Testamentum Imperium
Volume 1 - 2007 & First publication of 13 articles
Director Kevaughn C. A. Mattis and Managing Editor Michael G. Maness
Volume 1 - 2007 - Closed - 80 Articles - 13 Published in Perspectives on Eternal Security: Biblical, Historical, and Philosophical Foreword by H. Wayne House, Edited by Kirk R. MacGregor and Kevaughn Mattis (Wipf and Stock, 2009).
Volume 2 - 2009 - Closed - 122 Articles
Volume 3 - 2011 - Closed - 161 articles - Publication Pending - 15 published in Practicality of Grace in Protestant Theology, foreword by Peter Lillback, president of the Westminister Theological Seminary, edited by Michael G. Maness and Kevaughn Mattis (Wipf and Stock, 2020).
Volume 4 - 2013 - Response to I. Howard Marshall’s Kept by the Power of God
Volume 5 - 2016 - Closed - 24 articles on Making Pastoral Theology Relevant in a Modern World
Volume 6 - 2018 - 11 articles
Guest and Complementary Articles Previously Published ~ Editorial Standards
Volume 1, 2007, First 13 articles published in book below
Perspectives on Eternal Security
Foreword by H. Wayne House |
Foreword by Wayne House
Preface by Kevaughn Mattis
Introduction by Dr. Kirk R. MacGregor
Part One - Biblical and Exegetical Studies - 7 Articles
Part Two - Historical and Philosophical Studies - 6 Articles
Appendix - Testamentum Imperium by Michael G. Maness
Remaining Articles, Testamentum Imperium, Vol. 1, 2007 - 67 Articles
Volume 1 -- 2007
Part One - Biblical and Exegetical Studies
1 - Psalms: Perseverance and Eternal
Security (24p)
Dr. Harold R. Holmyard III—Editor and Translator
Holman Christian Standard Bible
translated Bible by
international translators for the Holman Bible Publishers, the oldest in
America—Holmyard is also the author of three articles for
Bibliotheca Sacra and other articles.
2 - "What My Father Has Given Me”:
Believers as God’s Gift in the
Gospel of John (7p)
Dr. J. Ramsey
Michaels—Professor of Religious Studies Emeritus,
State University, Springfield, MO, USA—Author
of The New Testament
Speaks (with G.W. Barker and W.L. Lane; NY: Harper & Row, 1969),
Peter, Word Biblical
Commentary 49
(Waco, TX: Word Books, 1988),
New International Biblical Commentary 4 (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson,
Interpreting the Book of Revelation:
Guides to New Testament Exegesis
(Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1992),
IVP New Testament Commentary Series 20 (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity,
1997), and
The Spirit of Prophecy
Defended by John Lacy (First
published in 1713 as The General Delusion of Christians, an apology for
the miracles, signs and wonders of the Christian past and the so-called French
prophets. This edition includes the text of the 1713 text;
edited and with a New
Introduction by J. Ramsey Michaels; Boston: Brill Academic, 2003).
3 - The Security of the Believer as the Son’s
Fulfillment of the Father’s Will (John 6:38-40) (14p)
Dr. Shawn L.
Buice—Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek,
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary,
Cordova, TN, USA
4 - Prayer of Jesus in John 17 and the Security of the Believer (16p)
Dr. Jon
Fellow in Theology,
of Birmingham, Edgbaston,
Birmingham, UK—Author
Divinity Compromised: A Study of Divine Accommodation in the Thought
of John Calvin, Studies in Early Modern Religious
Reforms (Dordrecht and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
2006) and theological
articles, working on The Minor Prophets in Reformation Exegesis
(Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2010); see his
Blogspot Here.
5 -
Eternal Security and the Saving Love of
God: An Exposition of Romans 8:31-39 (24p)
Dr. Stephen Voorwinde—Senior Lecturer, Reformed
Theological College, Victoria, Australia—Author of
Wisdom for Today's Issues: A Topical Arrangement
of the Proverbs (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 1996) and
Jesus' Emotions in
the Fourth Gospel: Human or Divine? (London; NY: T & T Clark
International, 2005; 344p).
6 -
Making Your Calling and Election Sure: An Analysis of 2 Peter 1:8-11 (15p)
Dr. Verlyn D. Verbrugge—Senior
Editor Academic Books, Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI, USA—Author of
Daylight Devotional Bible
(with Dirk R. Buursma; Zondervan,
1988; 1407p),
Early Church History (Zondervan, 1998),
An Abridgment of New International
Dictionary of New Testament Theology (editor; Zondervan, 2000; 1544p),
NIV Topical Study Bible (helps by Verbrugge, edited Dirk R. Buursma;
Zondervan, 1989; 1461p), NRSV Harper Study Bible (edited; Zondervan,
1991; 1914p),
James: Living on the Edge
(Grand Rapids, MI: CRC Pub., 1994; 2
Paul's Style of Church Leadership ... (San Francisco: Mellen Research University Press, 1992; 404p), and
Time-saving Ideas for
Your Church Sign: 1,001 Attention-getting Sayings (Zondervan, 1999;
7 - Adoption Metaphor and the Security of the Believer (10p)
Francis Lyall—Professor of Public Law,
University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK—
Part Two - Historical and Philosophical Studies
8 - Rising from the Ashes: Rediscovering the St. Clement of Rome’s Doctrine of
Perseverance (17p)
Dr. Brandon G. Withrow—Samford University,
Birmingham, AL,
9 - Predestination and Salvific Assurance in
Early Modern Thought and Life (12 p)
Kirk R. MacGregor—Asst.
Professor Religious Studies, James Madison
University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA
10 - An Anthropological Look at Eternal Life –
The Internal Changes Accompanying Salvation ( 9p)
Dr. Kirk
R. MacGregor—Asst.
Professor Religious Studies,
James Madison University,
Harrisonburg, VA, USA
11 - Salvation from the Wrath to Come in the
Present Epoch (9p)
Dr. Georg Plasger—Professor of Systematic and
Ecumenical Theology,
Universität Siegen, Germany—He is the author of Die relative Autorität des
Bekenntnisses bei Karl Barth (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2000; 297p),
Die Not-Wendigkeit der Gerechtigkeit : eine Interpretation zu "Cur Deus
homo" von Anselm von Canterbury (Munster: Aschendorff, 1993; 178p),
Ernstfall Frieden: biblisch-theologische Perspektiven (with Marco Hofheinz;
Wuppertal: Foedus-Verlag, 2002; 224p), Herausgeforderte Kirche: Anstösse,
Wege, Perspektiven (with Christoph Dahling-Sander and Margit Ernst;
Wuppertal: Foedus, 1997; 493p), and Hören und Bezeugen: Karl Barths
Religionskritik als Hilfestellung im Gespräch mit den Religionen (with
Christoph Dahling-Sander; Waltrop: H. Spenner, 1997; 50p).
12 -
The Eternal Security of the Believer in Christ
from the Perspective of Philosophical Theology (17p)
James W. Bryant—Senior Professor of
Pastoral Theology, The Criswell College, Dallas, Texas—See
www.Criswell.edu; he also teaches
systematic theology and Baptist history, has been the VP of Academic Affairs and
was the founding dean of the same in 1970, then the Criswell Bible Institute.
He is the co-author of The New Guidebook for Pastors (Nashiville:
Broadman & Holman, 2007).
13 - Eternal Security from
the Perspective of Process Theology (9p)
Dr. Donna
Bowman—Associate Director of the Honors College and Associate Professor,
University of Central Arkansas—Co-editor of and author of two articles in Handbook of Process
Theology (edited with Jay McDaniel; St. Louis, MO:
Chalice Press, 2006; 338p) and several journal articles.
Remaining Articles,
Testamentum Imperium
Volume 1, 2007,
67 Articles
14 - Salvation from the Wrath
to Come: An Exposition of Romans 5:9 and 1 Thessalonians 5:9 (6p)
Dr. Richard H. Bell—Senior Lecturer in New Testament,
University of
Nottingham, UK—Author of
The Irrevocable call of God: An Inquiry into Paul's Theology of
Israel (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005; 550p), No One Seeks
for God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 1.18-3.20
Mohr Siebeck, 1998; 359p), and
Provoked to Jealousy: the Origin and
Purpose of the Jealousy Motif in Romans 9-11 (Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr and
Paul Siebeck, 1994; 471p).
15 - Everlasting Life in John and the Permanence of Salvation: The
Life Metaphor in John’s Gospel (12p)
Dr. Jan Gabriël van der Watt—Head of New Testament Studies,
of Pretoria, South Africa—Author of
Family of the King: Dynamics of Metaphor in the Gospel According to John
(Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2000; 467p),
Identity, ethics,
and Ethos in the New Testament (edited; Berlin ; New York : Walter de
Gruyter, 2006; 645p),
Imagery in the Gospel of John: Terms, Forms, Themes,
and Theology of Johannine Figurative Language (edited with Jorg Frey,
Ruben Zimmermann, and Gabi Kern; Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006; 495p), and
Salvation in the New Testament: Perspectives on Soteriology
Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2005; 529p).
16 - Eternal Security and the Early
Saints: Are the First, Second and Third Century Christian Beliefs a
Reliable Basis for Determining Soteriological Truth? (15p)
Dr. Peter A. Lillback—President and Professor Historical Theology,
Westminster Theological Seminary, Glenside, PA, USA—Author of
The Binding of God: Calvin's Role in the Development of Covenant Theology
(MI: Baker Academic; England: Paternoster, 2001; 331p),
The Practical Calvinist: An Introduction to the Presbyterian and Reformed
Heritage (editor; Scotland, UK: Christian Focus; 584p),
Proclaim Liberty: A Broken Bell Rings
Freedom to the
World (Bryn Mawr, PA: Providence Forum, 2001; 123p),
Christianity and Civilization
(contributor; vol. I; Tyler, TX: Geneva Divinity School, 1982; 299p),
Pressing Toward the Mark
(contributor; Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 1983; 176p),
and New Dictionary of Theology (contributor; Collegeville, MN: Liturgical
Press, 1991; 1112p).
17- Jeremiah 32:40: New Covenant
Promise of Eternal Security (19p)
Dr. Harold R. Holmyard III—See
article #1 above—
18 - Eternal Security and Perseverance:
Ezekiel 33:12-19
Dr. William D. Barrick—Professor of Old Testament and Director of Th.D.
Studies, The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, CA,
USA—He was the Professor and Chairman of the Old Testament Department at Denver
Baptist Theological Seminary from 1972 to 1978. He was Director of Church
Planting in Chittagong, Bangladesh, and an adjunct professor of the Baptist
Bible Institute of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Theological Seminary and has been a
translator for Bangladesh Bible Society. He is the author of The Man Who
Wouldn't Say "Uncle"—A Study in Job (Adult Sunday School Manual; Denver, CO:
Baptist Publications, 1976), Heart, Head, Hand: The Relationship of
Missionary Service and Educational Training
(Vol. 7, No. 1 in Insight
Series; Cherry Hill, NJ: ABWE, 1987), and The Extent of the Perfect Sacrifice
of Christ (Sun Valley, CA:
GBI Publishing, 2002). He has written several dozen articles and book
reviews (his bibliography).
19 - Delivered to Satan: 1 Cor.
5:3-5 and 1 Tim. 1:18-20 (19p)
Dr. Paul Toseland—Resarch
Supervisor at Trinity College,
Bristol, UK
20 - An Anthropological
Look at Eternal Life: the Permanence of the Internal Changes Wrought at
Salvation (27p)
Dr. David A. Depp—Travelers Rest, SC,
21 - Security of the Believer
Dr. Ronald L. Rushing—Pastor
El Camino Baptist Church, Tuscon,
AZ, USA, and formerly Vice President for Academic Affairs, Southeastern Bible
College, Birmingham, AL—He
made mission trips to
22 - The Pauline Concept of Union
with Christ and the Security of the Believer (19p)
Dr. “Piff” Gregory C. Pereira—
27 -
after preaching to others I become disqualified” Grace and Warning in Paul’s
Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:23-27)
A. B. Caneday—Professor
of New Testament Studies & Biblical Theology, Northwestern College, Saint Paul,
Minnesota USA.
www.NEC.edu. Author of many articles in
several theological journals including Mi" class="style7">—President and Professor of Historical &
Systematic Theology, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Taylors, SC,
USA—See www.gpts.edu -- author of
Root & Branch,
William Perkins
and the Development of Puritan Preaching,
The Lord’s Day;
Whatever Happened
to the Reformation?,
Onward Christian Soldiers;
and contributor to Did God Create in Six Days?,
Written for our
Instruction: The Sufficiency of Scripture for All of Life,
Sanctification: Growing in Grace.
27 -
after preaching to others I become disqualified” Grace and Warning in Paul’s
Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:23-27)
A. B. Caneday—Professor
of New Testament Studies & Biblical Theology, Northwestern College, Saint Paul,
Minnesota USA.
www.NEC.edu. Author of many articles in
several theological journals including Miqra,
The Southern Baptist
Journal of Theology, and Christian Research Journal. Author of
The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology of Perseverance and Assurance
(Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Varsity, 2001, 4th printing 2007). See
www.NWC.edu/display/3420 for full
28 - Foreknowledge, Predestination, Election & the Final Destiny of the Believer (23p)
Rev. Jeff
Alexander—in ministry for 40 years, pastor of the same church for the last 18-plus years.
29 - Kept By the Power of God: The Lord as Guardian of Salvation (10p)
Dr. John A.
Battle—Professor of New Testament and Theology, Western Reformed
Seminary, Tacoma, Washington
30 - Divine Sovereignty vs. Human Responsibility (18p)
Dr. Kenneth
... —
31 - Eternal Security and the Missionary Message (12p)
Dr. Kathleen
L. Bruce—Doctorate of Missiology from
Biola University—She and her husband have served with the Wycliffe Bible Translators for
37 years, first in Papua New Guinea, then in the Philippines and other smaller
Now, as Associate
Professors at the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics in Dallas, Texas,
they are teaching new missionary recruits and training Bible translators.
They have raised three sons, all now grown and serving God.
32 - Evidence of the Security of the Believer in the Old Testament (6p)
Dr. Jeff
Chambless—Beeson Divinity School and a student of Dr. Tiberius Rata
33 - Justification:
Moral or Forensic? (15p)
Steven R. Cook—home Bible study leader; see
34 - Redemption and Resurrection: An Exercise in Biblical-Systematic Theology (22p)
Dr. Richard B.
Gaffin, Jr.—Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology,
Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA, USA
35 - The Sealing Work of the Holy Spirit (11p)
Dr. Hal
Harless—Director, Calvary Chapel Bible College, East Dallas
Extension Campus, Garland, Texas, USA
36 - The Instrumentality of Faith in Securing Eternal Salvation (10p)
J. B. Hixson—
... —
37 - Perseverance of the Saints and Christian Living:
What Does the Lord Require of You? (4p)
Dr. Fisher
Humphreys—Professor of Systemic Theology, Beeson Divinity School,
Birmingham, AL, USA—he
teaches systematic theology. He is the
author of fourteen books and numerous journal articles. Prior to coming to
Beeson in 1990, Humphreys was professor of theology at New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary where he served as editor of a journal of theology and
ministry, The Theological Educator. His main research interest is the doctrine
of the Trinity. He is a frequent guest lecturer at colleges and seminaries and
has served as pastor of churches in Mississippi, Alabama, and Illinois.
38 - The Consequence of Lazy Discipleship as Found in the Parable of the Eight
Talents (9p)
Dr. Richard R.
Klein—Associate Professor, College of Biblical Studies, Houston,
Texas, USA—
39 - For His Name’s Sake:
A Study of Old Testament Passages
in which God had Mercy upon Israel for His Name's Sake (3p)
Dr. Ruben D.
Kwint—Utrecht Farel, Reformed Theological Seminary, St. Matthew’s
Reformed Church, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada—
40 - Eternal Security for the Believer as Seen in Romans 8.1-13 (13p)
Dr. Robert Lancaster—
... —
41 - Hermeneutics:
The Distinction Between the Gift
of Salvation and Future Rewards (19p)
Dan Lee
42 - Perseverance
and the Promises of God
Dr. Robert
Letham—Senior Minister, Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church,
Wilmington, Delaware, Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster
Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Visiting Professor of Theology, Reformed
Theological Seminary, Washington, DC / Baltimore, USA—
43 - Romans 8:13 and the Security of the Believer (18p)
Fred R.
Lybrand—Executive Director, Free Grace Alliance—
44 - Prescience, Predestination, and the
Creator-Creature Distinction:
Francis Turretin’s Critique of
Luis De Molina’s Scientia Media (7p)
Marcus J.
... —
45 - The Perseverance of the Saints Encouraging to the Christian (16p)
Dr. C. Matthew
... —
46 - Lord’s Prayer and Conditional Forgiveness:
Abuse of women and forgiveness in
the Lord’s Prayer (12p)
Dr. Tiny van
der Schaaf—University of Pretoria, South Africa—
47 - Grace and Eternal Security:
How the Gracious Nature of
Salvation Ensures that it is Forever (11p)
Dr. Forrest
... —
48 - Hebrews 7 and the Security of the Believer—Oath and Priesthood (18p)
Ron J. Bigalke,
... —
49 - Free Will and Eternal Security (10p) — Dr. Matthew Lynch — in 2014, Mr. Lynch's evolved in his position and wrote a critique to clarify and correct several things, please it here:
— 49b - Lynch's 2014 Critique on His Free Will and Eternal Security —
50 - At the Moment of Salvation God Forgives All Our
Past, Present, and Future (12p)
Dr. David L.
Mapes—Associate Professor of Theology, Luther Rice Seminary,
Lithonia, GA, USA—
51 - Why Did God Choose To Make Salvation Secure? (14p)
Dr. Jim
McClarty—Pastor, Grace Christian Assembly,
Smyrna, TN, USA,
52 - If Our Salvation is Secure, Why Should We Live Holy Lives? (11p)
Dr. Joseph
Parle—Assistant Professor of Bible Exposition, College of Biblical
53 - Apostasy and Eternal Security (10p)
Dr. Gregory P.
Sapaugh—Adjunct Instructor, College of Biblical Studies-Houston,
Houston, Texas, USA—
54 - If Salvation is Secure, Why Should We Live Holy Lives? (12p)
Eric Sowell—President, Lexel Software,
55 - The Metaphor of “Sheep” and “Shepherd” and the
Security of God’s Flock (7p)
Drs. Daniel A.
Warner & Doug Kennard—Warner is President of
The Virtual Bible,
Orlando, FL, USA
56 - Assurance of Salvation (13p)
James J.
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary,
Cordova, TN, USA
57 - Hebrews 10.11-14 and the Security of the Believer (7p)
Dr. Timothy J.
... —
58 - The Reformed Doctrine of Eternal Security (33p)
Iain Gordon—
... —
59 - The Sealing Work of the Holy Spirit (7p)
Dr. Hal
Harless—Director of
Calvary Chapel Bible College, East Dallas
Extension Campus in Garland, Texas
60 - Christology and Security Dialogue (20p)
Dr. Harry
... —
61 - The Security of the Believer:
Romans 6:3-11 and 14 (9p)
Dr. Daniel W.
Hill—Pastor of
Southwood Bible Church in Tulsa, OK,
USA, since 1990—he
has been the pastor of several churches and was the Bible editor for
Alpha Omega Publications in Prescott, AZ, USA,
is author of ten Bible Study workbooks for Christian schools for Alpha Omega
62 - Understanding our Salvation and Security in Jesus Through the Character of God (10p)
J. S. Hilliard—
... —
63 - Forgiveness—The Way of Grace (10p)
E. Glenn
Hinson with
Liselotte Terrell—
... —
64 - A Defense of Individual Election unto Salvation & Critique of Absolute Corporate
Election (12p)
N. E. Barry
... —
65 - Denominationalism and Catholicity (4p)
Peter J. Leithart—www.Leithart.com—he
has taught
Theology and Literature
New Saint Andrews College since
1998, and since 2003 has served as pastor of
Trinity Reformed Church, Moscow, ID,
USA; he has been the
editor and writer for
Vision in Atlanta , GA,
1987-1989, and as a pastor of
Reformed Heritage Presbyterian Church
(now Trinity Presbyterian Church),
Birmingham, AL, 1989-1995; and he and his wife have ten children.
66 - The Security of the Believer (6p)
Dr. David E.
... —
67 - Assurance of Faith and Possession of Salvation (20p)
César Malan—from
Journal of the Grace
Evangelical Society 2:2 (Autumn 1989)
68 - An Endeavour of Grace: A Struggle Against Social Sin (4p)
Dr. Maake J.
Masango—Professor of Practical Theology, University of Pretoria,
United Presbyterian Church of South Africa—
69 - Perseverance of God’s Love—Romans 8:31-39 (15p)
Dr. Bruce A.
global outreach of Tenth
Presbyterian Church in
Philadelphia, PA and provides leadership to Tenth International Fellowship, a
ministry to international students and visiting scholars from around the world.
He is the author of
Noah: A Righteous Man in a Wicked Age
(AMG Publishers, 2004),
The Message of the Holy Book of
God Concerning the True Path to Life
(TIF: 2003),
Muslims and Christians at the Table: Promoting
Biblical Understanding Among North American Muslims
(P&R, 1999), and
Liberation by God
(2006, in Chinese).
70 - Seal and
Deposit in the Family (11p)
Dr. E. Neufeld—
71 - An Anchor for the Soul - Hebrews 6:13-20 (20p)
Dr. Eric L.
Peterman—Conservative Theological Society—
72 - Security of the Believer—Evidences from Galatians (8p)
Dr. Leonard W.
Pine—Field Representative, Presbyterian Missionary Union, Grand
Island, New York, Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology, Western Reformed
Seminary, Tacoma, WA, USA—
73 - Colossians
1:21-23 (11p)
Dr. Charles H.
of Online Studies and Professor of Bible and Theology
Tyndale Theological Seminary and Bible
Institute, Fort Worth, TX, USA—
74 - A Study of 1
Corinthians 9:23-27 (11p)
Dr. Charles H.
... —
75 - The Eternal Security of the Believer (7p)
Aaron John
... —
76 - Eternal Security:
The Believer as the Inheritance of
God (14p)
Dr. Ernest C.
Seddon—Emmanuel Baptist University—
77 - Security of the Believer and the New Birth Metaphor (11p)
Dr. A. Burge
Troxel—Senior Pastor, Heaston Community Church, El Reno, OK,
78 - Eternal Security:
1 John 2:15-17, 3:7-10, & 2 John
1:8-9 (6p)
Ed Vasicek—Pastor,
Highland Park Church, Kokomo, IN, USA,
since 1983—he
as published widely in
Pulpit Helps Magazine
including his most recent three-part series titled,
The Heart of the Gospel
(Propitiation), as well as articles on the Jewish background to
The Day of Pentecost,
The Spiritual Unity of the Church,
New Theological Trends;
he has over 400 editorials in the
Tribune where he is a
weekly columnist on the Opinion Page.
79 - Perseverance of the Saints or the Security of the Believer (8p)
Dr. Gene
Wofford—Houston Baptist University,
80 - Apostasy and Security (13p)
R. K. McGregor
Aquila and Priscilla Study Center,
Johnson City, TN, USA—
Author of
No Place For Sovereignty
1996) and can be contacted at