendel.
NY: The Libera: Arts Press, 1955. (Ed. L. A. Selby-Bigge. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1955. Originally published in 1743).
_____. Enquiries Concerning the Human Understanding and Concerning the
Principles of Morals. Reprinted from the posthumous ed. of 1777 and edited
with introduction, comparative tables of contents, and analytical index by L.
A. Selby-Bigge. 2d ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1902; 2nd ed. Oxford: 1951.
371p. With rreproduction of edition of 1777.
_____. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: and Selections from A
Treatise of Human Nature. With Hume’s autobiography and a letter from Adam
Smith. Chicago: Open Court Pub. 1912. 267p.
_____. “Of the Will and Direct
Passions,” A Treatise of Human Nature, Book
II, Part III. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1961.
_____. A Treatise of Human Nature. Edited by L. A. Selby-Bigge. Oxford:
1888 (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1955; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960).
Originally published in 1739.
_____. Hume on Religion. Edited with an introduction by Richard
Wollheim. Cleveland: World Pub., 1963. 287p.
_____. Moral and Political Philosophy. Edited with an introduction by
Henry D. Aiken. NY: Hafner Pub., 1948. 388p.
_____. The Natural History of Religion. Edited with an introduction by
H.E. Root. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press, 1957. 76p.
_____. Of Miracles. Introduction and notes by Antony Flew. La Salle, IL:
Open Court, 1985. 60p.
_____. Selections. Edited by Charles W. Hendel. NY; Chicago: C.
Scribner’s sons, 1955 (1st 1927). 401p.
_____. A Treatise of Human Nature. Reprinted from the original edition
in three volumes and edited with an analytical index by L.A. Selby-Bigge.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888. 709p. With facsimile of original title-pages
(London: 1739-1740). (London; J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd.; NY: E. P. Dutton,
1911.) A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the
Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects. Edited with an
introd, by D.G.C. Macnabb. London: Collins, 1962.
_____. The Vision of Hume. Introduced and edited by David Appelbaum.
Rockport, MA; Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element, 1996. 151p.
_____. Writings on Religion: David Hume. Introduction, notes, and
editorial arrangement by Antony Flew. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1992. 304p.
_____. The Letters of David Hume. Edited by J.Y.T. Greig. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1932. 2 vols.
Jeffner, Anders. Butler and Hume on Religion. A Comparative Analysis. Stockholm, Diakonistyrelsens bokforlag, 1966. 266p.
Kemp, John. Ethical Naturalism: Hobbes and Hume. London: Macmillan; NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1970. 54p.
Kydd, Rachael Mary. Reason and Conduct in Hume’s Treatise. NY: Russell & Russell, 1964. 196p.
Mackie, John Leslie. Hume’s Moral Theory. London; Boston: Routledge & K. Paul, 1980. 166p.
MacNabb, D. G. C. David Hume: His Theory of Knowledge and Morality. London; NY: Hutchinson’s Univ. Library,[1951. 208p.
McClurg, Jack. Reason, Character, and Duty in Hume’s Moral Theory. Microform: Chicago, IL: Univ. of Chicago, 1951. 67p.
Merrill, Kenneth R., and Robert W. Shahan, eds. David Hume, Many-Sided Genius. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1976. 192p.
Mitchell, Timothy A. David Hume’s Anti-Theistic Views: a Critical Appraisal. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1986. 161p.
Norton, David Fate, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Hume. Cambridge; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993. 400p.
Passmore, John Arthur. Hume’s Intentions. Cambridge, England: Univ. Press, 1952. 164p.
Rickaby, Joseph (1845-1932). Free Will and Four English philosophers: Hobbes, Locke, Hume and Mill. Freeport, NY: Books For Libraries Press, 1969. 234p. Reprint of the 1906 ed.
Russell, Paul. Freedom and Moral Sentiment: Hume’s Way of Naturalizing Responsibility. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995. 200p.
Siebert, Donald T. The Moral Animus of David Hume. Newark: Univ. of Delaware Press; London Associated Univ. Presses, 1990. 245p.
Smith, Norman Kemp (1872-1958). The Philosophy of David Hume: a Critical Study of Its Origins and Central Doctrines. London: Macmillan, 1941. 568p.
Allison, Henry E. Kant’s Transcendental Idealism: An Interpretation and Defense. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1983. 389p.
Appelbaum, David, ed. The Vision of Kant. Rockport, MA: Element, 1995. 188p.
Ardley, Gavin W. R. Aquinas and Kant: the Foundations of the Modern Sciences. London; NY: Longmans, Green, 1950. 256p.
Beck, Lewis White, ed. Kant’s Latin
Writings, Translations, Commentaries, and Notes. NY: P. Lang, 1985. 251p.
_____. A Commentary on Kant’s Critique of
Practical Reason. Chicago: 1960.
Bennett, Jonathan. Kant’s Dialectic. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1974.
Brady, Jules M. New Approaches to God: Based on Proofs by Anselm, Aquinas, and Kant. Intro. by Joseph Bobik. North Andover, MA: Genesis Pub., 1996. 136p.
Brandt, Samuel. Kant’s Lehre von der Freiheit: ein Kritischer Versuch. Bonn: C. Georgi, 1872. 39p. Originally presented as the author’s doctoral thesis, Universität Leipzig, 1872.
Buroker, Jill Vance. Space and Incongruence: the Origin of Kant’s Idealism. Dordrecht, Holland; Boston, U.S.A.: D. Reidel; Hingham, MA; Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston, 1981. 143p.
Carnois, Bernard. The Coherence of Kant’s Doctrine of Freedom. Trans. by David Booth. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987. 174p.; La Cohérence de la Doctrine Kantienne de la Liberté. Paris: Seuil, 1973. 220p.
Carter, Ben M. The Problem of Epistemology and Cosmic Models. Paper presented at the Southwestern Regional Conference meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Fort Worth, TX, April 7-8, 2000. 12p.
Cassirer, Ernst (1874-1945). Kant’s Leben und Lehre [Kant’s Life and Thought]. Translated by James Haden; introduction by Stephan Korner. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1981. 429p. 2nd ed. (Originally: Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1921.)
Cassirer, Heinrich Walter. Grace and Law: St. Paul, Kant, and the Hebrew Prophets. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1988. 176p.
Cristaudo, Wayne. The Metaphysics of Science and Freedom: from Descartes to Kant to Hegel. Aldershot, Hants, England: Avebury; Brookfield, VT: Gower, 1991. 197p.
England, Frederick Ernest. Kant’s Conception of God: a Critical Exposition of its Metaphysical Development. Translation of the Nova dilucidatio, by F. E. England. With a foreword by G. Dawes Hicks. NY: L. MacVeagh, Dial Press, 1930. 256p.
Friedrich, Carl Joachim. Inevitable Peace. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1948. 294p. Immanuel Kant’s essay, “Eternal peace.”
Galston, William Arthur. Kant and the Problem of History. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1975. 290p.
Gaziaux, Eric. L’autonomie en Morale: au Croisement de la Philosophie et de la theologie. Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press, Uitgeverij Peeters, 1998. 760p.
Green, Ronald Michael. Religious Reason: the Rational and Moral Basis of Religious Belief. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1978. 303p.
Guyer, Paul. Kant and the Experience of Freedom: Essays on Aesthetics and Morality. Cambridge, England; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993. 449p. Immaneul Kant (1724-1804).
Hancock, Roger Nelson. The Ontological Argument in Descartes and Kant. Microform, 1951. 42p.
Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976). Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1962. 255p.
Hendel, Charles William (1890-1982). The Philosophy of Kant and Our Modern World: Four Lectures Delivered at Yale Univ. Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Death of Immanual Kant. NY: Liberal Arts Press, 1957. 132p.
Herrlin, Olle. The Ontological Proof in Thomistic and Kantian Interpretation. Uppsala: Lundquistska Bokhandeln, 1950. 115p.
Howard, Claud. Coleridge’s Idealism: a Study of Its Relationship to Kant and to the Cambridge Platonists. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1924. 108p.
Hudson, Hud. Kant’s Compatibilism. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1994. 196p.
Jackson, William Taylor. Seneca and Kant: or, An Exposition of Stoic and Rationalistic Ethics, with a Comparison and Criticism of the Two Systems. Dayton: United Brethern Pub. House, 1881. 109p.
Jäger, Richard. Zur Lehre von der Freiheit des Willens bei Kant und Nicolai Hartmann. Nürnberg: s.n., 1966. 106p.
Jaspers, Karl (1883-1969). Kant. Edited by Hannah Arendt; translated by Ralph Manheim. NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962. 159p. Originally published in German as part of Die grossen Philosophen.
Jones, Hardy E. Kant’s Principle of Personality. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1971. 163p. Revision of the author’s doctoral thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1970.
Jones, William Thomas. Morality and Freedom in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1940. 178p.
Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804). Groundwork for
the Metaphysics of Morals. Yale Univ. Press, 2002; Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. Translated by James W.
Ellington. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981.
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals. Translated by T. K.
Abbott. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1873; Foundations of the
Metaphysics of Morals. Trans. L. W. Beck. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill,
1959. Originally published in 1785.
_____. Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason and Other Writings.
Trans. and edited by Allen Wood, George Di Giovanni, introduction by Robert
Merrihew Adams. Cambridge; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998. 229p.
Critique of Pure Reason. Trans. by Werner S. Pluhar; introduction by
Patricia Kitcher. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1996. 1030p. With all variants
from the 1781 and 1787 editions.
_____. The Critique of Practical Reason. 6th ed. Trans. by
Thomas Kinsmill Abbot. London: Longmans Green, 1963. Critique of Practical Reason. Translated by T. K. Abbott. London:
Longmans, Green and Co., 1873 (Translated by Lewis W Beck, Indianapolis:
Bobbs-Merrill, 1956; translated by
Norman Kemp Smith. NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1965). Originally published 1787.
_____. Kant’s Critique of Practical
Reason and Other Works on the Theory of Ethics. Trans. T. K. Abbott. 4th
ed. London: 1889.
_____. Religion Within the Limits of
Reason Alone. Translated by T. M. Greene and H. H. Hudson. NY: Harper and
Row, 1960. Originally published in 1804.
_____. Opus Posthumum.
Trans. B. Fbrster and M. Rosen. Cambridge; Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993.
_____. The Doctrine of Virtue. Translated
by Mary Gregor. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991.
_____. Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone. Translated by T. M.
Greene and H. H. Hudson. NY: Harper Torchbooks, 1960.
_____. An Immanuel Kant Reader. NY: Harper, 1960. 290p.
_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. The Critique of Judgement. Trans.
with analytical indexes by James Creed Meredith. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952.
246p. Volume contains the late Judge J. C. Meredith’s translations of Kant’s
‘Critique of aesthetic judgement’ and ‘Critique of teleological judgement’
together with an analytical index to each. Reprinted 1973.
_____. The Vision of Kant. Introduced and edited by David Appelbaum.
Rockport, MA: Element, 1995. 188p.
_____. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels. Universal
Natural History and Theory of the Heavens. Trans. with introduction and
notes by Stanley L. Jaki. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1981. 302p.
_____. Vorlesungen ber die philosophische Religionslehre. Lectures on
Philosophical Theology. Trans. by Allen W. Wood and Gertrude M. Clark; with
introd. and notes by Allen W. Wood. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1978. 175p.
_____. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics that Will be Able to Come
Forward as Science. Paul Carus translation; extensively rev. by James W.
Ellington. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1977. 122p.
_____. Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen
der blossen Vernunft. Kdnigsberg: Nicolovius, 1793.
_____. Kritik der praktischen Vernunft [Critique of Practical Reason].
Riga: Hartknoch, 1788.
_____. Grundlegung zur Metaphysck der Sitten. Riga: Hartknoch, 1785;
revised 1786. Trans. H. J. Paton as The
Moral Law (London: Hutchinson, 1948); republished as Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals (NY: Harper,
Katzer, Ernst. Luther and Kant: ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des deutschen Protestantismus. Giessen: A. Topelmann, 1910. 128p.
Kielkopf, Charles F. A Kantian Condemnation of Atheistic Despair: A Declaration of Dependence. NY: P. Lang, 1997. 242p.
Klinke, Willibald. Kant for Everyman. Translated from the German by Michael Bullock. London: Routledge and K. Paul, 1952. 144p.
Kroner, Richard. Kant’s Weltanschauung. Translation by John E. Smith, with revisions by the author. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1956. 118p.
Kuehn, Manfred. Kant: a Biography. NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. 544p.
Michalson, Gordon E. Fallen Freedom: Kant on Radical Evil and Moral Regeneration. Cambridge, England; NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. 172p.
Mijuskovic, Ben Lazare. The Achilles of Rationalist Arguments: the Simplicity, Unity, and Identity of Thought and Soul from the Cambridge Platonists to Kant: A Study in the History of an Argument. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1974. 142p.
Miller, Ronald Duncan. Schiller and the Ideal of Freedom: a Study of Schiller’s Philosophical Works with Chapters on Kant. Oxford: Clarendon P., 1970. 130p. Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805).
Morrison, Roy Dennis. Science, Theology and the Transcendental Horizon Einstein, Kant, and Tillich. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1994. 460p.
Otto, Rudolf (1869-1937). Kantisch-Fries’sche Religionsphilosophie. The Philosophy of Religion: based on Kant and Fries. Translated by E. B. Dicker; Foreword by W. Tudor Jones. London: William & Norgate, 1931. NY: Kraus Reprint Co., 1970. 231p.
Paton, Herbert James. The Categorical Imperative: a Study in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1948. 283p.
Pitte, Frederick Patrick van de. Kant as Philosophical Anthropologist. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1971. 120p.
Rabel, Gabriele. Kant. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963. 381p.
Rauch, Leo. The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. NY: Distributed by Monarch Press, 1965. 105p.
Reardon, Bernard M. G. Kant as Philosophical Theologian. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988. 214p.
Sherover, Charles M. Heidegger, Kant & Time. Introduction by William Barrett. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1971. 322p.
Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900). Lectures on the Philosophy of Kant and Other Philosophical Lectures & Essays. London: Macmillan; NY: Macmillan, 1905. 475p.
Stahlin, Leonhard. Kant, Lotze and Ritschl. Edinburhg: T. & T. Clark, 1889. 327p.
Stuckenberg, John Henry Wilbrandt (1835-1903). The Life of Immanuel Kant. London: Macmillan, 1882. 474p.
Temmer, Mark J. Time in Rousseau and Kant. Geneva: E. Droz, 1958. 79p.
Vesey, Godfrey Norman Agmondisham. Kant’s Copernican Revolution: Speculative Philosophy. With a postscript by W.H. Walsh. Bletchley, Bucks: Open Univ. Press, 1972. 55p.
Wenley, Robert Mark (1861-1929). Kant and His Philosophical Revolution. Edinburgh,: T. & T. Clark, 1910. 302p. Series: The World’s Epoch-Makers; ed. by Oliphant Smeaton.
Whitney, George Tapley (1871-1938), and David F. Bowers, eds. The Heritage of Kant. NY: Russell & Russell, 1962 [1st 1939.] 426p.
Williams, Terence Charles. The Concept of the Categorical Imperative: a Study of the Place of the Categorical Imperative in Kant’s Ethical Theory. Oxford: Clarendon P., 1968. 142p.
Willich, Anthony Florian Madinger. Elements of the Critical Philosophy. NY: Garland, 1977. 132p. British philosophers and theologians of the 17th & 18th centuries; No. 65, includes 3 essays by J. C. Adelung translated from the German. Reprint of the 1798 ed. printed for T. N. Longman, London.
Wilm, Emil Carl (1877-1932), ed. Immanuel Kant, 1724-1924. By George Herbert Palmer, Mary W. Calkins, E.C. Wilm, W.E. Hocking, Harlow Shapley, Kuno Erancke, Roscoe Pound and Gerhart von Schulze-Gaevernitz. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1925. 88p.
Wood, Allen W. Kant’s Rational Theology.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1978. 156p.
_____, ed. Self and Nature in Kant’s Philosophy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1984. 234p.
Kierkegaard, Soren. Fear and Trembling; and
The Sickness Unto Death. Trans. by Walter Lowrie. Garden City: Doubleday
Anchor Books, 1955.
_____. The Sickness unto Death. Trans. with an introduction, by Walter
Lowrie. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1941. 231p. (NY: Doubleday, 1954.)
_____. The Concept of Dread. Trans. by Walter Lowrie. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton Univ., 1944.
_____. The Concept of Irony: with Constant Reference to Socrates.
Translated and with an introd. and notes by Lee M. Capel. NY: Harper & Row,
1966. 442p.
_____. Early Polemical Writings. Edited and translated with introduction
and notes by Julia Watkin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1990. 314p.
_____. Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses. Edited and translated with
introduction and notes by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton Univ. Press, 1990. 559p.
_____. Either / Or. Translated by David F. Swenson and Lillian Marvin
Swenson, with revisions and a foreword by Howard A. Johnson. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1959 (1st 1944). 2 vols. Vol. 2 translated by Walter Lowrie with
revisions and a foreword by Howard A. Johnson.
_____. The Journals of Kierkegaard. Translated, selected, and with an
introduction by Alexander Dru. NY: Harper, 1959. 254p.
_____. Repetition: an Essay in Experimental Psychology. Translated with
introduction and notes by Walter Lowrie. NY: Harper & Row, 1964 (1st 1941.
_____. Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard. Translated by Lee M.
Hollander. Rev. ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1960. 259p.
_____. Soren Kierkegaard’s Journals and Papers. Edited and translated by
Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, assisted by Gregor Malantschuk. Bloomington:
Univ. Press, 1967-78. 7 vols.
_____. Two Ages: the Age of Revolution and the Present Age: a Literary
Review. Edited and translated with introd. and notes by Howard V. Hong, and
Edna H. Hong. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1978. 187p.
_____. Without Authority. Edited and translated, with introduction and
notes by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press,
1997. 317p.
_____. Parables of Kierkegaard. Ed. with an introd., by Thomas C. Oden;
illustrated by Lonni Sue Johnson. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
1978. 186p.
_____. A Kierkegaard Anthology. Edited by Robert Bretall. NY: Modern
Library, 1946. 494p.
_____. Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing: Spiritual Preparation for the
Office of Confession. Trans. from the Danish with an introductory essay by
Douglas V. Steere. Rev. ed. NY: Harper, 1948. 220p.
_____. Thoughts on Crucial Situations in Human Life: Three Discourses on Imagined
Occasions. Translated from the Danish by David F. Swenson; edited by
Lillian Marvin Swenson. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg publishing house, 1941. 115p.
_____. Works of Love. Translated from the Danish by David F. Swenson and
Lillian Marvin Swenson; with an introduction by Douglas V. Steere. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton Univ. press, 1946. 317p.
_____. Christian Discourses, and The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of
the Air, and Three Discourses at the Communion on Fridays. Trans. with an
introduction, by Walter Lowrie. London; NY: Oxford Univ. press, 1939. 389p.
_____. Consider the Lilies, Being the Second Part of “Edifying Discourses in
a Different Vein,” published in 1847 at Copenhagen, by S. Kierkegaard;
trans. from the Danish by A. S. Aldworth & W. S. Ferrie. London: C. W.
Daniel company, 1940. 71p.
_____. Fear and Trembling: a Dialectical Lyric. By Johannes de Silentio
[pseud.]; trans. from the Danish by Robert Payne. London; NY: Oxford Univ.
Press, 1939. 192p.
_____. For Self-Examination: Recommended for the Times. Translation from
the Danish by Edna and Howard Hong. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House,
1940. 104p.
_____. Kierkegaard’s Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Trans. from the
Danish by David F. Swenson, completed after his death and provided with
introduction and notes by Walter Lowrie. Princeton: Princeton Univ. press, for
American Scandinavian foundation, 1941. 579p.
_____. Philosophical Fragments: or, A Fragment of Philosophy. By
Johannes Climacus [pseud.]. Trans. from the Danish with introduction and notes
by David F. Swenson. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press; NY:
American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1936. 105p.
_____. The Present Age and Two Minor Ethico-Religious Treatises. Trans.
by Alexander Dru and Walter Lowrie. London; NY: Oxford Univ. press, 1940. 163p.
_____. Stages on Life’s Way. Trans. by Walter Lowrie. Princeton:
Princeton Univ. Press, 1940. 472p.
Taylor, Mark C. Kierkegaard’s Pseudonymous Authorship: A Study of Time and the Self. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, 1975.
Xie, Wenyu. The Concept of Freedom: the Platonic-Augustinian-Lutheran-Kierkegaardian Tradition. Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 2002.
Dewey, John (1859-1952), and James H. Tufts. Ethics. NY: H. Holt, 1908. 618p.
Dewey, John (1859-1952). Moral Principles in
Education. Boston; NY: Houghton Mifflin, 1909.
_____. On Experience, Nature, and Freedom: Representative Selections.
Edited, with an introduction by Richard J. Bernstein. NY: Liberal Arts Press,
1960. 293p.
_____. Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics. NY: Hillary House, 1957.
253p. Limited to 500 copies. Reprint of the scarce 1891 edition.
_____. The Philosophy of John Dewey. Edited by Joseph Ratner. London:
Allen & Unwin, 1928. 560p.
_____. The Quest for Certainty: a Study of the Relation of Knowledge and
Action. NY: Putnam, 1960. Gifford lectures: 1929.
_____. Theory of the Moral Life. Introd. by Arnold Isenberg. NY: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1960. 179p.
_____. Theory of Valuation. Chicago, IL: The Univ. of Chicago, 1939.
_____. How We Think. Boston: D.C. Heath, 1910. 224p.
_____. Psychology. NY: Harper, 1887; 3d rev. ed. NY; Cincinnati: American
book company, 1891. 427p.
_____. Leibniz’s New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding: A Critical
Exposition. Chicago: S.C. Griggs and Company, 1888. 272p.
Brauer, Jerald C., ed. The Future of Religions. NY: Harper & Row, 1966. 94p. Tributes to Paul Tillich.
Bryan, Lawrence D. The Thought of Paul Tillich: a Select Bibliographical Companion to the Systematic Theology. Evanston, IL: Garrett Theological Seminary Library, 1973. 34p.
Bulman, Raymond F., and Frederick J. Parrella, eds. Religion in the New Millennium: Theology in the Spirit of Paul Tillich. Macon, GA: Mercer Univ. Press, 2001. 375p. Proceedings of the international conference “The rekigious situation at the dawn of the new millenium”, held at New Harmony, Ind., in June 1999.
Carey, John Jesse, ed. Being and Doing: Paul
Tillich as Ethicist. Macon, GA: Mercer, 1987. 222p. Articles presented at
national meetings of the North American Paul Tillich Society.
_____. Paulus, Then and Now: a Study of Paul Tillich’s Theological World and
the Continuing Relevance of His Work. Macon, GA: Mercer Univ. Press, 2002.
Cranford, William Jefferson. The Doctrine of God in the Book of Job and the Systematic Theology of Paul Tillich. Ann Arbor, MI: Univ. Microfilms International, 1984. 224p.
Crossman, Richard C. Paul Tillich: a Comprehensive Bibliography and Keyword Index of Primary and Secondary Writings in English. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1983. 181p.
Ferrell, Donald R. Logos and Existence: the Relationship of Philosophy and Theology in the Thought of Paul Tillich. NY: P. Lang, 1992. 489p. Based on the author’s PhD dissertation at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California.
Hadaway, Bradford S. From Existential Estrangement to Essential Being: an Examination of Paul Tillich’s Ontological Ethic. Master’s thesis, SWBTS, 1995. 70p.
International Paul Tillich Symposium (3rd:
1990 Frankfurt am Main, Germany). New
Creation or Eternal Now: Is There an Eschatology in Paul Tillich’s work?:
Contributions Made to the III. International Paul Tillich Symposium Held in
Frankfurt Main, 1990. Edited by Gert Hummel Neue. Berlin; NY: W. de
Gruyter, 1991. 243p.
_____ (5th: 1994 Frankfurt am Main,
Germany). The theological paradox: interdisciplinary reflections on the
centre of Paul Tillich’s thought
proceedings of the V. International Paul Tillich Symposium held in Frankfurt/Main 1994.
Edited by Gert Hummel. Berlin; NY: W. de Gruyter, 1995. 263p.
_____. (7th: 1998 Frankfurt am Main,
Germany). Being versus Word in Paul Tillich’s Theology? Proceedings of the VII.
International-Paul-Tillich-Symposium, held in Frankfurt/Main, 1998. Edited by
Gert Hummel and Doris Lax Sein. Berlin; NY: W. de Gruyter, 1999. 349p.
Kegley, Jacquelyn Ann K., ed. Paul Tillich on creativity. Lanham: Univ. Press of America; Portland, OR: Foundation for the Philosophy of Creativity, 1989. 161p.
Lyons, James R., ed. The Intellectual Legacy of Paul Tillich. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1969. 115p.
Morrison, Roy Dennis. Science, Theology and the Transcendental Horizon: Einstein, Kant, and Tillich. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1994. 460p.
Newport, John P. (1917-2000). Paul Tillich. Edited by Bob E. Patterson. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1991; Originally published: Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1984. 264p.
Pauck, Wilhelm, and Marion Pauck. Paul Tillich, His Life & Thought. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989. 340p.
Plaskow, Judith. Sex, Sin, and Grace: Women’s Experience and the Theologies of Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich. Washington: Univ. Press of America, 1980. 216p. Based on the author’s doctoral thesis, Yale, 1975.
Scharf, Uwe Carsten. The Paradoxical Breakthrough of Revelation: Interpreting the Divine-Human Interplay in Paul Tillich’s Work, 1913-1964. Berlin; NY: W. de Gruyter, 1999. 478p. Based on the author’s doctoral thesis, Univ. of Virginia.
Taylor, Mark Kline. Paul Tillich: Theologian of the Boundaries. London; San Francisco, CA: Collins, 1987. 351p.
Thompson, Ian E. Being and Meaning: Paul Tillich’s Theory of Meaning, Truth and Logic. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1981. 244p.
Tillich, Paul (1886-1965). Against the Third
Reich: Paul Tillich’s Wartime Addresses to Nazi Germany. Trans. Matthew Lon
Weaver; editors, Ronald H. Stone and Matthew Lon Weaver. 1st ed. Louisville,
KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1998. 273p.
_____. The Encounter of Religions and Quasi-Religions.eEdited by
Terrence Thomas. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 1990. 170p.
_____. The Essential Tillich: an Anthology of the Writings of Paul Tillich.
Edited, with a preface, by F. Forrester Church. NY: Macmillan, 1987. 281p.
_____. The Irrelevance and Relevance of the Christian Message. Edited by
Durwood Foster. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 1996. 74p.
_____. Theology of Peace. Edited and introduced by Ronald H. Stone.
Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990. 190p.
_____. Voluntarism and the Philosophy of Life. [sound recording].
Richmond, VA: Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1984.
_____. The Courage To Be. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1952. 197p.
_____. The Interpretation of History. Part one trans. by N. A. Rasetzki;
parts two, three and four trans. by Elsa L. Talmey. NY: C. Scribner’s sons; London:
C. Scribner’s sons, 1936. 284p.
_____. The Protestant Era. Trans. with a concluding essay, by James
Luther Adams. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1948. 323p.
_____. Religiose Verwirklichung. Berlin: Furche, 1930. 312p.
_____. The Shaking of the Foundations. NY: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1948.
_____. Systematic Theology. London: Nisbet, 1951. 2 vols. Chicago: Univ.
of Chicago Press, 1951-63 (& 1967). 3 vols..
_____. Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality. Chicago:
Univ. of Chicago Press, 1955. 84p.
_____. Dynamics of Faith. Edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen. NY: Harper, 1956.
_____. Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. von Renate Albrecht. Stuttgart:
Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1959. 14 vols.
_____. The Impact of Psychotherapy on Theological Thought. NY: Academy
of Religion and Mental Health, 1960. 11p. An address delivered at the First
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Religion and Mental Health, Hotel Biltmore, NY
City, January 14, 1960.
_____. Love, Power, and Justice: Ontological Analyses and Ethical
Applications. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1954. 127p.
_____. The New Being. NY: Scribner, 1955. 179p. Companion vol. to the
author’s The Shaking of the Foundations.
_____. The Religious Situation. Trans. by H. Richard Niebuhr. NY: Meridian
Books, 1956 (1st c1932).
_____. Theology of Culture. Edited by Robert C. Kimball. NY: Oxford
Univ. Press, 1959. 213p.
_____. Christianity and the Encounter of the World Religions. NY:
Columbia Univ. Press, 1963. 97p.
_____. The Eternal Now. NY: Scribner, 1963. 185p.
_____. Morality and Beyond. NY: Harper & Row, 1963. 95p.
_____. My Search for Absolutes. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1967. 143p.
_____. On the Boundary: an Autobiographical Sketch. NY: Scribner, 1966.
_____. To Live as Men: an Anatomy of Peace. Center for the Study of
Democratic Institutions. Papers by Paul Tillich [and others]. Introd. by Robert
M. Hutchins and messages from Pope Paul VI. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Center for
the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1965. 67p.
_____. Ultimate Concern: Tillich in Dialogue. Editor D. Mackenzie Brown.
NY: Harper & Row, 1965. 234p.
_____. The World Situation. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1965. 51p.
_____. The Ambiguity of Religion. Sound recording. Richmond, VA: Union
Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1984.
_____. Ambiguity of the Ethical Realm. Richmond, VA: Union Theological
Seminary in Virginia, 1984.
_____. A History of Christian Thought. Edited by Carl E. Braaten. NY:
Harper & Row, 1968. 300p. Lectures delivered in 1953 at Union Theological
Seminary, NY, recorded and originally edited by P. H. John.
_____. The Meaning of Health: Essays in Existentialism, Psychoanalysis, and
Religion. Edited by Perry LeFevre. Chicago: Exploration Press, 1984. 251p.
_____. What Is Religion? Edited and with an introduction by James Luther
Adams. NY: Harper & Row, 1969. 191p.
Barth, Karl (1886-1968). Church Dogmatics. Edinburgh: T. &
T. Clark, 1957.
_____. Ethics. Edited by Dietrich Braun. Trans. by Goeffrey W. Bromiley.
NY: The Seabury Press, 1981.
_____. The Theology of John Calvin. Trans. Goeffrey W. Bromiley. Grand
Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995 (1st 1922 Die Theologie Calvins [Zurich:
Theologischer Verlag).
_____. The Humanity of God. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1960. Including three essays: Evangelical Theology
in the 19th Century, The Humanity of God, and The Gift of Freedom (Foundation
of Evangelical Ethics).
Barth, Karl (1886-1968). Church dogmatics. Selection with introduction
by Helmut Gollwitzer. 1st American ed. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox
Press, 1994. 262p. Originally published: Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1961.
_____. Gesprache. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 1995.
_____. Homiletics. Trans. by Geoffrey W. Bromiley and Donald E. Daniels.
Louisville, KY: Westminster/J. Knox Press, 1991. 136p.
_____. Karl Barth: Centenary Essays. Edited by S.W. Sykes. Cambridge;
NY: Cambridge Univ. Press; Paris:
Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 1989. 171p.
_____. Karl Barth-Emil Brunner, Briefwechsel 1911-1966. Zurich:
Theologischer Verlag, 2000. 506p.
_____. Offene Briefe 1935-1942. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 2001.
_____. Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century: Its Background and
History. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2002. 652p.
_____. The Theology of John Calvin. Translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1995. 424p.
_____. Action in Waiting. On Christoph Blumhardt; including Joy in
the Lord, by Christoph Blumhardt. Edited and translated from the German by
the Society of Brothers. Rifton, NY: Plough Pub. House, 1969. 69p.
_____. Ethics. Edited by Dietrich Braun; translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag,
1973; NY: Seabury Press, 1981. 534p. Translation of Ethik.
_____. Evangelical Theology: an Introduction. Translated by Grover
Foley. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1979 (1st NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
1963). First five lectures of this volume were delivered under the auspices of
the Divinity School, the Univ. of Chicago, and were ‘The Annie Kinkead Warfield
Lectures of 1962’ at the Princeton Theological Seminary.”
_____. Fragments Grave and Gay. Edited with a foreword and epilogue by
Martin Rumscheidt; trans. by Eric Mosbacher. London: Collins, 1971. 127p.
_____. A Karl Barth Reader. Edited by Rolf Joachim Erler and Reiner
Marquard; edited and translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans, 1986. 117p.
_____. Prayer. 2nd ed. Edited by Don E. Saliers from the translation of
Sara F. Terrien. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1985. 96p.
_____. Theological existence to-day!: (A plea for theological freedom).
Trans. by R. Birch Hoyle. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1933. 85p.
_____. Christ and Adam: Man and Humanity in Romans 5. Trans. by T. A.
Smail. NY: Harper, 1957. 96p.
_____. Church and State. Trans. by G. Ronald Howe. London: Student
Christian Movement Press, 1939. 90p.
_____. The Church and the Political Problem of Our Day. London: Hodder
and Stoughton, 1939. 87p.
_____. Church Dogmatics. Authorized translation by G.T. Thomson.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1936-1977. 5 vols. Translation of Die
Kirchliche Dogmatik.
_____. Dogmatics in Outline. Translated by G.T. Thompson. NY:
Philosophical Library, 1949; London: S.C.M. Press, 1952. 155p.
_____. The Holy Ghost and the Christian life. Trans. by R. Birch Hoyle.
London: F. Muller, 1938. 86p.
_____. Humanismus. Zollikon-Zurich: Evangelischer Verlag, 1950. 28p.
Berkouwer, Gerrit Cornelis. Karl Barth.
Kampen: Kok, 1936. 301p.
_____. Karl Barth en de Kinderdoop. Kampen: Kok, 1947. 168p.
_____. See Berkouwer works under theology section.
Brunner, Emil (1889-1966). Natural Theology: Comprising “Nature and Grace” by Professor Dr. Emil Brunner and the Reply “No!” by Dr. Karl Barth. Translated from the German by Peter Fraenkel; with an introduction by John Baillie. London: G. Bles, Centenary Press, 1946. 128p. Translation of Brunner’s Natur und Gnade and Barth’s Nein!
Frey, Christofer. Die Theologie Karl Barths. Frankfurt am Main: Atheneum Verlag, 1988. 312p.
Rogers, Eugene F. Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: Sacred Doctrine and the Natural Knowledge of God. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1995. 248p. Revision of the author’s doctoral thesis, Yale University.
Wildi, Hans Markus. Bibliographie Karl Barth. Im Auftrag der Karl Barth-Stiftung und in Zusammenarbeit mit der Aargauischen Kantonsbibliothek und dem Karl Barth-Archiv erarbeitet von Hans Markus Wildi. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 1984.
Frank H. The Doctrine of Predestination in the Theology of Karl Barth.
Microform (SWBTS). Karl Barth (1886-1968).
Blattner, William D. Heidegger’s Temporal Idealism. Cambridge, U.K.; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 325p.
Blitz, Mark. Heidegger’s Being and Time and the Possibility of Political Philosophy. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1981. Martin Heidegger (1889-1976): Sein und Zeit.
Caputo, John D. Heidegger and Aquinas: An Essay on Overcoming Metaphysics. NY: Fordham University Press, 1982. 308p.
Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976). Being and
Time (Sein und Zeit). Translated by John MacQuarrie and Edward Robinson.
London: SCM Press, 1962.
_____. On Time and Being.
Translated by Joan Stambaugh. 1st ed. NY: Harper & Row, 1972. Translation
of works collected in 1969 under title Zur Sache des Denkens.
_____. Being and Time (Sein und Zeit). Trans. by John MacQuarrie and
Edward Robinson. London: SCM Press, 1962.
_____. Vom Wesen der Menschlichen Freiheit: Einleitung in die Philosophie.
Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1982. 307p. The Essence of Human Freedom: an
Introduction to Philosophy. Trans. by Ted Sadler. London; NY: Continuum,
2002. 216p.
_____. Zur Sache des Denkens (On time and being). Trans. by Joan
Stambaugh. 1st ed. NY: Harper & Row, 1972. Translation of works collected
in 1969 under title: Zur Sache des Denkens.
_____. The Basic Problems of Phenomenology. Trans. introduction, and
lexicon by Albert Hofstadter. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1982. 396p.
_____. Basic Questions of Philosophy: Selected “Problems” of “Logic.”
Trans. by Richard Rojcewicz and Andre Schuwer. Bloomington: Indiana Univ.
Press, 1994. 192p.
_____. Basic Writings from Being and Time (1927) to The Task of thinking
(1964). Edited, with general introd. and introductions to each selection by
David Farrell Krell. NY: Harper & Row, 1977. 397p.
_____. Early Greek Thinking. Trans. by David Farrell Krell and Frank A.
Capuzzi. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984 (1st 1975). 129p.
_____. Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Bloomington: Indiana Univ.
Press, 1962. 255p.
_____. Nietzsche. Translated from the German with notes and an analysis
by David Farrell Krell. San Francisco: Harper & Row, c1979-c1987. 4 vols.
_____. On the Way to Language. Trans. by Peter D. Hertz. San Francisco:
Harper & Row, 1982, c1971. 200p.
_____. Sein und Zeit. Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1979. 445p.; Sein und Zeit:
Being and Time. Translated by John MacQuarrie and Edward Robinson. London:
SCM Press, 1962. 589p.
_____. Discourse on Thinking. A translation of Gelassenheit, by
John M. Anderson and E. Hans Freund. With an introd. by John M. Anderson. NY:
Harper & Row, 1966. 93p.
_____. German Existentialism. Translated from the German, and with an
introduction, by Dagobert D. Runes. NY: Wisdom Library, 1965. 58p.
_____. Identity and Difference. Trans. and introd. by Joan Stambaugh.
NY: Harper & Row, 1969. 146p.
_____. Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Bloomington: Indiana Univ.
Press, 1962. 255p.
_____. On the Way to Language. Trans. by Peter D. Hertz. NY: Harper
& Row, 1971. 200p.
_____. On Time and Being. Trans. by Joan Stambaugh. NY: Harper &
Row, 1972. 84p. Translation of works collected in 1969 under title Zur Sache
des Denkens.
_____. What Is a Thing? Trans. by W.B. Barton, Jr., and Vera Deutsch,
with an analysis by Eugene T. Gendlin. Chicago: H. Regnery Co., 1967. 310p.
Marx, Werner. Heidegger and the Tradition. Translated by Theodore Kisiel and Murray Greene; with an introduction by Theodore Kisiel. Evanston, IL: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1971. 275p.
Meyer, Hans (1884-1966). Martin Heidegger und Thomas von Aquin. München: F. Schöningh, 1964. 154p.
Sherover, Charles M. Heidegger, Kant & Time. Introduction by William Barrett. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1971. 322p.
Wolin, Richard, ed. The Heidegger Controversy: a Critical Reader. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. 305p.
Kegley, Charles W. Kegley, and Robert W. Bretall, eds. Reinhold Niebuhr: His Religious, Social, and Political Thought. NY: Macmillan, 1956. Collection of essays by famous theologians and others on Niebuhr’s contribution and philosophy.
Niebuhr, Reinhold. Christian Realism and
Political Problems. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1953.
_____. Faith and History: a Comparison of Christian and Modern Views of
History. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1949.
_____. Discerning the Signs of the Times: Sermons for Today and Tomorrow.
NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1946.
_____. The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness: a Vindication of
Democracy and a Critque of Its Traditional Defense.. NY: Charles Scribner’s
Sons, 1944.
_____. The Nature and Destiny of Man. 2 vols. NY: Charles Scribner’s
Sons, 1941-43.
_____. Christianity and Power Politics. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
_____. An Interpretation of Christian Ethics. NY: Harper and Row, 1935.
_____. Reflections on the End of an Era. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
_____. Moral Man and Immoral Society. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1932.
_____. The Contributions of Religion to Social Work. NY: Columbia Univ.
Press, 1932.
_____. Does Civilization Need Religion? A Study in the Social Resources and
Limitations of Religion in Modern Life. NY: Macmillan, 1927.
Sims, John A. Missionaries to the Skeptics: Christian Apologists for the Twentieth Century: C.S. Lewis, Edward John Carnell, and Reinhold Niebuhr. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1995. 234p.
Adey, Lionel. C.S. Lewis, Writer, Dreamer, and Mentor. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 1998. 307p.
Barfield, Owen, and G.B. Tennyson, eds. Owen Barfield on C.S. Lewis. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1989. 171p.
Bramlett, Perry C. C.S. Lewis: Life at the Center. Macon, GA: Peake Road, 1996. 87p.
Burson, Scott R., and Jerry Walls. C.S. Lewis & Francis Schaeffer: Lessons for a New Century from the Most Influential Apologists of Our Time. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998. 308p.
Carnell, Corbin Scott. Bright Shadow of Reality: Spiritual Longing in C.S. Lewis. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1999. 180p. Originally published as: Bright Shadow of Reality: C.S. Lewis and the Feeling Intellect (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1974. 180p.).
Carretero González, Margarita, and Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio, eds. Behind the Veil of Familiarity: C.S. Lewis (1898-1998). Bern; NY: P. Lang, 2001. 347p.
Christopher, Joe R. C.S. Lewis. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1987. 150p.
Como, James T. Branches to Heaven: the Geniuses of C.S. Lewis. Dallas, TX: Spence Pub., 1998. 224p.
Como, James T., ed. C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table, and Other Reminiscences. NY: MacMillan, 1979 & 1985. 299p. (San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. 329p.)
Coren, Michael. The Man Who Created Narnia: the Story of C.S. Lewis. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Pub., 1996. 140p. 1st published 1994, Canada, Lester Publishing.
Downing, David C. The Most Reluctant Convert: C.S. Lewis’s Journey to Faith. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002. 191p.
Duncan, John Ryan. The Magic Never Ends: an Oral History of the Life and Work of C.S. Lewis. Nashville, TN: W Pub. Group, 2001. 189p.
Edwards, Bruce L., ed. The Taste of the Pineapple: Essays on C.S. Lewis as Reader, Critic, and Imaginative Writer. Preface by Owen Barfield. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1988. 246p.
Fisher, Margery Turner. Henry Treece by Margery Fisher with C. S. Lewis by Roger Lancelyn Green and Beatrix Potter by Marcus Crouch. London: Bodley Head, 1969. 224p. Three Bodley Head monographs.
Freshwater, Mark Edwards. C.S. Lewis and the Truth of Myth. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988. 145p.
Gibb, Jocelyn, ed. Light on C. S. Lewis. London: G. Bles; NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976 (1st 1965). 160p.
Gilbert, Douglas R., and Clyde S. Kilby. C. S. Lewis: Images of His World. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1973. 192p.
Glaspey, Terry W., and George Grant, eds. Not a Tame Lion: the Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis. Nashville, TN: Cumberland House; Kansas City, MO: Andrews and McMeel, 1996. 243p.
Glover, Donald E. C. S. Lewis: the Art of Enchantment. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1981. 235p.
Graham, David, ed. We Remember C.S. Lewis: Essays & Memoirs. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2001. 162p.
Green, Roger Lancelyn, and Walter Hooper. C. S. Lewis: a Biography. London: Collins; NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1974; San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1994. 320p.
Green, Roger Lancelyn. C.S. Lewis. London: Bodley Head; NY: H. Z. Walck, 1963. 65p.
Griffin, William. C.S. Lewis: Spirituality
for Mere Christians. NY: Crossroad Pub., 1998. 220p.
_____. Clive Staples Lewis: a Dramatic Life. San Francisco: Harper &
Row, 1986. 507p.
Hannay, Margaret P. C.S. Lewis. NY: Ungar, 1981. 299p.
Hart, Dabney Adams. Through the Open Door: a New Look at C.S. Lewis. University, AL: University of Alabama Press, 1984. 164p.
Honda, Mineko. The Imaginative World of C.S. Lewis: a Way to Participate in Reality. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2000. 178p.
Hooper, Walter. Through Joy and Beyond: a Pictorial Biography of C.S. Lewis. NY: Macmillan; London: Collier Macmillan, 1982. 176p.
Howard, Thomas. The Achievement of C. S. Lewis. Wheaton, IL: H. Shaw Publishers, 1980. 193p.
Keefe, Carolyn, ed. C. S. Lewis: Speaker & Teacher. Foreword by Thomas Howard. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1971. 144p.
Kilby, Clyde S. The Christian World of C. S. Lewis. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964. 216p.
Knight, Gareth. The Magical World of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield. Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element Books, 1990. 258p.
Kort, Wesley A. C.S. Lewis Then and Now. NY: Oxford University Press, 2001. 194p.
Kranz, Gisbert. Studien zu C.S. Lewis.
Lüdenscheid: M. Claren, 1983. 145p.
_____. C. S. Lewis: Studien zu Leben und Werk. Bonn, Bouvier, 1974. 191p.
Kreeft, Peter. C. S. Lewis: a Critical Essay. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1969. 48p.; Front Royal, VA: Christendom College Press, 1988. 71p.
Lawlor, John. C.S. Lewis: Memories and Reflections. Foreword by Walter Hooper. Dallas, TX: Spence, 1998. 132p.
Lewis, C. S. God in the Dock. Edite by
Walter Hooper. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.
_____. The Problem of Pain. NY: Macmillan, 1962.
_____. The Screwtape Letters. NY: Macmillan, 1961.
_____. Mere Christianity. NY: Macmillan, 1952.
_____. The Weight of Glory. NY: Macmillan, 1949.
_____. The Great Divorce. NY: Macmillan, 1945.
_____. “Humanitarian Theory of
Punishment.” Res Judicatae VI (1953): 224-30. Reply by N.
Morris and D. Bucke, VI (1953): 231-37. Comment by J. J. C. Smart, VI (1954):
368-71. Reply by C. S. Lewis, VI (1954): 519-23.
_____. The Abolition of Man. London: Oxford University, 1943.
_____. Beyond Personality: the Christian Idea of God. London: G. Bles:
The Centenary press, 1945. 64p.
_____. Christian Behaviour. London; NY: Macmillan, 1943. 70p.
_____. The Screwtape letters. Toronto: S. J. R. Saunders, 1942 &
1945. 160p. Djevelen Dypper Pennen. (Norwegian. Oslo: Land og kirke,
1946. 141p. Le Lettere di Berlicche. Italian. Milano: Mondadori, 1947.)
_____. Dymer. NY: E. P. Dutton, 1926. 105p.
_____. Hamlet: the Prince or the Poem? London: [n.p.] 1945. p.154.
_____. Perelandra. London: John Lane, 1943. 256p.
_____. A Preface to Paradise Lost, Being the Ballard Matthews Lectures,
Delivered at University College, North Wales, 1941. London; NY: Oxford
University Press, 1942. 139p.
_____. Rehabilitations and Other Essays. London; NY: Oxford university
press, 1939. 197p.
_____. Den Store Skilsmisse. The Great Divorce. Danish.
København: A. Sørensen, 1947. 127p.
_____. That Hideous Strength, a Modern Fairy-Tale for Grown-Ups. NY:
Macmillan, 1946. 459p.
_____. Judicial Remedies in Public Law. Foreword by Lord Justice Laws.
London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1992. 516p. (2nd ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell,
2000. 617p.).
_____. A Grief Observed. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989. 89p.
Reprint. Originally published: London: Faber, 1961.
_____. Letters. Edited, with a Memoir. by W. H. Lewis. London: Bles;
NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966. 308p.
Lindskoog, Kathryn Ann. Surprised by C.S.
Lewis, George MacDonald & Dante: An Array of Original Discoveries.
Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2001. 221p.
_____. The C.S. Lewis Hoax. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, 1988. 175p.
Macdonald, Michael H., and Andrew A. Tadie, eds. The Riddle of Joy: G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis. Foreword by Janet Blumberg Knedlik. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 1989. 304p.
Marshall, Cynthia, ed. Essays on C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald: Truth, Fiction, and the Power of Imagination. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1991. 114p.
Mastrolia, Arthur. C.S. Lewis and the Blessed Virgin Mary: Uncovering a “Marian attitude.” Lima, Ohio: Fairway Press, 2000. 176p.
Morneau, Robert F. A Retreat with C.S. Lewis: Yielding to a Pursuing God. Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1999. 95p.
Murphy, Brian. C.S. Lewis. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1983. 95p. Originally published: Mercer Island, WA: Starmont House, 1982.
Musacchio, George. C.S. Lewis, Man & Writer: Essays and Reviews. Belton, TX: University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, 1994. 172p.
Myers, Doris T. C.S. Lewis in Context. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1994. 248p.
Nicholi, Armand M. The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life. NY: Free Press, 2002. 295p.
Odero, María Dolores, and José Miguel Odero.. C.S. Lewis y la Imagen del Hombre. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1993. 427p.
Payne, Leanne. Real Presence: the Glory of Christ with Us and Within Us. Forewords by Wayne Martindale and John R. Sheets. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1995. 180p. Previously published as: Real Presence: the Christian Worldview of C.S. Lewis as Incarnational Reality. Rev. ed. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1988. 198p.
Peters, Thomas C. Simply C.S. Lewis: a Beginner’s Guide to the Life and Works of C.S. Lewis. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1997. 270p.
Purtill, Richard L. Lord of the Elves and Eldils: Fantasy and Philosophy in C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1974. 211p.
Reed, Gerard. C.S. Lewis Explores Vice and Virtue. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 2001. 166p.
Sayer, George. Jack: a Life of C.S. Lewis. 2nd ed. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1994. 457p. Rev. ed. of: Jack: C.S. Lewis and His Times. 1st ed. 1988.
Schofield, Stephen, ed. In Search of C.S. Lewis: Interviews with Kenneth Tynan, A.J.P. Taylor, Malcolm Muggeridge, and Others Who Knew Lewis. South Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Pub., 1983. 220p.
Sims, John A. Missionaries to the Skeptics: Christian Apologists for the Twentieth Century: C.S. Lewis, Edward John Carnell, and Reinhold Niebuhr. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1995. 234p.
Swift, Catherine M. C.S. Lewis. Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House Publishers, 1989. 127p.
Vander Elst, Philip. C.S. Lewis. London: Claridge, 1996. 114p.
Walsh, Chad. The Literary Legacy of C. S.
Lewis. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 269p.
_____. C. S. Lewis: Apostle to the Skeptics. NY: Macmillan, 1949. 176p.
Watson, George, ed. Critical Essays on C.S. Lewis. Aldershot, Hants, England: Scolar Press; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1992. 284p.
Wellman, Sam. C.S. Lewis: Author of Mere Christianity. Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour, 1997. 206p.
Wilson, A. N. C.S. Lewis: a Biography. Great Britain; NY: Norton, 1990; Fawcett Columbine, 1991. 334p.
Schaeffer, Francis A. (1912-1984).
_____. The God Who Is There. 30th anniversary ed. Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press, 1998. 226p. Originally: The God Who Is There: Speaking
Historic Christianity into the Twentieth Century. Chicago: Inter-varsity,
1968. 191p.
_____. He Is There and He Is Not Silent. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1972.
_____. The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer: A Christian Worldview.
Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1982. 5 vols.
_____. A Christian Manifesto. Westchester, IL: Crossway, 1981. 157p.
_____. How Should We Then Live: the Rise and Decline of Western Thought and
Culture. Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1976. 288p.
_____. True Spirituality. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1971. 180p.
_____. Back to Freedom and Dignity. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity,
_____. Genesis in Space and Time. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity,
_____. Death in the City. Chicago: Inter-Varsity Press, 1969.
_____. Back to Freedom and Dignity. London: Hodder & Stoughton,
1973. 47p.
_____. A Christian View of Philosophy and Culture. Westchester, IL:
Crossway Books, 1982. 397p.
_____. Whatever Happened to the Human race? With C. Everett Koop. Old Tappan,
NJ: F. H. Revell, 1979. 256p.; Rev. ed. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1983.
_____. A Christian View of Spirituality. Westchester, IL: Crossway
Books, 1982. 427p.
_____. A Christian View of the Bible as Truth. Westchester, IL: Crossway
Books, 1982. 418p.
_____. A Christian View of the Church. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books,
1982. 309p.
_____. A Christian View of the West. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books,
1982. 566p.
_____. Corruption vs. True Spirituality. Mussoorie (U.P.) India: Nivegit
Good Books Distributors, 1998. 264p.
_____. Death in the City. London: Inter-Varsity, 1969. 127p.
_____. Escape From Reason. London: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1968. 96p.
_____. The Finished Work of Christ: the Truth of Romans 1-8. Wheaton,
IL: Crossway Books, 1998. 239p.
_____. The Francis A. Schaeffer Trilogy: the Three Essential Books in One
Volume. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1990. 367p.: The God Who Is
There – Escape from Reason – He Is There and He Is Not Silent.
_____. The Great Evangelical Disaster. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books,
1984. 192p.
_____. Letters of Francis A. Schaeffer: Spiritual Reality in the Personal
Christian Life. Edited with introductions by Lane T. Dennis. Westchester,
IL: Crossway Books, 1985. 264p.
Schaeffer, Francis A., and James Montgomery Boice, eds. The Foundation of Biblical Authority. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1978. 172p.
Schaeffer, Francis A., et al. Plan for Action: An Action Alternative Handbook for Whatever Happened to the Human Race? Old Tappan, NJ: F. H. Revell, 1980. 95p.
Carpenter, Joel A., ed. Two Reformers of Fundamentalism: Harold John Ockenga and Carl F.H. Henry. Introduction by Joel A. Carpenter. NY: Garland, 1988. 175p. Series Title: Fundamentalism in American religion, 1880-1950. Originally published: Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1947; 2nd work published: Wheaton, IL: Van Kampen Press, 1951.
Carson, D.A., and John D. Woodbridge, eds. God and Culture: Essays in Honor of Carl F.H. Henry. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1993. 398p.
Clark, Gordon H., and Carl F. H. Henry, eds. Fundamentals of the Faith. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1975 (1st 1969). 291p. Each essay also published separately in Christianity Today as a pamphlet bind-in, Sept. 1965-Aug. 1968.
Henry, Carl F. H., and R. Albert Mohler, eds. Gods of This Age or—God of the ages? Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1994. 323p.
Henry, Carl F. H., et al. Quest for Reality: Christianity and the Counter Culture. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1973. 161p. Papers presented at a conference sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Christian Studies, held in Chicago, Oct., 1971.
Henry, Carl Ferdinand Howard (1913-). Faith
at the Frontiers. Chicago: Moody, 1969. 204p.
_____. Frontiers in Modern Theology. Chicago: Moody, 1965. 160p.
_____. God, Revelation, and Authority. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1976-1983;
Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1999. 6 vols.
_____. The God Who Shows Himself. Waco, TX: Word, 1966. 138p.
_____. God Who Speaks and Shows. Waco, TX: Word, 1976-1979. 2 vols.
Revised: Waco, TX: Word, 1982-1983. 2 vols.
_____. Twilight of a Great Civilization: the Drift Toward Neo-Paganism.
Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1988. 192p.
_____. The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism. Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans, 1947. 89p. These chapters were delivered, in a somewhat briefer form,
as a series of popular lectures in Gordon college of theology and missions.
_____. Christian Countermoves in a Decadent Culture. Portland, OR:
Multnomah, 1986. 149p.
_____. Confessions of a Theologian: an Autobiography. Waco, TX: Word
Books, 1986. 416p.
_____. Has Democracy Had its Day? Nashville, TN: ERLC Publications,
1996. 63p.
_____. Aspects of Christian Social Ethics. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book
House, 1980. Reprint of the 1964 edition published by Eerdmans.
_____. Christian Personal Ethics. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1977 (1st 1957).
_____. Evangelicals in Search of Identity. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1976. 96p.
_____, ed. Baker’s Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Grand Rapids, MI:
Baker, 1973. 726p.
_____, ed. Basic Christian Doctrines. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
1962. 302p. First published as a series in Christianity today.
_____, ed. Christian Faith and Modern Theology: Contemporary Evangelical
Thought. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1971. 426p.
_____. Fifty Years of Protestant Theology. Boston: Wilde, 1950. 113p.
_____. The God Who Shows Himself. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1966. 138p.
_____. Personal Idealism and Strong’s Theology. Wheaton, IL: Van Kampen
Press, 1951. 233p.
_____. Giving a Reason for Our Hope. Boston: W.A. Wilde, 1949. 96p.
_____. Notes on the Doctrine of God. W.A. Wilde, 1948. 151p.
_____. Personal Idealism and Strong’s Theology. Wheaton, IL: Van Kampen
Press, 1951. 233p.
_____. The Protestant Dilemma: an Analysis of the Current Impasse in
Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1949. 248p.
_____. Remaking the Modern Mind. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1946. 309p.
2d ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1948. 320p.
_____, ed. Revelation and the Bible: Contemporary Evangelical Thought.
Grand Rapids: Baker, 1958. 413p.
Newport, John P. Life’s Ultimate Questions:
A Contemporary Philosophy of Religion. Dallas: Word, 1989.
_____. The Lion and the Lamb. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1986.
_____. The New Age Movement and the Biblical World View: Conflict and
Dialogue. Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1998.
_____. The Arts in Worship. Originally published in Review and
Expositor, Vol. 80, no. 1 (winter 1983).
_____. Life’s Ultimate Questions: a Contemporary Philosophy of Religion.
Dallas, TX: Word, 1989. 644p. Reprint: Fort Worth, TX: Scripta Pub., 1994
_____. The Lion and the Lamb. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1986. 381p.
_____. The New Age Movement and the Biblical Worldview Conflict and Dialogue.
Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998. 614p.
_____. Paul Tillich. Edited by Bob E. Patterson. Waco, TX: Word, 1984.
264p. Reprint: Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1991.
_____. Representative Contemporary Approaches to the Use of Philosophy in
Christian Thought. Originally published in Review and Expositor,
Vol. 82, no. 4 (Fall 1985).
_____. What is Christian Doctrine? Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1984.
_____. Biblical Philosophy and the Modern Mind. Rev. ed. Fort Worth, TX:
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1964 & 1968. 122p.
_____. A Guide to a Christian Philosophy of Religion. Fort Worth, TX:
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1957. 4 vols.
_____. A Guide to Biblical Interpretation and Authority in the Thought of
John Calvin. Fort Worth, TX: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary,
[19--?]. 145p.
_____. An Investigation of Factors Influencing John Calvin’s Use of the
Linguistic and Historical Principles of Biblical Exegesis. Southwestern
Theological Seminary Library [n.p.] 1953. 260p.
_____. John Newport Collection. Roberts Library, Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX:
67.4 linear ft. (62 boxes).
_____. Questions People Ask about a Christian Philosophy of Religion.
Fort Worth, TX: Baptist Book Store, [n.d.]. 2 vols.
_____. Religious Authority, Biblical Interpretation and the Modern Mind.
[n.p., 196-?]. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 135p.
_____, and William Cannon. Why Christians Fight Over the Bible.
Nashville, TN: T. Nelson, 1974. 165p.
Adler, Mortimer Jerome (1902-2001). The Idea
of Freedom. For the Institute for Philosophical Research. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1958-61. 2 vols.
_____. A Dialectic of Morals: Towards the Foundations of Political
Philosophy. NY: F. Ungar Co. 1958 (c1941). 117p.
_____. The Difference of Man and the Difference it Makes. NY: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1967. 395p. Based on the Encyclopaedia Britannica
lectures delivered by the author at the Univ. of Chicago, 1966.
_____. A Guidebook to Learning: for a Lifelong Pursuit of Wisdom. NY:
Macmillan; London: Collier Macmillan, 1986. 163p.
_____. How to Think About God: a Guide for the 20th-Century Pagan. NY:
Macmillan, 1980. 175p.
_____. Philosopher at Large: an Intellectual Autobiography. NY:
Macmillan, 1977. 349p.
_____. Truth in Religion: the Plurality of Religions and the Unity of Truth:
an Essay on the Philosophy of Religion. NY: Macmillan, 1990. 162p.
_____. The Great Ideas Today. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1961-70.
_____. Saint Thomas and the Gentiles. Milwaukee: Marquette Univ. Press,
1948. 108p.
_____. Ten Philosophical Mistakes. NY: Macmillan, 1985. 200p.
_____. The Time of Our Lives: the Ethics of Common Sense. NY: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1970. 361p.
_____. What Man Has Made of Man. NY: Ungar, 1957 (c1937). 246p.
_____, and Louis O. Kelso. The Capitalist Manifesto. NY: Random House,
1958. 265p.
_____, and Peter Wolff. Philosophy of Law and Jurisprudence. Preface by
Edward H. Levi. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1961. 251p.
_____, and Seymour Cain. Religion and Theology. Prefaces by John Cogley
and others. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1961. 278p.
_____, et al, eds. The Works of the Mind. For the Committee on Social
Thought by Robert B. Heywood; with a pref. by John U. Nef. Chicago: Univ. of
Chicago Press, 1947. 245p.
_____. Problems for Thomists: the Problem of Species. NY: Sheed & Ward,
1940. 303p.
Wells, David F., and Clark H. Pinnock, eds. Toward a Theology for the Future. Carol Stream, IL: Creation House, 1971. 329p.
Schlossberg, Herbert, Pierre Berthoud and Clark H. Pinnock. Freedom, Justice, and Hope: Toward a Strategy for the Poor and the Oppressed. Edited by Marvin Olasky. Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1988. 171p.
Mueller, Marc T. A response to “The finality of Jesus Christ in a world of religions” by Clark Pinnock. Microform. Presented on the occasion of the Evangelical Theological Society, 41st annual meeting, November 17, 1989, San Diego, California.
Pinnock, Clark, and John B. Cobb, eds. Searching for an Adequate God: a Dialogue Between Process and Free Will Theists. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 2000. 269p.
Pinnock, Clark H., and Delwin Brown. Theological Crossfire: an Evangelical-Liberal Dialogue. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House, 1990. 261p.
Pinnock, Clark H., and Robert C. Brow. Unbounded Love: a Good News Theology for the 21st Century. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press; Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, 1994. 189p.
Pinnock, Clark, R. Rice, J. Sanders, W. Hasker, and D. Basinger. The Openness of God: A Biblical Challenge to the Traditional Understanding of God. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1994. 202p.
Pinnock, Clark H. The Grace of God and the
Will of Man. Grand Rapids, MI: Academie Books, 1989; Minneapolis, MN:
Bethany House, 1995. 318p.
_____, ed. Grace Unlimited. Minneapolis:
Bethany Fellowship, 1975.
_____. Inclusive Finality or Universally Accessible Salvation. The Third
plenary session, The Evangelical Theological Society Meeting at Bethel West,
San Diego, November 17, 1989. 5p.
_____. Most Moved Mover: a Theology of God’s Openness. Carlisle,
Cumbria, UK: Paternoster Press; Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001. Didsbury
lectures, 2000. 202p.
_____. Tracking the Maze: Finding Our Way through Modern Theology from an
Evangelical Perspective. San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1990. 227p.
_____. and Robert C. Brow. Unbounded Love: a Good News Theology for the 21st
Century. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press; Carlisle, UK: Paternoster
Press, 1994. 189p.
_____. A Wideness in God’s Mercy: the Finality of Jesus Christ in a World of
Religions. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1992. 217p.
_____. Biblical Revelation: the Foundation of Christian Theology.
Chicago: Moody Press, 1971. 256p.
_____. Evangelism and Truth. Tigerville, SC: Jewel Books, 1969. 44p.
_____. The Scripture Principle. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984.
_____. Flame of Love: a Theology of the Holy Spirit. Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press, 1996. 280p.
_____. Inclusive Finality or Universally Accessible Salvation.
Microform. The Third plenary session, The Evangelical Theological Society
Meeting at Bethel West, San Diego, November 17, 1989. 5p.
_____. Most Moved Mover: a Theology of God’s Openness. Carlisle,
Cumbria, U.K.: Paternoster Press; Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001. 202p.
(Didsbury lectures; 2000.)
_____. Tracking the Maze: Finding Our Way Through Modern Theology from an
Evangelical Perspective. San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1990. 227p.
_____. The Untapped Power of Sheer Christianity: a Timely Manifesto Aimed at
Comprehensive Renewal. Burlington, Ont.: Welch Pub., 1985. 107p.
_____. Biblical Revelation: the Foundation of Christian Theology. Chicago:
Moody Press, 1971 & 1972. 256p.
_____. Evangelism and Truth. Tigerville, SC: Jewel Books, 1969. 44p.
_____, ed. Grace Unlimited. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1975. 264p.
_____. Live Now, Brother. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972. 48p.
_____. Reason Enough: a Case for the Christian Faith. Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press, 1980. 126p. An expansion and revision of seven articles
which appeared originally in His Magazine, October 1976-April 1977.
_____. The Scripture Principle. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984.
_____. Set Forth Your Case: Studies in Christian Apologetics. Chicago:
Moody Press, 1971 (1st 1967). 144p.
_____. Truth on Fire: the Message of Galatians. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker,
1972. 94p.
_____. A Defense of Biblical Infallibility. Philadelphia: Presbyterian
and Reformed, 1967.
_____. A New Reformation. Tigerville, SC: Jewel Books, 1968.
_____. Set Forth Your Case: Studies in Christian Apologetics. Nutley,
NJ: Craig Press, 1967. 94p.
William Lane. See his web site at
for more info. “P -” before
each title means that title is for the “Popular” audience.
BOOKS – journal articles and articles within other works follow.
_____. ed. Philosophy of Religion: a Reader and Guide. Edinburgh:
Edinburgh University Press, 2002.
_____. God, Time and Eternity. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
_____. Time and the Metaphysics of Relativity. Philosophical Studies
Series 84. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. 279p.
_____. P - Time and Eternity: Exploring God’s Relationship to Time.
Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2001. 272 pp.
_____. P - God and Time. With Paul Helm, Alan Padgett, and Nicholas
Wolterstorff. Ed. Gregory Ganssle. Downer’s Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press,
2001. 247p.
_____. P - Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views. With Gregory Boyd, Paul
Helm, and David Hunt. Ed. James Beilby and Paul Eddy. Downer’s Grove, IL:
Inter-Varsity Press, 2001. 221p.
_____. Naturalism: a Critical Appraisal. Ed. with J. P. Moreland.
Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy. London: Routledge, 2000.
_____. The Tensed Theory of Time: A Critical Examination. Synthese
Library 293. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. 287p.
_____. The Tenseless Theory of Time: A Critical Examination. Synthese
Library 294. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. 256p.
_____. P - The Resurrection: Fact or Figment? With Gerd Lüdemann. Ed.
Paul Copan with responses by Stephen T. Davis, Michael Goulder, Robert H.
Gundry, and Roy Hoover. Downer’s Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 2000.
_____. P - Five Views on Apologetics. With Kelly Clark, Paul Feinberg,
John Frame, and Gary Habermas. Ed. Steven B. Cowan. Grand Rapids, MI:
Zondervan, 2000. 398p.
_____. P - God, Are You There? Atlanta: RZIM, 1999. 55p.
_____. P - Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? With John Dominic
Crossan. Ed. Paul Copan with responses by Robert Miller, Craig Blomberg, Marcus
Borg, and Ben Witherington III. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Bookhouse, 1998.
_____. P - Reasonable Faith. Wheaton, IL: Crossways, 1994, p. 350.
_____. Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom: The Coherence of Theism:
Omniscience. Studies in Intellectual History 19. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1990.
_____. The Logic of Rational Theism: Exploratory Essays. Ed. with M.
McLeod. Problems in Contemporary Philosophy 24. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen,
1990. 250p.
_____. P - No Easy Answers. Chicago: Moody Press, 1990. 116p.
_____. Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the
Resurrection of Jesus. Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity 16.
Toronto: Edwin Mellen, 1989. 442p.
_____. Die Existenz Gottes und der Ursprung des Universums. German
translation by Thomas Sandner. R. Brockhaus Taschenbuch 443. Wuppertal: R.
Brockhaus Verlag, 1989.
_____. The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents from
Aristotle to Suarez. Studies in Intellectual History 7. Leiden: E. J.
Brill, 1988. 295p.
_____. P - Knowing the Truth about the Resurrection. Ann Arbor, MI:
Servant Books, 1988. 153p.
_____. The Only Wise God: The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge and
Human Freedom. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Bookhouse, 1987. 157p.
_____. Samoje Nachalo. Russian translation by A. Tsvetkov. Chicago:
Slavic Gospel Association, 1987.
_____. The Historical Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus during the
Deist Controversy. Texts and Studies in Religion 23. Toronto: Edwin Mellen,
1985. 677p.
_____. Apologetics: An Introduction. Chicago: Moody Press, 1984. 210p.
_____. The Son Rises: Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. Chicago:
Moody Press, 1981. 156p.
_____. The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz, London: Macmillan
& Co., 1980; NY: Barnes & Noble, 1980. 305p.
_____. The Kalam Cosmological Argument. London: Macmillan, 1979;
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1979. 208p.
_____. The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe. San
Bernardino: Here’s Life, 1979. 107p.
_____. “Divine Eternity and the Special Theory of Relativity.” In God and
Time, pp. 129-52. Ed. Gregory E. Ganssle and David M. Woodruff. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2002.
_____. P - “Creatio Ex Nihilo: A Critique of the Mormon Doctrine Of Creation.”
In The New Mormon Challenge: Responding to the Latest Defenses of a
Fast-Growing Movement, pp. 95-152. Ed. F. Beckwith, C. Mosser, and P. Owen.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
_____. P - “Divine Omniscience.” In God under Fire. Ed. Douglas S.
Huffman and Eric L. Johnson. Grand Rapids, MI.: Zondervan, 2002.
_____. “Prof. Grünbaum on the ‘Normalcy of Nothingness’ in the Leibnizian and Kalam
Cosmological Arguments.” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
52 (2001): 1-16.
_____. “God and the Beginning of Time.” International Philosophical
Quarterly 41 (2001): 17-31.
_____. “Wishing It Were Now Some Other Time.” Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research 62 (2001): 159-166.
_____. “Tense and Temporal Relations.” American Philosophuial Quarterly 38
(2001): 85-97.
_____. “McTaggart’s Paradox and Temporal Solipsism.” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 79 (2001): 32-44.
_____. “Kvanvig No A-Theorist.” Faith and Philosophy 18 (2001): 377-80.
_____. “Middle Knowledge, Truth-Makers, and the Grounding Objection.” Faith
and Philosophy 18 (2001): 337-52.
_____. “Inspiration and The Free Will Defense Revisited,” Evangelical
Quarterly 73 (2001): 327-39.
_____. P - “Why I Believe God Exists.” In Why I Am a Christian, pp.
62-80. Edited by N. L. Geisler and P. K. Hoffman. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker
Books, 2001.
_____. P - “The Defense Rests.” Australian Presbyterian (April 2001):
_____. P - “The Universe—More than Just Coincidence?” Decision (June
2001): 13-15.
_____. P - “Who Was Jesus?” With Peter Zaas. In Who Was Jesus?: A
Jewish-Christian Dialogue, 15-42. Edited by Craig Evans and Paul Copan.
Louisville, Kent.: Westminster-John Knox Press, 2002.
_____. “Reply to Evan Fales: On the Empty Tomb of Jesus.” Philosophia
Christi 3 (2001): 67-76.
_____. “Naturalism and Cosmology.” In Naturalism: a Critical Appraisal,
pp. 215-252. Ed. Wm. L. Craig and J. P. Moreland. Routledge Studies in
Twentieth-Century Philosophy. London: Routledge, 2000.
_____. “The Anthropic Principle.” In The History of Science and Religion in
the Western Tradition: an Encyclopedia, pp. 366-368. Ed. G. B. Ferngren, E.
J. Larson, and D. W. Amundsen. NY and London: Garland Publishing, 2000.
_____. “Cosmology.” In The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought, pp.
136-139. Ed. Adrian Hastings, et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
_____. “Eternity.” In The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought, p.
210-212. Ed. Adrian Hastings, et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
_____. “On Truth Conditions of Tensed Sentence Types.” Synthese 120
(2000): 265-270.
_____. “The Extent of the Present.” International Studies in the Philosaophy
of Science 14 (2000): 165-185.
_____. “Why Is It Now?” Ratio 18 (2000): 115-122.
_____. “Timelessness, Creation, and God’s Real Relation to the World.” Laval
théologique et philosphique 56 (2000): 93-112.
_____. “ Relativity and the ‘Elimination’ of Absolute Time.” In Recent
Advances in Relativity Theory. 2 Vols. Vol.1: Formal
Interpretations, pp. 47-66. Ed. M. C. Duffy and Mogens Wegener. Palm
Harbor, Flor.: Hadronic Press, 2000.
_____. “Omniscience, Tensed Facts, and Divine Eternity.” Faith and
Philosophy 17 (2000): 225-241.
_____. “Timelessness and Omnitemporality.” Philosophia Christi 2 (2000):
_____. “The Ultimate Question of Origins: God and the Beginning of the
Universe.” Astrophysics and Space Science 269-270 (1999): 723-740.
_____. “A Swift and Simple Refutation of the Kalam Cosmological
Argument?” Religious Studies 35 (1999): 57-72.
_____. “Hugh Ross’s Extra-Dimensional Deity: A Review Article.” Journal of
the Evangelical Theological Society 42 (1999): 293-304.
_____. “Tensed Time and Our Differential Experience of the Past and Future.” Southern
Journal of Philosophy 37 (1999): 515-537.
_____. “Temporal Becoming and the Direction of Time.” Philosophy &
Theology 11 (1999): 349-366.
_____. “The Presentness of Experience.” In Time, Creation, and World Order,
pp. 107-120. Ed. Mogens Wegener. Acta Jutlandica 54: 1: Humanities Series 72.
Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press, 1999.
_____. “The Eternal Present and Stump-Kretzmann Eternity.” American Catholic
Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1999): 521-536.
_____. “‘Men Moved By The Holy Spirit Spoke From God’ (2 Peter 1.21): A Middle
Knowledge Perspective on Biblical Inspiration.” Philosophia Christi NS 1
(1999): 45-82.
_____. P - “Resurrection Evidence.” Moody (March/April 1999): 33-39.
_____. “Theism and the Origin of the Universe.” Erkenntnis 48 (1998):
_____. “L’idée d’un créateur personnel et l’origine de l’univers.” In Le
vide: univers du tout et du rien, p. 423-443. Ed. Edgard Gunzig and Simon
Diner. Brussels: Revue de l’Université de Bruxelles, 1998.
_____. “The Tensed vs. Tenseless Theory of Time: A Watershed for the Conception
of Divine Eternity.” In Questions of Time and Tense, pp. 221-250. Ed. R.
LePoidevin. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
_____. “Design and the Cosmological Argument.” In Mere Creation, p.
332-359. Edited by William A. Dembski. Downer’s Grove, Ill: Inter-Varsity
Press, 1998.
_____. “Divine Timelessness and Personhood.” International Journal for
Philosophy of Religion. 43 (1998): 109-124.
_____. “On the Alleged Metaphysical Superiority of Timelessness.” Sophia.37
(1998): 1-9. Reprinted in The Importance of Time, pp. 181-6. Ed. L.
Nathan Oaklander. Philosophical Studies. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2001.
_____. “Hugh Ross’s Extra-Dimensional Deity.” Philosophia Christi 21
(1998): 17-32.
_____. “McTaggart’s Paradox and the Problem of Temporary Intrinsics.” Analysis
58 (1998): 122-127.
_____. “God on Trial.” With Keith M. Parsons. The Dallas Morning News
(June 13, 1998), p. 1G & 3G. Reprinted electronically in the SIRS, Inc.
_____. “Creation and Conservation Once More.” Religious Studies 34
(1998): 177-188.
_____. “Creation, Providence, and Miracle.” In Philosophy of Religion,
p. 136-162. Edited by Brian Davies. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University
Press, 1998.
_____. “On Hasker’s Defense of Anti-Molinism.” Faith and Philosophy 15
(1998): 236-240.
_____. P - “Rediscovering the Historical Jesus: The Presuppositions and
Presumptions of the Jesus Seminar.” Faith and Mission 15 (1998): 3-15.
_____. P - “Rediscovering the Historical Jesus: The Evidence for Jesus.” Faith
and Mission 15 (1998): 16-26.
_____. P - “The Evidence of the Missing Body.” In The Case for Christ,
pp. 205-224. Ed. Lee Strobel. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan , 1998.
_____. Review: Atheism and Theism, by J.J.C. Smart and J.J.Haldane. Ratio
11 (1998): 200-205.
_____. “Theism and Physical Cosmology.” In A Companion to Philosophy of
Religion, pp. 419-425. Ed. P. Quinn and C. Taliaferro. Blackwell Companions
to Philosophy 8. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1997.
_____. P - “Does God Exist?” With Michael Tooley. Pamphlet published by Grad
Resources. Dallas: 1997.
_____. “Hartle-Hawking Cosmology and Atheism.” Analysis 57 (1997):
_____. “In Defense of the Kalam Cosmological Argument.” Faith and
Philosophy 14 (1997): 236-247.
_____. “Is Presentness a Property?” American Philosophical Quarterly 34
(1997): 27-40.
_____. “Adams on Actualism and Presentism.” Philosophia 25 (1997):
_____. “Divine Timelessness and Necessary Existence.” International
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