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Freemasonry References & Couple of Others |
3. Main Freemasonry Bibliography |
3.a. Books on Freemasonry — 463 Authors of 931 Books |
Pro Articles on Freemasonry — 137 Articles, w 50 Bk Rws |
Foreign Books on Freemasonry — 226 Authors of 265 Books |
7. Great
Hoax—Léo Taxil’s Luciferian Doctrine a. General Info, Web Sties, and One Excellent
Refutation b. Publications Still Duped by Taxil’s Hoax c. Publications Exposing Taxil’s Hoax |
Abbott, Scott H. Fictions of Freemasonry: Freemasonry and the German Novel. Wayne State Univ. Press, 1991. 240p. Eighteenth-century Freemasonry: politics and semiotics; “Art viewed as an (im)moral institution”: Schiller’s The Ghost-Seer; ritual routes in Wilhelm Meister’s travels; Knights of spirit: 1848 and Gutzkow’s “masonic novel”; politics, semiotics, and Freemasonry in the early twentieth century; in two minds about Freemasonry, Thomas Mann (1875-1955), The Magic Mountain and the German romantic novel; neo- and anti-romanticism: Freemasonry from Hesse to Grass.
Abel, R. Christopher Abel, and Hector St. Luke. Master Craft of the Medieval Free Masons and Sacred Builders. Holmes Pub., 1997.
Addison, Charles Greenstreet. G., and Robert Macoy. The Knights of Templars and the Complete History of Masonic Knighthood from the Origin of the Orders to the Present Time. 1st AMS ed. NY: AMS Press, 1978 (1st 1912). Kessinger Pub., 1997. 637p.Part One: From the death of Jesus Christ AD 33 to the origin of the first crusade AD 1095; Part Two: From the preaching of the first crusade AD 1095 to the calamitous Battle of Hattin AD 1187; Part Three: From the Battle of Hattin to the loss of Acre and of the Christian possession of Palestine AD 1291; Part Four: From the end of the Christian dominion in Palestine AD 1291 to the martyrdom of James de Molay, and the destruction of the Order of Knights Templars AD 1313; Part Five: From the martyrdom of deMolay to the present period AD 1874.
Aldrich, Alfred P. Address Delivered before Harmony Lodge, No. 17, by A.P. Aldrich, M.M. on the 24th of June, 1841, Barnwell C. H. Barnwell Court House, SC: n.p., 1841; Charleston: A.E. Miller. 16p.
Alexander, Louanne Allen. Along the Starry Trail. NY: Macoy Pub., 1954. Eastern Star.
Anderson, James. The Constitutions of the Free-Masons: Containing the History, Charges, Regulations, &c. of that most Ancient and Right Worshipful Fraternity. For Use of the Lodges. London: William Hunter for John Senex, Year of Masonry, 5723, 1723. According to Margaret Jacob, the compilation of the text and preface is universally attributed to James Anderson.— The Constitutions of the Freemasons. London: Bernard Quarith, 1923; introduction Lionel Vibert, a facsimile by William Hunter, from History, Charges, Regulations knowns as Anderson’s Constitutions, Aberdeen: William Lorimer, 1723; Benjamin Franklin published it first, making this the first Freemasonry publication in the United States.
Anderson, William T. The Masonic Token: A Gift Book. Collection of such authors as Mackey, Pike, Morris, Simons, Hoyt, Oliver and many others. Partial Contents: Is Masonry Cosmopolitan? Indian Masonry; Holy Place; Requiem; Chamber of Death; King Solomon’s Temple; Necessity of Study to a Mason; Freemasonry and the Church; Letter from George Washington; Triangle as a Symbol; Rabboni; Masonic Ladder; Cagliostro; Masonry in 1776; Juryman Mason; What I live for; Lady Masonry, or Masonry of Adoption; Beauties of Freemasonry; Light; Masonry in High Places; Initiation of a Lady; Anti-Masonic Vicar; plus much more.
Anonymous. Shibboleth: or, Every Man a Free-Mason. Containing a History of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of that … Order. By a Pass’d Master. London: 1765.
Anonymous. The Free-Masons’ Melody: Brief and General Selection of Masonic Songs. Bury: Prince Edwins Lodge No. 209, 1818.
Anonymous. Ritual of the Lady-Knights of Templars: Ceremonies, Degrees and Lectures of the Supreme Grand Council and Encampment of the Order of the Lady-Knights of America and Canada. Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Arnold, Augustus C. L. (1815-1871). Philosophical History of Free-masonry and Other Secret Societies; or, The Secret Societies of All Ages Considered in Their Relations with, and Influence on, the Moral, Social, and Intellectual Progress of Man. NY: Clark, Austin & Smith, 1854. 283p. — The Rationale and Ethics of Freemasonry, or the Masonic Institution Considered as a Means of Social and Individual Progress. NY: Robert Macoy, 1858. — The Golden Rule and Odd Fellows’ Family Companion. NY: E. Winchester, 18??. — History and Philosophy of Freemasonry and Other Secret Societies. Edinburgh: D. Grant, 1866. 180p. — The Rationale and Ethics of Freemasonry. NY: R. Macoy, 1860. 298p. — The Signet of King Solomon; or, The Templar’s Daughter. NY: Macoy & Sickels; Atlanta, GA: McPherson & Co., 1860. 307p.
Arrigo, Dino P. Fratelli d’Italia. Soveria Mannelli, Italy: Rubbettino, 1998. 301p.
Ashby, Richard L. Will of the Lodge. 177p. Canadian registered parliamentary. See
Baigent, Michael, and Richard Leigh. The Temple and the Lodge. London: Guild Pub. with Jonathan Cape, 1989. See Opening the Door to a Most Secret Society: The Temple and the Lodge. Arrow.
Bailey, Foster. The Spirit of Masonry. 153p. See
Baird, George W. Great American Masons. Washington, D.C.: MSA, 1924. 109p.
Banner, Hubert Stewart (1891-1964). These Men Were Masons: a Series of Biographies of Masonic Significance. London: Chapman & Hall, 1934. 258p.
Baril, S. Kenneth. Medal of Honor. 283p. 234 Freemasons — See
Barrett, M. J. Masonic “Catch-E-Kism.” 40p. See
Barry, John W. Masonry and the Flag. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the U. S., 1924. 109p.
Bartlett, Homer L. (1830-1905). History of Initiation, as Practiced by the Ancient Rites, and Perpetuated by Freemasonry. Flatbush: L. I., Kings county rural gazette, 1877. 21p.
Beaumont, John E. Freemasonry at the Top. 131p. Lodge work. See
Bede, Elbert. The Landmarks of Freemasonry. NY: Macoy Pub. 1954. 56p. — 3-5-7 minute talks on Freemasonry. NY: Macoy Pub., 1945. 112p. See
Begemann, Wilhelm. History of Freemasonry. Trans. from German by Douglas Knoop and Gwilym Peredur Jones. Sheffield, England: 1941.
Beless, James W. Freemen and Freemasons: a Masonic Reader. NY: Vantage Press, 1994. 84p.
Bellot, Hugh H. L. Temple of the Inner Temple (1914). Kessinger Pub., 1999. History of an old Templar building.
Beresniak, Daniel, and Laziz Hamani. Symbols of Freemasonry. Rizzoli International Pub., 1998; Assouline, 2000. 128p. — Juifs & Francs-Maçons. Paris: Bibliophane, 1989. 281p. — Juifs et Francs-Maçons: les Bâtisseurs de Temples. Monaco: Editions du Rocher, 1998. 306p.
Bernard, David. Light on Masonry. Utica, NY: William Williams, 1829.
Bernardo, Giuliano di. Freemasonry and Its Image of Man: a Philosophical Investigation. Trans. Guy Aston and Giuliano di Bernardo. Tunbridge Wells, Kent: Freestone, 1989. 167p. — Filosofia Della Massoneria. Venezia: Marsilio, 1987. 156p.
Bernier, Francine. The Templars’ Legacy in Montreal: The New Jerusalem. Adventures Unlimited Press, 2003. 404p.
Bernigeroth, Johann Martin. Les Coutumes des Franc-Maçons dans leurs Assemblées, Principalement Pour la Réception de Apprentifs et des Maîtres, tout Nouvellement et Sincerement Découvertes. Leipzig: B. C. Breitkopf, 1745.
Bertuccioli, Bruno. The Level Club. 183p. See
Besack, Michael. Which Craft?: W. A. Mozart and the Magic Flute. Regent Press, 2002. 307p.
Best, Paul V. James A. Mingo: The Master’s Mason. 107p. Prince Hall Mason. See
Bevell, Ruth H. Sheaves of Friendship. Order Eastern Star. 256p. 42 inspirational talks.
Bibles, Masonic, see, King James Version.
Bjelajac, David. Washington Allston: Secret Societies, and the Alchemy of Anglo-American Painting. Cambridge & NY: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. 239p.
Black, Antony. Guilds and Civil Society in European Political Thought from the Twelfth Century to the Present. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 1984.
Blake, John Lauris (1788-1857). An Altar to the Unknown God: a Discourse before Friendship Lodge, Delivered September 22d, A.L. 5818, A.D. 1818 in Glocester, R.I. Providence, RI: Miller and Hutchens for Friendship Lodge, 1819. 12p.
Blakemore, Louis B. Masonic Lodge Methods; Methods, Plans, and Ideas for the Government, Management, and Programs of a Lodge. Chicago: Masonic History Co., 1953. 320p. — and Robert Ingham Clegg. Jurisprudence of Freemasonry: the Written and Unwritten Laws of Freemasonry. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub. & Masonic Supply Co., 1980. 406p.
Blanchard, Charles A. Revised Knight Templarism Illustrated (1880): Complete Rituals of the Knight Templars. Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Blanchard, Jonathan, ed. Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated. 2 vols. Chicago: Ezra A. Cook, 1887-1888, reprint 1979. Kessinger Pub., 2001.
Bleeding, Robert L. A Survey of the History and Mysteries of Freemasonry. Grand Lodge of California, 2000.
Blight, Reynold E. Freemasonry at a Glance: Answers to 555 Questions (1928). Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Borglum, Gutzon (1867-1941). Papers of Gutzon Borglum, 1895-1960. Papers of John A. Boland and Lincoln Borglum. Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission (71,000 item; 191 containers; Artist, author, and sculptor. Full name: John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum, includes entire life, including Mt. Rushmore, with activities in Freemasonry).
Box, Hubert S. The Nature of Freemasonry. London: Augustine Press, 1952.
Boyden, William Llewellyn (1866-1939). Bibliography of the Writings of Albert Pike. Centennial ed. Washington: [s.n.], 1957. By Ray Baker Harris. 109p.
Bradley, Joshua. Some of the Beauties of Freemasonry (1816). Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Breeding, Robert L. A Survey of the History and Mysteries of Freemasonry. Knoxville, TN: Thriftecon, 2000. 320p.
Brockwell, C. A Collection of Freemasons’ Songs: To Which Is Prefixed a General Charge to Masons. London: 1904.
Bromwell, Henry Pelham Holmes (1823-1903). Restorations of Masonic Geometry and Symbolry, Being a Dissertation on the Lost Knowledges of the Lodge. Denver, CO: The H.P.H. Bromwell Masonic Publishing Co., 1905. 559p.
Brown, Robert Hewitt. Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. Book Tree, 2002. 268p. . Foreword by Jordan Maxwell. This incredibly detailed book reveals the hidden meanings behind occult signs and symbols from ancient times, found in what is termed stellar theology, and then carried over into our modern world. Few people have any knowledge of the occult or hidden connections between Judaism, Christianity and the Bible-with World Freemasonry. Brown, a Freemason, provides these important connections. The book also covers what the ancients knew about astronomy and how it became incorporated into the various religions.
Brown, William Adrian. Facts, Fables, and Fantasies of Freemasonry. 5th ed. St. Joseph, MO: Missouri Lodge of Research, 1993. 185p.
Brown, William Moseley. From Operative to Speculative. Washington, D.C.: MSA, 1958.
Brownell, John H., ed. Gems from the Quarry and Sparks from the Gavel: Carefully Selected and Collated Orations, Essays, Histories, Addresses, Opinions, Sermons, Laconics, Poems, Biographies, Incidents, Ethics, Criticisms, Aphorisms from the Lips and Pens of Men, Representing the Culture, Intelligence and Polished Wisdom of This Grand Era of Masonic Light. Intro. M. E. Sir Hugh McCurdy and M. W. Bro. Wm. P. Innes. Detroit: n.p., 1893. 2 vols. — The American Tyler, Devoted to Freemasonry, Leading Paper of the Craft. Detroit: J. H. Brownell, 1905. With Arthur Maurice Smith (1875-1908), Joseph E. Morcombe, Richard Pride, George T. Campbell. — Michigan Masonic Year Book and Directory, Issued by the American Tyler. Detroit: n.p., n.d.
E. Browning, P.G.M.; Joseph Clements, Jr., P.M.; Angelo G. Coppola, Sr., P.M.;
C. James Graham,
Browning, Dick E., P.G.M.; Joseph Clements, Jr., P.M.; Angelo G. Coppola, Sr., P.M.; C. James Graham, P.M., and Terrell Strickland, P.M. Edited by Gayle A. B. Browning. They Made a Difference—Arkansas’ Freemasons. Macoy Pub., 2003.
Brownlee, J. Day. Free Masonry as a Religion: Reply to the Oration of Rev. Dr. Mayer, at the Dedication of the New Masonic Hall, Wellsville, Ohio. Committee on Testimony Bearing appointed by the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (1892).
Brunke, Ottillie S. Star Point Series. Order Eastern Star. 96p. Brief history, poems.
Buck, Jirah Dewey (1838-1916). Mystic Masonry: or, The Symbols of Freemasonry and the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity. Cincinnati: The R. Clarke company, 1896. 265p. 5th regular ed. Chicago: Indo-American Book Co., 1911. 280p. 3d ed. Cincinnati: The R. Clarke Co., 1904. 268p. — Mystische Maurerei; Oder, Die Symbole der Freimaurerei und die Grösseren Mysterien des Altertums. Gross-Lichterfelde, Berlin: P. Zillmann, 1908. 265p. — The Nature and Aim of Theosophy. An Essay. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & co., 1889. 55p. — The Perfect Man in the Anthropomorphic God. Chicago, IL: Hermetic Publishing Company, 1889. 26p. Chicago: The Rochester Brotherhood, 1888. 24p. — Sybolism of Freemasonry or Mystic Masonry and the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity. Chicago: Ezra A. Cook, 1946.
Bullock, Steven C. Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840. Chapel Hill, NC: Univ. of North Carolina, 1996. 421p.
Bush, Aldridge Edward, and P. L. Dorman, eds. History of the Mosaic Templars of America, Its Founders and Officials. Little Rock, AR: Central Printing Co., 1924. 291p.
Butler, Charles (1802-1897). Papers of Charles Butler, 1819-1929 (bulk 1825-1894). 2172 items. 5 containers; 4 microfilm reels. Lots, but also legal cases, particularly the William Morgan kidnapping.
Butt-Thompson, F. W. West African Secret Societies: Their Organization, Officials, and Teachings. Westport, CT: Negro Univ. Press, 1929. 320p.
Byrne, Patrick. Templar Gold: Discovering the Ark of the Covenant. Blue Dolphin Pub., 2001. 448p. The location of the Arc of the Covenant is a mystery that is thousands of years old. This book recounts the investigation of a secret in the south of France. As the investigation developed, it became apparent that this puzzle involved Freemasonry ... and was uncovering a grand conspiracy.
Cadwallader, Sylvanus. Papers of Sylvanus Cadwallader, 1818-1904 (bulk 1862-1866 and 1880-1898). (250 items, 1 container; about Civil War, etc., and Masonic degrees.)
Cahill, Rev. Edward. Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement. Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son, 1929.
Calcott, Wellins. A Candid Disquisition of the Principles and Practices of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons… London: James Dixwell, for author, 1769.
Caldwell, Samuel Brooks Tobie (1790-1866). Masonic Oration, Delivered at Leesburg, Va., on the Anniversary of St. John, the Evangelist, Dec. 27th, A.D. 1821, A.L. 5821, at the request of Olive Branch Lodge, no. 114 / by Brother S.B.T. Caldwell. Leesburg, VA: B. W. Sower, 1822. Jacob Bailey Moore Pamphlet Col., Library of Congress. 20p. — A Masonic Oration, Delivered at Middleburg, Va. on the 27th of December, A.D. 1819, A.L. 5819, being the Anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, at the request of Salem Lodge, No. 81. Leesburg, VA: B. W. Sower, 1820. Jacob Bailey Moore Pamphlet Col., Library of Congress. 20p.
Campbell-Everden, William. Freemasonry and Its Etiquette. Which is incorporated “The etiquette of freemasonry”, revised, by “an old past master”; foreword by Allan Boudreau. NY: Weathervane Books, by Crown Pub., 1978 & 2001, 433p.; Gramercy, 2001, 448p.
Capitol, U.S. — See History & General Reference Section.
Carey, M. F. Freemasonry in All Ages Being a Sketch of Its History, Philosophy, and Ethical Teaching. Kessinger Pub., 1998. Principles of Freemasonry; Pure and Spurious Freemasonry; Ancient Mysteries; The Bible; Solomon’s Temple; The Great Pyramid; What is Freemasonry; Internal and External Freemasonry; Covenant in Freemasonry; Operative and Speculative Freemasonry; Antiquity, Allegory, and Meaning of Freemasonry; Essenes; Symbolism.
Carlile, Richard. Manual of Freemasonry. Kessinger Publishing, 1992. 336p. description quoted the author: “My object is here to instruct Masons as well as others, and not to give them offense…. This book is the Classic Exposition of English Freemasonry. Originally published in 1825, just twelve years after the organization of the United Grand Lodge of England, this works boasts the most complete collection of early versions of the English masonic rituals available under a single cover.”
Carpenter, William A. The Exemplar: a Guide to a Mason’s Actions: Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: The Lodge, 1985. 88p.
Harry, ed. Carr, Harry. The
Freemason at Work. London: Burgess & Sons, 1976. 425p. I was given this
book shortly after publication of Character Counts, and would have
footnoted several items to this distinguished historian, especially on the
Bible use in the lodge. As one of the all-time great scholars of Freemasonry in
the 20th century, this book contains 200 questions and answers on Freemasonry
from him at his post as Editor of the Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati
Lodge 1961-1973, with this volume being a collections of the best questions and
answers. Carr was a Past Master of five English lodges, an honorary member of
12 in Paris, New York, Ohio, Connecticut, Illinois, and Massachusetts. The
Coronati lodge is often considered the premier lodge of research. Carr has been
honored with many Masonic awards from around the world.
for his history of when the Bible first appeared in Masonic literature.
Samuel Pritchard’s Masonry Dissected, 1730. An Analysis and Commentary. Vol.
8. Bloomington, IL: Masonic Book Club, 1977.— The Freemason at Work.
London: author, 1976. 425p. 6th and rev. ed. London : Lewis Masonic, 1981.
404p. Includes one of the best 201 questions and answers. — Harry Carr’s
World of Freemasonry: the Collected Papers and Talks of Harry Carr. London:
Lewis Masonic, 1984, c1983. 409p. — Lodge Mother Kilwinning No. 0: a Study
of the Earliest Minute Books, 1642-1842. 2nd rev. ed. London: Quatuor
Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, 1963. 338p. — The Mason and the Burgh: an
Examination of the Edinburgh Register of Apprentices and the Burgess Rolls.
London: Quatuor Coronati Lodge, no. 2076, 1954. 84p. — Harry Carr’s World of
Freemasonry: the Collected Papers and Talks of Harry Carr. London: Lewis
Masonic, 1983. 409p. See
Carter, James. Masonry in Texas: Background, History, and Influence to 1846. Waco, TX: Masonic Education & Service Committee, 1955. 540p. Uses Freemasonry as a focal point in both the American and Texas Revolution, documenting a large number of leaders in both; where Freemasonry did not necessarily sanction revolution, it provided the leaders for both.
Case, Paul Foster (1884-1954). The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order: an Interpretation of the Rosicrucian Allegory and an Explanation of the Ten Rosicrucian Grades. York Beach, ME: S. Weiser, 1985 & 1981. 331p. —The Masonic Letter G. 96p. — The Great Seal of the United States. 34p. See
Castells, F. De P. English Freemasonry in its Period of Transition, A.D. 1600-1700. London: Rider & Co., 1931.
Cerza, Alphonse. Anti-Masonry: Light on the Past and Present Opponents of Freemasonry. Fulton, MO: Ovid Bell Press, 1962. 410p. The best history of anti-Masonry by a law teacher and Past Master of Freemasonry. — “Let There Be Light”: A Study in Anti-Masonry. 72p. See
Chailley, Jacques. The Magic Flute: Masonic Opera. Trans. H. Weinstock. London: Gollancz, 1972.
Chapman, Alfred F. The Royal Arch Companion Adapted to the Work and Lectures of Royal Arch Masonry. Kessinger Pub., 1997.
Chase. Digest of Masonic Law. 1866.
Chesneaux, Jean. Secret Societies in China: in the 19th & 20th Centuries. Trans. Gillian Nettle. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1971. 210p.
Childress, David Hatcher. Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet: The Secret Naval War Between the Templars and the Vatican. Adventures Unlimited Press, 2003. 288p.
Christie, John. An Address Delivered at the Public Installation of the Officers of St. John’s Lodge no. 1., Portsmouth, N.H., Dec. 27, A. L. 5837. Portsmouth: Greenough & Foster, printers, 1838.
Chunder, Pratap Chandra. Facets of Freemasonry: Masonic Essays. New Delhi: Indian Masonic Pub., 1993. 46p.
Churchill, George M., and Harriet Wheeler Pierson, Comps. Guide to the Cataloging of the Serial Publications of Societies and Institutions. With a special statement on the treatment of Masonic bodies. Washington: Govt. print. off., Library branch, 1919. 108p. 2nd edition, 1931. 128p.
Churchward, Albert. The Arcana of Freemasonry: A History of Masonic Signs and Symbols. Foreword R. A. Gilbert. Red Wheel/Weiser, 2005. 352p. First published in 1915, symbol expert and renowned author Albert Churchward traces and reveals the history of this very secret order. — The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry, Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Human Race. Oxford, England: Allen & Unwin, 1920. 239p.
Clare, Martin. A Defence of Masonry. 1735. One of answers to Samuel
Pritchard’s Masonry Dissected (London: 1730).
Claudy, Carl H. (1879-1957). Introduction to Freemasonry. 1931. — Introduction to Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice. Morristown, MJ: Temple Publishers, 2003; 64p. — The Master’s Book. Washington, DC: Temple Pubs., 1935. 122p. — Little Masonic Library. 5 vols.: 1-Anderson’s Constitutions, landmarks, jurisprudence; 2-Comacines, Modern; 3-York and Scottish, Flag, American Revolution, Great Light; 4-American Masons, degrees, symbols; 5-Americanism, meaning, poems. — Foreign Countries. 160p.
Claudy, Carl. Old Tiler Talks. Temple Pub., 2004.
Clausen, Henry C. Authentics of Fundamental Law for Scottish Rite Freemasonry. San Diego: Supreme Council, 33° Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Mother Jurisdiction of the World, 1979. 104p. English, French, German, Latin, or Spanish. — Beyond the Ordinary: Toward a Better, Wiser, and Happier World. Washington, D.C.: 1733 16th St. NW, Washington 20009, Supreme Council, … , 1983. 298p. — Clausen’s Commentaries on Morals and Dogma. San Diego, CA: Supreme Council … , 1974. 206p. — Emergence of the Mystical. Washington, D.C.: Supreme Council, … , 1980. 80p. — Masons Who Helped Shape Our Nation. Supreme Council, … , 1976. 112p. — Messages for a Mission. San Diego, CA: Supreme Council, … , 1977. 227p. — and Bruce Lee. Pearl Harbor: Final Judgement. NY: Crown, 1992. 485p. — Why Public Schools? San Diego, CA: Supreme Council, … , 1979. 78p. — Practice and Procedure for the Scottish Rite. Washington, D.C.: Supreme Council, … , 1981. 176p.
Clawson, Mary Ann. Constructing Brotherhood: Class, Gender, and Fraternity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1989. Margaret C. Jacob in Living the Enlightenment (Oxford, 1991) mentioned that this book came to the same conclusions as hers.
Clinton, DeWitt (1769-1828). An Address Delivered by the Most Worshipful the Hon. DeWitt Clinton, Esq. to the Grand Lodge of the State of New-York at His Installation into the Office of Grand Master on the 19th of June, 1806. NY: Brothers Southwick and Hardcastle, 1806. 18p.
Clymer, Reuben Swinburne. The Fraternity of the Rosicrucians, Their Teachings and Mysteries According to the Manifestoes Issued at Various Times by the Fraternity Itself. Also, Some of Their Secret Teachings and the Mystery of the Order Explained. Allentown, PA: Philosophical Publishing, 1906. 304p. — The Science of the Soul; the Art and Science of Building an Illuminated and Immortal Soul; the Method for the Attainment of Soul or Cosmic Consciousness and Oneness with God; the Spiritual Ethics for the New Age. Quakertown, PA: Philosophical Publishing, 1944. 287p. — Soul Science and Immortality. The Art of Building a Soul. The Secret of the Coming Christ. Authorized Text Book of the Church of Illumination. Allentown, PA: Philosophical Publishing, 1911. 200p. — Mystic Americanism: or, The Spiritual Heritage of America Revealed: from the works of R. S. Clymer and Grace Kincaid Morey. Edited by Paul P. Ricchio, authorization by Emerson M. Clymer. Quakertown, PA: Philosophical Pub. Co., 1975. 328p.
Coil, Henry Wilson. Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia. See One of the most popular authorities. Richmond, VA: Macoy Publishers, 1961; revised by Allen E. Roberts, 1996; 734p. — The History of Liberty. 1st ed. NY: Vantage Press, 1965. 245p. — Outlines of Freemasonry. Riverside, CA: W. D. Clark, 1939. — A Comprehensive View of the Freemasonry. NY: Macoy Pub. & Supply, 1954. 256p. See
Columbia Encyclopedia (6th Ed., 2001),
Comay, Joan. The Temple of Jerusalem. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975.
Conder, Edward, Jr. Records of the Hole Craft and Fellowship of Masons. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894.
Constitutions — Hughan, William J. Constitutions of the Freemasons of the Premier Grand Lodge of England, 1723-1784. London: 1899. — Anderson, James. The Constitutions of the Free-Masons: Containing the History, Charges, Regulations, &c. of that most Ancient and Right Worshipful Fraternity. For Use of the Lodges. London: William Hunter for John Senex, Year of Masonry, 5723, 1723. According to Margaret Jacob, the compilation of the text and preface is universally attributed to James Anderson. — Anderson. The Constitutions of the Freemasons. London: Bernard Quarith, 1923; introduction Lionel Vibert, a facsimile by William Hunter, from History, Charges, Regulations knowns as Anderson’s Constitutions, Aberdeen: William Lorimer, 1723; Benjamin Franklin published it first, making this the first Freemasonry publication in the United States. — NOTE: See Margaret C. Jacob’s The Radical Enlightment: Pantheists, Freemasons, and Republicans.(London: George Allen and Unwin, 1981) which contains the text of Anderson’s 1723 Constitutions. — The Ancient Constitutions and Charges of the Free-Masons with a True Representation of the Noble Art in several Lectures or Speeches. London: printed and sold by Brother Benjamin Cole, 1751.
Cook, Benjamin. Freemasonry Condemned from its Own Sources: Two Studies. Editorial and introduction by Ray M. Jurjevich. Palmdale, CA: Omni Publications, 1991; 1st 1963. 93p.
Coppens, Philip. The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel: The Truth Behind Its Templar and Masonic Secrets. Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004. 132. The mysterious Scottish Rosslyn Chapel has fueled controversy and debate for centuries. Revered by Freemasons as a vital part of their history, believed by some to hold evidence of pre-Columbian voyages to America, it is assumed by others to hold important relics from the Holy Grail to the Head of Christ.
Cottman, Ronald J. Masonic Action Teams. 160p. Building a lodge. See
Cross, Jeremy Ladd (1783-1861). The True Masonic Chart; or, Hieroglyphic Monitor. 2d ed., New Haven, CT: John C. Gray, 1819, 1820, 196p.; 3d ed., New-Haven, CT: author, T. G. Woodward and co. print., 1824; New Haven, CT: n.p., 1826. 240p. Containing all the emblems explained in the degrees of entered apprentice, fellow craft, master mason, mark master, past master, most excellent master, royal arch, royal masterm and select master, designed and duly arranged agreeably to the lectures; to which are added, illustrations, charges, songs & c. 4th ed., with additions and emendations, and the emblems newly designed. — Cross’ Masonic Chart. 1st 1845 (2d rev. ed. Philadelphia: Moss, 1867; 5th rev. ed.; NY: Maynard, Merrill, 1894, Editor William M. Cunningham). 327p. — The Supplement to the Templar’s Chart. N.p., 1853.
Crowe, Frederick J. W. What Is Freemasonry? 7th ed. London: 1943.
Curl, James Stevens. The Art and Architecture of Freemasonry: An Introductory Study. Overlook Press, 1993. 272p. Book News [1] said, “This fascinating study details the Masonic society’s influence on the modern American and European aesthetic world. Although Masonry dates from the Middle Ages, its influence in art and architecture reached its peak in the neoclassical architecture of the 18th century. Architectural history professor Curl (Leicester Polytechnic, England) also looks at the way Masonic ideas have permeated other art forms from literature to the performing arts. The 190 exceptional illustrations (including 11 color plates) are accompanied by detailed, informative captions, and a glossary of terms explains the complex ideas and iconography of Freemasonry.”
Dafoe, Stephen. Unholy Worship? The Myth of the Baphomet, Templar, Freemason Connection. Templar Books, 1998. 84p. description said, “The Knights Templar were a monastic fighting order formed in 1118 CE to protect pilgrims on route to the Holy Lands. In less than two centuries they grew to become the most feared and respected of the crusading orders. Powerful enough to answer only to the Pope, rich enough to finance kings, the Templars soon became the object of one man’s greed and jealousy. Envious of their power and wealth, King Philip IV sought to destroy the Templar Knights. In order to do this he would need to trump up charges of heresy, black magic and witchcraft. These accusations included the worshipping of a demonic idol called Baphomet. The Baphomet Mythos has survived for over six centuries and has been used as a symbol of Satanism as well as a tool of Fundamentalist Christian groups to attack the Masonic Fraternity. This book looks at the myth of these connections and seeks to set the record straight.” The estoric use of Baphomet is an excellent example of how anti-Masons have maligned by taking something small and distorting it out of this world, and thanks to Dafoe for his passion in bringing this to light. — ed. Happy To Meet, Sorry To Part: A Collection of Masonic Poems and Inspirational Fraternal Thoughts. Templar Books, 1999. 100p.
Darrah, Delmar D. The History and Evolution of Freemasonry. Chicago: Charles T. Powner, 1951 & 1954. — The Evolution of Freemasonry: An Authentic Story of Freemasonry (1920). Kessinger Pub., 1998. Profusely Illustrated with Portraits of Distinguished Freemasons and views of memorable relics and places of singular Masonic interest. The author has endeavored to lift the Society out of the realm of speculation and mysticism and to account for it as the result of those natural causes which have produced all the great ethical institutions of the world. — The Master’s Assistant: A Complete Treatise on Freemasonry (1912). Kessinger Pub., 1998. History, landmarks, laws, topically arranged.
Davis, Fei-Ling. Primitive Revolutionaries of China: a Study of Secret Societies in the Late 19th Century. Honolulu: Univ. Press of Hawaii, 1971. 254p.
DeGeer, Maria E., and Benn P. Reynolds. Defense of Freemasonry and Masonic Gems of Jewels of Thought. Kessinger Pub., 1998.
DeHoyos, Arturo, and S. Brent Morris. Is It True What They Say about Freemasonry?: the Methods of Anti-Masons. Foreword and addendum by James T. Tresner. NY: M. Evans and Co., 2004. 262p. (Silver Spring, MD: Masonic Service Center, 1997; 1st 1993.) This is truly a valuable contribution to the apologetic literature against anti-Masons. — Freemasonry in Context: History, Ritual, Controversy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2003; 344p. There has not been significant attention paid to American Freemasonry in scholarship, suggest the editors (together, the Mason’s Grand Historian of the Supreme Council and director of Membership Development at the Supreme Council), despite the fact that it and other fraternal orders have had a significant influence on American society. In this volume, associated with Masons” Scottish Rite Research Society’s annual , they present 20 papers intended as a reflection of 10 years of research into the society. Discussion includes examination of the development of Scottish Rite Rituals and Freemasonry in different historical contexts, exploration of the meaning and practice of Freemasonry. — The Cloud of Prejudice: A Study in Anti-Masonry. Kila, MT: Kessinger Publishing Co., 1993. — “The Mystery of the Royal Arch Word” in Heredom. The Transactions of the Scottish Rite Research Society. Vol. 2. Washington, DC: SRRS, 1993. — Trans. The Reception of an Apprentice Freemason According to the Swedish Rite Ritual of the Grand National Lodge of Freemasons of Germany. McAllen, TX: n.p., 1995. (Translation of Die Aufnahme eines Freimaurer-Lehrling. Berlin: Grosse Landcsloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland, 1969). — “The Union of 1867” in Heredan. The Transactions of the Scottish Rite Research Society. Vol. 4. Washington, DC: SRRS, 1995.
Demurger, Alain. Last Templar, Jacques de Mola. Profile Books, 2005. 288p. A pioneering investigation into the last days of the mighty Knights Templar and their last Grand Master by one of France’s greatest medieval scholars - “a complex story of greed, chivalry, and, ultimately, execution.” - Good Book Guide.
Denslow, Ray Vaughn (1885-1960). Freemasonry and the Presidency, U. S. A. Trenton, MO: Missouri Lodge of Research, 1952. 306p. — Freemasonry in the Eastern Hemisphere. Trenton, MO: Missouri Lodge of Research, 1954. 396p. — Masonic Rites and Degrees. Trenton, MO: Missouri Lodge of Research, 1955. 261p. — The Masonic Conservators, Written for the MSA of Missouri. St. Louis: Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, 1931. — A Masonic Encyclopedia. Trenton, MO: Missouri Lodge of Research, 1951. 100p. Running title: The Missouri Lodge of Research Encyclopedia of Symbolic Freemasonry. — The Masonic Fraternity: an Explanation of the Character of the Institution, Its Customs, Ideals and Traditions. St. Louis: MSA of the Grand lodge, A. F. & A. M., 1932. 36p. — A Royal Arch Encyclopedia. Trenton, MO: Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Missouri, 1951. 82p. — A Templar Encyclopedia. Trenton, MO: Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Missouri, 1951. 42p. — Territorial Masonry: the Story of Freemasonry and the Louisiana Purchase, 1804-1821. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the United States, 1925. 291p. — and Everett R. Turnbull. A History of Royal Arch Masonry. Trenton, MO: General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, 1956. 3 vols. 1684p.
Denslow, William R. 10,000 Famous Freemasons from A to J Part One. Foreword, Harry S. Truman; 672p.; From K to Z Part Two; 796p. Kessinger Publishing, 2004. First published Missouri Lodge Research, 1976.
Drummond, Josiah H. (1827-1902). Masonic Historical and Bibliographical Memoranda. 2nd ed. Brooksville, KY: 1882. — The Maine Masonic Text Book, for the Use of Lodges. Portland, ME: Dresser, McLellan, 1877; 3d ed., S. Berry, 1890. 368p. — History and Bibliography Memoranda and History of Symbolism and Royal Arch Masonry in the U. S.
Dumenil, Lynn. Freemasonry and American Culture 1880-1930. 1984.
Duncan, Malcolm C. Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor. Rev. ed. NY: L. Fitzgerald, 1866. 3rd ed. Crown, 1976. 288p. — Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor: Guide to the Three Symbolic Degrees of the Ancient York Rite and to the Degreesof Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal Arch. Crown, 1986. 288p.
Malcom. Duncan’s Ritual and Monitor of Freemasonry. NuVision Pub., 2004.
York rite symbolism.
Dyer, Colin. Symbolism in Craft Freemasonry. Shepperton: A. Lewis, 1976. 178p. — William Preston and His Work. England: Lewis Masonic Publications, 1987. 290p. Preston’s most famous work was Illustrations of Masonry and is one of the most significant contributors to Freemasonry. Colin is a Past Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 and was Prestonian Lecturer in 1972. See
Eastern Star, Order of the. Adoptive Rite Ritual. Rev. ed. NY: Macoy Pub., 1952.
El-Amin, Mustafa. Al-Islam, Christianity, & Freemasonary. Jersey City, NJ: New Mind Productions, 1985. 214p. — Freemasonry, Ancient Egypt, and the Islamic Destiny. Jersey City, NJ: New Mind Productions, 1988. 156p.
Ellis, Edward S. Low Twelve: A Series of Striking and Truthful Incidents Illustrations of the Fidelity of Free Masons to One Another in Times of Distress and Danger. NY: Masonic Pub., 1913. 247p.
Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18; NY: Americana Corp., 1962; 1st 1924: s.v. Masonic Order, by Henry Wilson Coil, Past Master, Riverside Lodge No. 635, California; s.v. Anti-Masonic Party, by Drake de Kay.
Engle, Willis Darwin. The Eastern Star in Indiana; Being an Historical Sketch Written to Commemorate the First Quarter Century of Life of the Grand Chapter of Indiana Order of the Eastern Star. Indianapolis: The Grand Chapter, 1899. Order of the Eastern Star, Grand Chapter of Indiana. 104p. — A General History of the Order of the Eastern Star. Indianapolis: W.D. Engle, 1901. 358p. 2d ed. 1912. 296p.
Estes, George. Wayfaring Man: A Tale of the Temple (1922). Kessinger Pub., 1999.
Evans, Henry R. Cagliostro and His Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry. Foreword Michael Poll. Michael Poll Pub., 2003.
Evans, Henry Ridgely. A History of the York and Scottish Rites of Freemasonry. Washington, D.C.: MSA, 1924. 79p.
Evans, Issac B. Thomson Masonic Fraud: A Study in Clandestine Masonry. Kessinger Pub., 1999.
Ewer, Ferdinand Cartwright (1826-1883). The Relationship Between Masonry and Christianity. NY: 1862. Also titled: Oration by the Rev. F. C. Ewer of New York, on the Relationship beween [!] Masonry & Christianity. Delivered at the centennial celebration of St. John’s lodge no. 3 of F. & A. M., Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 12, 1862; together with an account of the celebration, list of the past maters of the lodge, &c. NY: F. Hart & co., 1862. 46p. — The Stability of Freemasonry. NY: H. Croker, 1866. 34p. — What Is the Anglican Church? n.p., 1883. — Sanctity and Other Sermons. n.p., 1884. — Catholicity in Its Relationship to Protestantism and Romanism. n. p., 1878. — A Sermon. Memorial of the Rev. Henry William Ducachet, M. D., S. T. D. Late rector of Saint Stephen’s church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1866. 44p. — Sermon the Imprisonment of English Priests. n.p., 1881. — The Pioneer. San Francisco, CA: Le Count and Strong, 1854-55. 4 vols.
Faggionato, Raffaela. A Rosicrucian Utopia in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Masonic Circle of N. I. Novikov. Springer, 2005. 314p. A history of Russian Freemasonry, with her premise being that the Russian Enlightenment peculiar features including Freemasonry, the Novikov circle, the “programme” of Rosicrucianism, and the clash between Rosicrucianism and the state. She concludes that the defenders of the Ancien Régime were not wrong. In fact the democratic behavior, the critical attitude, the practice of participation, the freedom of thought, the tolerance for the diversity, the search for a direct communication with the divinity, in short all the attitudes and behaviors first practiced inside the 18th century lodges constituted a cultural experience which spread throughout the entire society. And so Novikov’s imprisonment in 1792 and the war against the Rosicrucian literature were attempts to thwart a culture and an independence of thought.
Farmer, Peter. A New Model for the Rebuilding of Masonry on a Stronger Basis than the Former; with a Sound Constitution … Dedicated to Mr. Orator Henley. London: 1730.
Faÿ, Bernard. Revolution and Freemasonry. Boston: Little Brown & Co., 1935. 349p. — La Franc-Maçonnerie et la Révolution Intellectuelle du XVIII Siécle. Paris: Librairie Français, 1961.
Fellows, John. Mysteries of Freemasonry or an Exposition of the Religious Dogmas and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. Kessinger Pub., 1999.
Ferguson, Charles W. Fifty Million Brothers: the Panorama of American Lodges and Clubs. NY: Farrar & Rinehart, 1937. 389p. “A ritual is nothing more than an effort to dramatize abstractions, to act out principles of conduct and to make them vivid and real.”
Fielding, S. G. The Relation of Ancient Masonry to Modern Science and Religion. Kessinger Publishing, 2004 (reprint 19??). 48p.
Findel, Gottfried Joseph Gabriel. History of Freemasonry. 1861-2; 1905; translated and revised by Lyon, 1869; (TCE, influential in spreading more accurate historical notions among Masons). — Geschichte der Freimaurerei von der Zeit ihres Entstehens bis auf die Gegenwart. Leipzig: Findel, 1861-1862. — Geist und Form der Fr. 1874, 1898 (CE, best German authority).
Finlayson, J. Finlay. Symbols and Legends of Freemasonry. Book Tree, 2003.
Fort, George Franklin (1809-1872). Early History and Antiquities of Freemasonry (1884). Philadelphia: S. P. Putnam, 1875. 490p. New ed.; Philadelphia: Bradley, 1881. Kessinger Pub., 1998. 508p. — A Critical Inquiry into the Condition of the Conventual Builders and Their Relations to Secular Guilds in the Middle Ages. NY: J.W. Bouton, 1884. 45p. — A Historical Treatise on Early Builders’ Marks. Philadelphia: McCalla & Stavely, 1885. 148p. — Medical Economy During the Middle Ages: a Contribution to the History of European Morals, from the Time of the Roman Empire to the Close of the Fourteenth Century. NY: J. W. Bouton, 1883. 488p.
Foss, Gerald D. Three Centuries of Freemasonry in New Hampshire. Edited by Enzo Serafini. With biographical dictionary compiled by Gerald D. Foss and Woodbury S. Adams. Concord, NH: Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, 1972. 546p. — Portsmouth. Augusta, ME: A. Sutton; Dover, NH: Dist. Berwick Pub., 1994. 128p.
Fox, William L. Lodge of the Double-Headed Eagle: Two Centuries of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. AR: Univ. of Arkansas Press, 1997. 491p. —Valley of the Craftsmen: A Pictorial History, Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America’s Southern Jurisdiction, 1801-2001. Scottish Rite Supreme Council, 2001.
Franco, Barbara. Masonic Symbols in American Decorative Arts. Lexington, MA: Museum of Our National Heritage, 1976. — Fraternally Yours: A Decade of Collecting. Lexington, MA: Scottish Rite Masonic Museum of Our National Heritage, 1986. 80p.
Freemason’s Chronicle, The. London; 1875-1908; cited in 1910 TCE, of which two volumes have been published every year in London since 1875, reproducing on a large scale also the principle articles published by the best American Masonic journals, offers the best and most authorized general survey of Anglo-American Freemasonry.
French, Benjamin Brown (1800-1870). Benjamin B. French Family Papers, 1778-1940 (bulk 1813-1893). (6,500 items, 38 containers plus 4 oversize, 16 microfilm reels; Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, New Hampshire, political and personal, includes observations of Freemasonry.)
G…, J…. xxx: or, The Grand Lodge Door Open’d Wherein Is Discovered the Whole Secrets of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient and Modern. London: Johnson & Davenport, 1776.
Gems of Thought: Fraternal Speakers in Poetry and Prose. N.p.: Order Eastern Star. 183p.
Gibbany, Etta, Margaret Melissinos, Cornelia Schatmeyer, and Dorothy Trimble. Gathered Memories. 152p. See
Gilbert, Adrian G. The New Jerasalem. Bantam Books, 2003. 432p. The author takes the reader on a guided tour of a hidden London, revealing the true significance of such sites as St Paul’s Cathedral, the Monument and Temple Church. He also introduces us to the men and women who shaped 17th century London. The untold story of how a secret society rebuilt London after 1666, when a spark from a baker’s over led to the Great Fire, which ravaged much of London.
Goodenow, John Milton (1782-1838). A Masonic Testimony: Being an Address Delivered to the Brethren of Steubenville Lodge No. 45 on the Evening of the Anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, 27 Dec. A.L. 5828: to which is Prefixed an Introduction in Vindication of the Character of the Masonic Institution. Steubenville, OH: The Lodge, 1829. Miscellaneous Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress). 104p.
Goodman, Paul. Towards a Christian Republic: Antimasonry and the Great Transition in New England, 1826-1836. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1988. 328p.
Goodwin, George B. The Geometric Symbols of Masonry in Two Parts: a Philosophical Discussion. Milwaukee, WI: Wisconsin Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Research, 1925. 39p.
Gould, Robert Freke. The History of Freemasonry, Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customs, etc., Derived from Official Sources throughout the World. Edinburgh: T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1884-1887. 4 vols. Updated 1936-1915 W. J. Hughan, Rev. A. F. A. Woodford, David Murray Lyon, Enoch T. Carson, Josiah H. Drummond, T. S. Parvin and others. NY & Cincinnati: J.C. Yorston, 1884?-89. — Library of Freemasonry. Philadelphia: John C. Yorston, 1911. — The History of Freemasonry (6 vols.; London: 1883-87; revised by Dudley Wright; NY: revised 1936; TCE, now reputed the best historical work on Freemasonry) and A Concise History of Freemasonry (including revisions by Frederick J.W. Crowe, brought fully up to date by the publishers in accordance with the latest available statistics; NY: Macoy Pub., 1924, with 1951 rp; 480p.).
Graebner, Theodore. Is Masonry a Religion?: An Analysis of Freemasonry. Concordia Publishing House, 1946. 79p.
Grand Lodge Masonic History Committee, California. California Freemasonry, 1850-2000: The Past Fifty Years. Grand Lodge California, 2000.
Grand Lodge of Florida, F.&A.M. Digest of the Masonic Law of Florida F.&A.M. Tallahassee, FL: Rose Printing Co., 1954; Jacksonville, FL: Grand Lodge F.&A.M., 1976.
Grand Lodge of New York. A Masonic Portrait of the Empire State: 2002 Anno Domini, 6002 Anno Lucis. Educator’s International Press, 2002.
Grand Lodge of Texas. Monitor of the Lodge: Monitorial Instructions in the Three Degrees of Symbolic Masonry. Waco, TX: Waco Printing, revised 2002; 1st 1982. — To the Candidate Elected to Receive the Degrees of Freemasonry. Waco, TX: Grand Lodge of Texas, 1980. — The Masonic jurisprudence of Texas. With forms for the use of the lodges and the Grand lodge. Washington, D.C.: T. McGill, 1879. 432p. — To the Master Mason. Waco, TX: Committee on Masonic Education and Service, 1980. — Masonic Library Catalog. Pamphlet with 100+ books available, with impressive list of books Texas history.
Gray, David L. Inside Prince Hall. Anchor Comm., 2004.
Gray, George H. The Mystic Circle, and American Hand-Book of Masonry. Containing: A Brief History of Free Masonry in Europe and America. 4th ed., rev. and cor. Cincinnati: H.W. Derby & Co., 1855. 472p.; 3d ed., 1852; 2d edition, 1851, 472p. Symbolic chart. Ancient constitutions of the Grand lodge of England. Ahiman rezon. Constitutional rules. Resolutions, decisions, and opinions of grand lodges and enlightened masons on questions liable to arise in subordinate lodges. A code of by-laws for subordinate lodges. Instructions, suggestions and forms, for secretaries of lodges.
Gremillion, Zachary P. African Origins of Freemasonry. Authorhouse: 2005. 276p.
Grimshaw, William Henry (1848-1927). Official History of Freemasonry Among the Colored People in North America: Tracing the Growth of Masonry From 1717 Down to the Present Day. NY; London: Broadway Publishing Company, 1903; NY: Negro Universities Press, 1969; Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1971. 392p.
Grossegger, Elisabeth. Freimaurerei und Theater 1770-1800. Vienna: B. Böhlau, 1981.
Guénon, René. Studies in Freemasonry and the Compagnonnage. Sophia Perennis, 2004. 280p. His relation to Freemasonry, however, was far from simple; mostly before World War I, for example, he contributed articles to both Masonic and anti-Masonic publications, though he continued to review books on Masonry and refer to Masonic lore in his own works until the end of his life. Recognizing that the symbolism and ritual employed by Masonry was for the most part both traditional and esoteric, he labored to discover, define, or create a Freemasonic initiation that would be compatible with Catholic Christianity, as it supposedly was when the Masonic guilds designed and built the great cathedrals of Europe.
Haffner, Christopher. Workman Unashamed. Shepperton, England: Lewis Masonic, 1989.
Haggard, Rev. Forrest D. The Clergy and the Craft. Edited by Lewis C. Wes Cook.. MO: Missouri Lodge Of Research, The Ovid Bell Press, 1970. 159p. See
Hall, Manly Palmer. He is not an authority on Freemasonry and more of a Universalist. He is one prime example of a man applying Freemasonry to his own personal faith, whatever that particular faith of Hall’s might be. Hall has done more mightily extraordinary research on the occult and secret religious rituals, more than anyone (it seems) in the history of humanity. He appears fixated upon the occult and mastery of everything religiously arcane, much like Robert Leroy Ripley became upon strange human oddities in his Ripley’s Believe or Not fame and franchises.[2] The following pertain to Freemasonry and a couple of his other works. It is regrettable that some Christian anti-Masons, mostly, have latched onto Hall without even noticing his obsession with the philosophy of the occult. — See for bibliography of 91 other works. — Alchemy, Comprehensive Bibliography of the Manly P. Hall Collection of Books and Manuscripts: Including Related Material on Rosicrucianism and the Writings of Jacob Boehme. Edited Ron. Charles Hogart; introduction by Manly P. Hall. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, 1986. 314p. — The Secret Teachings of All Ages: an Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy: Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed Within the Rituals, Allegeries, and Mysteries of All Ages. Diamond jubilee ed. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, 1988. Reprint, with new prefaces. Originally published: San Francisco: printed by H. S. Crocker Co., 1928. NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2003. 751p. — An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy. 13th ed. Los Angeles, CA: Philsophical Research Society, 1962. Related Title: The Secret Teachings of All Aages. — Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians: to Which is Added an Interpretation of the Crata Repoa Initiation Rite. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, 1937, 1980. 162p. — The Lost Keys of Freemasonry; or, The Secret of Hiram Abiff. Foreword by Reynold E. Blight, 33°, K.T., illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp, 32°. 4th rev. ed. NY: Macoy publishing and masonic supply company, 1923, 1931. 100p. 11th ed., rev. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1976. 110p. — Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophers press, 1937. 130p. — Man, the Grand Symbol of the Mysteries. Los Angeles, CA: Manly P. Hall publications, 1932. 6th ed. Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1972. 254p. — The Road to Inner Light. Edited by Tim Shaughnesy. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, 2000. 202p. — The Dionysian Artificers, by Hippolyto Joseph da Costa; with an Introductory Essay on the Myth of Dionysius by Manly P. Hall. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society Press, 1936. 47p. Contains reproduction of original t.p.: Sketch for the History of the Dionysian Artificers, a fragment, by Hippolyto Joseph da Costa, esq. London, Sold by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1820. — Philosophical Research Society Journal Philosophy, Religion, Science Journal. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society Aug. 1941-Ceased with issue for winter 1990. Published solely to circulate the lectures and writings of Manly Palmer Hall. — The Rosicrucians and Magister Christoph Schlegel: Hermetic Roots of America. With supplements by A. Russell Slagle and Donald C. Kerr. Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, 1986. 250p. — Twelve World Teachers: a Summary of Their Lives and Teachings. Los Angeles, CA: The Philosophers Press, 1937, 1965, 1982. 237p. Akhnaton, Hermes, Trismegistus, Orpheus, Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, Lao-Tze, Plato, Jesus, Mohammed, Padma, Sambhava, Quetzalcoatl.
Halpern, Avner. The Democratisation of France, 1840-1901: Sociabilitae, Freemasonry and Radicalism. Minerva Press, 1999.
Hamill, John. The Craft: a History of English Freemasonry. Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire: Crucible, 1986. 191p. —and Robert Gilbert. Freemasonry: a Celebration of the Craft (foreword by the Duke of Kent; St. Albans, Herts: Mackenzie, 1992. 256p. — “The Sins of our Masonic Fathers....” Ars Quatuor Coronatorum 101 (1988).
Hamilton, John D. Material Culture of the American Freemasons. Lexington, MA: Museum of Our National Heritage by University Press of New England, 1994. 308p. The fourth comprehensive catalog of the Masonic holdings in the museum’s collection. This volume is published to record a major exhibit “The Oblong square; lodge furnishings and paraphernalia in America since 1733.”
Hammond, William E. What Masonry Means. Intro. Joseph Fort Newton. Saint Paul, MN: The Royal Press, 1939; Richmond: Macoy Pub., 1975. 173p. See — One Hundred Questions Every Protestant Should be Able to Answer: Church Membership Preparatory Course—An Outline. Walker, MN: n.p., 1924. 20p. — The Dilemma of Protestantism. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1929. 150p. — A Permanent Faith: a New Aapproach. Philadelphia, Boston: Judson Press, 1926. 240p. — Masonic Emblems and Jewels: Treasures at Freemasons’ Hall—London. London: George Philip & Son, 1917.
Hancock, Graham, and Robert Bauval. Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith. Canada: Doubleday Canada, 2004, 480p. The story takes us from Heliopolis to Luxor, Alexandria, Toulouse, Florence, Rome, Paris, London, Washington DC, New York, and finally to the global pandemonium following September 11, 2001, indicating a global conspiracy at the heart of Western civilization with the visual evidence all around us. Talisman: Gnostic, Freemasons, Revolutionaries, and the 2,000-Year-Old Conspiracy at Work Today (Element Books, UK, 2004, 576p.).
Harding, Warren Gamaliel, President, United States (1865-1923). Address Prepared by President Warren G. Harding on “The Ideals of Christian Fraternity” for Delivery before Grand Commandery Knights Templars of California at Hollywood, Calif., August 2, 1923. Washington, DC: Govt. print. off., 1923.
Harris, Ray Baker. History of the Supreme Council, 33°, mother council of the world, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., 1801-1861. Prepared for publication by James D. Carter. Washington: Supreme Council, 33°, 1964. 415p. — Sesqui-centennial history of the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, District of Columbia, 1811-1961. Washington: Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M., District of Columbia, 1962. 197p.Background and Youth of the Seventh Ohio President. N.p., 1943. 275p. Reprinted from the Ohio state archaeological and historical quarterly, volume LII, no. 3, July-September, 1943. Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1865-1923.
Harris, Thaddeus Mason. A Charge, Delivered before the Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge of … Massachusetts … June 24th, A.L. 5795. Worcester, MA: n.p., 1795.
Hascall. History of Freemasonry. 1891. — Early History and Transactions of Masons of New York. 1876.
Hasselbacher, Friedrich. Entlarvte Freimauerei. Berlin: Propaganda-Verlag Paul Hochmuth, 1936-1939. (Julius Streicher, 1885-1946, former owner; Third Reich Collection, Library of Congress. 4 vols.)
Haywood, Harry LeRoy (1886-1956). The Great Teachings of Masonry. NY: George H. Doran Co., 1921; Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1971 & 1986. 189p. — Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism. Chicago: Masonic History Co., 1943. 224p. With postscriptural essay on what and how to read on freemasonry and Roman Catholicism, 175-197. — Famous Masons. Chicago: Masonic History Co., 1944. 312p. — A Story of the Life and Times of Jacques de Molay. St. Louis, MO: Pub. for the Order of De Molay by Nat. Masonic Research Soc., 1925. 54p. — and James E. Craig. A History of Freemasonry. NY: John Day Co., 1927. 349p. — How to Become a Masonic Lodge Officer. Rev. ed. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1975. 228p. Edition of 1958 published under title: Masonic Lodge Officers and How to Become One (Chicago: Masonic History Co., 1958; 224p.). — More about Masonry. Supplements “The Newly-Made Mason” and Completes the Masonic Story. Chicago: Masonic History Co., 1948. 220p. Rev. ed. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1980. 220p. — The Newly-Made Mason; What He and Every Mason Should Know about Masonry. Chicago: Masonic History Co., 1948; Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1973. 220p. — Well-Springs of American Freemasonry; a Historian Looks at Our Forty-nine Grand Lodges. Washington, D.C.: MSA, 1953. 156p. — Revised by Albert Gallatin Mackey (1807-1881). Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. Revised by Robert Ingham Clegg (1866-1931), supp. vol. by H. L. Haywood (1886-1956). Chicago, IL: Masonic History Co., 1946. 3 vols. See
Heaton, Ronald E. Masonic Membership of the Founding Fathers. Washington: MSA, 1965. 164p. See — The Image of Washington: the History of the Houdon Statue. Norristown, PA: 1971. 31p. — Justices of the Supreme Court identified as Masons. Washington: MSA, 1968. — and James R. Case. The Lodge at Fredericksburgh: a digest of the early records : abstracted from the Record book of minutes, 1752-1771 ; Lodge accounts to 1785, with an account of the members of the Lodge in the American Revolution, and a nominal roll of all names in the records. Compiled from original records. Bloomington, IL: Pantagraph Print. and Stationery Co., 1975. 95p. — Masonic Membership of the General Officers of the Continental Army. Washington: MSA, 1960. 56p. — Masonic Membership of the Signers of the Articles of Confederation. Washington: MSA, 1962. 36p. — Valley Forge, Yesterday and Today. Norristown, PA: n.p., 1967. 48p. — and Harold V. B. Voorhis. Loud and Clear: the Story of Our Liberty Bell. Norristown, PA: R. E. Heaton, 1970. 30p.
Heline, Corinne (Smith) Dunklee. Mystic Masonry and the Bible. Los Angeles, CA: New Age Press, 1963. 5 vols.
Helms, L. C. A Modern Mason Examines His Craft. 96p. — Twice Told Tales. 111p. See
Henderson, Kent, and Tony Pope. Freemasonry Universal: A New Guide to the Masonic World, Vol. I and II. Williamstown, Australia: Global Masonic Publications, 1998. Vol. I, 370p., The Americas, from north of Canada to Tierra del Fuego; Vol. II, 348p., Africa, Europe, Asia, and Oceania.
Herner, Russell A. Stonehenge: An Ancient Masonic Temple. 160p. Questions whether the 4000-year-old site has Masonic reference. See
Herrmann, Arthur R. Designs Upon the Trestleboard; a Guide Book for Masters and Wardens. NY: H. Emmerson, 1957. 147p. See — The Secretary’s Book; a Manuals for Masonic Lodge Secretaries. Chicago: Masonic History Co., 1960. 177p.
Higgins, Frank Carlos. A U M “The Lost Word.” NY: author, 1914. — Ancient Freemasonry. NY: Pyramid Book, 1923. — The Apron; Its Traditions. NY: author, 1914. — The Chinese Numismatic Riddle, by Frank C. Higgins: a Discovery of the Identity of the Astronomical and Religious Symbols of the “Temple Money” of the Far East with those of Chaldaea, Babylonia, Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, the Aztecs of Mexico, the Incas of Peru, Etc.... Address Delivered before the American Numismatic Association in Convention, Thursday, September 8th, 1910. NY: The Elder Numismatic Press, 1910. 34p. — Occult Masonry, the Number Philosophy, Symbolism, Cosmic Geometry; the Lost Word, a Scientific Study of the Ancient Mysteries and Symbolisms of Freemasonry and Religion. NY: Pyramid Book, 1922.
Hilburn, May Stafford. Golden Tributes; Fraternal Ceremonies. NY: Macoy Pub., 1955. 287p. Order of the Eastern Star. — Golden Tributes: Fraternal Ceremonies. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1988. 291p. Order of the Eastern Star. — One Hundred Short Prayers. NY: Macoy Pub., 1963. — Rainbow in the Sky: a Series of Talks for the Order of Rainbow for Girls. NY: Macoy Pub., 1966. 48p. Order of the Rainbow for Girls.
Hodson, Geoffrey. At the Sign of the Square and Compasses. Madras, India: Eastern Federation, International Co-Freemasonry, 1976. 300p.
Holland. Freemasonry from the Great Pyramid Historically Illustrated. 1885.
Hopkins, Henry. Freemasonry Regarded as the Holy and Universal System of Religion. Birmingham: St. Paul’s Lodge?, 1851. — Three Lectures on Free-Masonry, Regarded as a Moral and Religious System. London: n.p., 1858. 3rd ed.
Horne, Alexander. King Solomon’s Temple in the Masonic Tradition. London: Aquarian Press, 1972. — Sources of Masonic Symbolism. 98p. See
Howe, Ellic. Fringe Masonry in England, 1870-1885. Editor Darcy Kuntz. Holmes Pub., 1997.
Hughan, William J. Constitutions of the Freemasons of the Premier Grand Lodge of England, 1723-1784. London: 1899. — Origin of the English Rite of Freemasonry. 1884. — The Old Charges of British Freemasons. London, 1872; 1895.
Hunt, Charles Clyde. Masonic Symbolism. Cedar Rapids, ID: Laurance Press, 1939; Kessinger Pub., 1997. 512p. — Some Thoughts on Masonic Symbolism. Cedar Rapids, IA: 1930.
Hunter, C. Bruce. Inner Workings: The Origin and Meaning of the Master’s Word. — More Inner Workings. 200p. See — Masonic Dictionary. Revised. 128p. — and Andrew C. Ferguson. Legacy of the Sacred Chalice. 140p. Explores legend of Holy Grail. Beneath the Stone. WorldComm., 1999.
Huntoon, Benjamin (1792-1864). An Address Delivered at the Installation of the Officers of Mount Zion Royal Arch Chapter, Stoughton, December 15th, A.L. 5828 (1828). Boston: Marsh and Capen, 1829. 20p. — A Discourse Delivered Before the Associated Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons. Boston: C. Crocker, 1823. 16p.
Huss, Wayne A. The Master Builders: a History of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. (Philadelphia, PA: The Grand Lodge, 1986-1989. 3 vols.
Hutchens, Rex R. A Bridge to Light. Washington, DC: Supreme Council 33°, 1988; Second Edition 1995. — A Glossary to Morals and Dogma. Washington, DC: Supreme Council 33°, , Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S., 1993. — and Donald W. Monson. The Bible in Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma. Washington, D.C.: Washington, DC: Supreme Council 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S., 1992.
Hutchinson, William (1732-1814). With introduction by Rev. George Oliver (1781-1861). The Spirit of Masonry in Moral and Elucidatory Lectures. London, 1775. 336p. Republished The Spirit of Masonry with new intro by Allan Boudreau (NY: Bell Publishing, Dist. by Crown Publishers, 336p.) Hutchinson is also the author of The History of Initiation, Antiquities of Freemasonry, and Star in the East.
Idem. Lexicon of Freemasonry. London, 1884; (TCE, this was one of several editions valued as better than “all the other Masonic cyclopedias” up to 1910 when this was written in the Catholic Encyclopedia [Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, XI, 64]). — The Book of the Words 5638. 1878. — The Porch and the Middle Chamber. Book of the Lodge 5632. 1872. — The Inner Sanctuary. 1870-79. — Die Grundsötze der Fr. im Volkerleben. 1892. — Die Moderne Weltanschauung und die Fr. 1885. — Der Frmische Gedanke. 1898. — Bauhütte (a magazine; 1858-1891; Leipzig; cited in 1910 TCE). — Signale für die Deutsche Maurerwelt (a magazine; 1895-1905; Leipzig; cited in 1910 TCE).
Thomas. Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names. Kessinger Pub., 1999.
Jachin and Boaz. London: 1762; reprint, Bloomington, IL: Masonic Book Club, 1981.
Jackson, Brigadier A. C. F. (Crosby), editor. English Masonic Exposures: 1760-1769. England: Lewis Masonic Publications, 1986. 241p. Includes development of three-degree system culminated in 1730 with the publication of William Pritchard’s Masonry Dissected and in 1760 with Three Distinct Knocks purporting to give the ceremonies of the rival grand lodge of the Ancients; in 1762 and 1765 two other exposures appeared, Jachin and Boaz and Shibboleth which gave further development of the rituals. Jackson is a Past Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 and was Prestonian Lecturer in 1976.
Jacob, Margaret C. Living the Enlightenment: Freemasonry and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Europe. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991. 304p. A monumental contribution to the historical record. In the first chapter, we take a well-documented journey of the struggles in France in which sprang Lodges based upon the Grand Lodge of London and self-governed democracies: the title of the chapter, “The Birth of Modern Civil Society.” — Freemasonry: Early Sources on Microfiche, 1717-1870, From the Grand Lodge Library in The Hague. Leiden: Interdocumentation, FVR-3.8/1. — The Radical Enlightment: Pantheists, Freemasons, and Republicans. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1981 (contains the text of Anderson’s 1723 Constitutions). — The Cultural Meaning of the Scientifitic Revolution. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1988. — NOTE: Mary Ann Clawson, Constructing Brotherhood: Class, Gender, and Fraternity (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1989) about which Margaret C. Jacob mentioned that this book came to the same conclusions as hers. — The Origins of Freemasonry: Facts and Fictions. PA: Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2005. 176p. See
James, William H. The New Masonic Music Manual (1907). Containing Odes, Chants, Male Quartets, Solos, and Marches, Adapted to all the Ceremonies of the Fraternity, also, Organ Solos, Social Songs for Refreshment and Special Occasions selected from the Works of the Best Masters.
Johnson, F. H. Masonry, Past, Present and Future: Proved by Tradition, History and Revelation: Including Two Hundred and Seventy-five Evidences that Masonry and Religion Are the Same. Buffalo, NY: n.p., 1871. 256p.
Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908-1973). Papers of Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-1973. (101 items, 1 container; as U.S. president, V.P., and senator, includes membership in Masons.)
Johnson, Melvin Maynard. The Beginnings of Freemasonry in America. NY: George H. Doran, 1924. 410p. — Freemasonry in America Prior to 1750. Cambridge: Caustic-Claflin, 1917; Kessinger Pub., 1999. 255p. — Red, White and Blue. Camden, NJ: 1925. 33p. Communism in U.S.
Johnston, Amos Randall (1810-1879). Masonic Address, Delivered at Rocky Springs, Miss. Jackson, MS: Dobson & Dickey, 1851. 16p.
Johnston, E. R. A History of the Cryptic Rite. Cedar Rapids, IA: 1931. 2 vol.
Johnston, E. R., and A. C. Monette, editors. Masonry Defined: A Liberal Masonic Education: Information Every Mason Should Have. Shreveport, LA: National Masonic Press, 1930 (appendix & dictionary, answering 1,025 questions; compiled from the writings of Albert G. Mackey and many other authorities; Kingsport, TN: National Masonic Press, 1939, 935p.; Kingsport, TN: National Masonic Press, 1930, 621p.).
Jones, Bernard Edward. Freemasons’ Guide and Compendium. New & Revised. London: Eric Dobby, 1994, 1st 1950, 904p.; London: George G. Harrap & Co., 1956. — Freemasons’ Book of the Royal Arch. London: Georg G. Harrap & Co., 1957.
Jones, M., ed. The Beauties of Free Masonry, in Which the Principles of that Truly Venerable Institution ... Are Now Faithfully Elucidated. By a past-master of several lodges. London: M. Jones, 1815. 108p.
Kah, Gary. En Route to Global Occupation. Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Publishers, 1992. 224p. World Constitution and Parliament Association, International organization, New Age movement, and Freemasonry.
Katz, Jacob. Jews and Freemasons in Europe, 1723-1939. Trans. from Hebrew Leonard Oschy. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1970. 293p. Determined and thorough. Sometimes Jews and Freemasons were seen as “state within a state” (223). The logo “Jews and Freemasons” was “seized from the rightist groups and was made to serve the propaganda purposes of the new popular Hitler movement. And here the cry gained a concrete significance vastly greater than ever imagined…. In Hitler’s hands the slogan constituted the means of persuasion for the liquidation of the Freemasons and the physical extermination of the Jews.” (229).
Kauffman, Christopher J. Faith and Fraternalism: The History of the Knights of Columbus, 1882-1982. NY: Harper and Row, 1982. 512p.
Keysey, Michael, Nancy Graff-Kelsey, and Ginny G. Parsons. Texas Masonic Deaths: With Selected Biographical Sketches. Heritage, 1998.
Keystone (a magazine; Philadelphia; cited in 1910 TCE).
Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo (1783-1838). An Oration Delivered at Dedham, June 24, A.D. 1820, at the Request of Constellation Lodge. Dedham, MA: H. & W.H. Mann, 1820. Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress). 18p.
Knight, Christopher, and Robert Lomas. Book of Hiram: Freemasonry, Venus and the Secret Key to the Life of Jesus. Thorsons, 2005. 496p. Add one part heresy, one part detective story, and one part archaeology, and you get The Book of Hiram.
Knight, Christopher. Second Messiah: Templars the Turin Shroud and the Great Secret of Freemasonry. Fair Winds Press, 2001. 400p.
Knight, Stephen (1951-1985). The Brotherhood: the Secret World of the Freemasons. NY: Granada, 1984. 326p.
Knoop, Douglas, and Gwilym Peredur Jones, eds. A Short History of Freemasonry to 1730. Manchester, 1943. Bullock said they have written the best history of early Freemasonry. — The Genesis of Freemasonry: an Account of the Rise and Development of Freemasonry in its Operative, Accepted, and Early Speculative Phases. London: Q.C. Correspondence Circle in association with Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, 1978. 334p. — The Early Masonic Catechisms. Manchester, Eng.: Manchester Univ. Press, 1943. 200p. — The Mediaeval Mason: An Economic History of English Stone Building in the Later Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Manchester: Univ. of Manchester, 1967. — An Introduction to Freemasonry. Manchester: Univ. of Manchester, 1937. — Freemasonry and the Idea of Natural Religion. Frome and London: Butler & Tanner, 1942. — The Scope and Method of Masonic History. Oldham: Manchester Association for Masonic Research, 1944. — Begemann’s History of Freemasonry. Frome and Londgon: Butler & Tanner, 1941. — A Handlist of Masonic Documents. Manchester, Eng.: Manchester Univ. Press, 1942 (from The Nomenclature of Masonic Mss. and Handlist of the Mss 1941). 55p. — The London Mason in the Seventeenth Century. Manchester, Eng.: Manchester Univ. Press, The Quatuor Coronati Lodge, no. 2076, 1935. 92p. — The Mediaeval Mason; an Economic History of English Stone Building in the Later Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. 3d ed., revised. Manchester, Eng.: Manchester Univ. Press; NY: Barnes & Noble, 1967 (1st 1933). 272p. — The Scottish Mason and The Mason Word. Manchester, Eng.: Manchester Univ. Press, 1939. 113p.
Lathrop, John (1772-1820). An Address Delivered before King Solomon’s Lodge, Charlestown, on the Anniversary of St. John the Baptist: June 21, A.L. 5811. Boston: Printed by Thomas B. Wait and Co. for Russell and Cutler, 5811; 1811. Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Col., Library of Congress. 23p.
Latimer, James Elijah (1826-1884). The Living Temple of Masonry: a Sermon, Preached to the Brotherhood on St. John’s Day, June 24th, 1866 in the First M.E. Church, Rochester, N.Y. Rochester, NY: Benton & Andrews, book and job printers, 1866. YA Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress). 18p.
Lawrence, Frank R. Address of M.W. Frank R. Lawrence, Grand Master to the Grand Lodge of New York, June 5, 1888. NY: Grand Lodge of the State of New York, 1888. 59p.
Lawrence, John Thomas. The Perfect Ashlar and Other Masonic Symbols. London: A. Lewis, 1912; Kessinger Pub., 1999. — Highways and By-Ways of Freemasonry. London: A. Lewis, 1924.
Leadbeater, C. W. Freemasonry and Its Ancient Mystic Rites. Random House Value Pub., 1998. Explores the history of Freemasonry and its relationship to many of the ancient mystical rites of Egypt, Greece, Crete, and medieval Europe. It concludes with a discussion of the Scottish Rite and the Co-Masonic Order of the twentieth century.
Leazer, Gary. Fundamentalism and Freemasonry: The Southern Baptist Investigation of the Fraternal Order. NY: M. Evans and Co., 1995. 253p. Leazer wrote the first version of 1993 SBC study and was criticized for seeking out Freemasonry experts on Freemasonry; his side of the story is a crucial part of the picture and left out of the anti-Mason literature. Leazer chronicles one the most significant episodes in anti-Masonry history within the SBC, does so with flair and depth, and reveals the malignance. With this volume, it is all the harder to understand how the 1993 SBC report was created and Gordon’s squeak. Leazer includes a snapping bibliography with perhaps the best the collection of articles and news reports—a crucial piece of history also totally ignored by anti-Masons.
Lee, Duncan Campbell. Desaguliers of No. 4 and His Services to Freemasonry. London: No. 4 Lodge, 1932. Desaguliers was crucial in the development of speculative Freemasonry at the beginning of the first Grand Lodge of England in 1717.
Leighton, Lauren G. The Esoteric Tradition in Russian Romantic Literature: Decembrism and Freemasonry. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1994. 224p.
Lemay, J. A. Leo. Deism, Masonry, and the Enlightenment: Essays Honoring Alfred Owen Aldridge. Newark: Univ. of Delaware Press, 1987. 209p. Latitudinarianism and the English Deists; Spinoza, Stillingfleet, prophecy, and “Enlightenment”; Deism, immortality, and the art of theological lying; The Amerindian in the early American enlightenment: deistic satire in Robert Beverley's History of Virginia (1705); Defoe, the occult, and the deist offensive during the reign of George I; Clio mocks the Masons: Joseph Green's anti-Masonic satires; The secret fall of Freemasonry in Dr. Alexander Hamilton's The history of the Tuesday Club; Radicalism in Joel Barlow's The conspiracy of kings (1792); The age of reason versus the age of revelation. Two critics of Tom Paine: David Levi and Elias Boudinot; Alfred Owen Aldridge: a bibliography to 1986
Lennhoff, E. The Freemasons. 1934.
Lepper, John Heron, and Philip Crossle. History of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland. Dublin: Lodge of Research, 1925.
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Lessing’s Masonic Dialogues. Trans. & intro. A. Cohen. Londgon: Baskerville Press, 1927.
Lester, Ralph P. Look to the East: A Revised Ritual of the First Three Degrees of Freemasonry. Kessinger Publishing, 1942. 224p.; NuVision Pub., 2004. 140p.
Robert J. What Is Freemasonry? Silver Spring, MD: MSA, 1999 revised; 1st
1961; 76p. One of the best little pocketbooks covering most of the
Lippincott, Charles Seward, ed. Masonry Defined, a Liberal Masonic Education, Information Every Mason Should Have. Memphis, TN: Masonic Supply Company, 1925. 372p. 7th ed. (1926, 402p.; 1930, 508p.).
Lipson, Dorothy Ann. Freemasonry in Federalist Connecticut. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1977. 380p.
Lmoas, Robert. Turning the Hiram Key: Making Darkness Visible. Fair Winds Press, 2005. 336p. —Freemasonary and the Birth of Modern Science. F & W. Pub., 2004.
Lobingier, Charles Sumner (1866-1956). The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Louisville, KY: Standard Printing Co., 1932. 166p. — The Supreme Council 33 Mother Council of the World, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. Official Edition. Washington: 1930.
Look, Henry M. Masonic Trials and Michigan Digest: a Treatise upon the Law and Practice of Masonic Trials, with Forms and Precedents. Pontiac, MI : Press of Rann & Turner, 1869. 227p. NY: Macoy Publishing, 1902. 347p.
Lorman, Ratner. Antimasonry: the Crusade and the Party. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1969. 100p.
Lyle, Gerard T., Jr., comp. The Never Ending Beauty of Freemasonry. Phoenix, AZ: G.T. Lyle : Wayfarer’s Lodge #50 F. & A.M., distributor, 1992. 84p.
Lyon, David Murray. History of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel), No. I, Embracing an Account of the Rise and Progress of Freemasonry in Scotland. London: Gresham Pub., 1900.
MacBride, Andrew Sommerville (1843-1923). Speculative Masonry; Its Mission, Its Evolution and Its Landmarks; Being a Series of Lectures Delivered at the Lodge of Instruction in Connection with Lodge Progress. NY: George H. Doran Co., 1924. 254p.
Mackenzie, Kenneth Robert Henderson. Fundamental Constitutions of the Primitive and Original Rite of Freemasonry. London: author, 1877. — The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia. NY: J. W. Bouton, 1875-77.
Mackey, Albert Gallatin (1807-1881). Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (London, 1908), Revised and enlarged by Robert Ingham Clegg (1866-1931), with supplemental volume by H. L. Haywood (1886-1956). Chicago, IL: The Masonic History Company, 1946. 3 vols. Albert Mackey and Albert Pike are among the most renown Freemason authorities, Mackey for history and Pike for philosophy (TCE, even this recent edition, according to American authorities, is thoroughly antiquated and scarcely an improvement on that of 1860, TCE also noted this was one of several editions valued as better than “all the other Masonic cyclopedias” up to 1910 when this was written in the Catholic Encyclopedia [Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, XI, 64]). — Mystic Tie. NY: Masonic Publishing, 1867. 233p. — Symbolism of Freemasonry: Its Science, Philosophy, Legends, Myths, and Symbolism. Revised by Robert Ingham Clegg, 33rd Degree. Kessinger Publishing (revised), 1997. 276. — History of Freemasonry. NY: Gramercy Books, 1996 (reprint from 1800’s edition; 451p. — Mackey’s Jurisprudence of Freemasonry. 406p. — A Lexicon of Freemasonry: Containing a Definition of All Its Communicable Terms, Notices of Its History, Traditions, and Antiquities. London: C. Griffin, 1919. — A Manual of the Lodge. NY: Clark & Maynard, 1870. — Text Book of Mason. Jurisprudence. 1889. — Catalogue of Books on Freemasonry and Kindred Subjects Belonging to the — Library of the Late Washington, D.C., E. W. M. Mackey (1882?). 46p.— Jurisprudence of Freemasonry: the Written and Unwritten Laws of Freemasonry. See
MacLeod-Ralls, Karen, and Ian Robertson. The Quest for the Celtic Key. Luath Press, 2000. History of Celtic Freemasonry.
MacNutly, Kirk W. Freemasonry: A Journey Through Ritual and Symbol (Art and Imagination). Thames & Hudson, 1991. 96p.
Macoy Publishing — — Masonic books, Bibles (KJV).
Macoy, Robert (1815-1895). A Cyclopedia of Freemasonry. NY: Masonic Pub., 1867. 558p. 2d ed. NY: Masonic Pub., 1867. 628p. Revised to General History, Cyclopedia and Dictionary of Freemasonry; Containing an Elaborate Account of the Rise and Progress of Freemasonry and its Kindred Associations—Ancient and Modern. Also, definitions of the technical terms used by the fraternity. NY: Masonic Publishing Company, 1869. With George Oliver (1782-1867). Revised, A Dictionary of Freemasonry: a Compendium of Masonic History, Symbolism, Rituals, Literature, and Myth (NY: Bell Pub. Co., by Crown Publishers, 1989. Reprint, with new foreword.). 700p. — Worshipful master’s assistant; the encyclopaedia of useful knowledge concerning the duties, responsibilities and prerogatives of the worshipful master; also, the other officers of the lodge, embracing full instructions upon parliamentary law ... with all other matters essential to the honorable and successful government of a Masonic lodge. NY: Macoy, 1885; Chicago: E.A. Cook, 1947. 302p. Revised by Allen E. Roberts, Revised Edition of Macoy’s Worshipful Master’s Assistant: a Manual for All Lodge Officers (Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub. & Masonic Supply Co., 1980; 253p.). — Revised, Charles Greenstreet Addison, The Knights Templar History. Enl. from the research of numerous authors ... the whole affording a complete history of Masonic knighthood from the origin of the orders to the present time, adapted to the American system by Robert Macoy. 1st AMS ed. NY: AMS Press, 1978 (1st 1912; NY: Macoy Publishing, 1912). 637p. — Revised Edition of Macoy’s Worshipful Master’s Assistant: a Manual for All Lodge Officers. Rev. by Allen E. Roberts. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub. & Masonic Supply Co., 1980. 253p. — additions to George E. Simons, Standard Masonic Monitor of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason Together with the Installation of Lodge Officers, Laying Cornerstones, Dedication of Masonic Temples, Prerogatives and Dutiesof the Master, Parliamentary Law, and the Masonic Burial Service. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1984. 247p. — Centennial. NY: R. Macoy, 1875. 108p. — Masonic Funeral Service. — Christmas, Easter, Ascension and Burial Services for Knights Templar. — The Masonic Manual, a Pocket Companion for the Initiated. Rev. ed. NY: Clark & Maynard, 1867. 299p. — The Masonic Vocal Manual. NY: Masonic Publishing, 1866 & 1870. 48p. — Worshipful Master’s Assistant; the Encyclopedia of Useful Knowledge Concerning the Duties, Responsibilites and Prerogatives of the Worshipful Master, also the Other Officers of the Lodge. NY: Macoy Pub., 1959. 302p. — The Masonic Manual. NY: Clark, Austin & co., 1852. 128p. — Ritual des Schwesternbundes vom Oststen. N.p., 1874. — Adoptive Rite Ritual: Instruction, Organization, Government and Ceremonies of Order of the Eastern Star, Queen of the South, Administrative Degree. Rev. ed. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1998. 304p. — Manual of the Cross and Crown: a Degree in the Eastern Star. N.p., 1875. — The Rite of Adoption. The Authorized Standard Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star. N.p., 1876. Rev. ed. 14th NY: E. Scott company, 1896. NY: Macoy Pub., 1897. NY: Macoy Pub., 1928. 206p. See
Masonic Service Association. (MSA). Get a Life: Thoughts on Freemasonry and Religion. Silver Spring, MD: MSA, 1998. — Sponsor of many works for many decades.
Masonic Voice and Review (TCE, a magazine; earlier as, Voice of Masonry; Chicago; cited in 1910 TCE).
Master Mason, The. Monthly Periodical. Washington, D.C.: MSA of U.S., 1924-1930. Joseph Fort Newto (1876-1950) and Andrew L. Randell. 7 vols. and ceased, from Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1924) to 7, no. 3/4 (Mar./Apr. 1930).
McCalman, Iain. The Seven Ordeals of Count Cagliostro. NY: Flamingo, 2003. 352p. — The Last Alchemist: Count Cagliostro, Master of Magic in the Age of Reason. NY: HarperCollins, 2003. 272p.
McCammant, Wallace. George Washington the Mason. Kessinger Pub., 1998.
McClenachan, Charles. The Book of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. NY: Macoy Pub., 1885; NY: Press of A. H. Kellogg, 1901; 648p.; 1914, revised and enlarged. — History of the Fraternity in New York. 1888-94.
McKenney, Tom Chase. Please Tell Me—: Questions People Ask about Freemasonry and the Answers. Lafayette, LA: Huntington House, 1994. 224p.
Meacham, Henry G. Our Stations and Places. NY: Grand Lodge, F.& A.M., State of New York, Committee on Lodge Sales, 1979. 214p. On lodge etiquette. See
Meeson, W. An Introduction to Free-Masonry. Bermingham: 1775.
Melish, William B. The History of the Imperial Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America 1872 to 1921 (1921). Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Mellor, Alec. Strange Masonic Stories. From French Histoire des Scandales Maçonniques, trans. A.W. Bartnett and C.N. Batham. Rev. ed. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1985. 184p. — Our Separated Brethren. Nos Frères Sépaies, les Francs-Maçens. London: G.G. Harrap, 1964. 312p. — Dictionnaire de la Franc-Maçonnerie et des Francs-Maçons. Paris: P. Belfond, 1971. 323p. —La Charte Inconnue de la Franc-Maçonnerie. Tours: Mame, 1965. 171p. — Les Conceptions du Crime Politique sous la République Romaine. Paris: Recueil Sirey, 1934. 89p. — Les Grands Problèmes Contemporains de l’instruction Criminelle. Paris: Domat Montchrestien, 1952. 290p. Criminal procedure in France. — Histoire de l’anticléricalisme Français. Tours: Mame, 1966. 496p. Nouv. éd. rev. et mise à jour. Paris: H. Veyrier, 1978. 462p. Anti-clericalism in Frence History. — Nos Frères Séparés; les Francs-Maçons. Tours: Mame, 1961. 433p. — Le Problème des Guérisseurs; essai Historique et Critique. Paris: La Colombe, 1958. 319p. Quacks and quackery, France, including magnetic healing. — Catholiques d’aujourd’hui et Sciences Occultes. Tours: Mame, 1968. 233p. Éd. revue et refondue. Paris: Éditions S.O.S., 1979. 252p. — La Grande loge Nationale Française: Histoire de la Franc-Maçonnerie Régulière, ses Principes, ses Structures. Préf. de L. A. Derosière. Paris: P. Belfond, 1980. 277p. — Les Grands Problèmes de la Franc-Maçonnerie Aujourd’hui: la Franc-Maçonnerie Face à ses Nouveaux Destins. Paris: P. Belfond, 1976. 192p. — Histoire des Scandales Maçonniques. Paris: P. Belfond, 1982. 252p. — Je Dénonce la Torture! Tours: Mame, 1972. 185p. — Logen, Rituale, Hochgrade; Handbuch der Freimaurerei. Ins Deutsche übertragen von Oskar Jursa. Graz, Wien, Köln: Verlag Styria, 1967. 555p. Translation of La Franc-Maçonnerie à l’heure du Choix. — Lord Chesterfield et son Temps, un Grand Européen. Tours: Mame, 1970. 340p. Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, 1694-1773. — Les Mythes Maçonniques; Essai Maçonnologique. Paris: Payot, 1974. 213p. — Quand les Francs-Maçons étaient Légitimistes. Paris: Dervy-Livres, 1986. 211p. Collection Histoire et tradition. — La Torture; son Histoire, son Abolition, sa Réapparition au XXe siècle. Préf. de Rémy. Paris: Horizons Littéraires, 1949. 318p. — La vie Quotidienne de la Franc-maçonnerie Française du XVIIIe Siècle à nos Jours. Paris: Hachette, 1973. 251p. See
Merkel, Ingrid, and Allen G. Debus, eds. Hermeticism and the Renaissance: Intellectual History and the Occult in Early Modern Europe. Washington, D.C.: Folger Shakespeare Library, 1988.
Merz, Charles Hope. Ask Me, Brother! NY: Macoy Pub., 1927. — The House of Solomon of Francis Bacon [1561-1626], Baron Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban, and Influence It Is Said to Have Exercised upon the Freemasonry of the Seventeenth Century. Sandusky, OH: n.p., 1916. George Fabyan Col., Library of Congress. 62p.
Missouri Lodge of Research. Masonic Literary Harvest: a Digest of Masonic Compositions from the Freemason, Official Publication of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Missouri. Missouri: Missouri Lodge of Research, 1989-1992. 2vol.
Monitor. Each Grand Lodge develops its own Monitor for use in lodges in its jurisdiction. The list of monitors and their histories would be substantial in its own right.
Morgan, William. Morgan’s Freemasonry Exposed and Explained. Health Research, 1998.
Mornet, Daniel. Origines Intellectuells de la Révolution Française. Paris, 1933. Who according to Margaret C. Jacob, noted this as a classic in articulating the importance Mornet placed in the Masonic Lodges and the care he used in handling their role in the French Revolution.
Morris, Rob. The Lights and Shadows
of Freemasonry Consisting of Masonic Tales, Songs and Sketches. Kessinger
Pub., 1997. Death on the Sierra Nevada; The Masonic Breastpin; Gold, Silver,
Brass, Iron; Faithful Unto Death; Burns’ Farewell to Masons; Church Trial; The
Narrow Escape; Turning of the Scale; The Broken Tessera; Shorter Catechism of
Masonry; Echo and the Flute; Fidelity to the Order. — The Poetry of
Freemasonry. Kessinger Pub., 1997. — Freemasonry in the Holy Land or
Handmarks of Hiram’s Builders. Kessinger Pub., 1997. Notes made during a
series of Masonic researches, in 1868, in Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Egypt,
and Europe, and the results of much correspondence with Freemasons in those
countries. I offer this book to the Masonic public, in redemption of my pledges
to the generous friends who furnished me the means both for my expedition of
1868, and for publishing the book itself.
Morris, S. Brent. Masonic Philanthropies: a Tradition of Caring. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Supreme Councils 33°, SJ, 1997. — and, Richard William Weisberger and Wallace McLeod, eds. Freemasonry on Both Sides of the Atlantic: Essays Concerning the Craft in the British Isles, Europe, the United States, and Mexico. Boulder: East European Monographs; NY: Columbia Univ. Press, 2002. 942p. — Magic Tricks, Card Shuffling, and Dynamic Computer Memories. Washington, D.C. : Mathematical Association of America, 1998. 148p.
Morris, Woodrow W. The Greatest of These: Quotations on Fundamental Truths of Charity—The Teaching of Freemasonry. Macoy Pub. & Masonic Supply, 1985. Nearly 300 quotations that deal with charity, benevolence, unselfishness and related ideas.
Munn, Sheldon A. Freemasons at Gettysburg. 92p. See
Murphy, Elmer, III, “Grand Master’s Message—It’s All About Character,” The Texas Mason XIV:1 (Winter 2005): 3.
Mylne, Robert Scott. The Master Masons to the Crown of Scotland and Their Works. Edinburgh: Scott & Ferguson, 1893.
Naudon, Paul. The Secret History of Freemasonry: Its Origins and Connection to the Knights Templar. Inner Traditions International. 2005. 320p. Translated from: Histoire et Rituels des Hauts Grades Maçonniques: le Rite écossais Ancien et Accepté. Paris: Dervy-Livres, 1966. 323p. Historians often make a sharp distinction between the operative Masonry of the Middle Ages and the speculative Masonry of modern times, emphasizing that there is no direct bridge connecting the two. Using medieval archives housed throughout Europe, historian Paul Naudon reveals that there was in fact a very intimate connection between the Masons and the Knights Templar.
Nettl, Paul. Mozart and Masonry. NY: Da Capo Press, 1970.
New York State Historical Association. Outward Signs of Inner Beliefs: Symbols of American Patriotism. Cooperstown, NY: New York State Historical Assoc., 1975.
Newton, Joseph Fort (1876-1950). The Builders. Cedar Rapids, IA: 1915. — Brothers and Builders: the Basis and Spirit of Freemasonry. London: Masonic Record, 1924. 65p. — The Men’s House. 253p. — Short Talks on Masonry. 255p. — The Three Degrees and Great Symbols of Masonry. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the U. S., 1924. 112p. — The Master Mason. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the U. S., 1924-1930. 7 vols., monthly. — The Great Light in Masonry: a Little Book in Praise of the Book of Books. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the U.S., 1924. 92p. — River of Years: An Autobiography. Philadelphia, NY: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1946. 390p. — The Three Degrees and Great Symbols of Masonry. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the U. S., 1924. 112p. — Modern Masonry: a Brief Sketch of the Craft Since 1717. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the U. S., 1924. 92p. — Lincoln and Herndon. Cedar Rapids, IA: The Torch Press, 1910. 367p. — The New Preaching: a Little Book about a Great Art. London: Student Christian Movement Press, 193?. 187p. — Things I Know in Religion: a Preface to Faith. NY: London: Harper & brothers, Red label reprints, 1930. 188p. Sermons. — The Angel in the Soul. Intro. Howard Chandler Robbins. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1932. 122p. — The Religion of Masonry: an Interpretation. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the U. S., 1927. 160p. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1969. 160p.
Nicholson, Helen. Knight Templar 1120-1312. Osprey Pub., 2004. 64p.
O’Brien, Henry. The Round Towers of Atlantis: Or the Mysteries of Freemasonry, of Sabaism, and of Budhism. Adventures Unlimited Press, 2002. 524p.
Odiorne, James Creighton (1802-1879). Opinions on Speculative Masonry: Relative to Its Origin, Nature, and Tendency: a Compilation, Embracing Recent and Important Documents on the Subject, and Exhibiting the Views of the Most Distinguished Writers Respecting It. Boston: Perkins & Marvin, 1830. 280p.
Ogden, Uzal (1744-1822). A Sermon Delivered at Morris-Town, on Monday December 27, 1784: it being the festival of St. John the Evangelist, before the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, of lodge no. 10 in the state of New-Jersey. NY: J. M’Lean, and Co., 1785. 47p. Library of Congress.
Oliver, George (1782-1867). The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry, in Twelve Lectures, on its Speculative, Operative, and Spurious Branches. London: Hamilton, Adams and co., 1840. 338p. — Historical Landmarks of Freemasonry. London: n.p., 1846. — A Dictionary of Symbolic Masonry. NY: Jno. W. Leonard & Co., 1855. — The Revelations of a Square. London: 1855. — The Golden Remains of the Early Masonic Writers. 4 Vols. London: 1847. — Dictionary of Symbolic Freemasonry. London, 1853. (TCE, this was one of several editions valued as better than “all the other Masonic cyclopedias” up to 1910 when this was written in the Catholic Encyclopedia [Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, XI, 64]). — Antiquities of Freemasonry. 1823. The Antiquities of Free-Masonry, Illustrations of the Five Grand Periods of Masonry, from the Creation of the World to the Dedication of Solomon’s Temple. London: 1823, New Ed., 1843. — Signs and Symbols. 1830, 1857. — Masonic Jurisprudence. 1859, 1874. — The Star in the East. 1827. — Origin of the Royal Arch: English Royal Arch Degree (1867). Kessinger Pub., 1999.
Order of the Amaranth. The Amaranth: Royal and Exlated Degree in the Rite of Adoption. NY: Macoy Pub., 1908.
Ovason, David. The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. HarperCollins, 2000. 528p. Publishers Weekly [3] said, “In this audacious, erudite study, Ovason (The Secrets of Nostradamus) sets out to prove that Washington, D.C., was designed and built largely by Masonic architects … imprinted the beliefs of their brotherhood on the city’s layout. Benjamin Franklin, architect James Hoban (who designed the White House), Presidents Garfield and Polk and Statue of Liberty sculptor Frederic Bartholdi were all Masons. Indeed, when President George Washington laid the cornerstone of the Capitol building in 1793, he wore a Masonic apron…. And although textbooks teach that the federal city was the brainchild of French engineer Pierre-Charles L’Enfant, Ovason argues that Washington, Jefferson, U.S. Surveyor General Andrew Ellicott and others—many of them Masons—substantially modified L’Enfant’s original blueprint. As a result, Masonic symbolism appears in the marble, plaster, concrete, glass and paint facades of the Federal Reserve, the Library of Congress and other landmarks. This book, the result of a decade of thought and research, establishes the plausibility of Ovason’s theory. However, the volume—a labyrinthine, illustrated tome—also contains a good deal of wild speculation. Ovason posits, for example, that the ‘earthly triangle’ formed by Capitol/White House/Washington Monument mirrors a triangle of stars in the constellation Virgo, an astrological sign important to the Masons. This, he contends, proves that Masons secretly consecrated the nation’s capital to the celestial Virgo. It’s an interesting, if dubious, suggestion—but Ovason never establishes the significance of the link between the capital and the occult.”
Oxford, Rev. Arnold Whitaker. The Origin and Progress of the Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite for England, Wales, the Dominions and Dependencies of the British Crown. London: Oxford Univ. Press : Humphrey Milford, 1933. 75p. — No. 4. An Introduction to the History of The Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge. London: 1928.
P-2: Infamous Political Group, Masonry Corrupted, Used for Political Reasons.
Barberi, Andrea, et al. L’Italia Della P2. Introduzione di Carlo Rognoni. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1981. 193p.
Berger, Martín. Historia de la Logia Masónica P-2. Buenos Aires: Fundación para la Democracia en Argentina, El Cid Editor, 1983. 156p.
Carpi, Pier, and José Capparelli. La P-2 se Defiende. Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Cid Editor, 1984. 230p.
Cecchi, Alberto. Storia Della P2. Roma: Editori riuniti, 1985. 271p.
D’Arcangelo, Michele, and Tito Livio Ricci. Nel Nome Della “P.2.” Milano: Edizioni nuova Italia, 1993. 800p. A collection of miscellaneous documents related to the scandals of the P.2 Masonic Lodge in Italy, 1972-1984.
Flamigni, Sergio. Trame Atlantiche: Storia Della Loggia Massonica Segreta P2. Milano: Kaos, 1996. 472p.
Flamini, Gianni. La Banda Della Magliana. Milano: Kaos edizioni, 1994. 152p. —La Banda Della Magliana: Storia di una Holding Politico-Criminale. 2d. ed. Milano: Kaos, 2002. 249p.
Forgione, Francesco, and Paolo Mondani. Oltre la Cupola. Prefazione di Stefano Rodotà; postfazione di Agostino Cordova. Milano: Rizzoli, 1994. 257p.
Gallisai Pilo, Maria Giuseppina. Le Associazioni Segrete: Profili Penali. Padova: CEDAM, 1990. 96p.
Guarino, Mario. Fratello P2 1816: l’epopea Piduista di Silvio Berlusconi. Milano: Kaos, 2001. 322p. —L’Italia Della Vergogna. Viareggio: Laser Edizioni, 1995. 254p.
Mazzocchi, Antonella. La Massoneria Nella Stampa Italiana Ddegli Anni ‘80. Firenze: A. Pontecorboli, 1994. 296p.
Montanaro, Silvestro, and Sandro Ruotolo. Mister & Lady Poggiolini. Prefazione di Michele Santoro. Napoli: T. Pironti, 1994. 189p.
Ramat, Marco, et al. La Resistibile Ascesa Della P2: Poteri Occulti e Stato Democratico. Introduzione di Pietro Ingrao. Bari: De Donato, 1983. 193p.
Teodori, Massimo. P2, la Controstoria. Milano, Italia: SugarCo, 1986. 262p.
Tribunale (Milan, Italy), III Sezione Penale: UBS-Lugano: 633369 “Protezione.” Milano: Kaos, 1996. 210p. Il testo della sentenza che condanna Bettino Craxi e il capo della loggia segreta P2 Licio Gelli (e Martelli, Di Donna, Larini) per concorso nella bancarotta fraudolenta del Banco ambrosiano.
Viglongo, Donatello. Roghi di Stato; 25 Anni di Persecuzione Antimassonica in Italia, 1975-2000: Licio Gelli, P2, Procura Della Repubblica di Palmi Attraverso i “media.”. Carmagnola: Arktos, 1998. 159p.
Willan, Philip. Puppetmasters: the Political Use of Terrorism in Italy. London: Constable, 1991. 375p. P-2 and Red Brigates.
Zafesov, Gennadii Ramazanovich. Tainye Rychagi Vlasti: za Kulisami Masonskoi Lozhi “P-2.” Moskva: “Mysl’”, 1990. 236p.
### — P-2 end.
Palmer, John Carpenter. The Morgan Affair and Anti-Masonry. Washington, D.C.: MSA of U.S.. 1924. 117p.
Chalmers Lowell. The Modern Templar. NY: Macoy Pub., 1932; Kessinger
Pub., 1999. 173p. Compilation of addresses, sermons, editorials, gems of
thought and aids for programs and observances of the modern order of Knights
Templar of the USA.
Park, John (1775-1852). An Address Pronounced Before the Right Worshipful Masters and Brethren of the Lodges of St. Peter and St. John, at the Meeting-House of the First Religious Society in Newburyport on the festival of St. John the Baptist, June 24, 5803. Newburyport: Repertory Office, 1803. 12p.
Parramore, Thomas C. Launching the Craft: the First Half-century of Freemasonry in North Carolina. Raleigh, NC: Grand Lodge of North Carolina, 1975. 238p. — North Carolina, the History of an American State. With contributions by Douglas C. Wilms, John Batchelor, and Ruth Y. Wetmore. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983. 512p. — Murfreesboro, North Carolina and the Founding of the American Republic, 1608-1781. Murfreesboro, NC: Murfreesboro Historical Association, 2001. 59p.
Pass’d Master, A. Shibboleth: or, Every Man a Free-Mason. London: n.p., 1765.
Paton, Chalmers Izett. Freemasonry: Its Symbolism, Religious Nature, and Law of Perfection. London: Reeves and Turner, 1873. 484p. — Freemasonry: Its Two Great Doctrines, the Existence of God and a Future State. London: n.p., 1878. — Freemasonry and Its Jurisprudence, According to the Ancient Landmarks and Charges. London: Reeves & Turner, 1872. 397p. — The Origin of Freemasonry: the 1717 Theory Exploded. London: W. Reeves, 1871. 61p. — A Catechism of the Principles of Protestantism. Edinberg: n.p., 1879. Oxford Univ. — Marriage with a Deceased Brother’s Wife, Condemned. London: n.p., 1869. Oxford Univ. — Freemasonry: the Three Masonic Graces, Faith, Hope, Charity. London: n.p., 1878. Oxford Univ.
Pease, Raymond B. Vistas of Masonry. 50p. See
Percival, Harold Waldwin (1868-1953). Adepts, Masters, and Mahatmas. Dallas, TX: Word Foundation, 1993. 172p. Originally published in serialized form in the Word in 1909. Word Foundation doctrines. — Democracy Is Self-Government. NY: The Word Pub. Co., 1952. 237p. — Masonary and Its Symbols in the Light of Thinking and Destiny. NY: Word Pub. Co., 1952. 90p. See — Thinking and Destiny, with a Brief Account of the Descent of Man into this Human World, and, How He Will Return to the Eternal Order of Progression. Symbols, illustrations, charts, and definitions. NY: Word Foundation, 1946. 1014p.
Perkins, Lynn F. Faith, Truth, Destiny, Decrees, Works. Lakemont, GA: CSA Press, 1973. 85p. — Masonry in the New Age. Lakemont, GA: CSA Press, 1971. 365p. — Neo-Masonry: a New Age Cultural Asset, a Plea and Plan for Peaceful Change. Lakemont, GA: CSA Press, 1974. 45p. — The Meanings of Masonry: A Popular Guide to the Values of Ancient and Modern Freemasonry. 189p. — New Age Youth and Masonry. 80p. See
Piatigorskii, Aleksandr Moiseevich. Freemasonry: the Study of a Phenomenon. London: Harvill Press, 1999. 398p.
Pick, Fred Lomax (1898-1966). The Pocket History of Freemasonry. 8th ed. G. Norman Knight, revised by Frederick Smyth. London: Muller, 1991. 359p. — and Gilford Norman Knight. The Freemason’s Pocket Reference Book. NY: 1953; London: Muller, 1955 (reprint 1983). — The Pocket History of Freemasonry. London: Fredrick Muller, 1994, 1st 1954; Richmond, VA: Macoy Publishers, 1994. 350p.
Pike, Albert (1809-1891) — These about Pike (by Pike below) — Allsopp, Frederick William. Albert Pike: a Biography. Little Rock, AR: Parke-Harper, 1928; 369p. Reprint, Kessinger Publishing, 1997. 436p. (A revised and extended edition of the author’s The life story of Albert Pike, published 1920; 130p.) — Brice, A. G. Address Delivered at the Celebration of the Centennial of the Birth of Albert Pike. New Orleans, LA: Andree & Elliott, 1910. — Brown, Walter Lee. A Life of Albert Pike. Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press, 1997. 610p. — Duncan, Robert Lipscomb. Reluctant General: the Life and Times of Albert Pike. NY: Dutton, 1961. 289p. — Evans, Henry Ridgely. Materials for a life of General Albert Pike. Washington, DC: 1921. 8p. — Harris, Ray Baker. Bibliography of the Writings of Albert Pike. Washington, DC: Supreme Council 33°, 1957. — Hatch, Thomas Edwards (1822-1894). Albert Pike. n.p., 1891. 17p. — Hugo, T. W. Digest-Index of ‘Morals and Dogma’ of Albert Pike. Duluth, MN: Duluth consistory, A. & A. S. R., 1909. 200p. — Hutchens, Rex Richard. A Glossary to Morals and Dogma. Preface by C. Fred Kleinknecht; foreword by Wallace McLeod. Washington, D.C.: Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., 1993. 538p. Includes bibliographical references p.519-538. — Newton, Joseph Fort. Address on Albert Pike, 33° , the Master Genius of Masonry. Cedar Rapids, IA: The Torch press, 1909. — Riley, Susan B. The Life and Works of Albert Pike to 1860. Nashville, TN: George Peabody College for Teachers, 1934. 9p. Ph. D. dissertation, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1934. — Tresner, James T. Albert Pike: the Man Beyond the Monument. NY: M. Evans, 1995. 254p. — Tresner, James, T., II. Albert Pike: The Man Beyond the Monument. M. Evans and Company, 1995. 254p. — Unknown. The Life-wake of the Fine Arkansas Gentleman Who Died before His Time. Washington: F. Philp, 1859. 54p. On Albert Pike, 1809-1891. — Van Deventer, Horace. Albert Pike: a Biographical Sketch. Jackson: McCowat-Mercer, 1910. — Ward, Claire C. Albert Pike Year Book. NY: Macoy Pulishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1926. 77p.
Pike, Albert (1809-1891; These by Pike (about him above). Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Prepared for the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, and Published by Its Authority. Charleston, A. M. 5632, 1871 & 1881. 861p. (Richmond, VA: L. H. Jenkins, 1920, 1923; new & revised, 5632, 1950; Kessinger Publishing, 1992; and NuVision Pub., 2004.). With respect to Morals and Dogma, these two are important: — Hugo, T. W. Digest-Index of ‘Morals and Dogma’ of Albert Pike. Duluth, MN: Duluth consistory, A. & A. S. R., 1909. 200p. — Hutchens, Rex Richard. A Glossary to Morals and Dogma. Preface by C. Fred Kleinknecht; foreword by Wallace McLeod. Washington, D.C.: Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., 1993. 538p. Includes bibliographical references: 519-538. — See: At, you can read copies of Pike’s Morals and Dogma online. — Magnum Opus or The Great Work. Kessinger Publishing, 1997, reprint of 19th century text of Pike’s revision of Morals and Dogma. 660p. — The Meaning of Masonry: Being the First Half of a Lecture Delivered before the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, by Request, in 1858. Washington, DC: MSA of U.S., 1924. 66p. Little Masonic library, #17. Prefaces says, “This famous address ... had the ... title: “The evil consequences of schisms and disputes for power in masonry, and of jealousies and dissensions between Masonic rites.” — A Reply for the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free-Masonry to the Letter, “Humanum genus,” of Pope — Leo XIII. Charleston, SC: Gr. Orient of Charleston, 1884. 59p. — Esoteric Work of the 1st through 3rd Degree, According to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Kessinger Publishing, 1997, reprint of 1872. 112p. — The Point Within the Circle: Freemasonry Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols. Holmes Pub Grou Llc, 2001. — Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. Washington, DC: Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction, 1947. — Addresses, by Albert Pike, delivered before Western Star Lodge, no. 2. of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, June 24, 1851. Little Rock, AR: W. E. Woodruff, 1852. — Lecture of Bro. Albert Pike: Delivered by Special Request before the M. W. Grand Lodge of Louisiana at its Forty-Sixth Annual Communication Held in New Orleans, February 1858. New Orleans: Printed at the Bulletin Book and Job Office. 68p. — A Historical Inquiry in Regard to the Grand Constitutions of 1786. Washington, DC: Supreme Council 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, 1958. 66p. — Ex Corde Locutiones. Washington? DC: n.p., 1899. 358p. — Indo-Aryan Deities and Worship as Contained in the Rig-Veda. Louisville: Standard printing, 1930, 1st 1872. 650p. — Irano-Aryan Faith and Doctrine as Contained in the Zend Avesta. Louisville: The Standard printing co., 1924, 1st 1874. 624p. — Lectures of the Arya. Louisville, KY: The Standard Printing Co., 1930, 1st 1873. 340p. The Aryan race, The Veda, Deities of the Veda, the Zend-Avesta, doctrine of Zarathustra, Ahura Mazda, the Amesha-Çpentas, the last four Gâthâs, and Aryan notions of Philo Judæus. — Indo-Aryan Deities and Worship as Contained in the Rig-Veda. Louisville: Standard printing, 1930, 1st 1872. 650p. Edited by M.W. Wood. — Irano-Aryan Faith and Doctrine as Contained in the Zend Avesta. Louisville: The Standard printing co., 1924 (reprint 1874). 624p. — Nugae. Philadelphia: C. Sherman, printer, 1854. 393p. — Lectures of the Arya. Louisville, KY: The Standard Printing Co., 1930 (reprint 1873). 340p. — National plan of an Atlantic and Pacific Rail Road, and remarks of Albert Pike, made thereon, at Memphis, November, 1849. Memphis, Tennessee, Board of Mayor and Alderman. Little Rock, AR: Gazette and Democrat, print., 1849. 16p. — Letters to the People of the Northern States. n.p. n.d. 35p. Nineteenth century American literature on microcards. — Indian Troops Wanted! Confederate States of America. Army. Dept. of Indian Territory. Fort McCullough, OK: Dept. of Indian Territory, 1862. By order of Brigadier-General Albert Pike. — Message of the President, and report of Albert Pike, Commissioner of the Confederate States to the Indian Nations West of Arkansas, of the results of his mission. Richmond: Enquirer Book and Job Press, 1861. 38p. — State or Province? Bond or Free?... Addressed Particularly to the People of Arkansas. n.p., 1861. 40p. — The Statutes and Regulations, Institutes, Laws and Grand Constitutions of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. NY: R. Macoy, 1859. 168p. — Letter of Albert Pike, 1867. Library of Congress. — National Plan of an Atlantic and Pacific Rail Road, and Remarks of Albert Pike, Made Thereon, at Memphis, November, 1849. Little Rock, AR: Gazette and democrat, print, 1849. 16p. — The Arkansas Form Book. Little Rock, AR: W. E. Woodruff, 1842. — Indictment for Treason ... In the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Arkansas. n. p., 1865. 14p. — Letters to the People of the Northern States. n.p., n.d. 35p. — Confederate States of America, Bureau of Indian Affairs. Message of the President, and report of Albert Pike, Commissioner of the Confederate States to the Indian Nations West of Arkansas, of the Results of His mission. Richmond, Enquirer Book and Job Press, 1861. Washington: Supreme Council 33°, A. & A. S. R., S. J., 1968. 38p. — Report of Albert Pike on Mission to the Indian Nations, Richmond, 1861. A facsimile reprint. — Letter of Albert Pike to the Choctaw People. Washington, DC: Cunningham & McIntosh, printers, 1872. 14p. — Albert Pike’s Letter Addressed to Major General Holmes. Little Rock, AR: J.D. Butler, print., 1862. 8p. Subject, Theophilus Hunter Holmes (1804-1880) on Indian Territory. — To the Chiefs and People of the Cherokees, Creeks, Seminoles, Chickasaws, and Choctaws. New Haven : s.n., 1862. The message is dated 31st July, 1862. Library of Congress noted: “four hundred copies have been printed for friends of the Yale Collection of Western Americana, 1980.” — Draught of a Declaration of Independence, Proposed to the Convention of the State of Arkansas, and Withdrawn from Its Consideration. Little Rock, AR: R.S. Yerkes & Co., printers, 1861. 13p. — Kansas State Rights: an Appeal to the Democracy of the South / by a Southern State-rights Democrat. Washington: Henry Polkinhorn, printer, 1857. 39p. — Letters to the People of the Northern States on the Nebraska and Kansas Act, and Southern Slavery. Microform. Washington, DC: Gideon, printer, 1856. 35p. — Prose Sketches and Poems, Written in the Western Country, with Additional Stories. Edited by David J. Weber. Boston: Light & Horton, 1834. 200p. Foreword by Tom L. Popejoy. 1st ed. Albuquerque, NM: C. Horn, 1967; College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1987. 300p.300p. — Hymns to the Gods: and Other Poems. Privately printed, 1872?. 98p. Authorities vary as to imprint; BAL has: Washington: Robert Macoy, 1872; whereas F.W. Allsopp has: New York, 1872; edited by Mrs. Lilian Pike Roome. Little Rock, AR: F. W. Allsopp, 1916. 269p. — Gen. Albert Pike’s Poems. With introductory biographical sketch by Mrs. Lilian Pike Roome. Little Rock, AK: F. W. Allsopp, 1900. 368p. — Lyrics and Love Songs. Ed. by Mrs. Lilian Pike Roome. Little Rock, AR: F. W. Allsopp, 1916. 246p. — Every Year. Washington, DC: 1872. — Prose Sketches and Poems, Written in the Western Country. Boston: Light & Horton, 1834. 200p.
Pirtle, Henry. A New Kentucky Monitor: Complete Monitorial Ceremonies of the Blue Lodge. 2d ed. Louisville, KY: The Standard Printing, 1921. 307p. — The Lost World of Freemasonry. Grand Lodge of Texas copy.
Pollard, Steward M. L. Tied to Masonic Apron Strings. 126p. Humor in the lodge. See
Poncins, Vicomte Léon de. The Secret Powers Behind Revolution: Freemasonry and Judaism. London: Boswell, 1929. 232p. — Freemasonry and Vatican: Struggle for Recognition. Brooklyn: A&B Publishers Group, 2000. 224p.
Pottenger, Milton A. Three Master Masons. Health Research, 1998.
Pound, Dean. Pound’s Masonic Addresses and Writings. 384p. See
Pound, Roscoe (1870-1964). Lectures on Masonic Jurisprudence. Anamosa, IA: 1920. 112p. Washington: MSA, 1924. 120p. — Lectures on the Philosophy of Freemasonry. Anamosa, IA: National Masonic Research Society, 1915; Michael Poll Pub., 1997. — The Development of Constitutional Guarantees of Liberty. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1975 (1st 1957). 207p. — The Future of the Common Law. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1937. 247p. — Interpretations of Modern Legal Philosophies: Essays in Honor of Roscoe Pound. Ed. & intro. Paul Sayre. Littleton, CO: F.B. Rothman, 1981 (1st 1947). 807p. — Administrative Law: Its Growth, Procedure, and Significance. Littleton, CO: F.B. Rothman, 1981 (1st 1942). 138p. — Criminal Justice in America. NY: H. Holt, 1930. 226p. With a new intro. Ron Christenson. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1998. 226p.
Powell, Arthur. The Magic of Freemasonry. London: Baskerville Press, 19??. 136p.
Preston, William (1742-1818). Illustrations of Masonry. A Facsimile Reprint of the 2d ed. of 1775 (Bloomington, IL: Masonic Book Club, 1973. 303p.); Illustrations of Masonry (The 1st American improved ed., from Strahan’s 10th London ed.: to which is annexed, many valuable masonic addenda; and a complete list of the lodges in the United States of America. Ed. by Brother George Richards; Portsmouth, Printed by W. & D. Treadwell, 1804; 400p.), a popular reprint, 11th edition, with intro by Colin Dyer was published in Willingborough in 1985. This work was first printed in 1772, then 1775: “A second considerably revised version (the basis for all later editions) in 1775…. In the 1780s he made alterations to his system (though not on matters of symbolism) based on his convictions resulting from his historical research…. Each succeeding edition … was revised and updated…. Including the edition published in 1804 … was entirely his own, but the edition of 1812, the last during his lifetime, was probably produced with some assistance.”[4] Preston reprints a letter supposedly by Locke dated 6 May 1696 to the Earl of Pembroke wherein Locke claims that Anthony Collins gave him a manuscript about Freemasonry and that he was sufficiently impressed by it to join the fraternity, but that letter has “since shown to have been a hoax.”[5] John Hammill and Robert Gilbert noted that it became “the most popular Masonic book in England for some seventy-five years.”[6] A classic piece that helped the development of early Freemasonry
Price, James E.. Masons and Methodists in Utica, Mississippi. Pioneer Pub., 1998.
Prinsen, Gerry L. Cayers Macconiques Rituals of the Lodge of Perfection. Kessinger Pub., 1998. In an unexpected way the first volume of the well known collection Maconnerie des Hommes came to light. as the first degrees of the subsequent Rite of Perfection are comprised in this volume, it is important to take note of these rituals and compare them with others. This part also contains 34 water color paintings of the same quality as the others. They are presented here as line drawings. As will be observed the title of this first volume differs from that on the back of the other volumes, which points to the fact that this part was edited a long time before the other volumes. — Ecossais or Perfect Elect of the Lodge. Kessinger Pub., 1998. Restored facsimile, a corrected French transcription and an English translation of that used by the Parfaite Loge d’Ecosse of the Elus Parfaits of Bordeaux. It was dated 1750 according to documents in the Sharp collection, and concerns a variation in ten degrees of the Ancienne Maitrise. — Miscellaneous Masonic Documents. Kessinger Pub., 1998. Documents spreading over the years from 1770 to 1809 have been grouped together; among them are letters concerning an incident that took place tat Figeac; and address by the brethren of Montauban to the Duc the Chartres denouncing the activities of Brest de la Chaussee, Daubertin and Peny; several documents linked to the “affair of the ball” in 1784; an account of the reception given to Cambaceres in 1807; and a letter from Borel exposing the rivalry between the Philosophical Ecossais Rite and the newly born Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. These documents provide the names of Masons of many Toulouse Masons towards the end of the 18th century; they have no connection with the Elus parfaits, long since expired. — Documents of Mirecourt. Kessinger Pub., 1998. Mirecourt’s collection consists of hand written rituals, mainly containing material prior to 1760. Due to its importance, several publications have been devoted to it. Latomia 70 regroups, in French transcription with a Dutch translation, the booklets containing the rituals of Fendeur du Devoir; Perfect Master; Small Elect; Apprentice, Fellow, Ecossais Master, and Grand Ecossais de Montpellier; English Master; and Knight of the East. The antiquity of the originals can be judged by the document comprising Apprentice, Fellow and Master Ecossais; these rituals are practically identical to those used in Lille in 1749.
Randall, George Maxwell (1810-1873). An Address Delivered before the De Molay and Virginia Encampments in the Music Hall, Boston, June 24, A.D. 1858. Boston: William A. Hall, printer, 1859. Samuel Gardner Drake Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress). 39p.
Randell, Andrew L. Masonry and Americanism. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the United States, 1924. 145p.
Rebold, Emmanuel, Brennan Rebold, and J. Fletcher. A General History of Freemasonry in Europe Based upon the Ancient Documents Relating to, and the Monuments Erected by This Fraternity from Its Foundation in the Year 715 BC to the Present Time. Kessinger Pub., 1997. General history; Historical summary of the movements of the Masonic corporations; Abridgement of the history of modern or philosophic Freemasonry in France 1721-1772; Origin and history of the Egyptian Rite of Memphis; Concise history of the Rite of Memphis 1838 until its fusion into the Grand Orient of France in 1862; Concise history of the origin of all the rites for High Degrees introduced into Freemasonry from 1736 to the present time; History of the origin of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; Abridgement of the history of modern or philosophic Freemasonry and much more.
Redding, M. Wolcott. Masonic Antiquities of the Orient Unveiled: Containing a Concise Description of the Remarkable Ruins of King Solomon’s Temple, and Store Cities, Together with Those of All the Most Ancient and Renowned Cities of the East, including Babylon, Nineveh, and Damascus. NY: Redding, 1894; Kessinger Pub., 1997. 454p. — Scarlet Book of Freemasonry; Containing a Thrilling and Authentic Account of the Imprisonment, Torture, and Martyrdom of Freemasons and Knights Templars, for the Past Six Hundred Years; also an Authentic Account of the Education, Remarkable Career, and Tragic Death of the Renowned Philosopher Pythagoras. NY: Redding, 1879. 380p. — The Illustrated History of Free Masonry, Containing an Authentic History of the Institution from its Origin to the Present Time ... Embellished with over 100 Fine Engravings, 70 of which are Full-page Plates, 8 colored. By the author of Ruins and relics of the Holy City. NY: Redding, 1892 (1903). 723p. (1894, 454p.; NY: Masonic Publishing Union, 1876, 541p., list of interesting and valuable works on the Holy Land.). — The Ruins and Relics of the Holy City, Accompanied by a Plan of Jerusalem, Compiled from the Latest Ordinance Surveys and Explorations. NY: Redding, 1871. 66p.
Redding, Moses W. The Illustrated History of Freemasonry. Kessinger Pub., 1997.
Retzlaff, Michael. Back to Basics: Essays on Freemasonry. Lafayette, LA: Michael Poll Pub., 1995. 65p.
Reynolds, Louis Ethan. The Mysteries of Masonry: Being the Outline of a Universal Philosophy Founded Upon the Ritual and Degrees of Ancient Freemasonry. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1870. 573p.
Richardson, Jabez. Richardson’s Moniter of Freemasonry (1860). Kessinger Pub., 1999.
Ridley, Jasper Godwin. The Freemasons: A History of the World’s Most Powerful Secret Society. Arcade Publishing, 2001. 368p. See reference in Freemasonry Bibliography for comments: “A seasoned, well-respected historian and non-Mason gives perhaps the best history of Freemasonry for the modern reader and non-Mason alike.” — Bloody Mary’s Martyrs: the Story of England’s Terror. NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2001. 246p. — A Brief History of the Tudor Age NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2002. 344p. — The Tudor Age. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1990, 1st 1988. 383p. — Elizabeth I: the Shrewdness of Virtue. NY: Fromm International, 1989, 1st 1987. 391p. — Garibaldi. London: Phoenix Press, 2001, 1st 1974. 718p. — Henry VIII. London : Constable, 1984; NY: Fromm International Pub. Corp., 1985. 473p. — The History of England. NY: Dorset Press, 1990, 1st Routledge 1981. 330p. — A History of the Carpenters’ Company. London: Carpenters' Hall, 1995. 223p. — John Knox. London: Clarendon P., 1968. 596p. — The Law of the Carriage of Goods by Land, Sea and Air. London, Shaw & Sons. Ltd., 1957, 6th ed. 1982. 254p. — The Life and Times of Mary Tudor. Intro. by Antonia Fraser. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973. 224p. — Lord Palmerston. London: Constable; NY: Dutton, 1970. 688p. — Maximilian & Juárez. London: Phoenix, 2001; 1st 1992. 353p. — Mussolini: a Biography. NY: Cooper Square Press, 2000, 1st England, 1997. 430p. — Napoleon III and Eugenie. NY: Viking Press, 1980, 1st 1979. 768p. — Nicholas Ridley, a Biography. London & NY: Longmans, Green, 1957. 453p. — The Roundheads. London: Constable, 1976. 276p. — Statesman and Saint: Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thomas More, and the Politics of Henry VIII. NY: Viking Press, 1982. 338p. — The Statesman and the Fanatic: Thomas Wolsey and Thomas More. London: Constable, 1982. 338p. — Thomas Cranmer. Oxford: Clarendon P., 1966. 450p. — Tito. London: Constable, 1994. 495p. — with John Clarke. The Houses of Hanover and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Edited by Antonia Fraser. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 2000. Lives of the kings and queens of England in series on the Royal History of England. 104p.
Ripley, Ezra (1751-1841). The Design and Utility of Free-masonry Considered in a Discourse Delivered at Haverhill, Massachusetts, at the Consecration of Merrimack Lodge, June 9th, 1803, a.l. 5803. Newburyport: The Lodge, 1803. 16p.
Robbins, Sir Alfred Farthing. English-Speaking Freemasonry. London; NY: 1930.
Robert’s Rules of Order. See
Roberts, Allen E. Freemasonry in American History. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1985. 462p. — The Mystic Tie. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1991. 295p. — Georege Washington, Master Mason. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1976; 206p. — Brother Truman: the Masonic Life and Philosophy of Harry S. Truman. A Special Missouri Lodge of Research ed. Highland Springs, VA: Anchor Communications, 1985; Harry S. Truman (1884-1972). 297p. — Brotherhood in Action!: The Story of the Virginia Craftsmen, 1962-1977. Richmond, VA?: s.n., 1977. 77p. — The Craft and Its Symbols: Opening the Door to Masonic Symbolism. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1974. 104p. — Freemasonry in Highland Springs; a History of Babcock Lodge No. 322, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, 1911-1961. Richmond, VA: Benj. Franklin Print. Co., 1962. 159p. — Freemasonry’s Servant, the MSA of the United States: the First Fifty Years. Washington, D.C.: MSA, 1969. 125p. — House Undivided, the Story of Freemasonry and the Civil War. Missouri: [n. p.] Missouri Lodge of Research, 1961. 356p. — Key to Freemasonry’s Growth, Leadership, Planning, Goal Setting, Communication, with Guides for Action in the Management of the Order. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1969. 170p. — Masonic Trivia (and Facts). Highland Springs, VA: Anchor Communications, 1994. 201p. — Masonry Under Two Flags. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the United States, 1968. 49p. Condensed from author’s House Undivided (1961). — Masonic Lifeline: Leadership. 160p. — Masonry Under Two Flags. Washington, D.C.: MSA of the United States, 1968. 49p. Condensed from author’s House Undivided (1961). — The Search for Leadership. Highland Springs, VA: Anchor Communications; Richmond, VA: Distributed by Macoy Pub., 1987. 220p. A publication of Research Lodge No. 2, Ancient, Free, and Accepted Masons, Iowa. — Revised. Revised edition of Macoy’s Worshipful Master’s Assistant: a Manual for All Lodge Officers. Rev. by Allen E. Roberts [Robert Macoy, (1815-1895)]. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1980. 253p. — Revised. Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia. Edited by William Moseley Brown, William L. Cummings, Harold Van Buren Voorhis. Rev. ed. by Allen E. Roberts. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1996. 734p. — Macoy’s Worshipful Master’s Assistant. 270p. — Search for Leadership. 240p.
Roberts, J. M. The Mythology of Secret Societies. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1972. 370p. A “reasonably complete bibliography … is impossible” (ix).
Robertson, John Ross. History of Freemasonry in Canada. Toronto, 1899.
Robinson, John J. A Pilgrim’s Path: Freemasonry and the Religious Right. M Evans and Company, 1993. 178p. See Provides some history behind some of Freemasonry’s worst attacks, including the Catholic Church, the Communist Party, and the Nazis; plus, Robinson defuses and refutes the hateful attacks of Pat Robinson, Jerry Falwell, and others. Dennis Phillips in an review said, “I have over the years read several books on Freemasonry. There are other works which are much longer and go into much more detail but page for page this is probably one of the best books ever written about or for Masons. Furthermore, it would be a perfect read for any man about to join the Brotherhood, and his family, especially his wife, should read it as soon as he is finished. John Robinson writes in a style that not only can be understood by someone who has never been exposed to Masonry…. Robinson spends the first section of the book taking on the Pat Robertson’s and other Anti-Masons of the world. He has without a doubt spent a lot of time making a study of Anti-Masonic writings … take[s] their arguments one at a time and exposes the deception and outright lies they make a living on. For example, Pat Robertson, James Holly and others like them take a document credited to Albert Pike which makes it look like Pike if not all Masons do indeed worship Lucifer. This document was in fact written by a man named Leo Taxil who would later freely admit he made the whole thing up and that Pike had nothing to do with it. Taxil in fact took great delight in telling people how he had pulled the wool over their eyes and had made a fortune in so doing. Robertson in his book A New World Order attributes this document to Pike. Either he didn’t research his work too well or he simply didn’t care about the truth. Maybe lies are more profitable.” — Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry. M. Evans and Company, 1989. 376p. See Publishers Weekly [7] said, “Unlike most of its five million members, including many world leaders, who believe that the Freemasons, the world’s largest fraternal organization, evolved from the guilds of medieval stonemasons, historian Robinson persuasively links Freemasonry’s origins and goals to the once powerful and wealthy Knights Templar order. Banned and persecuted by a 14th-century papal bull, he claims, the Knights were forced to form an underground society. The author combines scholarly research and entertaining storytelling in tracing Freemasonry as a worldwide political, religious, economic and social body dedicated to self-improvement and charity while governed by secret rituals and symbols (explained here in detail).” See
Rogers, L. Randall. Our Masonic Presidents. 173p. See
Rouhani, Alaeddin. Aspects of the History of Freemasonry in Iran: Gushehha-Yi Az Tarikh Framasonri-Ye Iran. Ibex Pub., 2003. 260p.
Row, Augustus. Masonic Biography and Dictionary. New Library Press, 2003. 365p.
Rowbottom. Origin of Freemasonry as Manifested by the Great Pyramid. 1880.
Rutyna, Richard A., and Peter Stewart. The History of Freemasonry in Virginia. Univ. Press of America, 1998. Two non-Masonic historians and the Grand Lodge of Virginia give an objective, comprehensive study of the history of Freemasonry in the state of Virginia.
Ryan, Edward S. The Theology of Crime and the Paradox of Freedom: Masonic writings of Dr. E. Scott Ryan. Highland Springs, VA: Anchor Communications, 2000. 156p.
S. S. “Celtic” Masonic Association. Historical Souvenir of the S. S. “Celtic” Masonic Association. Troy, NY: Press of E. H. Lisk, 1902. 39p.
Sachse, Julius Friedrich (1842-1919). Benjamin Franklin as a Free Mason. Compiled at the request of the right worshipful grand master of Pennsylvania and read at the bi-centenary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin before the right worshipful grand lodge of Pennsylvania, Free and accepted masons, March 7, 1906. Philadelphia: New Era Printing Co., 1906. 150p. — Ancient Documents Relating to the A. and A. Scottish Rite in the Archives of the R.W. Grand lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1915. 310p. — Germany and America, 1450-1700: Julius Friedrich Sachse’s History of the German Role in the Discovery, Exploration, and Settlement of the New World. Ed. Don Heinrich Tolzmann. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1991. 265p. — Old Masonic Lodges of Pennsylvania, “Moderns” and “Ancients” 1730-1800, which have Surrendered Their Warrants or Affliated with other Grand Lodges, Compiled from Original Records in the Archives of the R.W. Grand Lodge, R.& A.M. of Pennsylvania, under the Direction of the Committee on library by Julius F. Sachse. Philadelphia: Grand Lodge, 1912. — comp. Washington’s Masonic Correspondence as Found Among the Washington Papers in the Library of Congress, Comp. from the Original Records, Under the Direction of the Committee on Library of the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania, with Annotations. By Julius F. Sachse. Philadelphia & Lancaster, PA: Press of the New Era Printing, 1915. 144p.
Sadler, Henry. Masonic Reprints and Historical Revelations. Intro. W. J. Chetwode Crawley. London: G. Kenning, 1898. — Masonic Facts and Fictions Comprising A New Theory of the Origins of the “Antient” Grand Lodge. Intro. John Hamill. Willingborough: Aquarian Press, 1985.
Sanford, John L. Studies in Freemasonry. Baltimore: Press of Kohn & Pollock, 1924. 110p. On Washington, the man and mason, and others.
Sarastro Club Bulletin. Offical Pub. of Sarastro Masonic Club. Vienna: Sarastro Club.
Schuchard, Marsha Keith. Restoring the Temple of Vision: Cabalistic Freemasonry and Stuart Culture. Netherlands, Brill, N.H.E.J., N.V. Koninklijke, Boekhandel en Drukkerij, 2002. 850p.
Schuler, Heinz. Mozart und die Freimaurerei: Daten, Fakten, Biographien. Wilhelmshaven: F. Noetzel, 1992.
Scott, Charles (1811-1861). The Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion. Philadelphia: Grigg, Elliot and co., 1849.
Scott, Charles. The Keystone of the Masonic Arch: A Commentary on the Universal Laws and Principles of Ancient Freemasonry (1856). Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Scott, J. The Free-Masons Pocket Companion. Glasgow: 1765.
Scottish Rite Journal of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, The. (February 1993 & March 1993 especially). We place this at the top, given this book’s overall purpose. It is an utter shame that anti-Masons would fail to address these two volumes, and their failure to reference them speaks more to anti-Mason malignance than most anything else the anti-Masons have published—most especially the SBC’s Bill Gordon and then folks like John Ankerberg and associates who continues to regurgitate much of his own stuff under different catchy titles.
Scottish Rite. Heredom. 11 vols., Research Books of the Scottish Rite, 1992-2003. See
Seabury, Samuel (1729-1796). A Discourse Delivered in St. James’ Church in New-London, on Tuesday the 23d of December, 1794: Before an Assembly of Free and Accepted Masons, Convened for the Purpose of Installing a Lodge in that City. New London: Samuel Green, 1795. 23p. Library of Congress.
Sedgwick, Mark. Against the Modern World. OSO Monographs, 2004. 371p. Explores the history and doctrines of Traditionalism, with modernity as terminal decline from traditional metaphysical truth, and attempts to remedy this at both a personal and societal level. All responses depend on the recovery of lost tradition, notably of the “perennial philosophy.” The book examines the origins of Traditionalism in the Renaissance, and then traces the development of the groups and movements that resulted, as well as modification in doctrine. The final chapter looks at Traditionalism’s possible influence in the future, and asks why so many intellectuals found this anti-modernist movement so attractive.
Shabazz, Areeb Malik. Search for That Which Was Lost: An Informative Exploration of Prince Hall Freemasonry. Kessinger Pub., 1999.
Sheppard, John Hannibal (1789-1873). An Address, Delivered before Lincoln Lodge, Wiscasset, June 24, A. L. 5831 (1831). 3d ed. Boston: Printed by Beals and Homer, 1831. On Antimasonic Party.
Sherer, John. The Masonic Ladder or the Nine Steps to Ancient Freemasonry. Kessinger Pub., 1997. In Prose and Verse, the Morals, Precepts, Traditions, Scriptural Instructions and Allegories of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason and the York Rite.
Sherman, Edwin A. New Edition of the Brief History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Together with a Historic Sketch of the So-Called Revival of Freemasonry in 1717. Kessinger Pub., 1997.
Sheville, John, and James L. Gould. Guide to the Royal Arch Chapter: a Complete Monitor with Full Instructions in the Degrees of Mark Master, Past Master … Installation. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1980. 272p.
Shields, Richard Eugene, Jr. Befriend and Relieve. 77p. Stories of help in wartime. See
Sickels, Daniel. The General Ahiman Rezon and Freemason’s Guide (1868). Kessinger Pub., 1998. Old monitorial instructions, including laying of foundations, lodge of sorrows, consecrating cemeteries, with forms.
Simons, George E. Standard Masonic Monitor of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason Together with the Installation of Lodge Officers, Laying Cornerstones, Dedication of Masonic Temples, Prerogatives and Dutiesof the Master, Parliamentary Law, and the Masonic Burial Service. Chicago: E. A. Cook, 1947; 247p. With additions by Robert Macoy. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub., 1984. 247p. Revised by Whiting and Harkness who were Grand Lecturers of NY. See
Smith, Douglas. Working the Rough Stone: Freemasonry and Society in Eighteenth-Century Russia. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 1999. 272p.
Smith, George, Captain. The Use and Abuse of Free-Masonry: a Work of the Greatest Utility to the Brethren of the Society, to Mankind in General, and to the Ladies in Particular. London: Printed for the author; and sold by G. Kearsley, 1783. Pre-1801 Imprint Collection (Library of Congress). 399p.
Smith, George. Use and Abuse of Freemasonry. Kessinger Pub., 1998. Freemasonry’s history world-wide; Edict of Rome against the Freemasons; Members expelled from the Society for Crimes; Masonic Secrecy; Masonic Oaths; Symbolism; Jewelry; Prayers Hieroglyphics; Charity; Spirituality.
Songhurst, W. J., ed. Quatuor Coronatorum Antigrapha. Masonic Reprints of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076.
Steiner, Rudolf (1861-1925). The Temple Legend: Freemasonry & Related Occult Movements: Twenty Lectures Given in Berlin Between 23rd May 1904 and the 2nd January 1906. London : Rudolf Steiner Press, 1985; trans Die Tempellegende und die Goldene Legende. 421p. Steiner was prolific, not a Freemason; he was a leader founding of the German Theosophic Association, but later abandoned that and developed his own called anthroposophy that attempted to explain the explain the world in terms of man’s spiritual nature or thinking independent of the senses. See, the Anthroposophy Society, and its HQ in Dornach, Switzerlandand. — The Philosophy of Freedom. 1894, was thought by him to be his most important work. See versions The Philosophy of Freedom: a Modern Philosophy of Life Developed by Scientific Methods (London, NY: : G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916; 301p.) and The Philosophy of Freedom (the Philosophy of Spiritual Activity): the Basis for a Modern World Conception: Some Results of Introspective Observation Following the Methods of Natural Science, Rev., new ed.; from Philosophie der Freiheit; London: R. Steiner Press, 1999. 233p. — read it online at — Anthroposophie, Psychosophie, Pneumatosophie. Dornach, Schweiz: Philosophisch-anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum, 1931. — The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity: a Modern Philosophy of Life Developed by Scientific Methods. London, NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1922. 382p. — Christianity as Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity (Das Christentum als Mystische Tatsache; NY & London: G. P. Putman’s Sons, 1914. 241p.
Steinmetz, George H. Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning. 1948. See On-line at
Stevens, Albert C. The Cyclopædia of Fraternities (600 Secret Societies). NY: E.B. Treat, 1907. 444p. Freemasonry: “A secret fraternity, founded upon man’s religious inspirations, which, by forms, ceremonies, and elaborate symbolism, seeks to create a universal brotherhood, to relieve suffering, cultivate virtue, and join in the endless search for truth.” (17) Oldest and most widely distributed fraternity.
Stevens. Cyclopedia of Fraternities. New York, 1907; (TCE, this was one of several editions valued as better than “all the other Masonic cyclopedias” up to 1910 when this was written in the Catholic Encyclopedia [Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, XI, 64]).
Stevenson, David. The First Freemasons: Scotland’s Early Lodges and Their Members. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Univ. Press, 1988. — The Origins of Freemasonry: Scotland’s Century 1590-1710. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Univ. Press, 1988; NY: Cambridge Univ., 1988, 246p.
Stewart, K. J. The Freemason’s Manual (1851). Kessinger Pub., 1998. Companion for the Initiated through all the Degrees of Freemasonry from the Entered Apprentice to the Higher Degrees of Knighthood Embracing the York Rite and Knights Templar Degrees. Embellished with over 100 Engravings Illustrating the Emblems and Symbols of the Order.
Stewart, Thomas Milton. Symbolic Teaching: or, Masonry and Its Message. Cincinnati: Stewart & Kidd Company, 1914. 249p. — The Symbolism of the Gods of the Egyptians and the Light They Throw on Freemasonry. London: The Baskerville press, 1927. 126p.
Stillson, Henry Leonard, et al, editor. History of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons and Concordant Orders. Boston & NY: The Fraternity Publishing Company, 1904; Kessinger Pub., 1997. 904p. A masterful work by several notable Freemasonry scholars.
Stone, William L. Letters on Masonry and Anti-Masonry Addressed to the Hon. John. Quincy Adams. NY: O. Halsted, 1832.
Strebei, Harald. Freimaurer Wolfgang Amadé Mozart. Stäfa: Rothenhäusler Verlag, 1991.
Oliver Day. Sybolism of the Three Degrees (1924). Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Stuart, William M. Masonic Soldiers of Fortune (1928). Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Supreme Council 33°. Statutes of the Supreme Council, (Mother Council of the World) of the Thirty-Third Degree, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America. Washington, DC: Supreme Council, S.J., October 1953.
Svanberg, Jan. Master Masons. Stockholm: Carmina, 1983.
Tabbert, Mark A. American Freemasons: Three Centuries of Building American Communities. New York Univ. Press, 2005. 272p. Until now no single book has traced the progress of the fraternity from the early eighteenth century to the early twenty-first. Mark Tabbert expertly guides readers through that extraordinary history. This beautifully-illustrated book is the best introduction to the Masonic past now available for brothers and for curious outsiders. -Steven C. Bullock. With illustrations drawn from the rich collections of the National Heritage Museum, this volume is visually appealing as well as intellectually rewarding. -William D. Moore, University of North Carolina.
Tatsch, Jacob Hugo (1888-1939). The Facts about George Washington as a Freemason. NY: Macoy Pub., 1931; Kessinger Pub., 1998. 96p. Washington’s Initiation, Passing, Raising; His Lodge; Masonic Correspondence; His Laying of the Cornerstone of the Nation’s Capital; His Funeral; Masonic Items in His Effects; His Apron; Masonic Books Dedicated to Washington; Washington Masonic Medals; Monuments Erected to Washington; Masonic Sentiments and Toasts; The Attacks on Washington’s Masonry; Masonic Poems; A List of Books about Washington. Farewell Address. — Freemasonry in the Thirteen Colonies. NY: 1929; NY: Macoy Pub., 1933. 245p. — Masonic Bookplates, Supplemented by a Descriptive Check List of 586 ex Libris of Masonic Interest. Cedar Rapids, IA: The Masonic bibliophiles, 1928. 153p. — A Reader’s Guide to Masonic Literature. 5th ed. NY: Macoy Pub., 1931. 40p.
Terry, Sarah H. The 2nd Mile. Order Eastern Star. 88p. On symbols. See
Texas Grand Lodge. Masonic Library Catalog. A pamphlet with a hundred or so of books available. Most impressive is the list of books on Freemasonry in Texas and in Texas history—remarkable.
Texas Mason, The. Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Texas, Waco, Texas. Quarterly, since 1991.
Thompson, Daniel P. The Adventures of Timothy Peacock, Esquire, or Freemasonry Practically Illustrated., 2004. E-book.
Thomson, Katharine. The Masonic Thread in Mozart. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977.
Thornton, Mary Crescentia, Sister. The Church and Freemasonry in Brazil, 1872-1875. Washington: Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1948; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1973. 287p.
Thory. Annales, etc., du Grand Orient de France. 1812.
Three Distinct Knocks. London: 1760; reprint, Bloomington, IL: The Masonic Book Club, 1981.
Tipton, John (1786-1839). Speech of the Hon. John Tipton, of the United States Senate, M.E.H.P. Logan Chapter, Indiana, Delivered in the city of Alexandria, before the Grand Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter of the District of Columbia, June 25, 1838. Washington: Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1838. YA Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress). 12p.
Todd, Oliphant Monroe (1821-1897). Papers of Oliphant Monroe Todd, 1862. 1 vol. Chaplain and officer in the 78th Regiment of the Ohio Infantry. Diary describing military activities at Corinth, Miss., and Fort Donelson and Shiloh, Tenn., notes concerning Freemasonry activities, and photograph of Todd.
Town. System of Speculative Masonry. NY: 1822.
Tucker, Prentiss. The Lost Key: An Explanation and Application of the Masonic Symbols. Book Tree, 1999.
Turnbull, Everett R., and Ray V. Denslow. A History of Royal Arch Masonry. Trenton, MO: General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, 1956. 3 vols. 1684p.
United Grand Lodge of England. Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free Accepted Masons, Under the United Grand Lodge of England, Containing the General Charges, Laws and Regulations. London: Harrison & Sons, 1926. — Grand Lodge, 1717-1967. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1967.
Uvarov, A. S., and A. Ladrague. Sciences Secretes. Martino Pub., 2003. 220p.
Uzzel, Robert. Prince Hall Freemasonry in the Lone Star State: From Cuney to Curtis 1875-2003. Eakin Press, 2004. Since 1989, thirty-seven mainstream (white) Grand Lodges have extended fraternal recognition to their Prince Hall counterparts.
Van Deventer, Fred. Parade to Glory: the Story of the Shriners and Their Hospitals for Crippled Children. NY: Morrow, 1959. 304p. Parade to Glory: the Story of the Shriners—and Their Caravan to Destiny. 4th rev. ed. NY: Pyramid Books, 1969. 350p.
Van der Veur, Paul W. Freemasons in Indonesia from Radermacher to Soekauto, 1762-1961. OH: Ohio Univ., 1976. 37p.
Vaughn, William Preston. The Antimasonic Party in the United States, 1826-1843. Lexington, KY: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1983. 244p. From 1827-1843, Freemasonry became less public and loss those who were less serious (190).
Voice of Masonry (a magazine; and later, Masonic Voice and Review; Chicago; cited in 1910 TCE).
Voorhis, Harold Van Buren, comp. Facts for Freemasons: a Storehouse of Masonic Knowledge in Question and Answer Form. Rev. and enl. ed. Richmond: Macoy Pub., 1979. 237p. — The Eastern Star: The Evolution From a Right to an Order. NY: Macoy Pub., 1938 & 1954, 1st 1865. 116p. See — General Lafayette: a Genealogy. NY: Press of H. Emmerson, 1970. 16p. — The History of Organized Masonic Rosicrucianism. Charlotte, NC: Nocalore press, 1935. 62p. — The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine. NY: Press of Henry Emmerson, 1963. 103p. — and Ronald E. Heaton. Loud and Clear: the Story of Our Liberty Bell. Norristown, PA: R. E. Heaton, 1970. 30p. — Masonic Organizations and Allied Orders and Degrees, a Cyclopaedic Handbook. NY: Press of H. Emmerson, 1952. 146p. — Negro Masonry in the United States. NY: H. Emerson, 1940. 132p. — comp. Arthur Edward Waite, a Check List of His Writings. Red Bank, NJ: Priv. print author, 1932. 14p.
W.O.V. The Three Distinct Knocks, Or the Door of the Most Antient Free-Masonry, Opening to All Men, Neither Naken nor Cloath’d. London: H. Serjeant, 1763.
Wade, Ira Owen. The Clandestine Organization and Diffusion of Philosophic Ideas in France from 1700 to 1750. London: H. Milford for Oxford Univ. Press, 1938.
Wagner, Martin L. Freemasonry Interpreted. A & B. Dist. & Pub., 2000.
Waite, Arthur Edward (1857-1942). New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry (Ars Magna Latomorum : and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: Their Rites Literature and History/2 Volumes in 1). Wings (Reprint A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. 2 vols. London; NY: 1921.), 1994. 1024p. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer. — Emblematic Freemasonry and the Evolution of its Deeper Issues. London: W. Rider & son, 1925. 301p. — The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry. London: Rider & Co., 1937. 658p. — Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross. London: Wm. Rider & Son, Ltd., 1924. — Devil Worship in France or the Question of Lucifer. London: George Redway, 1896. Gives account of Lèo Taxil’s hoax on Freemasonry and Lucifer. — The Holy Grail: the Galahad Quest in the Arthurian Literature. New Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1961. 624p. — Three Famous Mystics. Saint-Martin, by Arthur Edward Waite; Jacob Boehme, by W. P. Swainson; Swedenborg, by W. P. Swainson. London: Rider & co., 1939. 192p. — The Open Vision: a Selection from the Poems of Arthur Edward Waite. Intro. Algernon Blackwood. Eton, Berks: Shakespeare Head Press, 1959. 93p. — The Holy Kabbalah: a Study of the Secret Tradition in Israel as Unfolded by Sons of the Doctrine for the Benefit and Consolation of the Elect Dispersed through the Lands and Ages of the Greater Exile. London: Williams and Norgate, 1929. 636p. — The Secret Tradition in Alchemy: Its Development and Records. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co.; NY: A. A. Knopf, 1926. 415p. — The Unknown World: a Magazine Devoted to the Occult Sciences, Magic, Mystical Philosophy, Alchemy, Hermetic Archæology, and the Hidden Problems of Science, Literature, Speculation and History. Edited by Arthur Edward Waite. London: James Elliott, 15 Aug. 1894-5 Jan. 1895.
Walgren, Kent Logan. Freemasonry, Anti-Masonry and Illuminism in the United States: 1734-1850: A Bibliography. American Antiquarian Society, 2002. 1136p.
Walkes, Joseph A., Jr. Black Square & Compass: 200 Years of Prince Hall Freemasonry. 192p. See
Wallis, Richard. Decency & Order the Cement of Society: Being a Discourse Delievered before the Society of Free and Accepted Masons … 1769. Newcastle: 1769.
Ward, Arthur. Masonic Symbolism and the Mystic Way: A Series of Papers on the True Secrets of the Lost World (1923). Kessinger Pub., 1998.
Ward, John Sebastian Marlow. Who was Hiram Abiff? London: Baskerville Press, 1925. 244p. — Freemasonry: Its Aims and Ideals. London: William Rider, 1923. 232p. — British Masonic Handbook Series. 3 vols. See — Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods. Intro. Hon. Sir John A. Cockburn. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & co., 1921, 2nd 1926. 373p. — Told Through the Ages: a Series of Masonic Stories. London: Baskerville Press, 1926. 238p. — and W. G. Stirling. The Hung Society, or the Society of Heaven and Earth. London: Baskerville Press, 1925-26; NY: AMS Press, 1973. 3 vols. On Hong men society of China. — Can Our Industrial System Survive?: Being a Treatise on the European Financial Crisis as Indicated by the Present Rates of Exchange. London: W. Rider, 1921. 84p.
Washington, George (1732-1799). Papers of George Washington, 1592-1943 (bulk 1748-1799). 77,000 items; 506 containers plus 13 oversize; 125 microfilm reels; 215.2 linear feet. Library of Congress. — The Papers of George Washington. Colonial Series. W.W. Abbot, editor, Dorothy Twohig, associate editor, Philander D. Chase, Beverly H. Runge, and Frederick Hall Schmidt, assistant editors. Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1983-1995. 10 vols. — The Papers of George Washington. Revolutionary War Series. Philander D. Chase, editor. Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1985-2002. 12 vols. — The Papers of George Washington. Confederation Series. W.W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig, editors; Philander D. Chase and Beverly H. Runge, associate editors; Beverly S. Kirsch and Debra B. Kessler, assistant editors. Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1992-1997. 6 vols. — The Papers of George Washington. Presidential Series. Dorothy Twohig, editor. Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1987-2002. 11 vols. — The Papers of George Washington. Retirement Series. Dorothy Twohig, editor; Philander D. Chase, senior associate editor; Beverly H. Runge, associate editor; Frank E. Grizzard, Jr., et al. Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1998-1999. 4 vols. — The Journal of Major George Washington (1754). Intro. Randolph G. Adams. NY: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 1940. Facsim. 28p.
—Adams, Randolph Greenfield (1892-1951). The Dignity of George Washington, an Address Delivered in the Hill Auditorium in the City of Ann Arbor, February 22, 1932. Ann Arbor: Printed for G. Wahr, 1932. 18p. The Journal of Major George Washington (1754). Intro. Randolph G. Adams. NY: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 1940. Facsim. 28p.
—Aikman, Lonnelle Aikman. “Mount Vernon Lives On: A Century of Patriotic Labor Has Restored George Washington’s Old Home as He and Martha Knew It,” National Geographic (CIV: 5, November 1953): 670.
—Alden, John Richard (1908-). George Washington: a Biography. Louisiana State University Press, 1984; NY: Wings Books, 1995. 326p
—Barton, David, at, The Bulletproof George Washington. Pamphlet.
—Blanchard, Charles Albert (1848-1925)—anti-Mason—Washington: Was Washington a Freemason? Chicago, IL: National Christian Association, 191?. 48p.
—Bowling, Kenneth R. The Creation of Washington, D.C.: the Idea and Location of the American Capital. Fairfax, VA: George Mason Univ.; Lanham, MD: Univ. Pub. Associates, 1991. 294p.
—Brown, Glenn (1854-1932). 1860-1930, Memories, by Glenn Brown: a Winning Crusade to Revive George Washington’s Vision of a Capital City. Washington, D.C.: Press of W.F. Roberts company, 1931. 585p.
—Cunliffe, Marcus. George Washington: Man and Monument. NY: Little, Brown, & Co., 1958. Condensed in Reader’s Digest: Family Treasury of Great Biographies. NY: Reader’s Digest Association, 1970.
—Ellis, Joseph J. His Excellency: George Washington. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004. 320p. — ed. Thomas Jefferson: Genius of Liberty. Intro. Gary Wills. NY: Viking Studio in association with the Library of Congress, D.C., 2000. 182p.
—Fitzpatrick, John C., ed. The Diaries of George Washington. Boston: Houghton Miffin, 1925. 4 vols.
—Faÿ, Bernard. Georges Washington, Gentilhomme. George Washington, Republican Aristocrat. French. Paris: B. Grasset, 1932. 315p.
—Flexner, James Thomas (1908-). Washington, the Indispensable Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1974; NY: New American Library, 1984. 423p. — George Washington: the forge of experience, 1732-1775. Vol. 1. Boston: Little, Brown, 1965. 390p. — George Washington in the American Revolution, 1775-1783. Vol. 2. Boston: Little, Brown, 1968. 599p. — George Washington and the New Nation, 1783-1793. Vol. 3. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970. 466p. — George Washington: Anguish and Farewell, 1793-1799. Vol. 4. Boston: Little, Brown, 1972. 554p.
—Ford, Worthington Chauncey, ed. The Writings of George Washington. 14 vols.; NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1889.
—Little, Shelby Little. George Washington. NY: Halcyon House, 1943; copyright 1929.
—Marshall, John (1755-1835). The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Forces, During the War which Established the Independence of His Country, and First President of the United States. Compiled under the inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Washington, from original papers. To which is prefixed an introduction, containing a compendious view of the colonies planted by the English on the continent of North America, from their settlement to the commencement of that war which terminated in their independence. By John Marshall. Philadelphia: C. P. Wayne, 1805-07; NY: AMS Press, 1969. 5 vols. — George Washington. Introd. by Marcus Cunliffe. NY: Chelsea House, 1981.
—McCammant, Wallace. George Washington the Mason. Kessinger Pub., 1998.
—Roberts, Allen E. Georege Washington, Master Mason. Richmond, VA: Macoy Pub. & Masonic Supply Co., 1976; George Washington (1732-1799). 206p. See
—Sachse, Julius Friedrich (1842-1919), comp. Washington’s Masonic Correspondence as Found Among the Washington Papers in the Library of Congress, Comp. from the Original Records, Under the Direction of the Committee on Library of the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania, with Annotations. Philadelphia & Lancaster, PA: Press of the New Era Printing, 1915. 144p.
—Smyth, F. “Worshipful Brother George Washington of Virginia” AQC (London, 1976) 87:181-4.
—Tasch, Hugo. The Facts about George Washington As a Freemason (1931). Kessinger Pub., 1998. Washington’s Initiation, Passing, Raising; His Lodge; Masonic Correspondence; His Laying of the Cornerstone of the Nation’s Capital; His Funeral; Masonic Items in His Effects; His Apron; Masonic Books Dedicated to Washington; Washington Masonic Medals; Monuments Erected to Washington; Masonic Sentiments and Toasts; The Attacks on Washington’s Masonry; Masonic Poems; A List of Books about Washington. Farewell Address.
—Weems, Mason Locke (1759-1825). A History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits of General George Washington. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Re-printed by John Bioren, for the author, 1800. 84p. — Paul L. Ford and Emily Ford Skeel, Mason Locke Weems: His Works and Ways (NY: 1929; 3 vols.).
### end of Washington
Webb, Thomas Smith. Freemason’s Monitor. Albany, NY: Webb, 1797-1816.
Weisberger, Richard William, Wallace McLeod, and S. Brent Morris, eds. Freemasonry on Both Sides of the Atlantic: Essays Concerning the Craft in the British Isles, Europe, the United States, and Mexico. Boulder: East European Monographs; NY: Columbia Univ. Press, 2002. 942p.
Weisse, Louis. Glints of Masonic Light Scintillated by Rabbinical Sparks. 2d ed. Palestine, TX: n.p., 1904. 94p. — The Obelisk and Freemasonry, according to the Discoveries of Belzoni and Gorringe. NY: 1880.
Whalen, William F. Christianity and American Freemasonry. Ignatius Press, 1998.
What to Say. Order Eastern Star. 154p. 325 sentiments & 10 ceremonies. See
Wheeler, John Hill (1806-1882). An address delivered at Charlotte, N.C. on the 27th December, A.D. 1845: at the request of the Phalanx Lodge No. 31. Charlotte, NC: Jeffersonian Press, 1846. YA Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress). 12p.
Whitman, Bernard (1796-1834). An Address Delivered May 30, A.D. 1832, at the Dedication of the Masonic Temple in Boston. Cambridge: E.W. Metcalf and Co., 1832. Miscellaneous Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress). 44p.
Whymper, Henry Josiah. The Religion of Freemasonry. Ed. by G.W. Speth. London: n.p., 1888. Oxford Library. — ed. “Constituciones artis gemetriæ secundum Euclydem,” a Facs. of the Early Poem on Freemasonry from the Original MS. London: n.p., 1889. Oxford Library.
Williams, Otho H. Oration, Sermon, &c. Delivered at the Ceremony of Laying the Foundation Stone of the Masonic Hall in Hagers-Town June 24th A.D. 1822, A.L. 5822. Hagerstown: n.p., 1822. Miscellaneous Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress). 32p.
Wilmshurst, Walter Leslie (1867-1939). The Meaning of Masonry. Gramercy, 1980 (1995). Links Christianity and symbolism of Freemasonry like hand in glove. Online version.
Wilson, Thomas. Solomon in All His Glory: or, the Master-Mason. London: for G. Robinson and J. Roberts, 1766; another version by James Magee in 1772. — Le Maçon Démasqué, ou Le Vrai Secret des Franc-Maçons. London: Owen, 1751.
Wither, George (1588-1667). A Collection of Emblems, Ancient and Moderne (To which is added Foundations Unearthed by Marie Bauer Hall). Foreword by Manly P. Hall. Los Angeles, CA: Published for Veritat Foundation by the Philosophical Research Society, 1987. 270p. (Reprint 1st work, originally published: 1st ed. Glendale, CA : Verulam Foundation, 1940. Reprint 2nd work, originally published: London: printed by A.M. for Robert Allot, 1635).
Woodford, Adolphus Frederick Arthur. Kinning’s Masonic Cyclopedia. London: G. Kenning, 1878. — Kenning’s Cyclopedia. 1878.
Woodford, Rev. A. F. A. Defence
of Masonry. 1874.
Worthy, R. L. The Founders’ Facade: Christianity, Democracy, Freemasonry, and the Founding of America. KornerStone Books, 2004. 124p.
Wright, Dudley (1868-1949). Masonic Legends and Traditions. London: W. Rider & son, 1921. 152p. — Woman and Freemasonry. London: W. Rider & Son, 1922. 196p. Adoptive Freemasonry; The Fendeurs; Egyptian Masonry and Count Cagliostro; Ritual of Adoptive Freemasonry; Ritual of Freemasonry for Ladies; Women Freemasons of the Past; Order of the Eastern Star; Modern Female Freemasonry; Grand Orient of the Netherlands. — The Ethics of Freemasonry. Washington, D.C.: MSA of U.S., 1924. 88p. — Robert Burns and Freemasonry. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1921. 115p.
Wright, Robert Catlin. Indian Masonry. Ann Arbor, MI: Tyler publishing, 1907. 123p.
Yates, Frances Amelia. The French Academies of the Sixteenth Century. London: The Warburg Institute, Univ. of London, 1947. — The Rosicrucian Enlightenment. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972. — Astaea: The Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975. — The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
York, Malachi. The Hidden Symbolism of Freemasonry. Egipt Pub., 2004. — MM: Master Mason. Egipt Pub., 2004. — Question and Answer for the Clandestine Freemason. Egipt Pub., 2004. — Secret Meanings of Shriners and Freemasons Q&A Forum. Egipt. Pub., 2004. — The Masonic Prayer Book. Egipt. Pub., 2004.
Young, John K. Sacred Sites of the Knights Templar: The Ancient Secrets Hidden in Stonehenge, Rennes-le-Chateau and Santiago de Compostela. Fair Winds Press, 2003 & 2005. 224p. This text examines a number of sacred megalithic sites such as Stonehenge and Rennes-le-Chateau, revealing the astronomical significance of these sites as well as the secrets that significance bore to the Knights Templar.
Young, Ron. Freemasonry Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Larksdale, 1997.
Zain, C. C. Ancient Masonry: The Spiritual Meaning of Masonic Degrees, Rituals and Symbols. Church of Light Press, 1998.
Character counting in Freemasonry is the USA's National
Treasure and predominant source of our Founding Fathers' original intent in
our precious Constitution. |
[1] Book New, Inc., Portland, OR, no date; an review.
[2] See, Robert Leroy Ripley, born 1890, Santa Rosa, CA.
[3] July 2000, Reed Business Information, an review.
[4] Colin Dyer, William Preston and His Work (England: Lewis Masonic Publications, 1987; 290p.): ix-x, 3.
[5] Colin Dyer, William Preston and His Work (England: Lewis Masonic Publications, 1987; 290p.): x.
[6] John Hamill and Robert Gilbert, Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft (Foreword by HRH The Duke of Kent; large folio edition; London: Mackenzie Publishing, 1992; 256p.): 241; see Illustrations of Masonry. A Facsimile Reprint of the 2d ed. of 1775 (Bloomington, IL: Masonic Book Club, 1973. 303p.).
[7] 1989, Reed Business Information; an review.