Postprogram  Interview  Questionnaire

Two postprogram instruments were used:  the Postprogram Interview Questionnaire (PIQ) and the Postprogram Helpee Follow-up Questionnaire (PHFQ).[191]  Both questionnaires were constructed by the director and approved by the director's committee chairman prior to implementation of the project.  One change was made after approval and after implementation:  the various questions on each questionnaire were enumerated to facilitate data collection and the construction of the evaluation.  The data from these two questionnaires were reported in chapter 3.


Postprogram  Interview  Questionnaire


Name: ___________________________  TDCJ#: _______________  House: ________

1.  How would you define empathy?__________________________________________


2.  Has this program helped you become a better listener?  (circle one) Yes   No



3.  What helped you the most?______________________________________________

4.  What helped you the least?_______________________________________________

5.  During the weeks of this program, have you noticed any improvements in your

     ability to relate to others? (circle one)  Yes  No   If yes, one instance______________

6.  On Relationships

      What is the foundation for starting relationships?____________________________

      What is the interpersonal bridge in relationships?____________________________

      How are connections made in relationships?________________________________


7.  On a scale of 1 to 5 rate the level of improvement  (1 = none,  3 = moderate,  5 = great)

     In light of my participation in the helping skills program:                (circle one)

     I feel the program has improved my listening skills .................  1   2   3   4   5

     I feel that my relationships will improve ....................................  1   2   3   4   5

     I feel that I can understand people better .................................  1   2   3   4   5

     I feel more confident in being able to help people ....................  1   2   3   4   5

     I understand the importance of reflecting .................................  1   2   3   4   5

8.  What did you learn about listening that you did not know before? _______________





9.  In the light the program, what area of your life would you like to improve the most?___________________________________________________________________

10.  What was the best part of the entire program? ______________________________

11.  What was the worst part of the entire program? ____________________________

12.  If you could add one thing, what would that be? ____________________________

13.  If you could take one thing away, what would that be? ______________________

14.  Why is empathy and listening important? _________________________________


15.  What happens when a helper gives understanding to a hurting person with problems? _______________________________________________________________


16.  What other comments do you have about the program? ______________________




17.  Impressions of Interviewer

On a scale of 1 to 5 rate the impression (1 = no/none,  3 = moderately,  5 = greatly)

       I feel that the participant:                                                                                       (circle one)

       Gained some understanding about empathy .................................  1   2   3   4   5

       Understands the importance of empathy and listening .................  1   2   3   4   5

       Understands the importance of communicating understanding ....  1   2   3   4   5

       Was sincere about his efforts at learning how to help ..................  1   2   3   4   5

       Feels he can better help others by listening ..................................  1   2   3   4   5

18.  What is the general impression of the effect of the program on the participant?



*  *  *    Thanks for your help and participation    *  *  *




Postprogram  Helpee  Follow-up  Questionnaire



Two postprogram instruments were used:  the Postprogram Helpee Follow-up Questionnaire (PHFQ) and the Postprogram Interview Questionnaire (PIQ).[192]  Both questionnaires were constructed by the director and approved by the director's committee chairman prior to implementation of the project.  One change was made after approval and after implementation:  the various questions on each questionnaire were enumerated to facilitate data collection and the construction of the evaluation.  The data from these two questionnaires were reported in chapter 3.





Postprogram  Helpee  Follow-up  Questionnaire

You can help the chaplain understand how you feel about the helpers and the helping skills program.
Your honest answers will be greatly appreciated.

1.  How many of the helpers do you see and talk to at least once a week? ___________

      Of those, generally, do you feel that they relate to you better?   Yes   No

Think about the helpers who have gone through the program.   Pick out a helper with whom you have the most contact.   Then answer the following questions to the best of your ability.  

2.  How long have you known this helper? ____________________________________

3.  How often do you talk to this helper? _____________________________________


4.  On a scale of 1 to 4 rate the following

1 = no improvement;   2 = improved, but barely noticeable;
3 = noticeably improved;   4 = greatly improved

       ---Do  you  feel:                                                                          (circle one)

       That the helper has improved his ability to help  ..................  1   2   3   4

       That the helper listens better  ...............................................  1   2   3   4

       That the helper understands you better  ...............................  1   2   3   4

       That the helper has more insight about you  .........................  1   2   3   4

       More at ease around the helper  ...........................................  1   2   3   4

       More free to share with the helper  ......................................  1   2   3   4

5.  Were you aware that the helping skills program was going on?  Yes  No  (circle one).

6.  Do you have any comments about the general effect of the helping skills program (on participants/unit/etc.)? ___________________________________________________


*  *  *    Thanks for your help and participation    *  *  *







The following worksheets were created to facilitate the collection of data and the scoring of three tests:  the Counselor Response Questionnaire,[193] the Responding Questionnaire,[194] and the discrimination exercises.  The three worksheets were named accordingly:  the item 1:  Counselor Response Questionnaire Worksheet (CRQW), the item 2:  Responding Questionnaire Worksheet (RQW), and item 3:  Discrimination Exercise Worksheet (DEW). 

The worksheets were used to collect data during various portions of the program.  The CRQW and the REW were used to collect data from the pretest and the posttest scores of the control and experimental groups.  The data from the CRQW pretest scores were used to help divide the control group from the experimental group as was explained in chapter 2.  The data from both the CRQW and the RQW pretest and posttest scores were used in construction of part of chapter 3.

The DEW was used to collect data from homework assignments given to the control group participants during the first six program sessions.  The participant's DEW scores were recorded on the following day and reported in the daily pastoral observations and reflections that were kept by the director (see appendix 8).



Item  1:   Counselor  Response  Questionnaire  Worksheet


Name:_______________________________ TDCJ#:______________ Assigned #:____


Test #1                Resp.   Score                 Resp.   Score                 Resp.   Score

                      1:     A___(2)                 6:     A___(3)                11:    A___(2)

                              B___(1)                         B___(2)                         B___(3)

                              C___(3)____                 C___(1)____                 C___(1)____


Total             2:     A___(3)                 7:     A___(2)                12:    A___(3)

    + 20                   B___(1)                         B___(3)                         B___(1)

                              C___(2)____                 C___(1)____                 C___(2)____


                      3:     A___(2)                 8:     A___(1)                13:    A___(2)

                              B___(3)                         B___(2)                         B___(1)

                              C___(1)____                 C___(3)____                 C___(3)____


                      4:     A___(3)                 9:     A___(1)                14:    A___(2)

                              B___(2)                         B___(3)                         B___(1)

                              B___(1)____                 C___(2)____                 C___(3)____


                      5:     A___(1)                 10:   A___(3)                15:    A___(3)

                              B___(3)                         B___(1)                         B___(2)

                              C___(2)____                 C___(2)____                 C___(1)____



Test #2                Resp.   Score                 Resp.   Score                 Resp.   Score

                      1:     A___(2)                 6:     A___(3)                11:    A___(2)

                              B___(1)                         B___(2)                         B___(3)

                              C___(3)____                 C___(1)____                 C___(1)____


Total             2:     A___(3)                 7:     A___(2)                12:    A___(3)

    + 20                   B___(1)                         B___(3)                         B___(1)

                              C___(2)____                 C___(1)____                 C___(2)____


                      3:     A___(2)                 8:     A___(1)                13:    A___(2)

                              B___(3)                         B___(2)                         B___(1)

                              C___(1)____                 C___(3)____                 C___(3)____


                      4:     A___(3)                 9:     A___(1)                14:    A___(2)

                              B___(2)                         B___(3)                         B___(1)

                              B___(1)____                 C___(2)____                 C___(3)____


                      5:     A___(1)                 10:   A___(3)                15:    A___(3)

                              B___(3)                         B___(1)                         B___(2)

                              C___(2)____                 C___(2)____                 C___(1)____



Item  2:   Responding  Questionnaire  Worksheet


Name:_______________________________ TDCJ#:______________ Assigned #:____



     Key                                   Test #1 Responses        Test #2 Responses

     1.    b                                  1.  _______                    1.  _______

     2.    d                                  2.  _______                    2.  _______

     3.    b                                  3.  _______                    3.  _______

     4.    a, d                              4.  _______                    4.  _______

     5.    a, b                             5.  _______                    5.  _______

     6.    e                                 6.  _______                    6.  _______

     7.    b                                 7.  _______                    7.  _______

     8.    a                                 8.  _______                    8.  _______

     9.    a, c, d                         9.  _______                    9.  _______


     Short Answer         [Answers:  Content, Feeling, Meaning]

     1.                                       1.   a._______________        1.    a._______________

                                                     b._______________               b._______________


     2.    [Answer:  "If I were the helpee and I were doing and saying these things,
            how would I feel?"]

       2. Test #1:________________________________________________________________




       2. Test #2:________________________________________________________________





            Pretest score +20 _________                 Posttest score +20 _________



Item  3:   Discrimination  Exercise  Worksheet



Name:_____________________ TDCJ#:_____________________ Assigned #:_______


The numbers in parentheses are the expert ratings:  "4" the highest, and "1" the lowest.


                                     Resp.                                                         Resp.                                                      Resp.

               1.    1 (2)____                          6.       1 (2)____                       11.     1 (1)____

                      2 (3)____                                   2 (1)____                                 2 (2)____

Assign. #1 3 (1)____               Assign. #3      3 (4)____                                          3 (4)____

                      4 (4)____                                   4 (3)____                                 4 (3)____


               2.    1 (3)____                          7.       1 (1)____                       12.     1 (3)____

                      2 (2)____                                   2 (3)____                                 2 (1)____

                      3 (1)____                                   3 (4)____          Assign. #5         3 (2)____

                      4 (4)____                                   4 (2)____                                 4 (4)____


               3.    1 (4)____                          8.       1 (1)____                       13.     1 (2)____

                      2 (1)____                                   2 (2)____                                 2 (4)____

Assign. #2 3 (2)____                                          3 (3)____                                 3 (3)____

                      4 (3)____                                   4 (4)____                                 4 (1)____


               4.    1 (1)____                          9.       1 (1)____                       14.     1 (3)____

                      2 (2)____                                   2 (2)____                                 2 (4)____

                      3 (3)____               Assign. #4         3 (4)____                                 3 (1)____

                      4 (4)____                                   4 (3)____                                 4 (2)____


               5.    1 (3)____                          10.     1 (2)____                       15.     1 (4)____

                      2 (1)____                                   2 (1)____                                 2 (1)____

                      3 (4)____                                   3 (3)____          Assign. #6         3 (2)____

                      4 (2)____                                   4 (4)____                                 4 (3)____


                                                                                                               16.     1 (2)____

                                                                                                                        2 (3)____

                                                                                                                        3 (4)____

                                                                                                                        4 (1)____







Three program attendance instruments were used.  They included the following:  item #1:  Last Saturday Announcement;  item #2:  Attendance Roster (names having been deleted for confidentiality);  item #3:  Certificate of Recognition Blanks.






Item #2:  Last Saturday Announcement




Item #2:  Attendance Roster


Love, Listening, Liberating:                                                  Date:       8-7-96

     The Art of Christian Caring                          


  1     2     3      4     5     6     7

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___






Item #3:  Certificate of Recognition Blanks










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v i t a



Michael Glenn Maness




Born:   3 July 1956, Montebello, California

Parents:   Roy Lee Maness and Joan Joyce Bush

Divorced:   13 August 1993



B.A., Criswell College, 1985

M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1990



Ordination:   15 September 1991, Royal Haven Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas

Clinical:   29 May 1992, Four Units (1,600 Hours), Clinical Pastoral Education, Shannon Medical Center, San Angelo, Texas

Chaplaincy Commission, Home Mission Board Endorsements:
Chaplain, Shannon Medical Center, San Angelo, Texas:  11 February 1992
Chaplain, Gib Lewis State Prison, Woodville, Texas:   20 May 1993,



Chaplain, Gib Lewis State Prison, Woodville, Texas, 1993-present

Chaplain, Shannon Medical Center, San Angelo, Texas, 1991-1992

Associate Pastor, Harris Avenue Baptist Church, San Angelo, Texas, 1991-1993

Suicide/Crisis Intervention Counselor, Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services of the Concho Valley, San Angelo, Texas, 1991-1993

Chaplain, Gib Lewis State Prison, Woodville, Texas, 1993-present



Member, Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, 1991-present

Member, American Correctional Association, 1993-present

Member, American Correctional Chaplain's Association, 1993-present

Member, American Protestant Correctional Chaplain's Association, 1993-preset

Member, Association of Chaplains of Texas, 1993-present

Member, Lion's Club International, 1993-present

Charter Member, Texas Association of X-Offenders, 1995-present

[191]Q.v., appendix 10.

[192]Q.v., : appendix 9.

[193]Q.v., appendix 5.

[194]Q.v., appendix 6.