Michael G. Maness    

Michael G. Maness    ~   For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
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Testamentum Imperium
International  Theological Journal

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Woodville Lions Club 


When Texas Prison
Scams Religion, 2nd Ed.

How We Saved Texas
Prison Chaplaincy 2011

Can You Hear
My Pain Now?

Practicality of Grace
In N.T. Theology  

Ocean Devotions

Heaven - Treasures  

Would You Lie to Save a Life?

Character Counts

Heart of Living God  

Precious Heart - Broken Heart

Queen of Prison Ministry

Fringes of Freedom


.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Michael G. Maness
cell 409-383-4671

Cell MGManess3@gmail.com
Office Maness3@att.net

Maness Short Resume

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Tesatamentum Imperium
Michael G. Maness, Managing Editor


I was District TX-08 Leader
plan endorsed by
 & Tyler County

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When Texas Prison Scams Religion Cover

Stop the Fools' Parade of State Ordination of Child Torturers & Executive Culture of Cover Ups Cultivating This for 25 Years--Lately Led by Bryan Collier

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When Texas Prison
Scams Religion

Texas Board of Criminal Justice's 25-year Legacy of Cover Ups

A Dissertation on Trust & Evangelical Naïveté


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TDCJ Delusions Deposition Letter to 115 stakeholders on 1-15-2024  
outlining history of documents spanning 25 years


Cover - Can You Hear My Pain Now?
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Can You Hear My Pain Now?   
Making Theology Relevant in the Modern World

edited by Michael G. Maness & Kevaughn Mattis

Foreword by
Prof. Gerald R. McDermott,

Anglican Chair of Divinity, Director of the Institute of Anglican Studies;
Beeson Divinity School, Sanford University, Birmingham, Alabama
Distinguished Senior Fellow, Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion. 

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articles here >


How We Saved Texas Prison Chaplaincy 2011
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Caveman Cartoon
Used with Permission
TDCJ has regularly deleted critical sociological records for 25-plus years, including records of chaplaincy


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How We Saved Texas
Prison Chaplaincy 2011

Immeasurable Value of Religion, Volunteers and Their Chaplains

Forewords by

Frank E. Graham, Founder,
      Chapel of Hope

Jerry A. Madden, Chair,
    Texas House Committee
    on Corrections 2011

Carol S. Vance, Former Chair,
    TBCJ; Harris County
    District Attorney, 1966-79

Dr. Keith Bellamy, Minister,
     Woodville Church of Chris


Practicality of Grace

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Practicality of Grace in
Protestant Theology

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Foreword – Dr. Peter A. Lillback  

Introduction – Dr. Michael G. Maness, Editor

Kevaughn Mattis, Founder & Editor

Journal Site of Book's Origin


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Ocean Devotions

From the Hold of Charles H. Spurgeon
Master of Mariner Metaphors

366 unique devotions from the OCEAN and SAILING compiled and edited from sermons of Spurgeon

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Would You Lie to Save a Life
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Would You Lie To Save a Life?  
A Theology on the Ethics of Love

Commander Bucher of the USS Pueblo lied to save the lives of his men. What is the absolutely "right" choice?  Love works in hell on earth - and much more. 

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Will of God by Henry Wright

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Treasures of Our Everlasting Rest

Outline of Book

What will heaven feel like?  From the best and most ancient, we discover a small portion of what the very experience of heaven shall be.

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OES Specials:
Dr. Rob Morris & OES
Masonic Blue Slipper


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Character Counts
Freemasonry Is a National Treasure and a Source of Our Founders' Constitutional Original Intent

Forewords by
M. Douglas Adkins & Nelson King

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Heart of the Living God

Love, Free Will, Foreknowledge, Heaven--
A Theology on the Treasure of Love

The 1,500+ years old free-will debate continues.  Where is your genuine relation with God if, 1,000 years ago, God's knowledge of what you would do tomorrow was settled?  Love is greater than that.

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Fringes of Freedom
Liberty Weekend 1986
Would All Had a Place to Return After Dark

Three months after Reagan bombed Libya, a terrorist is sent on a mission to Lower Manhattan during the US's largest Fourth of July celebration. 

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Precious Heart-Broken Heart

Love & the Search for Finality in Divorce

A gentle journey through the stages of grief unique to divorce and toward a place of finality.

   Love will find a way.

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Queen of Prison Ministry

The Story of Gertha Rogers - First
Woman to Minister on Texas Death Row

Foreword by Wayne Scott
TDCJ Executive Director 1995-2001

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Empathic Helping Skills Program

1997 Dissertation:  A Helping Skills Program at the Gib Lewis State Prison, Woodville, Texas - including a history of in-prison programming in America, developed by Maness proved basic listening skills and empathy could be taught to prisoners.

History of In-Prison Programming
in USA, especially in Texas

Michael G. Maness, 1997

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The 1776 Report
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President's Advisory 1776 Commission

January 2021

   In the course of human events there have always been those who deny or reject human freedom, but Americans will never falter in defending the fundamental truths of human liberty proclaimed on July 4, 1776. We will—we must—always hold these truths. 

   The declared purpose of the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission is to “enable a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776 and to strive to form a more perfect Union.” This requires a restoration of American education, which can only be grounded on a history of those principles that is “accurate, honest, unifying, inspiring, and ennobling.” And a rediscovery of our shared identity rooted in our founding principles is the path to a renewed American unity and a confident American future.... > click here for FREE Copy 


Harvard Classics
Harvard Classics
51 vols.
- free

other articles of special interest

   Restorative Justice—America's New Frontier pdf
Michael G. Maness - Original Version
Texas Journal of Corrections, 29:4, Nov. 2003

   Wine & Jesus’ 1st Miracle at Cana Article 

   War & Peace--2001 Article on SBC Art. XVI - html version

   Death Penalty Justified - Tyler County Booster (7-25-20; A5) and Beaumont Enterprise (7-23-20, 4A)

   Harvard Classics Outline 

My Poems
Some of my most precious persons & moments


Easter Paper A.D. 33

Easter Paper

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Parole Option - 100,000 Mothers' Option 

Resources, Bibliography Sets, and Super Lists

 Chaplaincy Docs ~ Chaplaincy Saved 2011 ~ Etymology of "Chaplain"

31 Lists of Character Traits of 31 Leaders/Organizations

Religious Freedom Documents  ~  Chaplaincy Links Page  

History of Prison Programming in America 

Dr. Robert Morris & OES  ~  Masonic Blue Slipper

Archive Intro  ~  Crisis-Grief Archive  ~  Divorce Archive ~ Super Lists

Harvard Classics Outline

Passion Week of Christ by friend Dr. Col. Will Duke - R.I.P. 2020
Passion Book - Chart of Passion Week 

Texas School Chaplain Law Hijacks in Partisan Ploy
Michael G. Maness, Tyler County Booster (1-25-24), 2B.

School Chaplain Law Hijacks

This is a meticulously crafted work, condensed here  
Will of God by Henry Wright (1910) condensed

Christianity?  -  Baptist Faith  -  Copyright & Disclaimer  -  Search This Site 

100,000 Mothers        Read Declaration of Indenpendence

Killing Professional Chaplaincy Series

After dozens of letters, 100s of Open Record requests, three huge books documenting with zero response from major stakeholders--what has TDCJ Exec. Dir. Bryan Collier really covered up?--time may tell, but the cover up is extensive and witnesses are retiring or passing onto their eternal reward.  Looks like Collier will retire soon, too, without the TBCJ or himself coming clean.  Sad 25-year story ... waiting for truth to win.

Volume 1.  2001  Chaplain Professional Equity and Market Study w Ethical Violations Timeline, www.PreciousHeart.net/chaplaincy/01-Chaplain_Pt_2_Timeline_2001.pdf, with four TDCJ chaplains, I personally delivered this 100-page treatise to TDCJ Exec. Dir. Gary Johnson that documented many unethical business practices.  It had much of the 2000 Chaplain Professional Equity proposal we used in the 2001 Texas Legislature to gain our first pay raise in 40-plus years, yet with a critical timeline of unethical tweaking of the Chaplaincy Director's job to suit favored applicants, pages 54-65.

Volume 2.  2012 - Faith-Based Housing Letter, www.PreciousHeart.net/Maness-Faith-Based-Housing.pdf, heartfelt 50-page letter to Brad Livingston asking him to meet with a Barry Lynn of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State. It exposes several ethical violations and is the first exposure of the unconstitutional nature of the Seminary Scam. Soon after this, I was persecuted for whistleblowing and forced to retire.

Volume 3.  2013 - TDCJ Book of Secrets on the Longest Cover Up in TDCJ History: Case of the Enchanting Chaplain, 700 pp., 139 MBs, first 100 pages documented how I was set up with falsified documents, then the rest details the vast policy violations at the Polunsky Unit and Michael Upshaw’s cleaning of contraband, clearing of violators, and more. Included were two CDs and a DVD with videos and dozen recorded interviews!  Hard copies to Livingston, OIG, and Texas AG.
See Bryan Collier's three-sentence reply here:

Volume 4.  2015  How We Saved Texas Prison Chaplaincy 2011—Immeasurable Value of Religion, Volunteers, and Their Chaplains, Forewords by Jerry A. Madden, senior fellow for Right on Crime and 2011 chairman of the Texas House Corrections Committee, and Carol S. Vance, former chairman of Texas Board of Criminal Justice and Harris County District Attorney (1966-79) (AuthorHouse, 2015; 394 pp.), www.preciousheart.net/Saved. We networked across Texas to stop the deletion of TDCJ Chaplaincy which was dead on arrival in the 2011 legislature. In a fight, we saved the entire budget. The appendices show Chaplaincy recovers its operating costs several times over and is the most productive program in RPD: “Chaplains facilitate the greatest source for change and solace in human history—Religion.”

Volume 5.  2017 - TDCJ Book of Secrets Part 2, Goodman Unit Hiring Scam, www.PreciousHeart.net/OIG/GoodmanUnit2017.pdf, 180-pg, most detailed audit of a hiring package in TDCJ history showing multiple violations. A white warden hired a white career laundry man over black U.S. Army combat veteran career chaplain!

Volume 6.  2019 - TDCJ Deep State Report:  Case of the Collared Fox, www.PreciousHeart.net/OIG/TDCJ-OIG-2019.pdf, 177-page
   - Cover Letters of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd sends to Bryan Collier & 50+ TX Leaders, Jurists, and District Attorneys,

Volume 7.  Revised 2023 - When Texas Prison Scams Religion--TBCJ's 25-year Legacy of Cover Ups, 824 pages, documented from 100's of open record requests and 1,000-plus sources.

~ 105 Letters to Major Stakeholders in Prison Efficacy ~

"16 Killings" Letter to 100+ Stakeholders - 16 Killings in TDCJ 9-20-2023  ~
and another killing right after systemwide lockdown ~ unbelievable

~   ~  ~  ~  ~

~ Special Poems ~
 Law Officer's Daunting Day  
June 2020 

Healthcare Heroes on the Mournful Sea

July 2020 

Other Poems ~ Some of my most
precious persons & moments

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Ethics Bibliography Set  ~ 

God's Will, Ethics, Theology, Prayer & Hermeneutics 
     —Bucher & the USS Pueblo Bibliography 
     —Other Sources used for this Book

Great Masters of Theology, Ethics, Foreknowledge

Free-Will, Foreknowledge, Predestination Theology

Determinism & Determinism Philosophy

Philosophy of Time & Quantum Theory

Logic and Reason

Greek Stuff Bearing on Ethics & Free-Will

Challenging Social & Theological Mediocrity

Crime, Criminology, Mens Rea, Prison


Foreign Works on Free-Will/Foreknowledge

Character Set

Character Counts book

31 Lists of Character Traits by 31 Leaders/Organizations

Character – Super List - Web Sites

Character & Idealism Bibliography

Character Quotes by Famous Persons


Empathy, Communication & Love

ove Bibliography

Responsibility, Intention, Decision Theory

Aquinas (1225-74) - Summa - Heavenly Virtues  

Would You Lie to Save a Life?   Ethics Book Home Page

Heart of Living God   Foreknowledge Book Home Page

An Empathic Helping Skills Program ~ 1997 Dissertation 

See Home Page for Links Sets, SUPER Lists, Archives and Pastoral Care Journals List

Harvard Classics Outline

  LINKS Special Collections   Hundreds of Links to Resources & Major Web Portals 

         Chaplaincy Links  ~  Crisis Links  ~  Christian Links  ~  Baptist Links

       Major Religions Links  ~  Divorce Links  ~  Resource-Help Links  ~  Restorative Justice

  SUPER Lists of Web Site Links ~ Each Topic Has 900+ Web Sites Ranked by Use

   Contained Herein are 45,000+ of World's Top Web Sites ~ ABOUT the SUPER Lists






Pastoral Care




Restorative Justice
w/ Selected Bibliography









Victim Services



Biblical Archaeology


Criminal Justice



Islam  ~  Quran

Substance Abuse

Domestic Violence




Ethical Issues

Child Abuse

Marriage Coun.

Crisis Counseling

Sacred Texts

Religious Freedom

Religious  Persecution


Runaway Children


Church-State Separation




World Religions






Ethics  ~  Character


    ACADEMIC:    Writing  ~  Founding Fathers  ~ 

Free Books of Special Interest

The Pilgrim's Progress--From This World to that Which Is to Come; Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream by John Bunyan 1678 (1853, searchable)  

David--Psalmist, Shepherd, King, by F. B. Meyer (1910) 



Business by Andrew Carnegie (1916)

Mayflower--Truth about Pilgrim Fathers 1620-1920, a lecture at Plymouth in midsummer 1919 by Michael McCarthy 



Emergency Numbers - Tyler County Social Services List

   National Suicide Prevention Hotline:  1-800-273-TALK - 1-800-273-8255 - Deaf TTY: 1-800-799-4889

   National Veterans Crisis Hotline:  1-800-273-8255 - Text 838255 - www.VeteransCrisisLine.net

   National Child Abuse Hotline:  1-800-4-A-CHILD - 1-800-422-4453

   Domestic Violence Hotline  1-800-799-SAFE - 1-800-799-7233 - 
        Deaf TTY:  1-800-787-7233 -
            Domestic Abuse Website & Resources

   National Runaway Switchboard  1-800-RUN-AWAY - 1-800-726-2929 - 
        Deaf TTY: 1-800-621-0394

   National Center Missing-Exploited Children  1-800-THE-LOST -
        1-800-843-5678 - Deaf TTY: 1-800-826-7653

   Drug & Alcohol Treatment Resources: 

    Pacific Bay Recovery - 858-263-9700 - 1501 5th Ave., Suite 100
        San Diego, CA 92101 - www.PacificBayRecovery.com

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Suicide - Call Someone - Let's Talk

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Suicide Prevention


Disaster Tip Sheets for U.S. Religious LeadersiNET - National Disaster Interfaiths Network

The National Disaster Interfaiths Network launched its Be a Ready Congregation campaign in 2011. Key to this campaign are the NDIN "Disaster Tip Sheets for U.S. Religious Leaders." Each Tip Sheet offers all-hazards best practices and resource links about disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery – specifically of relevance to religious leaders, faith communities and faith-based organizations. www.N-DIN.org  

© 2012 All Rights Reserved If NDIN materials are duplicated or quoted in other resources, please acknowledge the source: National Disaster Interfaiths Network | 4 West 43rd Street - Suite 407 | New York City | NY | 10036

 01 - Disaster Basics for Faith Communities

 02 - The Disaster Lifecycle: Where Do Religious Leaders Fit In?

 03 - National Faith-Based Disaster Service Organizations

 04 - The Role of Faith Communities in Disasters

 05 - How to Use Your House of Worship in a Disaster

 06 - Disaster Backlash: Bias Crimes & Mitigation

 07 - Active Shooter in a House of Worship

 08 - Continuity of Operations Planning

 09 - Self-Care for Religious Leaders

 10 - Disaster Spiritual Care

 11 - Faith Communities & Disaster Mental Health

 12 - Faith Communities & the Disaster Distress Helpline

 13 - Faith Communities & Trauma Resilience

14 - Faith Communities & Risk Communication

15 - Faith Communities & Evacuation Planning

16 - Faith Communities & Disaster Sheltering

17 - Faith Communities & Long Term Recovery

18 - Faith Communities & Debris or Mud Removal

19 - Faith Communities & Cold Weather Hazards

20 - Faith Communities & Hot Weather Hazards

21 - Faith Communities & Disaster Volunteerism

22 - Faith Communities & Donations Management

23 - Immigrant Eligibility & Disaster Assistance

24 - Children & Disasters

25 - Vulnerable Populations & Disasters

Terrorism Preparation Guide:  How To Survive a Terrorist Attack - by Ammo.com
articles on Active Shooter, Explosives, Chemical, Nuclear, Dirty Bombs, Talking to Children

 Tyler County Chamber of Commerce




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Maryville University - Grief Counseling

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