We the Indigenous People
by Weeping Skye, 1-12-9

I recently walked through our reservation cemetery with my mom. I was somewhat surprised to see so many military head stones. “Honored to serve.” “Proudly served his country.” Some died in battle, most never ranked beyond “private.” All proudly served, gladly sacrificed, for a country, a country…The USA…that utterly tried to wipe out the very existence of its indigenous peoples. They served a country that tried to eliminate customs, traditions, languages. They fought side by side with people who hated them, never equal, never complaining.

Statistics have shown that per capita, the USA’s indigenous people have had more serve their county’s military than any other peoples group. Stats also stated they have had more die in battle than any other peoples group. I have had two of my own sons serve in Iraq, both at the same time. Both home safely, both proud to have served.

Some may think I am bitter. I am not! I cry when I sing our National Anthem, or when I see our flag blowing in the wind, or when I see the coffin of a soldier. I do believe however, that little, in comparison to the sacrifice, has been done to honor our people.

I guess this probably doesn’t qualify as a short story, or even a story, it was just what was on my heart, I am proud to be American.

Let me say in leaving “WE, THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…” do hold fast to the same truths as were written many moons ago by our Founding Fathers.

GOD Bless the USA