And the Heavens Opened
by Weeping Skye, 10-23-7

The heavens opened, a cold drizzle, like confetti falling, escaped from them.  The cold wind blowing through the leafless, lifeless trees.  A picture of my life, lifeless, cold, barren.  Not much fanfare, not that I had expected much, followed us to the lake on that cold February afternoon.

“Are you ready son,” asked Bro. Dale, the new pastor at our Indian Church.

“Yes,” I replied looking back over my shoulder, hoping some of the members would come.  My Mom and sisters had come, Ah-po had come too.  Tears trickled down her little round face.  “Yes I’m ready.”

Each step toward the lake filled my mind with thoughts.  “Your not worthy, no one believes you.  You’ve done this before.” Leaves cover the trail to the water, I stand at the edge of the lake and peer into the brown water.  Bro. Dale, still in his preaching clothes, takes the first step in and stretches his hand out to me.  I feel the cold mud between my toes as I step in.  The water, so cold it takes my breath with every step.  Waist deep we stop and turn toward my family.

“Son you understand that this is the first step of obedience in a new life.”

“Yes” I replied.

“You also understand that this does not remove your sin, but you have been forgiven.  You also understand the you, nor I, am worthy of such forgiveness, but by God’s grace, He has given you life.  For you were dead in sin, yet you now live.  Do you understand that no one can take that from you.”


“Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”

The cold water engulfs me.

“The old man buried.”

My heart pounding from the intense cold.

“ A new creature raised up.”

I gasp for air, my lungs about to burst.

“Walk in the newness of life.”

My body absorbs the warmth of the now flowing tears.  A new creature, a new life.

“Son,” Bro. Dale says softly, “I now call you Brother.  Walk with me.”