Testamentum Imperium
Volume 3 - 2011
Constructing a Practical Theology on the
Doctrine of the Irrevocable Nature of
Volume 1 - 2007 - Closed - 80 Articles - 13 Published in Perspectives on Eternal Security: Biblical, Historical, and Philosophical Foreword by H. Wayne House, Edited by Kirk R. MacGregor and Kevaughn Mattis (Wipf and Stock, 2009).
Volume 2 - 2009 - Closed - 122 articles
Volume 3 - 2011 - Closed - 161 articles - Publication Pending - 15 published in Practicality of Grace in Protestant Theology, foreword by Peter Lillback, president of the Westminister Theological Seminary, edited by Michael G. Maness and Kevaughn Mattis (Wipf and Stock, 2020).
Volume 4 - 2013 - Response to I. Howard Marshall’s Kept by the Power of God
Volume 5 - 2016 - Closed - 24 articles on Making Pastoral Theology Relevant in a Modern World
Volume 6 - 2018 - 11 articles
Guest and Complementary Articles Previously Published ~ Editorial Standards
![]() ^ click HERE ^ |
Practicality of Grace in
Foreword –
Dr. Peter A. Lillback
Introduction –
Dr. Michael G. Maness
4. Dr. Timothy J. Demy, Suicide as the Unpardonable Sin and the Multi-Dimensial History of a Theological Error. See www.USNWC.edu, Timothy.Demy@usnwc.edu; prior to appoint at the war college, Timothy J.Demy, Ph.D., Th.D., Navy chaplain for 27 years, author and editor of articles and books on historical, ethical, and theological subjects and serves as the American managing editor of the Journal of Military Ethics. The views presented in this paper are solely those of the author and do not represent or reflect the position or endorsement of any governmental agency or department, military or otherwise (2).
Dr. Patricia Cuyatti Chavez, Luther's Theology of the Cross as Foundation for
Sanctification in Latin American Liberation Theology – President, Lutheran Church of Peru;
Area Secretary for Latin America and the Caribbean, and she is focal person for
North America Department for Mission and Development in
the Lutheran World Federation; Chavez holds a Ph.D., Systematic
Theology, Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago; see
6. Rev. Christopher D. Surber, The Irrevocable Nature of Salvation as a Basis for Trusting God with the Daily Affairs of Life, B.S., M.A., M.Div., D.Min. student, Pastoral Leadership, Temple Baptist Seminary, USA; Pastor, First Congregational Church, Peru, Illinois, USA; Founder and Executive Director, Supply and Multiply, Montrouis, Haiti; chris@chrissurber.com (51).
7. Dr. Michael G. Maness, Pastoral Care Treasures in Prison and the Golden
- Baptist, D.Min, NOBTS; M.Div., SWBTS; author
of How We Saved Texas Prison
Chaplaincy 2011 (2015) and nine other books and 100+ articles, see
spent 20 years as a TDCJ staff senior clinical chaplain at the Gib Lewis State
Prison in Woodville, Texas, the last six months at the Polunsky State Prison,
where Texas’ Death Row is located.
He earned 1,600 hours of CPE from ACPE and a host of certificates on
PTSD, suicide and crisis intervention, and authored nine books and over 100
articles, including,
How We Saved Texas
Prison Chaplaincy 2011:
Immeasurable Value of Religion, Volunteers and Their Chaplains:
A Resource for the Prison Chaplaincy and Its Defense with Staff Chaplain
Survival Guide and Audit History (2015; 412p.;
and Queen of Prison Ministry—the Story of
Gertha Rogers, First Woman to Minister on Texas Death Row
(2008; 200p.;
He has been managing editor of
Testamentum Imperium for most of its publication history,
See his website
LinkedIn page
and Facebook page
9. Dr. Alan M. Martin, The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Men, Dean Emeritus, College of Biblical Studies, and Associate Professor of Family Ministry, Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK, USA; see amartin@mcoc.org (27).8. LaVerne Bell-Tolliver, New Identity in Christ: Counseling Women who have been Sexually Abused or Raped. Retired Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Arkansas, Little Rock. LaVerne Bell-Tolliver, MSW, MABC, Ph.D., LCSW, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Post-Masters Marriage and Family Therapy Certificate Program, University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Social Work. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to LaVerne Bell-Tolliver, UALR School of Social Work, 2801 South University, Little Rock, AR. 72204, or lbtolliver@ualr.edu (37).
10. LaVerne Bell-Tolliver, New Identity in Christ: Counseling Women who have been Sexually Abused or Raped. Retired Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Arkansas, Little Rock. LaVerne Bell-Tolliver, MSW, MABC, Ph.D., LCSW, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Post-Masters Marriage and Family Therapy Certificate Program, University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Social Work. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to LaVerne Bell-Tolliver, UALR School of Social Work, 2801 South University, Little Rock, AR. 72204, or lbtolliver@ualr.edu (37).
11. Dr. John DelHousaye, Justification through Union with Christ with His Faith Becoming Our Own into New Creation - Associate Professor, New Testament, Phoenix Seminary, USA; see jdelhousaye@phoenixseminary.edu (158).
12. Rev. Dr. Enrique Ramos, A Non-legalistic Doctrine of Sanctification: Christian Failure and Christian Growth - Presbyterian Church in America; Ph.D. (Dogmatics) candidate at North-West University, South Africa; Th.D. (Apologetics) student, North American Reformed Seminary, USA) (Professor at North American Reformed Seminary, USA; (M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia; M.S.W. , University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras; Masters of Theology (M. Th.), North West University, South Africa; Ph.D. in Philosophy in Comparative Religions (Ph.D.) from the Campbell Morgan Seminary, in Rosario, Argentina, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion (Ph.D.) from the Seminario Mayor, School of Theology and Science of Religion in Colombia) (Addiction Counselor at the Veteran’s Hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Theologian in Residence at Reforma Dos Ministry at Center Church (Iglesia del Centro), Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Evangelist/Apologist with Ratio Christy Ministries. He was Chaplain in the Naval Reserve of the United States serving at Roosevelt Rhoads in Ceiba, Puerto Rico, and Professor of Religion at the Inter American University in San German, Puerto Rico enrique.ramos@va.gov and shaman88_@hotmail.com, rickyramo@gmail.com, (115).
14. Prof. D. J. Louw, The Certainty of Eschatological Hope (Promissio): Present Suffering and the Human Quest for a Meaningful Future - he is part of the Dutch Reformed Churches in South Africa, Head of Department of Practical Theology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa - for more see djl@sun.ac.za and www.sun.ac.za (129).
Pastoral/Practical Theology - 164 Articles
1. Divine Grace and the Problem of Suicide: Does Suicide Exempt the Deceased from the Hope of Future Redemption –
1. Dr. Karen E. Mason, Does Suicide Exempt the Deceased from the Hope of Future Redemption?
- Evangelical Friends International, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Counseling, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA; Member, American Association of Suicidology, kmason@gordonconwell.edu.2. Dr. Timothy J. Demy, Suicide as the Unpardonable Sin and the Multi-Dimensial History of a Theological Error. See www.USNWC.edu, Timothy.Demy@usnwc.edu; prior to appoint at the war college, Timothy J.Demy, Ph.D., Th.D., Navy chaplain for 27 years, author and editor of articles and books on historical, ethical, and theological subjects and serves as the American managing editor of the Journal of Military Ethics. The views presented in this paper are solely those of the author and do not represent or reflect the position or endorsement of any governmental agency or department, military or otherwise.
3. Minister Michele Watkins Branch, Divine Grace and the Problem of Suicide: Does Suicide Exempt the Deceased from the Hope of Future Redemption?, United Methodist, Ph.D. student, Garret-Evangelical Theological Seminary, USA; mewbranch@gmail.com.
4. Dr. Ross Mckinley Cullins, Sr., Divine Grace and the Problem of Suicide: Does Suicide Exempt the Deceased from the Hope of Future Redemption?, Senior Pastor, Solid Rock Baptist Church, Houston, TX, USA; ross@rmcullins.com.
2. (a) How Does the Doctrine of Eternal Security Affect our Pastoral Theology/Missiology – Pastoral Theology:
5. Dr. Devison Telen Banda, How Does the Doctrin of Ethernal Security Affect Our Pastoral Care. Lecturer of New Testament, former Principal of Justo Mwale Theological University College, Lusaka, Zambia See www.JustoMwale.net; Justo Mwale Theological College, P.O. Box 310199, Lusaka, Zambia; Tel/Fax: 260-1-294252 (Office, 260-1-291739; dtmbanda@zamnet.zm and justo@zamnet.zm.
6. Dr. Lizette F. Knight, How Does the Doctrine of Eternal Security Affect Our Pastoral Theology and Missiology - Dean, Asian Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary; Professor of Christian Education, Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary, Philippines ; lizfirknight@yahoo.com.
7. Dr. Moses Audi, How Does the Doctrine of Eternal Security Affect our Pastoral Care - Head of department of Theology, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria; www.NBTSNG.org. He is editor of Ogbomoso Journal of Theology (OJOT) and several journal articles, chapter in books and books, the most recent being Understanding God and Destiny.
8. Ernest Aime Lockngenu, How Does Eternal Security Affect Our Pastoral Care - Grace Bible Church, Instructor of Bible & Theology; Registrar and Deputy Director of Enrollment and Administration, Tyndale Learning Center, Yaounde, Cameroon, lernest-aime@tyndale.edu.
9. Karia Banks, How Does Eternal Security Affect Our Pastoral Care - Founder, Focused Forward Ministries, Texas, USA; Adjunct Professor of History, Dallas Baptist University, USA; Coordinator, Life on Life Bible Study of the Women’s Fellowship, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas, Texas, USA; karia.bunting@yahoo.com.
2.(b) Missiology:
10. Dr. Sam Waltman, How the Doctrine of Eternal Security Affects Our Missiology - Executive Director of the Missions, San Felipe Baptist Association; Doctor of Ministry, Missions Leadership, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2014). See www.SanFelipeBA.org and sawaltman@earthlink.net.
10. Dr. Muthuphei Albert Mutavhatsindi, How Does the Doctrine of Eternal Security Affect our Missiology - Minister of The Reformed Church De Hoop from 1998 up to date. He received his Ph.D on Science of Religion and Missiology through the University of Pretoria (RSA) in 2009. He is an expert on urban church planting and lecturer of Missiology at Heidelberg Theological Seminary of the Reformed Churches in South Africa. The title of his thesis is “Church Planting in the South African urban context – with special reference to the Reformed Church Tshiawelo.” This thesis is published online by the University of Pretoria, albertmuta@webmail.co.za.
11. Rev. Dr. Ezichi Anya Ituma, How Does the Doctrine of Eternal Security Affect our Method of Doing Missiology - Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Senior Lecturer, University of Nigeria; Secretary, Biblical Research Forum of Nigeria; Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Nigeria; Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Society for Research and Academic Excellence; He is former Deputy Director of National Directorate of Missions of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria. See www.AcademicExcellenceSociety.com, ezichi.ituma@unn.edu.ng; ezichi_ituma@yahoo.com.
3. Building a Practical Theology on the Doctrine of the Irrevocable Nature of Salvation for Youth and Young Adult Ministry –
12. Heidi Edwards, Building a Practical Theology on the Doctrine of the Irrevocable Nature of Salvation for Youth and Young Adult Ministry - M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary; hedwards8@hotmail.com; donesha897@yahoo.com.
13. Jomo K. Johnson, Is Divine Grace Really Unfathomable? – M.Div. student, Westminster Theological Seminary, USA; Author of, “God’s Trophy: Becoming God’s Prized Possession”; “Friend Like Me” and "Deadest Rapper Alive: The Rise of Lil Wayne and the Fall of Urban Youth"; jomo1980@aol.com.
14. Josiah B. Andor, Is Divine Grace Really Beyond Human Comprehension: An Old Testament Perspective – Seventh-Day Adventist, Ph.D. student, Old Testament, University of Cape Coast, Ghana; joeandor@gmail.com.
15. Dr. Jacqueline J. Nowak, The Spiritual Nature of Children and God's Irrevocable Connection with Each One - Pastor for Care, Southminster Presbyterian Church, Dayton, Oh; Adjunct Instructor, Christian Education, United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Oh; Founder and Director, The Blessing Center, Dayton, Oh; Former Director of the Institute for Applied Theology; Former Director of the Harriet L. Miller Women’s Center; United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, USA; Jackie@sminster.com; Jackie.Nowak@gmail.com; JNowak@united.edu.
4. The Use of the Concept of Divine Love when Counseling those Trapped in Addictive Behaviour –
16. Pastor Tracelia King-Walls, The Use of the Concept of Divine Love when Counseling those Trapped in Addictive Behavior, M.A., Non-Denominational, Ph.D. candidate, Counseling Psychology, Walden University, USA; Founder, New Birth Outreach Ministries/Bridgeway Victory Counseling Services, Ohio, USA, bridgewayvictory@yahoo.com.
17. Donna Shannon, The Use of the Concept of Divine Love when Counseling those Trapped in Addictive Behavior, LCPC, M.Sc., Episcopal, Ph.D. student, Pastoral Counseling, Loyola College in Maryland, USA, Clinician, The Stone Foundation, Towson, MD, USA; donnashannon2@yahoo.com.
18. Adebola Ajagunna, The Use of the Concept of Divine Love when Counseling those Trapped in Addictive Behavior, Th.M. student, Dallas Theological Seminary, USA, aajagunna@westafricaninvestors.com.
5. The Use of Biblical Teachings on Grace when Counseling Sexual Addiction –
19. Rev. Olihile Andies Buffel, Pastoral Counseling Sexual Addiction,
Lutheran, Lecturer in Practical Theology, UNISA: Buffeoa@unisa.ac.za. Patriciah Kamau Makora, Counseling Sexual Addiction, Counseling Psychologist, Founder & CEO, Philem Counseling Centre, Nairobi; Adjunct Lecturer, Pan Africa Christian University, Roysambu; Kenya Methodist University, Kisii; International Leadership University, Nairobi International School of Theology, Nairobi. See www.PhilemCounseling.org.21. Dr. James Gamble, Counseling Sexual Addiction.
Drs. Jamie C. Chambers and Gary Hofman
Chemical Dependency Counselor-Level III.
24. Derrick Kyle Canty, D.Min. Candidate, Counseling Sexual Addiction, Biblical Theological Seminary.
25. Margaret Gladden, Counseling Sexual Addiction, LifeQuest Christian Counseling Services, Inc.
6. The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Men –
26. Desmond Ayim-Aboagye, Doctrine of Irrevocable Grace and Young Sexual Addicts, Åbo Akademi University, Finland; ayim_aboagye_desmond@yahoo.com.
27. Dr. Alan M. Martin, The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Men, Dean Emeritus, College of Biblical Studies, and Associate Professor of Family Ministry, Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK, USA; see amartin@mcoc.org.
, Big Miller Grove Missionary Baptist Church Christian Education Department, Lithonia, Georgia, USA.
Dr. Vanessa L.
Hunm, The Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in
Young Men,
Department of Counseling, Social Work, and Leadership, Northern
Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
31. Nicole Efunnuga, The Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Men, CEO/Therapist, Heart Mission Therapy Services, LLC, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. See www.HeartMission.org for Heart Mission Therapy Services, LLC or see www.HeartMission.org/Our_Staff.html.
32. Dr. Nicolas Ellen, The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Men, Portions of this Article are adapted from the Books Happy Even After and With All Your Heart by Nicolas Ellen.
33. Rev. Daniel Osei Bediako-Akoto, The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Men, Kampen, The Netherlands. ayim_aboagye_desmond@yahoo.com.
7. The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Girls –
34. Dr. Carolyn T. Long, The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Girls. Dr. Carolyn T. Long, MSSW, MAC, D. Min., full time private practice in Virginia Beach, VA. Works with adult victims of sexual trauma and with men and women who suffer from sexual addiction. Independent Proprietor of a Counseling and Consulting Agency, Associate Licensed Minister, Professor at Providence Bible School and Theological Seminary in Norfolk, Virginia, and two-time author of a groundbreaking book and workbook titled: Stepping and Blending: Helping African Americans Prepare for Marriage, Remarriage and Stepfamily Life (1st Ed. 2009; 2nd Ed. 2010). Website: DrCarolynTLong.org or FirstSeektheKingdom.com.
36. Imac Reynaga Holmes, The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Girls. She has a MS, LPC, LCDC, and ACS.
37. LaVerne Bell-Tolliver, New Identity in Christ: Counseling Women who have been Sexually Abused or Raped. University of Arkansas at Little RockLaVerne Bell-Tolliver, MSW, MABC, Ph.D., LCSW, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Post-Masters Marriage and Family Therapy Certificate Program, University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Social Work. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to LaVerne Bell-Tolliver, UALR School of Social Work, 2801 South University, Little Rock, AR. 72204, or lbtolliver@ualr.edu.
38. Dr. Lucy Njeri Mungai, The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Girls. From Presbyterian Church of East Africa.
40. Rev. Patricia A. Wilson-Cone, The Use of the Concept of New Identity in Christ in Counseling Sexual Addiction in Young Girls - WHAT??? She has a Ph.D, ACPE, AAPC, APC, Chaplain & Director, Pastoral Care Services & Clinical Pastoral Education, Jackson Health System, Miami, USA. See www.JacksonHealth.org.
She is the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies in Education & Diversity Initiatives, Whitworth University, Spokane, WA, www.Whitworth.edu. She is co-author with James Takona of Primer to Developing a Successful Pre-service Teacher Portfolio (University Press of America, Inc., 2004); a book chapter, “Parental Anger: Causes, Triggers and Strategies to Help,” in Behavior – A Beginnings Workshop Book (Child Care Information Exchange, 2006); a book chapter, “Leveling the Playing Field: The Challenge of Preparing Globally Competent African-American College Students” in Brown v. Board of Education – Its Impact on Public Education 1954-2004 (a publication of the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund 2005). She is the recipient of the McLemore Award for Teaching Excellence, LeMoyne-Owen College (2004); recipient of the LeMoyne-Owen College American Humanics Spirit of Service Award (2003); named Outstanding Educator (1992-93). She has been awarded more than $2,000,000 in grants and contracts from various federal, state and local agencies and foundations, including two international-development partnership grants. She has chaired and organized planning committee for Spokane's 1st National International Education Week Symposium, in conjunction with Mukogowa Fort Wright Institute (2008). Prior to current position she was chair of School Counseling Professional Education Advisory Board (PEAB) and member of the School Administration PEAB (2009-10); chair, NCATE Steering Committee (2005-2007); chair, Division of Education and NCATE Curriculum Committee (2001-05); founder and director, LOC International Students and Cultural Awareness Initiative (2003-2007); founder, Afro-Latino Studies Program for Teachers (2004-05). She conducts workshops and professional presentations locally, nationally and internationally on topics related to teacher training, education, children and families, diversity, cultural awareness and international studies. Roberta J Wilburn: rwilburn@whitworth.edu. She has a Ph. D., and has taught as an adjunct professor at Dallas Baptist University for six years in the Colleges of Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Fine Arts. She is currently a Chaplain Resident II with Baylor Healthcare System. Her research interests are in Spirituality and Health, group counseling, cross cultural and interpersonal communication, and children and women empowerment.8. Seeing Union with Christ as Participation in the Redemptive Work of Christ and the Enjoyment of God Forever –
43. Dr. “Piff” Gregory C. Pereira, Union with Christ as Participation in the Redemptive Work of Christ and the Enjoyment of God Forever, Baptist Lecturer in Pastoral & Biblical Studies, Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa, piff@btc.co.za.
44. Dr. Stephen Yuille, The Enjoyment of God Forever: John Flavel's View of the Redemptive Blessings of Union with Christ, Baptist, Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies, Toronto Baptist Seminary, Canada, syuille@gccministries.org.
45. Dr. Michael Ming-Tuh Chung, Christian Spiritual Formation and Divine Love, Teacher, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Professor, Houston Baptist University; written the book, Praying With Mom (Eugene: Wipf & Stock, Resource Publications, forthcoming in 2012), and articles for the Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology, Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology, Evangelical Journal, East Asian Pastoral Review, Journal of Asian Mission, and Evangelical Missions Quarterly. mchung@hbu.edu
.Worshipping a Harsh God: Does Church Discipline Make Relationship with God Harsh and Conditional –
46. Dr. Robert D. Hughes, III, Worshipping a Harsh God: Does Church Discipline Make Relationship with God Harsh or Conditional?, Episcopal, Norma and Olan Mills Professor of Divinity and Professor of Systematic Theology, School of Theology Sewanee: The University of the South, USA: rhughes@sewanee.edu.
47. John H. Spencer, Worshipping a Harsh God: Does Church Discipline Make Relationship with God Harsh or Conditional?.
48. Perseus Poku, How Does an Understanding of the Grace of God Cultivate Gratitude in the Christian Life?
Using the Concept of the Irrevocable Nature of Salvation to Cultivate a Spirit of Forgiveness in the Christian Life –
49. Alastair Haines, Forgiveness in Theology and Practice: Biblical Framework as Cognitive Schema, Ph.D. student, Presbyterian Theological Centre, Sydney, haines@alastairs.com.
50. Rev. Collium Banda, Using the Concept of Assurance of Salvation to Cultivate a Spirit of Forgiveness in the Christian Life, Lecturer in Theology and Ethics, Theological College of Zimbabwe, collium@gmail.com.
The Irrevocable Nature of Salvation as a Basis for Trusting God with the Daily Affairs of Life –
51. Rev. Christopher D. Surber, The Irrevocable Nature of Salvation as a Basis for Trusting God with the Daily Affairs of Life, B.S., M.A., M.Div., D.Min. student, Pastoral Leadership, Temple Baptist Seminary, USA; Pastor, First Congregational Church, Peru, Illinois, USA; Founder and Executive Director, Supply and Multiply, Montrouis, Haiti; chris@chrissurber.com (51). chris@chrissurber.com.
52. Rev. Dr. Ingrid L. Ingram, The Irrevocable Nature of Salvation as a Basis for Trusting God with the Daily Affairs of Life, Founder and Director of God’s Miracle Ministry; Adjunct Faculty for Diploma of Practical Ministry, Ashland Theological Seminary, Detroit Center, USA; IIn8046762@aol.com.
Divine Forgiveness and Freedom from the Shame of Past Mistakes -
53. DeWayne R. Stallworth, The Paradoxical Dilemma of Divine Forgiveness and Human Shame, Baptist, Ph.D. student, Counseling, Capella University, USA, Assistant Professor in Psychology and Theology, Selma University, Selma, Alabama, USA; d_st_allworth@hotmail.com.
Kevaughn Mattis, Divine Forgiveness and Freedom from the Shame of Past Mistakes:
A Communitarian Perspective, Mattis holds LLB (Hons), University
of London, UK, and a LPC, BPP Law School, Manchester, UK
55. Christina A. Jones, I-Thou-WE Shame: A Liberating Pastoral, Psychosocial Analysis of Shame, Progressive National Baptist, FTE Fellow, Th.D. student, Pastoral Care & Counseling, Emory University, USA; c.a.jones07@gmail.com.
56. Rev. Fr. James Owolagba, Divine Forgiveness and Freedom from the Shame of Past Mistakes, Ph.D., Roman Catholic Church; Pastor, Christ The Redeemer Parish, Swift Current, SK, Canada; Lectures in Psychology at Great Plains College, of the University of Regina, Swift Current, SK, Canada; frjowolagba@gmail.com.
How does the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Impact on Christian Counseling –
57. Sabrina N.
Gilchrist, How Does the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Impact Christian
Counseling? -
Gilchrist holds a M.Div., M.A., NCC, and LPC,
and is
Operations Manager, Right
Moves For Youth, NC, USA; Founder/CEO, New Dimension Faith, USA. She is
the first African-American woman to graduate from Wake Forest University with
the prestigious dual degree of Master of Arts in Counseling and Master of
58. Dr. Carlot D. Celestin, How Does the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Impact Christian Counseling? - M.Div., M.A, D.Min. (Baptist) (Adjunct Professor and Administrator of the Master of Arts in Counseling (MACO) Program; Administrator of the Master of Theology (Th.M) and the Africanus Guild (Ph.D.) Program, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston, USA) (ccelestin@gordonconwell.edu)
59. Pastor Edith Khakasa Chemorion, How Does the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Impact Christian Counseling? - Deputy Manager, Outreach Department-AMPATH program – Moi teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, MTh. Clinical pastoral care and counseling, PhD. Student, Stellenbosch University, Reformed Church of East Africa.
60. Dr. Ronald Jones, How Does the Doctrine of Justicication by Faith Impact Christian Counseling? - D. Min. student, Pastoral Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary, USA; Adjunct Professor in Counseling, Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, USA.
How do victims and sufferers benefit when Christians relate to them the way God relates to us –
61. Dr. Joseph A. Thipa, The Gospel Does Compel African Believers to Seek Proper Social Justice, Vice Principal, Lecturer in Systematic Theology, Zomba Theological College, Malawi, JosephThipa@yahoo.co.uk Chancellor College, Malawi, www.chanco.unima.mw.
62. Rev. Dr. Samuel Ayete-Nyampong, Pastoral Care and Gerontological Needs in Africa, Director, Department of Ecumenical and Social Relations of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana; Chairman, Africa Partnership Consultation {African Churches in Partnership with the United Reformed Church, UK, sayete_nyampong@hotmail.com and www.URC.org.uk.
63. Dr. Moji Ruele, Helping the Sufferers and Victims Benefit from the Christian Relation with God through a Contextual Theology of Suffering, African Independent Church, Lecturer, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana, ruelem@mopipi.ub.bw and www.ub.bw.
The Positive Effects of Gracious Christian Religion on Mental Health -
64. Dr. Elias Mpofu, The Positive Effects of Gracious Christian Religion on Mental Health - PhD, DEd, CRC, MASRC, MAPS, Professor and Head of Discipline of Rehabilitation Counselling, University of Sydney, Australia, http://sydney.edu.au; and Kumbirai Mpofu, MA University of Western Sydney, Australia (elias.mpofu@sydney.edu.au)
The Development of Healthy Sexuality from a Pastoral Care & Counseling Perspective –
65. Mazvita Margaret Machinga, The Development of Healthy Human Sexuality from a Pastoral Care and Counseling Perspective - United Methodist, Founder & Coordinator, Pastoral Care and Counseling Services Centre in Zimbabwe, Ph.D. student, Pastoral Care & Counseling, Claremont School of Theology, USA; mmazvi@yahoo.com, www.ClaremontLincoln.org.
66. Dr. Josephine Gitome, Manifesting the Grace of God to those with HIV and AIDs – Lecturer in Pastoral Care Philosophy and Religious Studies Department, and with Jediel Akula, Masters of Arts student Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya; see www.ku.ac.ke, gitome.josephine@gmail.com and jedielakula@gmail.com; Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 43844, Nairobi, Kenya, +254 20 810901.
67. Dr. Claretta Y. Dupree, Being Clinically Depressed: The Positive Effects of Gracious Christian Religion on Mental Health - Director of Research Palliative Care Program of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, see cdupree@itt-tech.edu, www.CHW.org, and www.MCW.edu, Madison, Wisconsin.
68. Rev. Dr. Gloria Shell Mitchell, The Importance of the Grace of God in Compassionately Addressing Divorce – CEO, EncourageMint Books, Inglewood, California, USA; gloriashellmitchell@gmail.com and www.encouragemintbooks.com.
Biblical Theology
Divine Grace in Pauline Epistles -
69. Rev. Matthew Chiangi, The Soteriology of the Epistle to the Philippians – Christian Reformed Church from Northern Nigeria, M.A.B.S., Westminster Seminary; Ph.D. candidate at the University of Calabar, Old Testament, Nigeria, vanenmx@yahoo.co.uk.
70. Dr. Gary Gilthvedt, A Practical Theology of Galatians: The Role of Grace and Assurance in Producing the Fruits of the Spirit – Institute of Lutheran Theology, South Dakota, USA, gilthvedt@gvtel.com
The Divine Work of Redemption in Romans 8 –
71. Dr. Victor Stephen Jacobs, Divine Work of Redemption in Romans 8 - Baptist, Associate Professor of New Testament, School of Bible and Ministry, Philadelphia Biblical University, USA, vjacobs@pbu.edu.
72. Dieudonné Tamfu, Sovereignty, Suffering and Salvation: God's Redemptive Work in Romans 8 - Baptist, Ph.D. student, Biblical Studies, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, USA; TA of Dr. Daniel Gurtner, Bethel Seminary; Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary, d.tamfu@gmail.com.
(b) The Assurance and the Reality of Salvation as Motivation for Righteous Living in the Epistle to the Romans –
73. Dr Emmanuel O. Oyemomi, The Assurance and the Reality of Salvation as Motivation for Righteous Living in the Epistle to the Romans - Lecturer, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Department of Biblical Studies, See Dr Emmanuel O. Oyemomi, after his twenty three years of pulpit ministry, lectures at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary Ogbomoso in the Department of Biblical Studies, Faculty of Theological Studies. His areas of specialization include New Testament, Old Testament, Preaching and Worship, with a research interest in Biblical Pneumatology. He holds the professional Higher Grade 5 of the Royal Schools of Music London, BTH, MTH Degrees from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Louisville Kentucky USA, and Ph.D from the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso in affiliation with the university of Jos, Nigeria.
74. Dr. David T. Ejenobo (Ph.D.), The Assurance and the Reality of Salvation as Motivation for Righteous Living in the Epistle to the Romans - Senior Lecturer, Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria; See www.DelSU.edu.ng.
The Assurance of Salvation and New Identity in 1 Peter as and Grounds for Ethical Exhortation and Motivation for Enduring Suffering –
75. Dr. Isiorhovoja Uyovwieyovwe Osbert, The Assurance of Salvation and New Identity in I Peter as Grounds for Ethical Exaltation and Motivation for Enduring Suffering - Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria; See www.DelSU.edu.ng. See evanosbert@ymail.com, 08067376030.
"If" - Conditionality and Unconditionality in the Biblical Doctrine of Assurance -
76. Dr. Michael Eaton, "If" - Conditionality and Unconditionality in the Biblical Doctrine of Assurance. See www.DelSU.edu.ng. See evanosbert@ymail.com, 08067376030.
Liberating Soteriology of Colossians 2 –
77. Rev. Dr. Annie Barfield Tinsley, The Liberating Soteriology of Colossians 2 - Baptist, Ph.D. New Testament, University of Birmingham, UK - annie44_@hotmail.com.
Assurance of Final Redemption as Motivation for Perseverance in the Johannine Apocalypse –
78. Dr. Siang Nuan Leong, Assurance of Final Redemption as Motivation for Perseverance in the Johannine Apocalypse - Brethren, Lecturer in New Testament, TCA College, School of Divinity, Singapore; faithlsn@yahoo.co.uk.
79. Dr. Steve Wilmshurst, Assurance of Final redemption as Motivation for Perseverance in the Johannine Apocalypse - Visiting Lecturer, Wales Evangelical School of Theology, UK; Director of Training, Kensington Baptist Church, Bristol, UK; He is the author of The Final Word - The Book of Revelation Simple Explained (EP in the Welwyn Commentary Series; sawilms@aol.com.
80. Realized Eschatology in the Soteriology of John's Gospel –
80. Dr. Elizabeth Mburu, Realized Eschatology in the Soteriology of John's Gospel - Elizabeth Mburu, Ph.D., Southeasetern Baptist Theological Seminary, Adjunct Professor, New Testament, Montreat College, Charlotte, NC, USA; see www.montreat.edu and lizwairimu@yahoo.com.
The Sin Unto Death in 1 John: A Threat to Christian Assurance?
81. Dr. J. Ramsey Michaels, The Sin Unto Death in 1 John: A Threat to Christian Assurance - Reformed tradition, Professor of Religious Studies Emeritus, Missouri State University, USA; profram@comcast.net; Michaels wrote 1 Peter, Word Biblical Commentary (1988) and The Gospel of John. New International Commentary on the New Testament (2010). Michaels has published commentaries on Revelation and Hebrews. He has published many scholarly articles including “Charles Thomson and the First American New Testament” in the Harvard Theological Review and in the Flannery O'Connor Review an article, “A World with Devils Filled: The Hawkes-O'Connor Debate Revisited.” His latest book is Passing by the Dragon: The Biblical Tales of Flannery O'Connor (Cascade, 2013).
82. Rev. Dr. Terry Griffith, The Sin Unto Death in 1 John: A Threat to Christian Assurance - Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, Bexleyheath, Kent, UK; terry@tgriffith.plus.com
The Paradox of the New Testament Concept of Unmerited Divine Grace and Conditional Forgiveness in Matthew’s Gospel –
83. Dr. Cephas T. A. Tushima, The Paradox of the New Testament Concept of Unmerited Divine Grace and Conditional Forgiveness in Matthew's Gospel - Editor, Sapientia Logos: A Journal of Biblical Research & Interpretation in Africa, Jos ECWA Theological Seminary, Nigeria; see tushima.cephas@gmail.com
84. Dr. Daniel S. Steffen, The Paradox of the N.T. Concept of Unmerited Divine Grace and Conditional Forgiveness in Matthew's Gospel - Professor of New Testament, Central American Theological Seminary, Guatemala City. See www.SETECA.edu, www.Liberty.edu, and www.WBU.edu.
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit in the Synoptics: An Arbitrary Limit to God's Forgiveness? –
85. Dr. Peter G. Bolt, Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit in the Synoptics: An Arbitrary Limit to God's Forgiveness - Head of Dept. of New Testament and Greek, Moore Theological College, Australia - See Peter.Bolt@moore.edu.au and www.Moore.edu.au.
86. Dr. Laura Maleya-Mautsa, Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit in the Synoptics: An Arbitrary Limit to God's Forgiveness - Extraordinary Senior Lecturer North, West University, Potschefstroom, South Africa; Adjunct Faculty, Africa Leadership and Management Academy, Harare, Zimbabwe - See lauramautsa@gmail.com and www.NWU.ac.za.
Jesus and the Soteriology of the Synoptics: How did Jesus' Ministry Cultivate a New Way of Looking at Relationship with God (One that was gracious and not a system of merit and human striving to earn divine favour) –
87. Ferdinand Manjewa M'bwangi, Jesus and the Soteriology of the Synoptic Gospels: A Socio-Rhetorical Reading of Matthew 15:11, vis-a-vis Leviticus 11:1-8 - Th.D. student, New Testament, Stellenbosch University, SA; Assistant Lecturer in New Testament, Pwani University College, Kenya; See manjewarev@yahoo.com, www.SUn.ac.za and www.PU.ac.ke.
88. Arthur Francis Carter, Jr., Reading Salvation in Luke's Gospel: Christ's Ministry as a Saving Charge from a Black American Context - Ph.D. student, New Testament, Vanderbilt University, USA; See arthur.f.carter@vanderbilt.edu and www.Vanderbilt.edu.
Divine Promise and Human Response
(a) Old Testament: Divine Covenant Faithfulness in the Face of Human Covenant Unfaithfulness: Is Yahweh’s Covenant Faithfulness Ultimately Contingent upon Human Obedience –
89. Dr. Michael Matthew, Divine Covenant Faithfulness in the Face of Human Covenant Unfaithfulness: Is Yahweh’s Covenant Faithfulness Ultimately Contingent upon Human Obedience?, Lecturer in Old Testament, JOS ECWA Theological Seminary, Nigeria, rabbimikhail@yahoo.com.
90. Dr. W. Creighton Marlowe, Divine Covenant Faithfulness in the Face of Human Unfaithfulness, Associate Professor of Old Testament, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium, wcreigmarlowe@cs.com.
91. Dr. Sam Ndoga, Divine Covenant Faithfulness in the Face of Human Covenant Unfaithfulness, Lecturer in Youth Studies; Dean of Students, Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa, samndoga@gmail.com.
92. Rev. Dr. Jerome C. Ross, Divine Covenant Faithfulness in the Face of Human Unfaithfulness: Is Yahweh's Covenant Faithfulness Ultimately Contingent upon Human Obedience? - pastor, Providence Park Baptist Church, Richmond, VA; see www.ProvidencePark.org and jeromeross@verizon.net.
93. Elizabeth H. P. Backfish, The Shape of the Psalter and the Lord’s Covenant Faithfulness through Israel’s Disobedience, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, zepruitt@tiu.edu.
94. Dr. David Emanuel,
Is Yahweh’s Faithfulness Contingent Upon Human Obedience?
95. Dr. Terry Ann Smith, Is Yahweh’s Faithfulness Contingent Upon Human Obedience? - "For I Am God and No Mortal”, Director of Assessment and Academic Initiatives and Affiliate Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, see tsmith@nbts.edu .
(b) Are God’s New Testament Promises Assuring Final Redemption Ultimately Contingent Upon Human Obedience –
96. Casey Hough, Are God's New Testament Promises Assuring Final Redemption Ultimately Contingent on Human Obedience? - M.Div., Biblical Languages, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, USA; www.NOBTS.edu and CaseyNHough@gmail.com.
97. Dr. Ralph W. Vunderink, Are God's New Testament Promises Assuring Final Redemption Ultimately Contingent on Human Obedience? - Reformed tradition, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA; vunderal@aquinas.edu. Vunderink is a graduate from the University of Chicago (1969), taught philosophy at Lakeland College (1967-68), and the University of Detroit (1968-75), and theology at Hope College (1975-79) and Winebrenner Seminary (1983-87). Publications and author web site. See www.Aquinas.edu, 1607 Robinson Road S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506. 616-632-8900.
98. Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Adow Obeng, Are God's New Testament Promises Assuring Final Redemption Ultimately Contingent on Human Obedience - Director, Centre for International Education, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, see See www.UnIlorin.edu.ng and obeng2@googlemail.com.
99. Dr. Emmanuel Nlenanya Chinwokwu, Are God's New Testament Promises Assuring Final Redemption Ultimately Contingent on Humkan Obedience, Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Professor of New Testament Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria; Elected Member, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, England, www.UnIlorin.edu.ng and nlenanyac@yahoo.com.
100. Rev. Dr. Solomon K. Avotri, Are God's New Testament Promises Assuring Final Redemption Ultimately Contingent Upon Human Obedience? - Professor of Biblical Studies, Payne Theological Seminary, Wilberforce, Ohio, USA, www.Payne.edu ; savotri@payne.edu; Presbyterian Church of Ghana
101. Rev. Dr. Rohintan K. Mody, Does the New Testament Teach that Divine Favour at the Final Judgment Comes through Works – Church of England; Mody has a BA (Oak Hill); MA (Oxon); MPhil (Cantab); PhD (Aberdeen), and is Associate Vicar, Christ Church, Virginia Water, Surrey, UK: romody@hotmail.com.
Philosophical & Systematic Theology
Negative Effects of Abusive/Legalistic Christian Religion -
102. Jedidiah Kwame Rydell Blake, Legalism: Subverting the Doctrine of Divine Grace for a Theology of Works -- B.A., M.Div. Th.M. (Baptist) (Member, First Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA; rydellblakes4@msn.com.
103. Dr. Viviette Allen, Adverse Psychological Effects of Punitive and Legalistic Approaches to Moral Decision-Making and Institutional Compliance -- she is Assistant Professor of Psychology, Fayetteville State University, USA; see vallen@uncfsu.edu, www.uncfsu.edu and vallen@uncfsu.edu.
104. Dr. Joseph A. Thipa, A Legalistic and Abusive Christian Religion -- he is Vice Principal, Lecturer in Systematic Theology, Zomba Theological College, Malawi; josephthipa@yahoo.co.uk, see www.ZombaTC.org and JosephThipa@yahoo.co.uk.
105. Rev. Earle J. Fisher, The Negative Effects of Abusive/Legalistic Christian Religion: A Call to Prophetic and Covenantal Theology -- he is a Ph.D. student, Rhetoric and Communication, University of Memphis, Adjunct Instructor of Contemporary Theology, Rhodes College; www.Memphis.edu, www.Rhodes.edu and fishere@rhodes.edu.
Dr. Mozella Mitchell, Avoiding/Legalistic Christian Religion and Its Effects
-- Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies, University of South Florida
is the author of
Spiritual Dynamics of Howard Thurman’s Theology
(1985); editor of Howard Thurman and the Quest for Freedom:
Proceedings of the Second Annual Howard Thurman Convocation (Peter
Lang Pub. Co., Inc., 1991); New
Africa in America: The Blending of African and American Religious and Social
Traditions Among Black People in Meridian, Miss., and Surrounding Counties (Peter
Lang, 1993); Crucial
Issues in Caribbean Religions (Peter Lang,
2006). She has published articles in journals and edited collections and is the
General Editor of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Studies in Religion,
Culture, and Social Development series for Peter Lang Publishers (New York and
107. Dr. Adekunle Dada, The Negative Effects of Abusive/Legalistic Biblical Interpretation -- Senior Lecturer, Biblical Literature and Hermeneutics, University of Ibadan, Nigeria; kledada@yahoo.com and http://ui.edu.ng.
Christian Soteriology Affirming a Participatory Model of Grace in Contrast to a Contractual Model –
108. Dr. Carmichael C. Peters, Grace: Contractual or Participatory? - Roman Catholic, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Chapman University, USA; cpeters@chapman.edu
109. Rev. Thomas L. Wenger, Sola Fide and the Perseverance of the Saints: Articles of Faith in Tension? - Associate Pastor, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Annapolis, MD; author of, “The New Perspective on Calvin: Responding to the Recent Calvin Interpretations,” JETS 50 (2007) 311-328; TWenger@epannapolis.org.
110. Dr. Emmitt Cornelius Jr., A Theological Critique of a Contractual Model of Christian Soteriology – Reformed tradition, Pastor, Germantown Christian Assembly, Philadelphia, USA; 1st African-American Ph.D. graduate from Westminster Theological Seminary; servant67@verizon.net.
111. Erica Campbell, A Theological/Missiological Critique of Salvation by Works: Not My Works, But Yours Be Done - Head of the Department of Humanities and Philosophy, Jamaica Theological Seminary.
112. Rev. Dr. David Kwena Semenya, Should we Abandon our Reformed Theologies of Grace in the Face of Habitual Congregational Sin? – Reformed Church in South Africa, B.A. (Hons) Biblical Studies, M.A. and Ph.D. in Practical Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa; kwena@gkrandburg.org.za.
Non-Legalistic Doctrine of Sanctification: Christian Failure and Christian Growth –
113. Lucas B. Ndaro, A Non-legalistic Doctrine of Sanctification: Christian Failure and Christian Growth - Ndaro has a M.Div., M.A.R., Th.M.; he is in the Reformed tradition and Lecturer and Academic Dean, Nassa Theological College, Tanzania; see www.NassaTheologicalCollege.com and proflubunda@hotmail.com.
114. Rev. Kenneth R. Jones, A Non-legalistic Doctrine of Sanctification: Christian Failure and Christian Growth - he is a Baptist and Co-host with Dr. Michael Horton, The White Horse Inn, and Pastor, Glendale Baptist Church, Miami, Florida, USA; office@glendalembchurch.org and kjones@glendalembchurch.org.
115. Rev. Dr. Enrique Ramos, A Non-legalistic Doctrine of Sanctification: Christian Failure and Christian Growth - Presbyterian Church in America; Ph.D. (Dogmatics) candidate at North-West University, South Africa; Th.D. (Apologetics) student, North American Reformed Seminary, USA) (Professor at North American Reformed Seminary, USA; (M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia; M.S.W. , University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras; Masters of Theology (M. Th.), North West University, South Africa; Ph.D. in Philosophy in Comparative Religions (Ph.D.) from the Campbell Morgan Seminary, in Rosario, Argentina, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion (Ph.D.) from the Seminario Mayor, School of Theology and Science of Religion in Colombia) (Addiction Counselor at the Veteran’s Hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Theologian in Residence at Reforma Dos Ministry at Center Church (Iglesia del Centro), Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Evangelist/Apologist with Ratio Christy Ministries. He was Chaplain in the Naval Reserve of the United States serving at Roosevelt Rhoads in Ceiba, Puerto Rico, and Professor of Religion at the Inter American University in San German, Puerto Rico enrique.ramos@va.gov and shaman88_@hotmail.com, rickyramo@gmail.com,
116. Rev. Sibongiseni Elliot Sithole, A Non-legalistic Doctrine of Sanctification: Christian Failure and Christian Growth - he is a Ph.D. student, Concordia Theological Seminary, USA; Lutheran Theological Seminary, Tshwane, South Africa; s_sithole@hotmail.com.
117. Revd. Dr. Daniel Mwailu, A Non-legalistic Doctrine of Sanctification: Christian Failure and Christian Growth - Minister, Bamford Chapel United Reformed Church, Bamford, Rochdale, UK; he is a Ph.D. student, Concordia Theological Seminary, USA; also Lutheran Theological Seminary, Tshwane, South Africa; dmm318@yahoo.com.
The Contribution of Lutheran Theologies of Grace to a Non-Legalistic View of Sanctification –
(a) Luther’s Theology of the Cross as Foundation for Sanctification –
Dr. Patricia Cuyatti
Chavez, Luther's Theology of the Cross as Foundation for Sanctification in Latin
American Liberation Theology – President, Lutheran Church of Peru;
Area Secretary for Latin America and the Caribbean, and she is focal person for
North America Department for Mission and Development in
the Lutheran World Federation; Chavez holds a Ph.D., Systematic
Theology, Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago; see
119. Dr. Knut Alfsvåg, Luther's Theology of the Cross as Foundation for Sanctification - School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger, Norway; knut.alfsvaag@mhs.no.
(b) The Relationship Between Sola Gratia and Good Works in Pannenberg and Jungel –
120. Dr. Tomi Petteri Karttunen, Eberhard Jüngel and Wolfhard Pannenberg as Interpreters of the Doctrine of Justification - Executive Secretary for Theology/Department for International Relations Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland; 2008 Winner, The John Templeton Award for Theological Promise; tomi.karttunen@kolumbus.fi.
Redemption as the Construction of Eternally United Family: The Union of the Eternally Redeemed Community in Christ and the Necessity of Oneness in Fellowship and Racial Unity –
121. Rev. Beau Brown, Redemption as the Construction of Eternally United Family - Presbyterian Church, USA, Master of Divinity student, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, USA; bbrown1@gmail.com.
122. Dr. Jarvis Jermaine Williams, A New Race in Christ: Racial Reconciliation in the Pauline Corpus - Baptist, Assistant Professor of New Testament & Greek, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky; jjwilliams@campbellsville.edu.
The necessity of “hope” as it pertains to mankind in the midst of suffering (Continental Philosophy) and the implications of our Hope being an omnipotent God who promises to be with us always
Andrew Esqueda, Between Two Tides: Toward an Eschatologically Realized
Evangelical Theology of Hope
- B.A., Whitworth; M.A., Biblical Studies, Fuller Seminary; Ph.D. student,
Systematic Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA;
124. Rodney Alphonso Thomas Jr., The
Appalling Meekness of God: a U.S. Black Post-colonial Doctrine of Divine
- National Baptist Convention; M.Div., Th.M., Brite Divinity School,
Texas, USA,;
Rodney Scott, The Necessity of Hope as it Pertains to Mankind in the Midst of
Suffering and the Implications of Our Hope Being an Omnipotent God Who Promises
to Be with Us Always
- B.A. Biblical Studies, Biola University; M.A., Philosophy of Religion
and Ethics, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; Progressive
Community Church, Stockton, CA, USA; Co-Founder AYCE Apologetics, USA;
Rev. Dr. Sunday Agang, Christian Eschatology: A Source of Fear and Paranoia or
ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro, Nigeria;
Emeka C. Ekeke and Eyo Ubong Ekpenyong, The Necessity of Hope as it Pertains to
Mankind in the Midst of Suffering and the Implications of Our Hope Being an
Omnipotent God Who Being an Omnipotent God Who Promises to Be with Us Always
- Dr.
Emeka C. Ekeke, Reformed tradition; Department of Religious/Cultural Studies,
University of Calabar, PMB 1115 Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria;
Eyo Ubong Ekpenyong, Department of Religious/Cultural Studies, University of
Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria;
A Philosophical Affirmation of the Irrevocable Nature of Salvation with Practical Implications –
128. Mihretu P. Guta, A Philosophical Analysis of the Notion of the Irrevocable Nature of Salvation with Practical Implications - he is an Ethiopian Evangelical, M.A., M.A.S.R. and in 2014 was a Ph.D. student in Philosophy, Durham University, UK; Apologetics Coordinator, Department of Spiritual Life, Apologia Ministry, Biola University, USA, 2008-2010; Adjunct Faculty, Department of Science and Religion, Biola University, USA; mihretup@aol.com - see www.dur.ac.uk and www.Biola.edu.
Certainty of Our Future Hope as a Means of Enduring Present Suffering –
129. Prof. D. J. Louw, The Certainty of Eschatological Hope (Promissio): Present Suffering and the Human Quest for a Meaningful Future - he is part of the Dutch Reformed Churches in South Africa, Head of Department of Practical Theology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa - for more see djl@sun.ac.za and www.sun.ac.za.
130. Dr. Lawrence J. Terlizzese, The Loss of Modern Optimism and the Recovery of Christian Hope - research associate with Probe Ministries, Texas, USA - see Probe Ministries, Plano, TX 75075, lawrence@probe.org and www.Probe.org.
How Does God's Grace and Living in Gracious Community Help us to Endure Present Suffering –
131. Dr. Dembe Reuben Phaswana, How Does God's Grace and Living in Grace Community Help Us to Endure Present Suffering - he is in the reformed tradition, Lecturer in Practical Theology, Heidelberg Theological Seminary, South Africa; Member, World Reformed Fellowship - see dember@webmail.co.za and www.HeidelbergSeminary.org.
132. Rev. Dr. Olo Ndukwe, How Does God's Grace and Living in Gracious Community Help Us to Endure Present Suffering? - he is of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, and has a Th.D. and is a Research Fellow, Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa - See revolon22@yahoo.com and www.sun.ac.za.
When Individual Moral Responsibility Breaks Down Community: An Argument for Corporate Responsibility -
Dr. Edwin Etieyibo, When Individual Moral
Responsibility Breaks Down Community: An Argument for Corporate Responsibility,
Ph.D., Lecturer, Department of Philosophy School of Social Sciences, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; See
www.Wits.ac.za and etieyibo@ualberta.ca.
134. Dr. Emmanuel Twesigye, Individual Freedom, Moral Choices, Consequences and Community Responsibility - Anglican Church of Uganda, Aden S. and Mollie Wollam Benedicts Professor of Christian Studies, Ohio Wesleyan University, USA; ektwesig@owu.edu.
135. Dr. Joseph Okello, How
Individualistic Moral Theories Undermine Community
- Methodist, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Christian Religion,
Asbury Theological Seminary, USA; jbookello@hotmail.com.
136. Rev. Teresa L. Smallwood, The Bully Pulpit: Crossing the Line that Separates Church and State--Morality in the Age of Obama - J.D., M.Div., Baptist, Ph.D. student, Chicago Theological Seminary, USA; tsmallwood@ctschicago.edu.
137. Dr. Raphael Funwa Iluyomade, A Critical Reflection on the Sociability of Individuality - Lecturer in Philosophy, Raffles Institution, Singapore; raphkate2@yahoo.com.
Certainty of Our Future Hope In Barth’s Theology –
138. Dr. Jacqueline Steward, The Certainty of Our Future Hope in Karl Barth's Theology - Honorary Lecturer at Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Leeds University, UK; Honorary Research Fellowship at the Department of Theology, Exeter University, UK; J.A.Stewart@leeds.ac.uk.
Coping with the Anxiety of
Death through the Assurance of Future Hope
138b. Dr. Obioma Des. Obi, Coping with Anxiety of Death through the Assurance of Future Hope in the African Christian Contemporary Society - Roman Catholic Church of Nigeria, Pastor, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Winters, Texas, USA - pet0057@yahoo.com.
Dr. Clanton C. W. Dawson, Jr., God, Hope and Suffering: An African
American Perspective Coping with the Anxiety of Death through the Assurance of
Future Hope - National Baptist, Assistant Professor of Philosophy,
Bethune-Cookman University, Florida, USA; first African-American to
receive Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Missouri;
dawsonc@cookman.edu and
140. Jarda Ameche Alexander, Coping with the Anxiety of Death through the Assurance of Future Hope - Disciples of Christ, Master of Divinity student, Columbia Theological Seminary, USA; alexanderjardaa@mail.ctsnet.edu.
Nature of Divine Redemptive Love –
141. Dr. George Pattison, The Nature of Divine Redemptive Love: Kierkegaard - Anglican: Church of England, Kierkegaard scholar, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, University of Oxford, UK; Canon of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, UK - george.pattison@theology.ox.ac.uk
142. Dr. Pierre Damien Ndombe Makanga, La “nature du divin amour rédempteur” dans la vie de l’homme d’aujourd’hui: Une analyse méta-anthropologique, in French, Congolese Roman Catholic, Docteur en Théologie Dogmatique, 2007 - Hans urs Von Balthasar l'admirabile commercium - kajimbe@yahoo.fr
143. Dr. Glenn R. Kreider, God's Condescension in Action: The Nature of Divine Redemptive Love - Professor of Theological Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, USA - gkreider@dts.edu
How Does God Wrestle with the Shortcomings of His People -
144. Dr. Samuel W. Muindi, How and Why Does God Wrestle with the Shortcomings of His People?: An Old Testament Perspective, Nairobi Pentecostal Church; Th.D., Hebrew Bible, Boston University School of Theology, USA; swmuindi@yahoo.ca
145. Dr. Francis Machingura,
"But that the Works of God Shoul be Made Manifest in Him" (John 9:3): How God
Wrestles with the Shortcomings of His People,
Machingura is Lecturer, Curriculum & Arts Education
Department, University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Education; See
www.uz.ac.zw, P.O. Box MP167, Mt Pleasant,
Harare, Zimbabwe; Tel: +263-778-328-300, 263-715- 621-060.
Dr. Francis Machingura has a Ph.D. in Intercultural Biblical studies
(University of Bayreuth, Germany); M.A in Religious Studies (UZ); B.A (Hons) in
Religious Studies (UZ); Grad.DE (UZ); Diploma in Project Planning and Management
(CCOSA); Diploma in Pastoral Studies (Domboshawa Theological College). See
fmachingura@yahoo.com. He has
published, Can the Virgin Birth of Jesus
Be Explained and Understood? A Scientific Point of View and The Zimbabwean
Concept of Virginity (DM Verlag Dr. Müller GmbH & CO. KGV, 2011) and
The Messianic Feeding of the Masses: An
Analysis of John 6 in the Context of Messianic Leadership in Postcolonial
Zimbabwe (PhD Thesis; University of Bamberg Press, 2012) and many articles
and chapters in books.
Dr. Leon Harris, How Does God
Wrestle with the Shortcomings of His People: A Pastoral Issue from the
Perspective of Systematic Theology
- Ph.D. student, Theology, Aberdeen University, UK; Adjunct Professor of
Theology, Biola University, USA;
147. Dr. Martina Iyabo Oguntoyinbo-Atere, How Does God Wrestle with the Shortcomings of His People - Reformed tradition; Director, Reformation Centre, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria; Professor of New Testament Studies, Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State Nigeria; martinaatere@yahoo.co.uk.
Norris Blount,
How Does God Wrestle with the Shortcomings of His People
- Th.D.
student, Theology; Covington Theological
God as Father: The Imagery of Unmerited Relationship with God –
149. Dr. Eunice O. Abogunrin, God as Father: The Imagery of Unmerited Relationship with God - Evangelical, Faculty Mentor in Systematic Theology, Columbia Evangelical Seminary, USA; Adjunct Professor of Theology, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, USA; Former Dean of Academic Affairs, ECWA Theological Seminary Igbaja, Nigeria- eunabo@yahoo.co.uk
150. Dr. Sylvester Beyanga Kahakwa, God as Father: The Imagery of Unmerited Relationship with God, Seen from Haya-African and Christian Perspectives - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Head of Systemetic & Historical Theology & Lecturer in African Religion, African Theology, Missiology, Dogmatics, Makumira University Colloge-Tumaini University, Tanzania; He is the author of a newly published Book entitled: A Haya-African Interpretation of the Christian Concept of God - skahakwa@yahoo.com
Irrevocable Nature of Salvation as Manifestation of God’s Attributes –
151. Jonathan Waita, The Irrevocable Nature of Salvation as Manifestation of God's Attributes - Waita is from Kenya, B.Th., Scott Theological College, Machakos, Kenya; Th.M. and Ph.D, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, USA; Adjunct Professor of Theology, Apologetics, and Church History, Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary, www.Liberty.edu/seminary- jwaita@tx.rr.com. Adopted with slight modification from unpublished Jonathan Mutinda Waita, “Carl F. H. Henry and the Metaphysical Foundations of Epistemology” (Ph.D diss., Dallas Theological Seminary, 2012).
152. Charlie J. Ray, The Irrevocable Nature of Salvation as Manifestation of God's Attributes - M.Div., Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, KY, 1995. B.A., Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida, 1991, Cum Laude: cranmer1959@gmail.com.
153. Abraham Mbachirin, Salvation and the Nature of God - Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History, Reformed Theological Seminary, Mkar, Nigeria: See www.RTSMkar.org and his email mbachirin@yahoo.com.
Miscellaneous Themes
of Grace (Part 2)
2. Divine
Grace, The Human Will, and Sin’s Power:
Can God’s Promises Assure us of Final Salvation in Light of Sin's Power to
Weaken the Human Will –
154. Dr. Jean-Marie Hyacinthe Quenum, Divine Grace Really Beyond Human Comprehension: An Exploration of the Theology of Henri De Lubac - Teacher of Systematic Theology at the Jesuit School of Theology of Hekima College, a Constituent College of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. He was the 2008-2009 Wade Scholar of Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA. He was also the Academic Dean of Hekima College (2005-2008/2009-2012); jmquenum@gmail.com and quenum_jm@yahoo.com.
155. Dr. C. Adrian Thomas, The Epistle to the Hebrews: The Relationship between Christology and the Perseverance of the Saints - Ph.D., New Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary, USA; Author of A Case For Mixed-Audience with Reference to the Warning Passages in the Book of Hebrews, wannaruth@gmail.com.
Divine Grace, The Human Will, and Sin’s Power:
Can God’s Promises Assure us of Final Salvation in Light of Sin's Power to Weaken the Human Will –
156. Dr. Philip Tachin, Divine Grace, Human Will, and Sin's Power: Can God’s Promises Assure us of Final Salvation in the face of Sin's Power to Weaken the Human Will? - Reformed tradition, Lecturer in Systematic Theology, Theological College of Northern Nigeria, revtachin@yahoo.com.
Thulani L. Zikhali, Divine Grace, Human Will and Sin’s Power: Can God’s
Promises Assure Us of Final Salvation in Light of Sin’s Power to Weaken the
Human Will? - St Paul’s
Anglican Church, Durban St Chad’s Parish of Klipriver, Ladysmith Diocese of
Natal, South Africa,
Divine Grace and Love –
158. Dr. John DelHousaye, Justification through Union with Christ with His Faith Becoming Our Own into New Creation - Associate Professor, New Testament, Phoenix Seminary, USA.
159. Dr. Robert Osei-Bonsu, The Use of Philosophy to Justify the Doctrine of Salvation by Divine Grace - Senior Lecturer of Systematic Theology, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Dean, School of Theology and Missions, Valley View University, Oyibi-Accra, Ghana; pastorbonsu@hotmail.com
Grace and Divine Transcendence: The Nature of Divine Transcendence is such that God needs to save humanity from Himself (His wrath) rather than humanity having to strive to appease the transcendent God. Herein is the significance of Christ, His Incarnation and Atonement –
160. Dr. Francisca Hildegardis Chimhanda, Grace and Transcendence - Senior Lecturer, Department of Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics, UNISA; Roman Catholic Church of Zimbabwe; - chimhfh@unisa.ac.za
161. Dr. Tersur Akuma Aben - Grace and Transcendence: A Critical Analysis of the Role of Grace in Human Salvation - Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic & Philosophical Theology, Theological College of Northern Nigeria - vnstaben@hotmail.com
Kant, Grace and Merit – Criticizes Kant’s view of autonomy due to the fact that it turns Divine grace into justice. God forgives those who have made themselves worthy of His indulgence. www.leithart.com/archives/print/003293.php.
162. Dr. Winfried Corduan, Kant and Grace - Evangelical Free Church, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy and Religion, Taylor University, Indiana, USA - wncorduan@tayloru.edu; see www.taylor.edu; wncorduan@tayloru.edu; author of Handmaid to Theology, Mysticism: An Evangelical Option?, No Doubt About It, Neighboring Faiths, A Tapestry of Faiths, and other books as well as many articles. See also www.IVPress.com/cgi-ivpress/author.pl/author_id=884.
163. Sulia Abubakarr Mason, Kant and Merit - M.A., Evangelical, Lecturer in Philosophy, Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina, USA - sabmason2002@yahoo.com and www.belmontabbeycollege.edu.
164. Dr. Britta Mueller-Schauenburg, Kant and Grace - Roman Catholic, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät Tübingen Universität, Germany; Researcher and Teacher, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule St. Georgen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - See https://sankt-georgen.academia.edu/BrittaM%C3%BCllerSchauenburg.
Book Review
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Practicality of Grace in
Foreword –
Dr. Peter A. Lillback
Introduction –
Dr. Michael G. Maness