are here:
1. TOP Shelf
Freemasonry References & Couple of Others |
3. Main Freemasonry Bibliography |
Pro Articles on Freemasonry — 137 Articles, w 50 Bk Rws |
Foreign Books on Freemasonry — 226 Authors of 265 Books |
3.e. News Articles 1985-2005 in Chrono Order — 226 Articles |
7. Great
Hoax—Léo Taxil’s Luciferian Doctrine a. General Info, Web Sties, and One Excellent
Refutation b. Publications Still Duped by Taxil’s Hoax c. Publications Exposing Taxil’s Hoax |
1985-07-04. Big Methodist vote against Masons; Methodist Church to advise its members against joining the Freemasons. The Times (London).
1985-12-11. Mayhew rules on Freemasonry. The Times (London).
1986-02-26. Masonic hospital contests 1.5
million pounds claim over nurses. The
Times (London).
1986-06-26. No to Masons; Methodist Church. The Times (London).
1986-07-05. Freemasons exhibition to dispel
‘dark image’. The Times (London).
1987-03-30. Casting stones at the masons. The Times (London).
1987-04-13. Times Diary: Christian brothers? The Times (London).
1987-06-20. Why cut the apron strings?:
Anglican proposal to condemn Freemasonry. The Times (London).
1988-04-10. Freemasonry “rife in police”. Sunday Times (London).
1988-05-06. TV naming 24 “Freemason judges”. The Times (London).
1988-05-26. Police chief dismissed; Chief
Inspector Brian Woollard alleges that Freemasonry is rife in senior circles at
Scotland Yard. The Times (London).
1988-06-26. Anti-mason bill; Freemasons in the
police force. Sunday Times (London).
1988-11-22. Secrets of the stables de-coded;
Sports book. The Times (London).
1989-03-04. Warning triangle for masons; Freemasonry.
The Times (London).
1989-04-02. Enter the simple world - by foot;
Pulpit. Sunday Times (London).
1989-04-23. Beware falling masonry; Books. Sunday Times (London).
1989-05-02. The Prince of Wales as a mason; 02
May 1919. The Times (London).
1989-11-26. Grand Master takes traditional view
of the lodges; Sir Gregor MacGregor. Sunday
Times (London).
1992-11-07. Enquiry begins on Mafia “link to
Masons”. The Times (London): 16.
1993-02-05. Secret societies; Letter. The Times (London): 15.
1992-04-03. Jobs for the Old Boys. Dugdale, John. New Statesman & Society. 5:196:43.
1993-05-19. SBC Report on Masons Challenged. The Christian Century, 110:17:548.
1994-02-12. Masons’ Loyalties; Magazine
Letters. The Times (London): 6.
1994-05-14. Swearing allegiance to Widow Twanky. The Spectator, London, 272:8653:18.
1994-06-11. PC Freemasonry. The Spectator, London, 272:8657:28.
1995-09-24. Aging masons charged with bilking a fading lodge. Julia Campbell. New York Times. 145:13:9. New York. Informs about the charges of skimming filed against two of the senior members of the Commonwealth-Greenpoint Masonic Lodge in Ridgewood. Focus on the lodge and its activities; Stand of the prosecution.
1995-11-05. From Satan to the Sphinx: The Masonic mysteries of D.C.’s. Charles Paul Freund. Washington Post News Feed. Vol. 118:C3. Discusses the national Map of Washington and the popular belief that it contains encoded secret symbols of Freemasonry, which date back centuries. Louis Farrakhan’s revelation that Washington D.C.’s monumental core is based on in a secret Masonic ritual; How Freemasonry is perceived by Americans.
1995-11-07. Harmless secrets; Inns and Outs. The Times (London): 35.
1996-01-09. Masons who built the U.S. answers
to correspondents. (Correction Notice) The Daily Mail (London): 42.
1996-03-31. MPs stall probe into the Masons:
Secret society’s role in the police and law likely to remain hidden. The Observer (London): 6.
1996-04-06. Persecuting Masons. The Virginian Pilot: A8.
1996-07-23. The whys and wherefores of
mysterious and ancient group; Fathers of Freemasonry and guardians of culture. The Daily Mail (London): 24.
1996-08-17. Please could you stop picking on us Masons?: Michael Higham says the Justice Commission won’t be compromised by Sir Frederick Crawford’s craft. The Guardian (London): 25.
1996-08-31. Freemasons put their secrets up for
sale: Yearbook revealing activities and leading figures among 350,000 members
goes on sale to the public after 279 years. The Guardian (London): 8.
1996-08-31. Freemasons put their secrets up for
sale: Yearbook revealing activities and leading figures among 350,000 members
goes on sale to the public after 279 years. The Guardian (London): 8.
1996-10-30. Masonic loyalty; Letter. The Times (London): 19.
1996-11-14. Police at odds over freemasonry. The Guardian (London): 5.
1996-11-26. Let’s ban sectarian referees. Evening Times (Glasgow, Scotland): 8.
1996-12-14. The Masons let New York in on a secret. Dunlap, David W. New York Times, 146 Issue 50641:25. Reports that the Masonic Hall on West 24th Street in New York City is being rededicated in December 1996 after 10 years of renovation. The ceremony of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted masons of the State of new York; Description of various rooms in the building; Facts about Freemasonry’s beliefs and history; Famous Masons.
1996-12-15. Football: Red-card rage – bigotry
or symptom of failure? – Glenn Gibbons says the jury is still out for lack of
evidence in bias claims against refs’ freemasonry. The Observer (London).
1996-12-19. Two Freemasons’ lodges at Commons,
claims author. The Guardian
1996-12-20. Unsafe secret society: Do
Freemasons in parliament, police and judiciary pervert fairness and justice?
Yes, argues Martin Short, and the only remedy is complete, open disclosure. The Guardian (London): 15.
1996-12-26. Police Masons must own up says
watchdog. The Daily Mail (London): 19.
1996-12-27. Judges rule out Masonic favours. The Daily Mail (London): 5.
1997-01-05. Masons are unlike any golf club;
Letter. Sunday Times (London): 8.
1997-01-13. Police to confront masonry. The Daily Mail (London): 6.
1997-01-19. Cork’s lady Freemason; Letter. Sunday Times (London): 10.
1997-02-27. 277 are thrown out by masons. The Mirror (London): 8.
1997-02-27. Masons square up to Commons
challenge. Christian Wolmar. The
Independent (London):
1997-02-27. Policy and Politics: Mason rejects
MPs’ fears on crime link. The
Guardian (London):
1997-03-26. Make law Masons go public, say MPs.
The Daily Mail (London): 17.
1997-03-28. “Secret” Masons?; Letter. The Times (London): 21.
1997-04-06. Shrouded in mystery; Theology. Humphrey Carpenter. Sunday Times (London): 5.
1997-04-08. Power, “paranoia” and Freemasons;
Letter. The Times (London): 17.
1997-04-11. Masonic membership; Letter. The Times (London): 21.
1997-04-24. Women: Who are these women and what
are they doing?—Look closely and you may spot the clues: the sashes, the temple
trappings. Yes, they’re Freemasons. Stuart Millar pulls a few suburban apron
strings. The Guardian (London): 6.
1997-04-25. We do not need a register for
Masons. The Daily Mail (London): 5.
1997-05-09. A tale all about tail: Sex, freemasonry and Scottishness in Robert Burns. Miller, Karl. TLS, the Times Literary Supplement, London. 4910:3-4.
1997-07-06. Freemasons trying to build a new
image with magazine. Reuters News Service. St Louis Post-Dispatch (MO): 05A.
1997-08-10. How freemasonry gets a grip; Freemasons.
John Stalker. Sunday Times (London): 5.
1997-08-21. The mind behind the apron; Books.
Karen Armstrong. The Times (London): 34.
1997-11-26. Judges avoid masons register. The Guardian (London): 9.
1997-12-05. Letter: How to dodge the Masonry. The Guardian (London): 22.
1997-12-08. Matey Masons. The Mirror (London): 7.
1998-02-18. Masonic prison threat; [pounds
sterling] 100,000 a-year guardian of the decent chaps’ secrets, Leaders are
told to name is in n scandal probe, We wouldn’t wish to be in contempt, We’ll
decide on the questions. The Daily
Mail (London):
1998-02-18. Millions take oath of blood. The Mirror (London): 16.
1998-02-18. The worldwide brotherhood. The Daily Mail (London): 2.
1998-02-18. UK: Masons urged to reveal
judiciary members. Liam Halligan. The
Financial Times:
1998-02-18. Who’s who in brotherhood. Will
Woodward. The Mirror (London): 16.
1998-02-21. “Out” call to Masons. Birmingham Evening Mail (England): 37.
1998-02-21. A fraternity more sinned against. The Birmingham Post (England): 45.
1998-02-21. Police Freemasons should “out”
themselves. The Birmingham Post
1998-02-21. Pressure to reveal Masonic links;
Letter. (Features) The Times
1998-02-21. We’re all in this together;
Opinion. Simon Barnes. The Times
1998-02-22. I’ll go to jail rather than betray
the freemasons. (News) Sunday
Mirror (London):
1998-02-23. Real inside story of the
Freemasons; Membership growing reports society leader during “Open Day”
Charisse Ed e enters the inner sanctum of Freemasonry in the Midlands to see at
first hand what goes on behind the doors of Birmingham’s grand lodge. The Birmingham Post (England): 3.
1998-02-24. Why all the bother over freemasons?
Birmingham Evening Mail (England): 8.
1998-02-26. A brotherhood based on loyalty not
conspiracy; Do you have to be a Mason to succeed in the police? Harry Hawkes
reports. The Birmingham Post
1998-03-01. TV Preachers Attacks Masonic Order. Church & State 51, Issue 3:19-20. Television preacher Pat Robertson”s views on the Masonic order with reference to his book, The New World Order, and detailed information on Robertson’s paranoia about the Masons.
1998-03-06. Freemasons agree to reveal police
links. Liam Halligan. The Financial
1998-03-07. Our right to know: Head to head:
Should judges have to reveal that they are masons? Our right to know: Yes
Martin Short Writer on the masons: No Sir John Balcombe judge and freemason. The Guardian (London): 4.
1998-03-13. Baty, Phil. Masonic secrecy under fire. Times Higher Education Supplement Issue 1323:3. Reports on the calls for compulsory declaration of Freemasonry membership in higher education in England, by campaigners, while indicating the government’s position to force the disclosure of masonry, in the criminal justice system. Identification of 11 Freemason lodges which are affiliated to universities; Comments from Chris Mullin, chairman of the British House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee; Information on the principles of Freemasonry.
1998-03-29. Who? Me a Mason? Britain sees threat. Hoge, Warren. New York Times 147, Issue 51111:5. Focuses on freemasonary, which is a fraternal society that began in Britain. Demands from Jack Straw, the Home Secretary in Britain, that judges who are Masons should be publicly identified; Punishments for revealing the names of members or breaking other confidences; Names of royal figures who are Masons or who are connected to Masons; When was the Grand Lodge created; Number of active Masons in the Grand Lodge. INSET: An ancient body of men.
1998-05-21. Mason allegiance must be revealed. Evening News (Edinburgh, Scotland): 35.
1998-06-06. Defence of Masons is foolish. Evening News (Edinburgh, Scotland): 18.
1998-10-18. To rebuild, Freemasonry crumbles walls
of secrecy lodge runs spots on radio to recruit. The Seattle Times (Seattle, WA): A10.
1998-11-06. Register of Masons; Letter. The Times (London): 25.
1998-11-14. Barometer. Sean O’Grady. The Independent (London): 7.
1998-11-24. Masons and judges; Letter. The Times (London): 19.
1998-12-21. Letter: Freemasonry and The Lords.
(Letter to the Editor) The Guardian
1998-12-30. Masons shed cold image to help end gas bill row. Evening News (Edinburgh, Scotland): 18.
1999-02-22. Masons open their doors. Catherine
Lillington. Birmingham Evening Mail
1999-04-24. Factual inaccuracies are out of the
Order. (News) Mike Natrass. The
Birmingham Post (England): 50.
1999-05-04. Masons face legal register. The Guardian (London): 8.
1999-05-19. MPs to Declare Freemasonry. Nigel
Morris. The Mirror (London): 2.
1999-05-26. The serious masons squad. Chris
Gray. The Birmingham Post (England): 1.
1999-05-26. Mason fears “may well be justified”
MPs claim. The Scotsman (Edinburgh,
1999-05-26. Masonic clues to Serious Crime
Squad. The Birmingham Post
1999-05-29. Wave Riding: Archers fans must be
farming mad. The Guardian (London): 4.
1999-06-25. Sheffield in Freemason Pact. Phil Baty. Times Higher Education Supplement 1390:64. Reports on the agreement of freemasons and the Sheffield University in England to build a research center that will promote the interest of freemasonry. Plans for the center; Statement from grandmaster, John Clifford; Funding sought by the university from the group.
1999-06-28. Police chief quizzes staff over
Masons. Birmingham Evening Mail
1999-07-02. Hospices given cash windfall by
Freemasons. Birmingham Evening Mail
1999-07-02. Masons aid hospices. Coventry Evening Telegraph (England): 33.
1999-07-02. Some say Masons designed the
District. Julia Duin. The
Washington Times:
1999-08-03. British release for book attacked
by Vatican: Claims of freemasonry, satanism and homosexuality at papal court. The Guardian (London): 7.
1999-08-03. Making a new Klan for a new
generation of bigots; Television. Joe Joseph. The Times (London): 45.
1999-08-05. Freemasons taking PR tips on
boosting image. Coventry Evening
Telegraph (England):
1999-08-05. Masons in Bid for a New Image. Birmingham Evening Mail (England): 38.
1999-08-05. Registration for Masons. The Birmingham Post (England): 12.
1999-08-26. Letter: Masons and police. The Independent (London): 2.
1999-08-30. Letter: Masons and police. The Independent (London): 2.
1999-09-07. Letters: Myths surrounding Masons.
(News) The Birmingham Post
1999-09-14. Letter: Be fair to Masons. The Independent (London): 2.
1999-10-20. Lodge opens door to friends. (News)
Coventry Evening Telegraph
1999-10-22. Is he Worshipful Brother? Derek Hawes. TLS Issue 5038:16. Comments on 19th century English novelist Anthony Trollope’s links to the Freemasons. Lack of overt references to Freemasonry in Trollope’s novels; Passages in Trollope’s “The Small House at Allington” that seem to advertise his acquaintance with Masonic ritual; Records of Trollope’s membership in the Irish Masonic fraternity.
2000-02-10. Caught between two cultures; Books.
Justine Hardy. The Times (London): 45.
2000-02-11. Masons opening doors to the public.
Coventry Evening Telegraph
2000-03-18. Opening the door to a most secret
society; The Temple and the Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
(Arrow, pounds 6.99). Reviewed by Simon Evans. The Birmingham Post (England): 61.
2000-04-06. Law lord attacks “oppressive”
inquiry into Masons. (News) Robert Verkaik. The Independent (London): 5.
2000-04-20. Letter: Off the square. The Independent (London): 2.
2000-06-23. Collected whispers of a curious club. Prescott, Andrew. Times Higher Education Supplement. Issue 1441:4. Focuses on the use of computer technology by British academics to map the history of freemasonry in Great Britain. Historical background about freemasonry; Accessibility of a database of freemasons in the country; Overview on the use of the Internet and digital images in investigating how social movements spread and change through time.
2000-07-29. Officers face having to come clean
over freemasonry links. Coventry
Evening Telegraph (England): 21.
2000-08-03. Myth of secrecy prevails. The Birmingham Post (England): 14.
2000-08-29. Time to bury controversy. The Birmingham Post (England): 12.
2000-09-03. Freemasons open doors of mother
lodge. Scotland on Sunday
(Edinburgh, Scotland):
2000-09-08. Men behaving less secretively;
Media. (Features) Virginia Matthews. The
Times (London):
2000-09-28. Lodge appeal at open day. Evening News (Edinburgh, Scotland): 18.
2000-10-20. Hearing adjourned following masonic
conspiracy claims. The Herald
(Glasgow, Scotland):
2000-11-04. Sheriff refuses to divulge Masonic
association. The Herald (Glasgow,
2000-11-22. Accused makes masonic plea. The Herald (Glasgow, Scotland): 4.
2000-11-25. Masons no influence. The Scotsman (Edinburgh, Scotland): 8.
2001-03-19. After 40 years of secrecy, the
Freemasons go public. Jade Garrett. The
Independent (London):
2001-03-20. If you want to meet dodgy car
dealers, join the Masons. DJ Taylor. The
Independent (London):
2001-03-21. Letter: Masonic openness. The Independent (London): 2.
2001-03-21. Secrets and ties: Tired of being
“mugged” by the media, the United Grand Lodge of England has appointed a PR
agency to improve the image of freemasonry. But can the spin doctors allay
suspicions that the secretive organisation is pulling strings in the police and
judiciary? The Guardian (London): 2.
2001-04-02. Lord Farnham; Banker and Irish peer
who tried to improve freemasonry’s image and presided over its largest
gathering in 1992. Daily Telegraph
2001-04-02. Minister drops military block on
Freemasonry. Paul Waugh Deputy. The
Independent (London):
2001-04-17. Accused in masons claim case is
cleared. The Herald (Glasgow,
2001-05-21. Freemasonry’s Flack. Labi, Aisha. Time Europe 157:41. Discusses public opinion of Freemasonry in Great Britain. Hiring of public relations agent Mike Dewar by the United Grand Lodge of England; How the clandestine, all-male nature of the movement has given it a somewhat sinister public image; Comment of Dewar that this will be a challenged account to handle; Parliamentary inquiries into alleged Masonic corruption in Britain’s police forces and judiciary; Mention of allegations of Masonic corruption in the police force in Nice, France.
2001-09-26. MSPs press judges on masonic links.
Evening Times (Glasgow, Scotland): 2.
2001-09-30. LASTING FRATERNITY; The Scottish
Rite Freemasonry will offer a glimpse into the private organization with a
special October exhibit at the Charleston Museum and a convention during its
200th anniversary celebration. The
Post and Courier (Charleston, SC): 1.
2001-10-01. Freemason Library Selects EOSi. Rogers, Michael. Library Journal, 126:32. Reports on the selection of the Q Series from EOS International to automate the library, archive and museum collection of the London-based Library and Museum of Freemasonry.
2001-11-26. Modern Masons. Times, The (United Kingdom): 4. Scotland’s Freemasons may abolish their secret handshakes and other rituals in order to give the organisation a more modern image. Marcus Humphrey, Scotland’s chief mason, said that secretiveness had led to suspicion and ridicule of Freemasonry.
2001-12-03. Fight to free the masons. The Scotsman (Edinburgh, Scotland): 9.
2001-12-13. Call to scrap declaration of freemasonry;
Mail (Cardiff, Wales):
2002-01-31. Freemasonry’s “secrets”; Letter.
(Features)(Letter to the Editor) The
Times (London):
2002-02-07. McLetchie tries to put Masonic past behind him. Angus Macleod. Times, The (United Kingdom): 10. David McLetchie, the Scottish Tory leader, yesterday admitted that he had been a Freemason—but insisted that he had severed links with the organisation ten years ago.
2002-02-13. Police chief is not member of
Freemasons. (News) South Wales Echo
(Cardiff, Wales):
2002-03-05. Village of myths in exhibition. Evening News (Edinburgh, Scotland): 6.
2002-03-25. A day in the life of a ...
Freemason. Greg Watts. The Evening
Standard (London):
2002-04-13. Masons end their black tie affair.
David Graves. Daily Telegraph
2002-04-17. Masonic Secrets on Display. The Mirror (London): 20.
2002-04-20. Dispelling the myths of Freemasonry; Chief Feature Writer Paul Groves discovers why Freemasons are aiming to show how wide of the mark most of us are in our attitude to what happens behind the door of the local lodge. The Birmingham Post (England): 9.
2002-05-03. Freemasons going public. Daily Post (Liverpool, England): 7.
2002-05-14. Freemasons’ open day. Coventry Evening Telegraph (England): 5.
2002-05-29. We’re modern and we’re Masons;
County Freemasons are trying to be transparent and to work with the community
to dispel myths about secrecy and corruption with their organization. Coventry Evening Telegraph (England): 8.
2002-06-18. Today’s royal engagements. Times, The (United Kingdom): 36. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will attend Royal Ascot, Berkshire, until June 22. The Duke of Kent, Grand Master, United Grand Lodge of England, will attend a multi-faith service, “Freemasonry in the Community”, at St Paul’s Cathedral, London EC4, at noon.
2002-06-19. Court circular. Times, The (United Kingdom): 37. Windsor Castle, June 18: The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh attended Ascot Races today. St James Palace. June 18: The Duke of Kent, Grand Master, United Grand Lodge of England, this morning attended a Multi-faith Service to celebrate “Freemasonry in the Community”, at St Paul’s Cathedral, London.
2002-06-19. Freemasonry stays bashful despite baring
social breast: PR campaign to dispel suspicion of brotherhood goes only so far,
writes Jimmy Burns. Jimmy Burns. The
Financial Times:
2002-06-22. Faith News. Compiled by Luke Coppen. Times, The (United Kingdom): 14. Freemasons filled St Paul’s Cathedral this week for an interfaith service, which launched a two-week campaign to raise public awareness of the Craft. The cathedral’s Dean, the Very Rev John Moses, said Freemasonry’s belief in a supreme being had kept paganism at bay. “I am so grateful for the emphasis that I find in Freemasonry on brotherly love, relief and truth,” he said. The service included a reading by the Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the 300-year-old United Grand Lodge of England.
2002-06-26. Children enjoy fun at the fair. South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales): 7.
2002-06-27. Masons hold an open day. Daily Post (Liverpool, England): 12.
2002-06-28. Freemasons host fun day at fair for
children as movement goes public. South
Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales): 9.
2002-06-28. Freemasons host Island fun day. South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales): 16.
2002-06-28. Open evening. Coventry Evening Telegraph (England): 3.
2002-07-02. Freemasons celebrate with
multi-faith service. (News) South
Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales): 9.
2002-07-02. Secret society opens its doors.
(News) Coventry Evening Telegraph
2002-08-30. The Rev Christopher Hamel Cooke. Times, The (United Kingdom): 33. AOn the obit of this Freemason vicar of sterling reputation.
2002-09-26. Ronald Orr Ewing; Grand Master
Mason of Scotland. The Herald
(Glasgow, Scotland):
2002-10-05. A sainthood cloaked in controversy.
(WEEKEND) The Irish Times (Dublin,
2002-11-01. Major problem at heart of the
public sector. The Herald (Glasgow,
Scotland): 21.
2002-11-11. Echo Comment: Let’s shake their
hands. South Wales Echo (Cardiff,
2002-11-15. New Archbishop: Masons have no
place in the Church. Jason Bennetto. The
Independent (London):
2002-11-15. The “Satanic” Brotherhood with Archbishops
in its ranks; Freemasonry Dr Rowan Williams launches attack on a “sinister
secret society” he believes is incompatible with the Christian faith. Jason
Bennetto. The Independent (London): 8.
2002-11-16. Williams concern at Mason clerics. Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales): 10.
2002-11-19. Letter: Archbishop risks driving
masons away from the church. The
Independent (London):
2002-11-19. Reader’s letter: Doubts about
Freemasons. Western Mail (Cardiff,
2002-11-19. Remarks about freemasons get
ex-head thrown out of courtroom. Daily
Post (Liverpool, England): 16.
2002-11-20. Freemasons row. Daily Post (Liverpool, England): 17.
2002-11-23. Letter: Mistrust of masons. The Independent (London): 23.
2002-11-26. Letter: Masonic myths. The Independent (London): 21.
2002-12-08. Threat to duke as sect declares war
on Freemasons. Scotland on Sunday
(Edinburgh, Scotland):
2003-01-21. Freedom And Freemasonry. The Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland): 17.
2003-01-30. Look here, Rowan. Andrew Pierce. Times, The (United Kingdom): 8. The new Archbishop of Canterbury is being asked to eat his own highly critical words about the 300,000-strong Freemasons movement. Last year Dr Rowan Williams said that Christianity and Freemasonry are “incompatible” and he has refused to appoint clergymen to senior posts if they are members of the Brotherhood.
2003-02-13. Hamilton was not a Freemason. The Herald (Glasgow, Scotland): 19.
2003-02-15. Many Kirk members still Masons
despite earlier call to “think again”. The Scotsman (Edinburgh, Scotland): 5.
2003-03-01. Freemasons find fame and fortune on
their doorstep. Ian Burrell. The
Independent (London):
2003-03-05. Case for transparency Judges should
say if they are Freemasons. The
Herald (Glasgow, Scotland). 17.
2003-06-05. No-Count Cagliostro. Jonathan Yardley. Washington Post, The. Review of The Last Alchemist: Count Cagliostro, Master of Magic in the Age of Reason by Iain McCalman (HarperCollins, 2003, 272p). Count Alessandro di Cagliostro was born 1743 and self-proclaimed founder of an Egyptian sect of Freemasonry.
2003-06-28. Rogue with the magic touch. Edwina Preston. Australian, The: B23. Was Count Cagliostro a ruthless exploiter or the possessor of unique powers? Edwina Preston investigates The Seven Ordeals of Count Cagliostro by Iain McCalman (Flamingo, 2003, 352p.). Count Alessandro di Cagliostro was born 1743 and self-proclaimed founder of an Egyptian sect of Freemasonry.
2003-07-08. “Freemasonic plot” denied by judge.
The Birmingham Post (England): 7.
2003-07-21. Councillor Interests: Protests are
lodged over a question of Freemasonry. The Birmingham Post (England): 6.
2003-07-22. Letter: Media must accept mole hunt
blame. The Independent (London): 15.
2003-07-25. Letter: Masonic virtues. Daily Post (Liverpool, England): 8.
2003-07-28. Letter: Freemason meetings not so
secret. The Birmingham Post
(England): 10.
2003-07-28. Letter: Masons headline a disgrace.
The Birmingham Post (England):
2003-07-31. Peek at world of Masons. Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England): 16.
2003-08-28. Masons call on council chief to
prove claim; E-Mail Challenges Chief Executive to Back up Her “Corruption”
Remarks. Coventry Evening Telegraph
2003-10-06. Inside the Freemasons; Male institution
seeks to debunk what it calls myths that have built up. The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland). 14.
2003-10-06. Letter: Freemasonry. The Independent (London): 17.
2003-10-06. Members from across society;
Masons: Class. The News Letter
(Belfast, Northern Ireland): 14.
2003-10-26. Towering monument to masonry;
Alive. Sunday Times (London): 11.
2003-11-21. Freemasonry membership vote early
next year. Western Mail (Cardiff,
2003-12-30. Profile: Freemason lodges in Boston and the artifacts they contain. Melissa Block. All Things Considered (NPR). Harriet Baskas reporting: The 11-story Grand Lodge of Masons building sits on one corner of the Boston Common. On the second floor, there’s a small room where Masons and non-Masons can view artifacts from Masonic history. There’s a Masonic apron worn by the Marquis de Lafayette, a photo of General Tom Thumb in his Masonic regalia, and a chair once owned by Henry Price, the father of Freemasonry in America.
2004-01-20. Plea to Ombudsman over Freemasons. Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales): 9.
2004-02-15. Behind the mask of Ireland’s
masons; TV Reveals Secret World. The
People (London):
2004-03-10. A ritual gone fatally wrong puts light on Masonic secrecy. Patrick Healy. New York Times 153:A1-2. Reports on the initiation rituals of the Freemasonry order at Patchogue, New York that ended on the death of the order’s member. Factual background on the case; Public scrutiny of the centuries old secrets of the order; Development of initiation rituals deviating from traditional rituals; Demographics of Freemasonry members in the area.
2004-03-15. Arts Diary: Opera: Magic
Flute-Empire Theatre, Liverpool. Daily
Post (Liverpool, England): 22.
2004-04-12. Is fascism behind the terror? Cohen, Nick. New Statesman, 133 Issue 4683:22-23. Discusses how certain Islamic extremists believe that the Freemasons are plotting to take over the world. Efforts of the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to impose penalties on anyone who promotes or incites Zionist principles including Freemasonry; Consideration of the reaction of the British that the Masons are Mafia members set on world domination; Examples of how the paranoid ideas associated with fascist Europe have spread to reactionary movements such as al-Qaeda; Comparison of Islamic extremism and anti-Semitism in their persecution of Freemasonry; Argument that Islamism and Ba’athism are models that repeat the crimes of fascist dictatorships in the 1930s in Europe.
2004-05-15. Playing the Flute. James Naughtie. Times, The (United Kingdom): 19.
2004-05-15. When knights were bold. Jerry Brotton. Times, The (United Kingdom): p14. Review of The Knights Templar: The History and Myths of the Legendary Military Order by Sean Martin, Pocket Essentials, 2004, 160p.; and review of The Tragedy of Jacques de Molay, Last Grand Master of the Temple, by Alain Demerger, Profile Books, 2004, 282p.
2004-05-21. Freemasonry ... when everybody
knows your game; Notebook. Sam Leith. Daily
Telegraph (London).
2004-06-22. Magistrates and freemasonry. Times, The (United Kingdom): 4. The number of magistrates in England who have declared themselves to be freemasons is 1,147.
2004-06-22. Magistrates and freemasonry; Seen
in Hansard. The Times (London): 4.
2004-07-17. No 1. Builders; London at work. The Times (London): 31.
2004-07-25. Portrait of a killer: A Jack of all trades. Toronto Star (Canada): A07. They call themselves “Ripperologists” and they’re obsessed with the identity of Jack the Ripper.
2004-10-17. The Men in the Tiny Cars. New York Times 154:12. Review of book, Shriners, by Lisa Eisner.
2004-10-28. Beyond “Da Vinci”: A New Clue. Edward Wyatt. New York Times 154:E9.
2004-11-17. When someone is given the “third
degree”, what is it? What are the first and second?; Questions Answered. The Times (London): 69.
2004-11-18. Comment & Analysis: Letters:
Mason’s oath. The Guardian (London):
2004-12-01. Society’s history not nearly as
weird as its enemies. Jay Fitzgerald. The
Boston Herald:
2004-12-09. Conspiracy theorists strike it rich
with Freemasonry. Christopher Cox. The
Boston Herald: 053.
2005-01-06. Generous help. Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England):
2005-02-20. Secret societies thrive on success
of bestseller. Sophie Goodchild. The
Independent Sunday (London): 3.
2005-03-08. Golden day for mason family. Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England):
2005-04-04. Magic Flute’s visuals click, T.L. Ponick. Washington Times, The (DC): B05.