Elements of ...
by Weeping Skye, 9-12-7

“Sir…sir I think we need to rethink this.”

“Nonsense boy… where’s yore faith!”

“It left… with the scouts… last night.”

“Scouts? Scouts left? Last night?”

“Yes sir! Last night, late.”

“Heck boy, I don’t need no scouts, mount up. I’ll take care of them when I see them again.”

“I’m afraid we’ll see them sooner than you think sir. Sir?”

“What is it boy?”

“Sir, just in case… been a pleasure, a pure pleasure ridin’ with you and all. I never met a man like you before. You ride like yore some kinda god or something. I wish I was as sure of this as you!”

“Heck boy… didn’t no one tell you? I am a god! I ride the wind like you ride a horse!
Fearless… and don’t you forget it. Now mount up! We got work to do, and I don’t want to be late, the element of surprise is on our side boy. Surprise yep surprise! That’s how I get ‘em. We’ll move through that camp like a whirlwind, they won’t know what hit ‘em. No sir they won’t know what hit ‘em. You got that boy!”

“Yes sir!! You sure make me feel good about this sir. This will be a day I always remember! Ridin’ the wind with General Armstrong Custer!”